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本文对河南官庄遗址两周时期人牙结石开展了淀粉粒分析,发现了数量丰富的淀粉粒以及少量植硅体。可鉴定形态的淀粉粒主要来自粟、黍、小麦、小豆等农作物以及坚果、块茎植物;植硅体中则有来自水稻颖片的双峰型植硅体。此次研究表明官庄先民食物来源广泛,包括多种农作物和采集植物,其中粟黍类农作物在食物构成中占据主要地位,而小麦所占比例很可能已仅次于粟黍。结合包括官庄遗址和周边若干遗址的浮选结果,两周时期中原腹心地区仍是北方传统的粟作农业,但农作物种植已明显多样化;与此同时,小麦在农作物体系中的重要性增加,中原地区农作物种植体系由以粟黍为主转向以小麦为主的趋势已经出现。  相似文献   

农业的起源与发展,改变了人类食物资源的获取方式。作为史前文化发展的中心,关中地区史前人类生业模式演变规律与影响因素的探索,将为北方地区农业的起源、发展与传播,文化交流对农业发展的影响,人类对环境变迁的适应等热点问题研究提供重要依据。本文对关中地区史前不同文化、不同遗址人与动物骨骼的稳定同位素以及动植物遗存进行了综合分析。结果显示,受文化的发展与交流、区域地理环境的差异、气候的演变等因素影响,关中地区史前先民生业模式呈现时空差异。老官台文化先民的生业模式中旱作农业与狩猎采集并重。仰韶文化早期,旱作农业成为先民生业模式的主体,但不同区域发展水平不同;另外,家畜饲养的发展速度要滞后于农作物。仰韶文化中、晚期至龙山文化早期,水稻与小麦先后传入,形成以粟、黍旱作农业为主,兼营水稻、大豆等的多元化农业结构;水稻对仰韶文化中期先民的食谱产生影响,而同时期家畜饲养主要依赖于粟黍类农作物。龙山文化,黍、粟农业比重下降,水稻含量相对增加,并对先民与家畜的食谱产生影响;肉食获取方式以饲养活动为主,渔猎活动为辅。  相似文献   

黄淮西部是我国新石器时代南、北不同考古学文化与农业模式的过渡地带,近年来该地区植物考古研究成果显著,但目前学术界对该区域仰韶早期人类植食资源利用与农业发展状况仍不甚了解。本文利用淀粉粒分析方法,对张王庄遗址出土仰韶文化早期54件陶器和13件石器进行了表面残留物提取与分析。结果显示,该遗址仰韶早期先民的植食资源利用具有显著的多样性特征,旱地农作物粟、黍虽然已在人类生业经济中占据了重要地位,但采集获取的各类野生植物资源包括薏苡属、小麦族、莲藕等仍是人类食物主要组成,其重要性甚至高于农业种植。与此同时,研究结果也表明,在至迟不晚于距今6000年的仰韶早期阶段,粟、黍两类旱地作物已传播至黄淮西部的低纬度地区并成为先民种植的主要农作物,从而在整个黄淮西部形成以粟、黍为主,水稻为辅的稻-粟兼作农业。研究结果首次提供了黄淮西部仰韶早期人类植食资源利用与农业发展状况的科学证据,对认识黄淮西部史前农作物传播与农业结构演化的具体时空过程等具有重要价值。  相似文献   

本文通过对郑州东赵遗址2013~2014年度考古发掘采集土样的浮选分析,获取了该遗址新砦、二里头、二里岗三个不同时期丰富的炭化植物遗存,其中炭化植物种子主要包括粟、黍、水稻、小麦和大豆五种农作物以及狗尾草属、稗属和马唐属等不同种属的杂草种子等。对遗址不同阶段炭化农作物及典型田间杂草遗存的量化分析结果显示,东赵遗址自新砦期至二里岗期的农业生产始终保持着以种植粟、黍为主的特点,大豆是该遗址先民稳定的食物来源之一,而水稻在整个农业经济结构中的比重一直很低。值得注意的是,从新砦期至二里岗期,粟、黍两种旱地作物在东赵遗址农业经济中的比重不断上升,而先民的旱地田间管理技术也随之取得了明显的进步。小麦的种植始于遗址二里头文化期,至二里岗期时迅速发展,成为当时先民重要的农作物品种之一。东赵遗址炭化植物遗存分析结果为了解夏代早期至商代前期中原核心区域农业经济的特点及其发展过程提供了重要资料,对探索中国国家起源与早期发展阶段农业经济技术发展状况及其与文明演进的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

淮河中游地区位于中国中东部地理、气候、文化的过渡地带,同时也是新石器时代北方旱作农业与南方稻作农业分布的交错地带。现有植物考古资料表明,新石器时代晚期是淮河中游地区农业结构从单一的稻作农业转变为稻旱兼作农业的关键阶段。然而,新石器时代晚期淮河中游地区,尤其是淮干以南地区先民的植物资源利用情况,以及该地区农业结构何时发生转变等问题至今依然不清楚。本文利用淀粉粒分析方法,对安徽定远侯家寨遗址二期(6.2~5.6 kaBP)出土的22件陶器残片表面残留物进行了分析。结果表明新石器时代晚期淮河中游淮干以南地区先民利用的植物性食物资源具有多样性,包括稻属(Oryza spp.)、小麦族(Triticeae)、薏苡属(Coix spp.)、粟(Setaria italica (L) P. Beauv.)、黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)、栎属(Quercus spp.)、莲属(Nelumbo spp.)以及块根块茎类植物等。稻属淀粉粒的发现证明,自新石器时代中期至新石器时代末期,淮河中游地区先民对水稻利用基本上是延续的。粟、黍淀粉粒是淮河中游淮干以南地区迄今为止已报道发现最早的旱生农作物的证据,意味着早在6.2~5.6 kaBP期间,北方旱作农业文化与淮河中游淮干以南地区可能就存在着食物的交流与传播。该结果对于了解淮河中游地区新石器时代农业发展、演变历程以及中国中东部稻作、粟作农业传播的时空路线等问题具有重要的科学价值。  相似文献   

小麦何时何地对中国北方传统的粟黍农业产生影响是近些年学术界研究的焦点问题之一。相关研究表明,小麦对中国北方不同地区粟黍农业的影响存在时间上的差异。古文献及考古研究表明,小麦在龙山时期就开始在中国北方地区出现,但直到东周及其后才逐步对粟黍农业产生显著的影响。为了探索小麦在东周时期在山西地区推广的程度和其对先民食物结构和生业经济的影响程度及其背后的内在动因等,本文选取晋中小南庄墓地东周时期人骨进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,结果显示先民的δ~(13)C值和δ~(15)N值都比较集中(δ~(13)C值的范围为-9.0‰~-7.5‰,均值为-8.0‰±0.4‰,n=16;δ~(15)N值的范围为9.0‰-11.7‰,均值为10.5‰±0.9‰;n=16),说明他们以C_4类食物为主,也有少量C_3类食物,但动物蛋白消费有所区分。据他们对动物蛋白占有的不同,晋中小南庄墓地东周时期人至少可以划分为两个经济群体,第一个群体可能从事农耕经济,第二群体可能从事畜牧经济。从事农耕经济人群的食物中的C_3食物应该主要来源于小麦,这说明小麦在东周时期开始在晋中地区有所推广。小麦在山西地区的推广、种植和使用,对传统的粟黍农业产生了相应的影响,使得先民种植农作物的种类有所增加,这应该加快了秦汉时期农业高峰期的形成。然而,山西地区小麦的推广相对缓慢,这可能与当地根深蒂固的粟黍经济和饮食习惯密切相关。  相似文献   

汪沟遗址是豫中地区仰韶文化晚期一处高等级的中心性聚落遗址。在2014-2016年三个季度的发掘中我们系统采集了植硅体土样并进行了分析。研究结果显示:汪沟聚落仰韶文化晚期的农作物有粟、黍和水稻;黍粟比例较高,水稻的比例较低;稻作农业较旱作农业规模小,种植少,但水稻和粟黍的出土概率相差很小,说明水稻和粟黍一样都是汪沟先民日常食用的作物,是汪沟先民植物性食物的重要组成部分。我们根据炭化植物遗存分析的结果推测,汪沟遗址的粟黍和水稻在不同的季节以连杆带穗的方式收割,然后在壕沟南部区域对谷物进行集中脱粒,脱粒后的粟黍和稻被共同储藏在房址周围,个体家庭需要食用的时候在房屋内或周围进行脱壳。大规模的谷物收割和在特定场所集中进行的脱粒加工活动说明,汪沟聚落有着较强的劳动组织能力,有较大型社会生产组织的存在,大家庭或家族公社是聚落生产与生活中的基本组成单位。  相似文献   

鹿台遗址出土了丰富的炭化植物遗存,作物组合显示仰韶时期农业经济是单纯的种植粟黍的旱作农业,龙山时期农作物新品种开始出现,作物种植结构趋于多样化。基于龙山时期成熟粟类作物和不成熟粟类作物的量化分析,鹿台遗址龙山时期聚落很可能存在作物加工活动,不同阶段的加工活动可能是在聚落内不同区域,以小规模的核心家庭为基础开展。综合相关研究,豫北地区仰韶时期仍是单一的种植小米的旱作农业经济,稻作农业并未影响到这一区域,龙山时期水稻、大豆和小麦等新农作物开始出现,农业多样化逐渐显现。与此同时,豫北地区龙山时期不同遗址在农作物种植结构方面存在些许差异,这一差异很可能与遗址微观地貌、聚落和特定人群的主观选择有关。鹿台遗址炭化植物遗存研究深化了对中原地区新石器时代晚期环境、生业与社会关系的认识。  相似文献   

稻作的起源与传播一直是学术界关注的热点,然而水稻何时传入黄河中游并扩散至关中地区,则是需要进一步探讨的问题。华县东阳遗址是关中地区仰韶早中期的过渡性遗存(ca. 5900-5600 cal. BP)。本文借助植硅体分析,并结合炭化植物遗存,探讨了东阳遗址水稻的栽培和利用情况,并尝试分析水稻在关中地区出现的动因及传播过程。研究显示,东阳先民在以种植粟黍为主的同时,已经开始少量的栽培水稻,稻粟兼作的种植模式在此时出现。本研究发现的东阳遗址水稻遗存是目前关中地区最早的水稻遗存,指示了水稻至少在距今5800年时传入关中地区。仰韶晚期至龙山早期关中稻作获得较大发展,至龙山晚期则鲜少发现。该研究刷新了中国北方半干旱-半湿润区最早的水稻遗存记录,为进一步了解稻作起源与传播提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

正人类起源、农业起源和文明起源一直是世界考古学界三大攻关课题。其中,农业起源是人类历史发展进程中的一个重要转折点,而在低纬度地区,农业起源最重要的组成部分就是稻作起源问题。水稻是世界上最主要的粮食作物之一,养活了全球近一半人口。同时,现今世界上种植的水稻几乎都是亚洲栽培稻。亚洲栽培稻起源于普  相似文献   

外来入侵植物飞机草的研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)是世界公认的多年生入侵性杂草, 原产于中、南美洲, 现已扩散至非洲、亚洲、大洋洲和西太平洋群岛的大部分热带及亚热带地区, 严重威胁着入侵地本地植物的生长、生物多样性和生态安全。由于其蔓延速度快, 及其对农、林、牧业等的巨大危害, 引起了社会各界的广泛关注。揭示飞机草的入侵机制, 对于遏制其扩散速度, 最终消除或降低其危害, 恢复生态系统平衡, 具有十分重要的现实意义和科学价值。该文介绍了飞机草的生物学特性、地理分布、入侵后果及防治措施等。鉴于目前对飞机草的入侵路线和入侵机制还没有全面系统的认识, 该文重点介绍了其在世界范围内的传播路线及其成功入侵机制, 旨在为飞机草的防治工作提供科学依据。最后提出有关飞机草生理生态学和分子生物学方面的一些展望, 并强调对其适应性进化遗传基础的研究可能为探讨其成功的入侵机制带来新突破。  相似文献   

松墨天牛的全球潜在分布区分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
宋红敏  徐汝梅 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):535-539,F0004
松墨天牛MonochamusalternatusHope分布在亚洲东部,是松材线虫Bursaphelenchusxylophilus(SteinerandBuhrer)在亚洲最有效的昆虫媒介,同时也是重要的蛀干害虫。利用CLIMEX模型分析松墨天牛分布区的气候限制因子,并在全球范围预测它的潜在分布区。模型分析结果表明,温度和降水是松墨天牛分布区的主要气候限制因子。温度在30°N以北地区和30°S以南地区主要表现为冷胁迫,在非洲中部、南亚和澳大利亚北部表现为热胁迫。有效积温不足可能是限制松墨天牛向北扩散的主要原因。降水在中国西北地区、非洲中北部、澳大利亚中部和西部与美国西部主要表现为干胁迫。降水量对分布区范围影响不大。预测结果表明,松墨天牛的全球潜在分布区远远大于实际分布范围。松墨天牛在东半球的潜在分布区包括亚洲东部和南部地区、地中海沿岸、非洲的中部和南部以及澳大利亚的东部和南部,在亚洲热带的潜在分布区1年3代,地中海地区1年1代,非洲1年2~3代,在澳大利亚主要1年1代。松墨天牛在西半球的潜在分布区主要集中在美国南部和东部沿海地区,中美洲以及南美洲的广大地区,美国主要1年1代,中美洲1年2~3代,南美洲主要1年2代。  相似文献   

Chapela IH  Garbelotto M 《Mycologia》2004,96(4):730-741
Matsutake are commercially important ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes in the genus Tricholoma. Despite their importance, the systematics of this species complex have remained elusive and little is known about their origin and biogeography. Using DNA analyses on a worldwide sample of matsutake, we present here the first comprehensive definition of natural groupings in this species complex. We infer patterns of migration and propose Eocene origins for the group in western North America by a transfer from an angiosperm-associated ancestor to an increasingly specialized conifer symbiont. From these origins, matsutake appear to have followed migratory routes parallel to those of coniferous hosts. Patterns of vicariance between eastern North America and eastern Asia are resolved and their origins are suggested to stem from migration through Beringia. Using an analysis of genetic dissimilarity and geographical distance, we reject both the possibility that migration into Europe and Asia occurred through Atlantic bridges and the connection between matsutake populations in the Mahgrebi Mountains and those from Europe. Instead, African and European matsutake appear to be the most recent ends of a westward expansion of the domain of these fungi from North America.  相似文献   

中亚河中地区是东西方文明交流的重要通道,当地干旱的气候对环境变化十分敏感,同时大量保存良好的考古遗迹使得该地区十分适合进行农业活动与文明交流的相关研究。本研究通过年代学与植物考古学方法,对阿姆河流域范围青铜时代晚期至萨珊波斯时期的考古遗址进行研究,尝试重建区内全新世人类农业活动的发展过程,并分析研究4000 BP以来人类的农业活动对环境变化的响应与适应。研究结果显示,河中地区农业的作物构成自4000 BP的青铜时代晚期就已表现出高度的复杂性。虽然在不同的时期不同类型作物的种植比例存在一定的差别,但当地的作物始终以大麦、小麦为主,辅以粟、黍、豆类等谷物及葡萄等果木,自青铜时代晚期形成后这种综合了东西方元素的绿洲农业便保持稳定;后期虽有水稻等作物加入但并没有对已有结构产生较大的影响。本研究为进一步了解中亚内陆干旱-半干旱地区绿洲农业的结构演化及其对环境变化的响应,以及探究不同起源地区作物在亚欧大陆的传播提供了基础资料和新的视角。  相似文献   

With information on fossils and extant distribution of diversity/endemism in the mahogany family, we perform a global biogeographic study of Meliaceae using plastid rbcL data for all subfamilies, tribes and nearly all genera. Our study indicates that: (1) Meliaceae are of western Gondwanan origin; (2) dispersal played an important role for the current distribution of mahogany biota; and (3) the direction of dispersal was most likely an "out-of-Africa" scenario with important dispersal routes across Eurasia and between Eurasia and North America provided by Beringia and the North Atlantic land bridge and North America and South America via island chains and/or direct land connections. Populations in North America, Europe, and East Asia were presumably eliminated as tropical climates disappeared from these areas during the Miocene. Extensive Meliaceae fossil findings confirm that the entry of megathermal (frost-intolerant) angiosperms into southern continents from Oligocene to Pliocene must be considered as an important means of establishing pantropical distribution patterns.  相似文献   

The Lophopidae are found in South America, Africa, Australia, India and Southeast Asia. This distribution appears to be typically Gondwanan, triggered by tectonic events beginning over 100 Ma. However, within the Fulgoromorpha, the lophopids are considered to be relatively recently. In this study, biological, geological and phylogenetic information is evaluated to provide a parsimonious explanation for the distribution of the group and its geographic region of ancestral origin. The Lophopidae can be divided into four monophyletic groups. The ancestors of two groups appear to have originated somewhere along the western Pacific island arc system. Another group appears to have an origin in Southeast Asia. A reliable explanation for the ancestral origin of the fourth group was not possible because it consists of only one genus present in Central and South America. A biogeographic map of the two groups of lophids of the western Pacific island arc is concordant with their phylogeny based on biological and morphological data. Based on this finding, the best explanation for the origin and evolution of the Lophopidae and their current distribution of these lophopids is through vicariance. Similar types of eco-evolutionary events explain radiation and distribution of the Lophopidae, in general.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to discuss the geog raphical distribution of the Juglandaceae on the basis of unity of the phylogeny and the process of dispersal in the plants. The paper is divided into the following three parts: 1. The systematic positions and the distribution patterns of nine living genera in the family Juglandaceae (namely, Engelhardia, Oreomunnea, Alfaroa, Pterocarya, Cyclocarya, Juglans, Carya, Annamocarya and Platycarya) are briefly discussed. The evolutional relationships between the different genera of the Juglandaceae are elucidated. The fossil distribution and the geological date of the plant groups are reviewed. Through the analysis for the geographical distribution of the Juglandaceous genera, the distribution patterns may be divided as follows: A. The tropical distribution pattern a. The genera of tropical Asia distribution: Engelhardia, Annamocarya. b. The genera of tropical Central America distribution: Oreomunnea, Alfaroa. B. The temperate distribution pattern c. The genus of disjunct distribution between Western Asia and Eastern Asia: Pterocarya. d. The genus of disjunct distribution between Eurasia and America: Juglans. e. The genus of disjunct distribution between Eastern Asia and North America: Carya. f. The genera whose distribution is confined to Eastern Asia: Cyclocarya, Platycarya. 2. The distribution of species According to Takhtajan’s view point of phytochoria, the number of species in every region are counted. It has shown clearily that the Eastern Asian Region and the Cotinental South-east Asian Region are most abundant in number of genera and species. Of the 71 living species, 53 are regional endemic elements, namely 74.6% of the total species. The author is of the opinion that most endemic species in Eurasia are of old endemic nature and in America of new endimic nature. There are now 7 genera and 28 species in China, whose south-western and central parts are most abundant in species, with Province Yunnan being richest in genera and species. 3. Discussions of the distribution patterns of the Juglandaceae A. The centre of floristic region B. The centre of floristic regions is determined by the following two principles: a. A large number of species concentrate in a district, namely the centre of the majority; b. Species of a district can reflect the main stages of the systematic evolution of the Juglandaceae, namely the centre of diversity. It has shown clearly that the southern part of Eastern Asian region and the northern part of Continental South-east Asian Region (i.c. Southern China and Northern Indo-China) are the main distribution centre of the Juglandaceae, while the southern part of Sonora Region and Caribbean Region (i.c. South-western U.S.A., Mexico and Central America) are the secondary distribution centre. As far as fossil records goes, it has shown that in Tertiary period the Juglandaceae were widely distributed in northern Eurasia and North America, growing not only in Europe and the Caucasus but also as far as in Greenland and Alaska. It may be considered that the Juglandaceae might be originated from Laurasia. According to the analysis of distribution pattern for living primitive genus, for example, Engelhardia, South-western China and Northern Indo-China may be the birthplace of the most primitive Juglandaceous plants. It also can be seen that the primitive genera and the primitive sections of every genus in the Juglandaceae have mostly distributed in the tropics or subtropics. At the same time, according to the analysis of morphological characters, such as naked buds in the primitive taxa of this family, it is considered that this character has relationship with the living conditions of their ancestors. All the evidence seems to show that the Juglandaceae are of forest origin in the tropical mountains having seasonal drying period. B. The time of the origin The geological times of fossil records are analyzed. It is concluded that the origin of the Juglandaceae dates back at least as early as the Cretaceous period. C. The routes of despersal After the emergence of the Juglandaceous plant on earth, it had first developed and dispersed in Southern China and Indo-China. Under conditions of the stable temperature and humidity in North Hemisphere during the period of its origin and development, the Juglandaceous plants had rapidly developed and distributed in Eurasia and dispersed to North America by two routes: Europe-Greenland-North America route and Asia-Bering Land-bridge-North America route. From Central America it later reached South America. D. The formaation of the modern distribution pattern and reasons for this formation. According to the fossil records, the formation of two disjunct areas was not due to the origin of synchronous development, nor to the parallel evolution in the two continents of Eurasia and America, nor can it be interpreted as due to result of transmissive function. The modern distribution pattern has developed as a result of the tectonic movement and of the climatic change after the Tertiary period. Because of the continental drift, the Eurasian Continent was separated from the North American Continent, it had formed a disjunction between Eurasia and North America. Especially, under the glaciation during the Late Tertiary and Quaternary Periods, the continents in Eurasia and North America were covered by ice sheet with the exception of “plant refuges”, most plants in the area were destroyed, but the southern part of Eastern Asia remained practically intact and most of the plants including the Juglandaceae were preserved from destruction by ice and thence became a main centre of survival in the North Hemisphere, likewise, there is another centre of survival in the same latitude in North America and Central America. E. Finally, the probable evolutionary relationships of the genera of the Juglanda-ceae is presented by the dendrogram in the text.  相似文献   

In an attempt to delineate the area of origin and migratory expansion of the highly successful invasive weedy species Hypochaeris radicata, we analysed amplified fragment length polymorphisms from samples taken from 44 populations. Population sampling focused on the central and western Mediterranean area, but also included sites from Northern Spain, Western and Central Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. The six primer combinations applied to 213 individuals generated a total of 517 fragments of which 513 (99.2%) were polymorphic. The neighbour-joining tree presented five clusters and these divisions were supported by the results of Bayesian analyses: plants in the Moroccan, Betic Sierras (Southern Spain), and central Mediterranean clusters are all heterocarpic. The north and central Spanish, southwestern Sierra Morena, and Central European, Asian and South American cluster contain both heterocarpic (southwestern Sierra Morena) and homocarpic populations (all other populations). The Doñana cluster includes two homocarpic populations. Analyses of fragment parameters indicate that the oldest populations of H. radicata are located in Morocco and that the species expanded from this area in the Late Quaternary via at least three migratory routes, the earliest of which seems to have been to the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, with subsequent colonizations to the central Mediterranean area and the Betic Sierras. Homocarpic populations originated in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula and subsequently spread across north and central Spain, Central Europe and worldwide, where they became a highly successful weed.  相似文献   

Canary grasses (Phalaris, Poaceae) include 21 species, widely spread throughout the temperate and subtropical regions of the world with two centres of diversity: the Mediterranean Basin and western North America. The genus contains annual and perennial, endemic, cosmopolitan, wild, and invasive species with diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes. As such, Phalaris presents an ideal platform to study diversification via historic hybridization and polyploidy events, and geographical dispersal in grasses. We present the first empirical phylogeographic study for Phalaris testing current, intuitive hypotheses on the centres of origin, historic dispersal events and diversification within a geological timeframe. Bayesian methods (beast , version 1.6.2) were used to establish divergence dates, and dispersal–vicariance analyses (rasp , version 2.1b) were implemented for ancestral node reconstructions. Our phylogeographic results indicate that the genus emerged during the Miocene epoch [20.6–8.4 Ma (million years ago)] in the Mediterranean basin followed by dispersal and vicariance events to Africa, Asia and the Americas. We propose that a diploid ancestor of P. arundinacea migrated to western North America via the Bering Strait, where further diversification emerged in the New World. It appears that polyploidy played a major role in the evolution of the genus in the Old World, while diversification in the New World followed a primarily diploid pathway. Dispersal to various parts of the Americas followed different routes. Fertile florets with hairy protruding sterile lemmas showed significant correlation with wider geographical distribution.  相似文献   

A new scheme of the phylogeny of the tribe Arctiini is proposed. The Western Mediterranean genus Atlantarctia is considered the most primitive one in the tribe; the rest of genera form two large clades Arctia-Pericallia and Gonerda-Platyprepia. The first clade is supposed to have been subjected to radiation in western Eurasia, and the second clade, in Asia and North America in the Palaeogene when the eastern part of Asia was isolated from western Eurasia. Subsequently, most probably in the Neogene-Pleistocene, representatives of both clades spread over the whole Eurasia and North America. The Arctiini fauna of the tundra zone, which includes the genera Acerbia and Pararctia, was formed in Asia and North America, whereas the subboreal fauna (both steppe and nemoral) originated in western Eurasia. The boreal genus Borearctia has most likely also originated in Asia.  相似文献   

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