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DA-6对秋季草莓叶片光合速率和植株生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以‘法国3号’草莓为材料,研究了秋季叶面喷施10、20和30 mg.L-1的DA-6处理对草莓幼苗叶片光合作用、活性氧代谢和植株生长的影响.结果表明:叶面喷施20和30 mg.L-1的DA-6处理使叶片净光合速率分别提高了17.5%和20.6%,并显著提高了叶绿素a、b含量及SOD、CAT酶活性,同时降低了MDA和活性氧含量.20和30 mg.L-1的DA-6处理显著增加了草莓平均单叶干质量,极显著增加了草莓茎和根系干质量,根冠比分别增加了29.9%和29.3%.表明秋季施用一定浓度的DA-6有利于草莓幼苗植株生长.  相似文献   

为探讨微生物菌肥在设施栽培黄瓜上的应用效果,以水果黄瓜为实验材料,设定施用"宁盾"A液(T1)、施用"宁盾"B液(T2)、同时施用"宁盾"A液与"宁盾"B液(T3)、对照(CK)4个处理,结果表明"宁盾"能够促进黄瓜植株生长、提高叶绿素含量和产量、改善果实营养品质;同时提高根际土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶的活性,增加根际土壤中氮、磷、钾等大量元素的含量,其中"宁盾"A液与B液配合使用效果最佳。  相似文献   

为探讨微生物菌肥在设施栽培黄瓜上的应用效果,以水果黄瓜为实验材料,设定施用"宁盾"A液(T1)、施用"宁盾"B液(T2)、同时施用"宁盾"A液与"宁盾"B液(T3)、对照(CK)4个处理,结果表明"宁盾"能够促进黄瓜植株生长、提高叶绿素含量和产量、改善果实营养品质;同时提高根际土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶的活性,增加根际土壤中氮、磷、钾等大量元素的含量,其中"宁盾"A液与B液配合使用效果最佳。  相似文献   

套作玉米对草莓生长生理特性及其产量和品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该研究采用草莓玉米套作和草莓连作方式,对草莓的生长、生理及其产量和品质进行比较分析,为生产中克服草莓连作障碍提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)套作条件下草莓的株高、根长、茎粗和整株重量等营养生长指标均显著高于相应的连作模式。(2)与连作相比,套作可提高草莓植株的总超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,同时可提高草莓植株根系和叶片的可溶性糖含量,使根系丙二醛含量维持在较低水平,保证草莓植株良好生长。(3)与草莓连作相比,套作玉米使秋季草莓苗的定植入田死苗率降低28.8%,加快缓苗速度,且单株保持良好长势和后期正常坐果。(4)套作玉米能够显著提高草莓果实的硬度、单果重及单株产量,但对果实可溶性固形物无显著影响。研究认为,草莓套作玉米能够克服草莓连作障碍,促进草莓植株的营养生长,增强草莓植株抵御逆境胁迫的能力,提高产量和品质。  相似文献   

在沿黄灌区选择8年生‘骏枣’植株,以不施钾肥作为对照,分别在果树开花期、幼果期、果实膨大期、转色期每株沟施300 g硫酸钾,测定各处理果实品质、产量、叶片光合以及荧光参数的变化,以明确沿黄灌区‘骏枣’的最佳施钾时期,为制定枣树合理施肥措施提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,施用钾肥可促进骏枣的光合作用、改善果实品质,且不同生育期效应不同,并以果实膨大期施用钾肥对提高骏枣果实品质、产量、叶片光合效果最为显著。(2)果实膨大期施用钾肥后,‘骏枣’的果实纵径、横径、果形指数、单果重、单株产量比对照分别显著提高了22.64%、39.33%、13.62%、19.52%和19.58%,果实维生素C(Vc)、可溶性糖和果糖的含量、糖酸比分别比对照显著提高了37.98%、22.82%、31.37%和29.95%,叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(G_s)和蒸腾速率(T_r)比对照分别显著提高了28.91%、38.44%、36.75%和27.25%,叶片初始荧光(F_o)、最大荧光(F_m)、电子传递速率(ETR)比对照分别显著提高了28.18%、29.15%和37.75%,而胞间CO _2浓度(C_i)和裂果率在果实膨大期达到最低值,比对照分别显著降低了28.34%和35.50%。研究发现,在‘骏枣’果实膨大期株施300 g钾肥,可显著增加植株叶片叶绿素含量、光合作用效率和光能吸收、电子传递效率,提高树体光合能力,显著降低裂果率,有效改善骏枣果实外在和内在品质,显著提高单株产量。  相似文献   

为探究钙试剂处理对早期榛子果实发育与成果率的影响,为榛子果实的生长发育及产量的提高提供理论依据,在榛子的盛花期进行CaCl2及EGTA喷施处理,T1处理:浓度为20 mmol·L-1 CaCl2,T2处理:浓度为20 mmol·L-1 EGTA溶液,CK处理:清水作为对照。在花后30和35 d测定果实的直径及钙的含量。在果实成熟期对果簇的果实数量及果实败育率统计。结果表明:T1处理的两品种在花后30 d幼果直径与CK处理相比分别增长了12.63%和14.13%,含钙量(Wt)分别提高了27.2%和44.63%;T2处理的幼果比CK处理分别减少了11.58%和13.04%,含钙量(Wt)分别降低9.74%和13.76%,且均达到显著差异水平。花后35 d T1处理的两品种幼果直径与CK处理比分别增长了10.94%和15.18%,含钙量(Wt)分别提高了25.13%和40.61%;T2处理的两品种幼果直径分别小于CK处理15.63%和13.39%,含钙量(Wt)分别降低26.8%和26.06%,且均达到显著差异。两品种幼果含钙量与成熟后果簇的平均果实数量呈显著正相关关系,与成熟后的平均果实败育率呈显著负相关关系。  相似文献   

以‘红芭拉蒂’、 ‘夏黑’、 ‘户太8号’3个葡萄品种为材料,研究叶面喷施有机硒肥对温室葡萄品质和硒含量的影响。结果表明: 在果实幼果期和膨大期,叶面喷施12 mg·L-1氨基酸螯合态富硒叶面肥不仅能使葡萄果实产量和硒含量显著提高,还能显著提高各品种葡萄果实综合品质(可溶性糖、有机酸、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性固形物、Vc和原花青素等),但白藜芦醇未显著提高。各品种中,2017和2018年夏黑的硒含量较对照分别增加36.7%和37.1%,其增幅高于红芭拉蒂和户太8号;施硒组红芭拉蒂以高糖低酸的口感及高保健成分在品质综合比较中表现较优;2018年施硒的户太8号硒含量为53.26 μg·kg-1,显著高于其他品种,硒富集能力较强。因此,夏黑硒含量增幅较大;红芭拉蒂在营养价值和品质上表现较优;户太8号适合富硒葡萄生产。  相似文献   

番茄基质通气栽培模式的效果   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
针对雾培模式在提高作物产量同时增加无土栽培成本的问题,研制了一种新型的珍珠岩通气栽培模式,探讨了其对番茄的栽培效果.试验设计3种栽培方式:全珍珠岩栽培(CK),珍珠岩通气栽培(T1)和气雾培(T2).结果表明:T1可显著改善番茄根际通气环境,其中根际CO2浓度仅为CK的1/5,O2浓度则为CK的1.17倍;显著增加了番茄的株高和茎粗,在定植后60d时,株高和茎粗分别比CK增加了5.1%和8.4%;植株净光合速率显著高于CK,在净光合速率达到最大值(定植后45d)时,比CK提高了13%;显著提高了植株根系活力和吸收能力,在定植后45d时,其根系活力为CK的1.23倍,在定植后60d时,根系钾、钙、镁含量分别比CK增加了31%、37%和27%,番茄产量为CK的1.16倍.且T1上述指标均与T2无显著差异;而CK、T1和T2在果实的可溶性糖、有机酸、糖酸比方面无显著差异.表明以珍珠岩为基质的通气栽培模式简便易行且可显著提高番茄产量.  相似文献   

24-表油菜素内酯对樱桃番茄光合特性和果实品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以樱桃番茄品种‘千禧’为试验材料,采用醋糟基质桶式栽培的方法,研究喷施不同浓度(0.05、0.10、0.20、0.40mg·L-1)的表油菜素内酯(EBR)对樱桃番茄植株叶绿素含量、光合气体交换参数、叶绿素荧光参数、产量及果实品质的影响。结果显示:(1)与对照相比,喷施0.05、0.10、0.20mg·L-1 EBR显著提高了番茄叶片叶绿素含量、净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr);0.10mg·L-1 EBR处理的番茄叶片实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)、有效光化学效率(Fv′/Fm′)、非光化学淬灭系数(qP)和电子传递速率(ETR)显著升高,碳酸酐酶和Rubisco酶活性也显著增强。(2)0.10mg·L-1 EBR处理番茄单果重和总产量分别比对照显著提高17.5%、33.6%,并且果实番茄红素和β-胡萝卜素含量、可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、维生素C含量也显著增加。研究表明,油菜素内酯可以调节光合酶的活性,提高番茄叶片的光合作用能力,促进番茄植株的生长发育,从而提高番茄的产量和品质,并以0.10mg·L-1 EBR处理的效果最好。  相似文献   

以5年生薄壳山核桃品种‘波尼’(Carya illinoinensis‘Pawnee’)幼树为实验材料,根据L_9(3~3)正交试验设计进行3因子(包括植物生长调节剂的种类、质量浓度和喷施次数)3水平(植物生长调节剂分别为GA_3、PP_(333)和6-BA,植物生长调节剂质量浓度分别为100、200和300 mg·L~(-1),植物生长调节剂喷施次数分别为1、2和3)叶面喷施实验,研究不同处理对薄壳山核桃品种‘波尼’枝条生长和叶片碳氮代谢物积累的影响。结果表明:GA_3处理组薄壳山核桃品种‘波尼’枝条长度较CK(对照,蒸馏水喷施3次)组显著增加,其中,T2(200 mg·L~(-1)GA_3喷施2次)处理组的枝条长度最大,较CK组增加了35.7%;PP_(333)处理组的枝条粗度总体上较CK组显著增加,其中,T5(200mg·L~(-1)PP_(333)喷施1次)处理组的枝条粗度最大,较CK组增加了23.8%。处理后30~90 d,所有处理组薄壳山核桃品种‘波尼’枝条叶片中可溶性糖含量均呈逐渐升高的变化趋势,而叶片中淀粉和可溶性蛋白质含量以及C/N比总体上呈先升高后降低的变化趋势。PP_(333)和6-BA处理组叶片中可溶性糖、淀粉和可溶性蛋白质含量以及C/N比总体上显著高于CK组,其中,T5和T6(300 mg·L~(-1)PP_(333)喷施2次)处理组对叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉含量以及C/N比的促进效果较佳,而T4(100 mg·L~(-1)PP_(333)喷施3次)和T8(200 mg·L~(-1)6-BA喷施3次)处理组对叶片中可溶性蛋白质含量的促进效果较佳。极差分析结果表明:植物生长调节剂种类对薄壳山核桃品种‘波尼’枝条长度、叶片中可溶性糖和淀粉含量以及叶片C/N比的影响最大,植物生长调节剂喷施次数对枝条粗度和叶片中可溶性蛋白质含量的影响最大。研究结果显示:叶面喷施200 mg·L~(-1)GA_3对薄壳山核桃品种‘波尼’枝条伸长的促进效果最佳,喷施200 mg·L~(-1)PP_(333)对枝条增粗及叶片碳氮代谢物积累的促进效果最佳。  相似文献   

1. Global pollinator declines have led to concern that crop yields might fall as a result of a pollination deficit. Companion planting is a traditional practice thought to increase yield of insect pollinated crops by planting a co-flowering species next to the crop. 2. Using a combination of conventional researcher-led experiments and observational citizen scientist data, we tested the effectiveness of bee-friendly borage (Borago officinalis) as a companion plant to strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Insect visitors to the ‘Test’ (strawberry + borage) versus ‘Control’ (strawberry only) plants were observed, and strawberry fruit collected. Strawberries collected during the researcher-led experiment were also subject to fruit measurements and assessments of market quality. 3. Companion plants were found to significantly increase both yield and market quality of strawberries, suggesting an increase in insect pollination per plant. Test strawberries companion planted with borage produced an average of 35% more fruits, and 32% increased yield by weight. Test strawberry plants produced significantly more fruit of higher aesthetic quality when assessed by Marketing Standards for Strawberries. 4. Although there was no significant difference in the overall insect visits, when broken down by broad insect group there were significantly more flies visiting the test strawberries than controls. 5. These results could have implications for both gardeners and commercial growers. As consumers prefer a cosmetically perfect fruit, the production of fruit with increased aesthetics aids food waste reduction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A number of strawberry varieties were surveyed for their total ellagic acid concentration, and attempts were made to determine if ellagic acid and ascorbic acid concentrations of two strawberry cultivars could be increased by polythene reflective mulches. METHODS: After adjusting crop yields and cultivation using polythene mulches with two different PAR reflective capacities, field- and polytunnel-grown strawberries were analysed for ellagic acid and ascorbic acid concentrations by HPLC. Comparative measurements of yield and fruit quality were determined along with plant developmental changes. KEY RESULTS: Ellagic acid concentration varied widely with strawberry cultivar (60-341 microg g(-1) frozen weight), as did the ratio of conjugated ellagic acid : free ellagic acid. Also, there was significant year-to-year variation in total ellagic acid concentration with some cultivars. Mulches with different reflective capacities impacted on strawberry production; highly reflective mulches significantly increased growth and yield, the latter due to increases in fruit size and number. CONCLUSIONS: Highly reflective mulches significantly increased total concentrations of ellagic acid and ascorbic acid relative to control in fruit of different cultivars. The potential of agronomic practices to enhance the concentration and amounts of these important dietary bioactive compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

提高植物性食品中碘的含量对人体自然补碘具有重要作用。该文通过水培模拟实验, 揭示了草莓(Fragaria ananassa)对I-和IO3-的吸收特征, 在分析不同外源碘浓度下草莓根系以上部分生物量的基础上, 通过对比吸收外源碘前后维生素C、可溶性糖、总酸度和硝酸盐含量的变化, 评价了草莓吸收I-和IO3-对果实品质的影响。研究结果表明, 草莓对碘的吸收量随营养液中I-和IO3-浓度的增加而增加, 相同浓度下草莓吸收的I-明显多于IO3-, 草莓吸收适量的碘可以促进植株生长, 不仅使生物量提高, 而且会增加草莓果实维生素C和可溶性总糖的含量, 从而提高品质。在营养液浓度为0.5-5.0 mg∙kg-1时, 草莓吸收IO3-后会增加果实总酸度和硝酸盐的含量, 降低草莓果实品质。在营养液浓度为0.25-2.5 mg∙kg-1时, 草莓吸收I-后会使果实中总酸度和硝酸盐的含量明显降低, 果实的品质有所提高。研究结果为科学培育含碘草莓提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effect of vermicompost on growth, physiological disorders, fruit yield and quality of 'Chandler' strawberry. For this, 4 levels of vermicompost (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0tha(-1)) were supplemented with inorganic fertilizers to balance fertilizer requirement of strawberry under semi-arid region of northern India. The vermicompost was incorporated into top 10cm layer of soil, which was supplemented on the basis of chemical analysis, with amount of inorganic N, P, K fertilizer calculated to equalize the recommended dose of nutrients. Vermicompost application increased plant spread (10.7%), leaf area (23.1%) and dry matter (20.7%), and increased total fruit yield (32.7%). Substitution of vermicompost drastically reduced the incidence of physiological disorders like albinism (16.1-4.5%); fruit malformation (11.5-4.0%) and occurrence of grey mould (10.4-2.1%) in strawberry indicating that vermicompost had significant role in reducing nutrient-related disorders and disease like Botrytis rot, and thereby increasing the marketable fruit yield up to 58.6% with better quality parameters. Fruit harvested from plant receiving vermicompost were firmer, have higher TSS, ascorbic acid content and lower acidity, and have attractive colour. All these parameters appeared to be dose dependent and best results were achieved @ 7.5tha(-1), however, beyond this dose of vermicompost, there was not significant influence on these parameters.  相似文献   

Vermicomposts processed commercially from food wastes and paper wastes were applied, to 4.5 m(2) field plots, under high plastic hoop tunnels, at rates of 5 or 10 tha(-1) to evaluate their effects on the growth and yields of strawberries (Fragaria ananasa) var. 'Chandler'. The vermicomposts were incorporated into the top 10 cm of soil and supplemented, based on chemical analyses, with amounts of inorganic NPK fertilizers calculated to equalize the initial fertilizer rates of 85-155-125 kgha(-1) NPK applied to the inorganic fertilizer plots. All treatments were replicated four times, in a completely randomized design, at two field sites on Doles silt loam or Hoytville silty clay loam at Piketon and Fremont, Ohio, respectively. Vermicompost applications increased strawberry growth and yields significantly; including increases of up to 37% in leaf areas, 37% in plant shoot biomass, 40% in numbers of flowers, 36% in numbers of plant runners and 35% in marketable fruit weights. These responses seemed not to be dose-dependent, since strawberries at one site grew fastest and yielded most in response to the 10 tha(-1) vermicompost application rate, whereas they responded positively and similarly to both the 5 and 10 tha(-1) rates of applications at the other site. These responses could not have been mediated by availability of macronutrients, since all plots were supplemented with inorganic fertilizers, to equalize macronutrient inputs for all treatments, but based on other research in our laboratory could have been due to production of plant growth regulators by microorganisms during vermicomposting.  相似文献   

Jiang  D.  Dai  T.  Jing  Q.  Cao  W.  Zhou  Q.  Zhao  H.  Fan  X. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):439-446
Based on a 20-year fertilization experiment with wheat-maize double cropping system, the effects of different long-term fertilization treatments on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield in different winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars were studied in the growing seasons of 2000–2001 and 2001–2002. A total of nine fertilization treatments were implemented, i.e. no fertilizer (CK), N fertilizer (N), N and P fertilizers (NP), N and K fertilizers (NK), N, P, and K fertilizers (NPK), only organic manure (M), organic manure and N fertilizer (MN), organic manure and N and P fertilizers (MNP), and organic manure and N, P, and K fertilizers (MNPK). With the treatments of combined organic manure and inorganic fertilizers (TMI), net photosynthetic rate (P N), maximal activity of photosystem 2, PS2 (Fv/Fm), and chlorophyll content (SPAD value) of flag leaves and leaf area index (LAI) were much higher at the mid grain filling stage (20 or 23 d post anthesis, DPA), and exhibited slower declines at the late grain filling stage (30 DPA), compared with the treatments of only inorganic fertilizers (TI). The maximal canopy photosynthetic traits expressed as P N×LAI and SPAD×LAI at the mid grain filling stage were also higher in TMI than those in TI, which resulted in different grain yields in TMI and TI. Among the treatments of TMI or among the treatments of TI, both flag leaf and canopy photosynthetic abilities and yield levels increased with the supplement of inorganic nutrients (N, P, and K fertilizers), except for the treatment of NK. Under NK, soil contents of N and K increased while that of P decreased. Hence the unbalanced nutrients in soil from the improper input of nutrients in NK treatment were probably responsible for the reduced flag leaf and canopy photosynthetic characteristics and LAI, and for the fast declining of flag leaf photosynthetic traits during grain filling, resulting in the reduced yield of NK similar to the level of CK.  相似文献   

缓/控释肥料对辣椒生长及养分利用率的影响   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
采用盆栽试验方法,连续3年研究了不同缓/控释肥料在辣椒上的施用效果.结果表明:与常规分次施肥处理(T1)相比,一次性施用聚合物包膜控释肥处理(T2)提高了辣椒的单果质量和维生素C含量,改善了根系活力,产量平均提高8.4%,但可溶性糖含量没有明显变化;施用磷酸铵镁包膜控释肥处理(T3)的单果质量和维生素C含量与T1无显著差异,但可溶性糖含量提高了5.67%,根系活力在生育前期旺盛,后期较弱,平均产量略有降低;而3种缓释肥处理则提高了果实的可溶性糖含量,显著改善了根系活力,但平均产量与T1无显著差异.在养分利用方面,除T2处理氮钾利用率提高、磷素利用率降低外,其他缓/控释肥料处理的氮、磷、钾利用率均明显提高.表明合理施用缓/控释肥料能改善辣椒的根系活力,提高养分利用率.  相似文献   

研究长期施肥对黄土旱塬农田土壤有机磷组分及小麦产量的影响,可为提高磷素转化利用率及合理利用肥料提供理论支持。本研究依托长武旱塬农田生态系统长期(1984—2016年)定位试验站,选取不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、单施磷肥(P)、施氮磷肥(NP)、单施有机肥(M)、氮肥配施有机肥(MN)、磷肥配施有机肥(MP)、氮磷肥配施有机肥(MNP)8个处理,研究其对土壤有机磷组分、小麦产量和土壤性质的影响。结果表明: 长期施肥后土壤有机磷含量为244.7~429.1 mg·kg-1,除N处理外,其余各处理有机磷含量比CK均显著增加了15.4%~47.9%。长期施用磷肥改变了黄土旱塬农田表层土壤(0~20 cm)各有机磷组分含量,MP、MNP处理显著提高了活性有机磷及中活性有机磷含量;N、P和NP处理显著降低了中稳性有机磷含量;N、P、NP、MN、MP、MNP处理均显著提高了高稳性有机磷含量。各处理土壤有机磷组分与总有机磷含量比值为:中活性有机磷>高稳性有机磷>活性有机磷>中稳性有机磷。长期施肥后,与CK相比,氮、磷肥配施,尤其是与有机肥配施,显著增加了小麦生物产量和籽粒产量。土壤指标中,有机质、速效磷和无机磷与小麦产量呈显著正相关。MP、M处理可以显著提高黄土旱塬黑垆土中的速效磷、总磷、总无机磷、活性有机磷和中活性有机磷含量,表明有机肥与磷肥配施可以提高该地区更容易被作物吸收的磷组分。总之,氮磷肥配施并配施有机肥可以提高该地区磷供给,对小麦增产有促进作用,对提高黄土旱塬地区土壤质量有重要意义。  相似文献   

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