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A phylogenetic study of the Plantaginaceae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a study based on morphological, embryological and chemical data of the Plantaginaceae, within the subclass Sympetalae or Asteridae, the superorder Lamianae is shown to be monophyletic. However, it was not possible to reconstruct the phylogeny within Lamianae or to find a sister-group for the monophyletic Plantaginaceae – Hydrostachyaceae for the latter is rejected. Three or rarely four genera have previously been recognized within Plantaginaceae, but in both cases Plantago appears as polyphyletic, which is considered unacceptable. Six clades are recognized as subgenera within Plantago: subgen. Plantago (c. 131 species), subgen. Coronopus (c. 11 species), subgen. Littorella (three species), subgen. Psyllium (c. 16 species), subgen. Bougueria (one species), and subgen. Albicans (51 species). Within P. subgen. Plantago, the paraphyletic sect. Plantago (c. 42 species) is found in all parts of the world except South America, New Zealand, Australia, and New Guinea, where sect. Oliganthos and sect. Mesembryniae vicariate. It is not possible to infer the phylogeny within sect. Plantago, for example between the endemic species from distant Pacific Islands; their common ancestor might be a species that once had a very wide distribution. Keys to genera, subgenera, sections and series are given. Only one genus, Plantago L., is recognized. The following proposals are made in the Appendix: P. ser. Oliganthos Rahn, ser. nov.; P. ser. Carpophorae (Rahn) Rahn, stat. nov. (= sect. C.); P. ser. Microcalyx (Pilg.) Rahn, stat. nov. (= sect. M.); P. unibrackteata Rahn, nom. nov. (=P. uniflora Hook.f. non L.); P. subgen. Littorella (P. J. Bergius) Rahn, stat. nov. (=Littorella P. J. Bergius); P. araucana Rahn, nom. nov. (=Littorella australis Griseb. non Plantago australis Lam.); P. americana (Fernald) Rahn, comb. nov.(=Littorella a.); P. subgen. Bougueria (Decne.) Rahn, stat. nov. (=Bougueria Decne.); P. nubicola (Decne.) Rahn, comb. nov. (=Bougueria n. Decne.); P. subgen. Albicans Rahn, subgen. nov. Ten lectotypes are selected.  相似文献   

Plantago ser. Sericeae Rahn belongs to subgen. Psyllium (Juss.) Harms sect. Gnaphaloides Barn. It is distributed in the mountains from Mexico along the Andes to Argentina. Seven species are recognized: P. nivea H. B. K., P. tolucensis Pilger, P. linearis H. B. K., P. lamprophylla Pilger, P. grandiflora Meyen, P. bismarckii Niederlein, and P. sericea H. B. K., the last with 7 subspecies and 3 varieties.  相似文献   

An outline of a revised classification of Saxifraga L.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
GORNALL, R. J., 1987. An outline of a revised classification of Saxifraga. A revised classification of Saxifraga is presented in which 15 sections, 19 subsections and 34 series are recognized. A total of 394 names are accounted for, including the following new taxa, combinations and names: series Hirculoideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Lychnitidae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Nulanles (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Cinctae (H. Sm.) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Gemmiparae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Spinulosae (C. B. Clarke) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Rosulares Gornall, nom. nov.; subsection Serpyllifoliae Gornall, subscct. nov.; subsection Hemisphaericae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; section Merkianae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Stellares (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Birostres Gornall, ser. nov.; series Melanocentrae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Astasianlhes (Sternberg) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Micranthes (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Aulaxis (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Dermasea (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Micranthes (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; scries Aretioideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Juniperifoliae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Lilacinae Gornall, ser. nov.; series Marginatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Squarrosae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Rigidae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Engleria (Siindermann) Gornall, stat. nov; series Subsessiliflorae Gornall, ser. nov.; series Oppositiofoliae (Hayek) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Tetrameridium (Engler) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Mutatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Florulentae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; section Odontophyllae Gornall, sect, nov.; series Biternatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Triplinervium (Gaudin) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Arachnoideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Tridactylites (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.  相似文献   

Plantago ser. Hispidulae Rahn belongs to subgen. Psyllium (Juss.) Harms sect. Gnaphaloides Barn. 5 species are recognized, they are all narrow–leaved annuals confined to the area west of the Andes. P. limensis Pers. occurs in Peru; P. litorea Phil., P. hispidula Ruiz & Pav., and P. rancagua Steud. in those parts of Chile with drought during the summer, and P. lundborgii Sparre on the island of San Ambrosio. Flowers are cleistogamic with small corolla lobes and small anthers, very rarely chasmogamic with larger corolla lobes and anthers. Experiments demonstrated that pollination is necessary for development of seeds in cleistogamic flowers, and that transfer of pollen from one such flower to another is almost impossible.  相似文献   

This paper presents a system of the genus Saxifraga L. from China, recognizes 2 subgenera, 8 sections, 7 subsections (including 1 new subsection), 31 series (including 23 new series), 4 subseries (new subseries) and 203 species (including 2 new species and 4 new varieties). The new taxa, statuses, combinations and names in this paper are as follows: Sect. Biro- stres (Gornall) C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, stat. nov.,; Sect. Punctatae (Engl.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Ser. Rufescentes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga lonshengensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. uninervata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; S. rufescens Balf. f. var. flabellifolia C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, nom. nov.; Ser. Stonoliferae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Stellariifoliae (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan, stat. nov.; Subser. Aristulatae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Subser. Montanae J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Saxifraga ciliatopetata (Engl. et Irmsch.) J. T. Pan var. ciliata J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Subser. Gonggashanenses J. T. Pan, subser, nov.; Subser. Car- diophyllae J. T. Pan, subser. nov.; Saxifraga egregia Engl. var. xiaojinensis J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Caveanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Heterocladoideae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Chumbienses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Bulleyanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Brachypodae C. Y. Wu et J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Erinaceae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga substrigosa J. T. Pan var. gemmifera J. T. Pan, var. nov.; Ser. Umbellulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov; Ser. Yu- shuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Ungviculatae J. T. Pan, Ser. nov.; Ser. Punctu- latae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Candelabriformes J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Tanguti- cae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga tangutica Engl. var. platyphylla (H. Smith) J. T. Pan, comb. nov.; Ser. Yaluzangbuenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Jainzhuglaenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga jainzhulaensis J. T. Pan, sp. nov.; Ser. Jacquemontianae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Nanae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Subsect. Microgynae J. T. Pan, subsect. nov.; Ser. Nangxi- anenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Mucronulatae J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Parkaenses J.T. Pan, ser. nov.; Ser. Deqenenses J. T. Pan, ser. nov.; Saxifraga mucronulatoides J. T. Pan, nom. nov.  相似文献   

Littorella (Plantaginaceae) is a disjunct, amphibious genus represented by three closely related species. Littorella uniflora occurs in Europe including Iceland and the Azores, L. americana is found in temperate North America, and L. australis grows in temperate South America. Littorella has been recognized in numerous floristic treatments, but its status as a genus has recently been questioned. Rahn (Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 120: 145-198, 1996) proposed a new phylogeny for Plantaginaceae based on morphological, embryological, and chemical data in which he reduced Littorella to a subgenus of Plantago. This article compares the phylogeny proposed by Rahn to one based on DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. In our analysis, Littorella forms a strongly supported monophyletic clade sister to Plantago and its recognition at the generic rank appears warranted. Littorella australis is sister to L. americana, and this clade is sister to the European L. uniflora. This more distant relationship between L. uniflora and L. americana provides support for maintaining both taxa at the specific rank and suggests a European origin for Littorella. Our studies also indicate that the monotypic genus Bougueria is deeply nested within Plantago and that its inclusion within Plantago as proposed by Rahn appears justified.  相似文献   

中国灯心草属植物的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文通过对国产灯心草属植物的研究,提出了一个中国灯心草属分类系统排列,首次确认我国产6亚属,14组(包括10个新组),4个系(包括3个新系),77种(包括14个新种),l亚种(新亚种)和10变种(包括4个新变种),对其中一些种类作了归并及处理。  相似文献   

Juncus Linn. is a cosmopolitan genus with about 240 species, widely distributed in both hemispheres, but most abundant in the frigid and temperate zones. In the present paper, a revision of this genus in China is made, and a key to the species is provided. This paper also presents a systematic arrangement of the genus Juncus Linn. from China, recognizing six subgenera, 14 sections (includ. ten new), four series (includ. two new), 77 species (includ. 14 new), one subspecies (new) and ten varieties (includ. four new). They are as follows: Subgen. 1. Genuini Buchen. Sect. 1. Inflexi K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Effusi (V. Krecz. et Gontsch. )K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Subgen. 2. Pseudotenageia V. Krecz. et Gontsch. Sect. 1. Kangpuenses K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Compressi (V. Krecz. et Gontsch. )K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Sect. 3. Tenues (V. Krecz. etGontsch.)K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Subgen. 3. Poiophylli Buchen. Sect. 1. Nigroviolacei K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Bufonii (V. Krecz. et Gontsch. )K. F. Wu, stat. nov. Subgen. 4. Graminifolii Buchen. Subgen. 5. Septati Buchen. Sect. 1. Allioides K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 2. Articulati K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Ser. 1. Articulati V. Krecz. et Gontsch. Ser. 2. Dongchuanenses K. F. Wu, ser, nov. Subgen. 6. Alpini Buchen. Sect. 1. Triglumes K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Ser. 1. Triglumes K. F. Wu, ser. nov. Ser. 2. Benghalenses K. F. Wu, ser. nov. Sect. 2. Minimi K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 3. Sikkimenses K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 4. Concinni K. F. Wu, sect. nov. Sect. 5. Sphacelati K. F. Wu, sect. nov.  相似文献   

首次报道了毛瓣车前Plantago lagocephala Bunge在中国的分布,确认了一个鲜为人知的中国特有种——苣叶车前P.perssonii Pilger,并提供了二者的详细描述。  相似文献   

Studied in this work was seed morphology of the genus Plantago (2 subgenera, 8 sections, 17 species and 1 variety )in China. The sculpture was observed under scanning election microscope. Four forms of seed morphology are recognized as follows: (1)Multi-angular type: seeds are variously angulate, yellow-brown or black, 6-30 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture ranges from reticulate to papillate. It occurs in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Polyneuron: P. scheideri, P. denstflorus, P. major, P. hostifolia, P. asiatica, P. erosa and P. centralis. (2) Navicular type: seeds are navicular, yellow, brown to black, 2 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture is reticulate. It was found in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Novorbis: P. virginica; Sect. Arnoglossum: P. lanceolata; Sect. Leucopsyllium: P. minuta, P. lessingii and P. aristata and Subgen. Psyllium Sect. Psyllium: P. indica. (3)Ovoid type: seeds are long-ovoid, yellow-brown, black and lustrous. Seed-coat sculpture scali-ratiform. P. maxima in Subgen. Plantago Sect. Lamprosantha belongs to this type. (4)Recti-circular type: seeds are recti-circular, yellow-brown, black, 1-2 or 4-5 in a fruit; seed-coat sculpture is reticulate and papillate. It was found in P. maritima var. salsa of Subgen. Plantago Sect. Coronopus and P. depressa, P. camtschatica and P. arachnoidea of Sect. Mesembrynia. The seed morphology and seed-coat sculture exhibit specific characters, by which some of confused species can be clarified and a new species, P. densiflorus J. Z. Liu. is established. The present author’s seed morphology classification is in accordance with Pilger’s systemof the genus, which was established using other features.  相似文献   

Chong-wook Park 《Brittonia》1986,38(3):217-219
As a result of comprehensive systematic study onPolygonum sectionEchinocaulon, three new nomenclatural changes are made:P. clarkei stat. et nom. nov.,P. subsagittatum stat. nov., andP. senticosum var.sagittifolium stat. nov.  相似文献   

The genetic relationship between two sugar esters of caffeic acid in the leaves of Plantago major has been investigated. The difference is shown to be due to a single gene. Glucose accounts for the sugar part in the dominant phenotype while in the recessive type the sugar is rhamnose. This difference is only partly correlated with the division of the species into subspecies. The rhamnose type is found only in P. major ssp. pleiosperma Pilger, although only in less than half of the plants investigated.  相似文献   

Relations between cytokinin concentrations and effects of P and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection were investigated in Plantago major L. ssp. pleiosperma Pilger. Both mycorrhizal infection by Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxt. sensu Gerdemann) Gerdemann and Trappe and P addition increased the shoot to root ratio, specific leaf area (SLA), and P concentrations of shoot and roots, and decreased the percentage of dry matter in the shoot during the experiment. In general, P concentration in the shoot and roots of each treatment correlated positively with the shoot to root ratio and specific leaf area, and negatively with the percentage of dry matter in the shoot. Cytokinin concentrations in the tissue of shoots and roots were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Concentrations of zeatin and zeatin-ribosides in the free base and nucleotide fractions had increased more after P addition than in the case of mycorrhizal infection in both shoot and roots, whereas the P concentrations had increased less. It is suggested that zeatin and zeatin-ribosides are not the primary growth-substances involved in mediating VAM effects.  相似文献   

Taxonomical and nomenclatural notes worked out during a phytogeographical study of South Greenland are published. It is shown that the Greenland representative of Polypodium belongs to the American P. virginianum and not to the Eurasian P. vulgare. The following changes are made: Diphasiastrum complanatum (L.) Holub f. montellii (Kukk.) J. Feilberg comb, et stat. nov. and Isoetes lacustris L. ssp. pauper–cula (Engelm.) J. Feilberg stat. nov. The last mentioned change has to be made here when treating ssp. lacustris , which is the taxon present in Greenland.  相似文献   

Taxonomic changes in three species of Diplotaxis are proposed. Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC. subsp. cossoniana (Boiss.) Martinez-Laborde, comb, et stat. nov. is proposed for the Algerian subspecies of D. erucoides. Two North African varieties are raised to subspecific rank: D. tenuisiliqua Del. subsp. rupestris (Ball) Martinez-Laborde, stat. nov. and D. muralis (L.) DC. subsp. ceratophylla (Batt.) Martinez-Laborde, stat. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated genetic divergence and phylogenetic relationships amongst all known species of Palaearctic butterflies of the genus Melanargia using sequence information from three genes [mitochondrial cox1 barcode region (658 bp), ribosomal 16S rRNA (c. 518 bp), and nuclear wg (404 bp)]. Results show a lack of DNA divergence among several poorly characterized taxa, as well as deep divergences within and between others. We corroborated the molecular information with morphological and genitalic characters as well as with geographic data. We revise the taxonomy of Melanargia, and propose a new systematic scheme for the group. We revive some previous synonymies (M. lucasi meadwaldoi stat. rev. , M. ines fathme stat. rev. , M. ines jahandiezi stat. rev. , M. meridionalis tapaishanensis stat. rev. ), revise the status of some subspecies into species (M. transcaspica stat. nov. , M. lucida stat. nov. , M. wiskotti stat. nov. ) and of several species into subspecies of other taxa (M. evartianae sadjadii stat. nov. , M. larissa hylata stat. nov. , M. larissa grumi stat. nov. , M. larissa syriaca stat. nov. , M. larissa titea stat. nov. , M. lugens montana stat. nov. , M. epimede ganymedes stat. nov. ), revise the status of subspecies and transfer them to other species (M. larissa lorestanensis stat. nov. , M. larissa iranica stat. nov. , M. larissa karabagi stat. rev. , M. larissa kocaki stat. nov. , M. transcaspica eberti stat. nov. ), and propose new synonymies (M. larissa titea = M. titea standfussi syn. nov. = M. titea titania syn. nov. , M. leda leda = M. leda yunnana syn. nov. , M. lugens lugens = M. lugens ahyoui syn. nov. , M. lugens hengshanensis = M. lugens hoenei syn. nov. , M. halimede halimede = M. halimede gratiani syn. nov. , M. asiatica asiatica = M. asiatica dejeani syn. nov. , = M. asiatica elisa syn. nov. , = M. asiatica sigberti syn. nov. ).  相似文献   

As a precursor for the treatment of Caesalpiniaceae in Flora Malesiana the following new combinations are proposed: Cassia javanica ssp. pubiflora stat. nov., C. javanica ssp. agnes stat. nov., C. javanica ssp. microcalyx stat. nov. C. javanica ssp. renigera stat. nov., C. javanica ssp. bartonii stat. nov., Senna divaricata comb. nov., Chamae-christa pumila comb. nov. and Chamaechrista mindanaensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

The following new taxa have been described Bauhinia foraminifera var. falcata var. nov., B. kockiana var. angustifolia var. nov., B. kockiana var. bakoensis var. nov., B. kockiana var. beccarii var. nov., B. kockiana var. brevipedicellata var. nov., B. kockiana var. calcicola var. nov., B. merrilliana var. borneensis var. nov., B. pachyphylla var. wenzelii var. nov., B. semibifida var. acuminata var. nov., B. semibifida var. bruneiana var. nov., B. semibifida var. longebracfeata var. nov., B. stipularis var. brachystylus var. nov., B. wrayi var. blumeana var. nov., and B. wrayi var. borneensis var. nov.
The following new combinations have been made: Bauhinia ahemiana var. subglabra comb. nov., B. ampla var. schlechteri stat. nov., B. bidentata var. breviflora stat. nov., B. bidentata var. fraseri comb. nov., B. bidentata var. gracilipes stat. nov., B. bidentata var. monticola stat. nov., B. fabrilis comb. & stat. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. amoena comb. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. leptopus comb. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. montana comb. nov., B. integrifolia ssp. integrifolia var. nymphaeifolia comb. nov., B. kockiana var. scarlatina stat. nov., B. kockiana var. sericeinervia comb. nov., B. kockiana var. velutina comb. nov., B. lingua var. antipolana stat. nov., B. lingua var. riedelii stat. nov., B. semibifida var. perkinsae stat. nov., B. semibifda var. stenostachya comb, nov., B. wrayi var. cancellata comb. & stat. nov., B. wrayi var. cardiophylla comb, nov., and B. wrayi var. rubella comb. nov.  相似文献   

本文描述了霜霉属(Peronospora)两个新种。即:寄生于唇形科植物香薷(Elsholtziapatrnia Garcke)上的香薷霜霉(Peronospora elsholtziae sp.nov.)和寄生于大花益母草(Leonurusmacranthus Maxim.)上的大花益母草霜霉(Peronospora leonuri sp.nov);单轴霉属(Plasmopara)一个新种,寄生于车前草科植物车前草(Plantago major L.)上的车前草单轴霉(Plasmoparaplantaginicola sp.nov.,);盘梗霉属(Bremia)一个新种,寄生于石竹科植物莫石竹(Moehringialateriflora L.)上的莫石竹盘梗霉(Bremia moehringiae sp.nov.).这四个新种均有拉丁文和中文描述。还分别讨论了新种与同科近似种之间的区别。  相似文献   

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