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本文讨论了菊科植物上盘霜霉属Bremia的分类问题。根据专性寄生菌种的划分,在以形态特征为基础的同时,结合考虑寄生专化性或寄主范围的观点,我们提出菊科植物上Bremia的种的寄主限制在菊科“族”的范围内。对中国的菊科植物上Bremia属的已知种及变种列出了检索表,还报告了一个新种及一新组合,它们是兔苣盘霜霉(B.lagoseridis sp.nov.),寄生于兔苣(Lagoseris sanctae),和蓟盘霜霉(B.cirsii comb.nov.),寄生于蓟属(Cirsium spp.),标本保存于四川农业大学真菌实验室及中国科学院微生物所标本室。  相似文献   

本文描述了霜霉属(Peronospora)一个新种,寄生于唇形科植物水棘针(Amethysteacaerulea L·)上的水棘针霜霉(Peronospora amethysteae Y.Li et Bai sp.nov.),有拉丁文和中文描述,并讨论了新种与同科植物上的相近种之间的区别。  相似文献   

本文描述了霜霉属(Peronospora)一个新种,寄生于唇形科植物水棘针(Amethysteacaerulea L·)上的水棘针霜霉(Peronospora amethysteae Y.Li et Bai sp.nov.),有拉丁文和中文描述,并讨论了新种与同科植物上的相近种之间的区别。  相似文献   

本文描述了单轴霉属(Plasmopara)霜霉菌的二个新种。它们是:寄生于唇形科植物香薷(Elsholtzia ciliata(Thunb.)Hyland)上的香薷单轴霉(Plasmopara elsholtziae spnov.)及苋科植物牛膝(Achyranthes bidentata Bl.)上的牛膝单轴霉(Plasmopara achyranthis sp. nov.)。牛膝单轴霉是本属真菌寄生于苋科植物的首次记录。上述二新种都有拉丁文及汉文描述,还分别讨论了新种与其同科或不同科寄主上的近似种之间的区别。  相似文献   

本文报道了采自我国新疆阿勒泰山寄生于蔷薇科(Rosaceae)植物地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis L.)上的轴霜霉新种——地榆轴霜霉(Plasmopara Sanguisorbae C.J.Li et al.sp.nov.)。轴霜霉寄生于蔷薇科植物上是首次报道。对该种的形态作了拉丁文和汉文描述,并附有特征图。  相似文献   

本文报道了寄生于菊科植物大丁草(Leibnitzia anandria)上的盘梗霉的一个新种——大丁草盘梗霉(Bremia leibnitziae sp. nov.)。它的形态特征与小孢盘梗霉(B. microspora)较为接近,但根据新种的孢囊梗分枝次数较多,且有时不规则,孢子囊体积较小,卵孢子容易形成以及寄主的差别等特点,可以将它们区别开。  相似文献   

本文报道霜霉属(Peronospora)新种二个:即寄生在石竹科植物异叶假繁缕(Pseudo stellaria heterophylla(Miq.)Pax.)上的假繁缕霜霉(P.pseudostellariae G. Y. Yin et Z.S.Yang)和寄生在荨麻科植物藪苧麻(Boehmeria japonica Miq.)上的苧麻霜霉(P.boehmeriae G.Y.Yin et Z.S.Yang)。文中有拉丁文及中文描述。标本保存于南京农业大学真菌标本室和中国科学院微生物所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道了寄生于藜科(Chenopodiaccae)甜菜(Beta. Vulgaris L.)上的盘梗霉属一新种——甜菜盘梗霉(Bremia betae sp. Nov.)。对此新种作了汉文和拉丁文描述.  相似文献   

本文描述了单轴霉属(Hasmopara)霜霉菌的二个新种。它们是: 寄生于唇形科植物香薷(Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.)Hyland)上的香薷单轴霉(Plasmopara elsholtziae sp.Nov.)及苋科植物牛膝(Achyranthcs bidentata BI.)上的牛膝单轴霉(Plasmopara achyranthis sp.nov.)。牛膝单轴霉是本属真菌寄生于苋科植物的首次记录。 上述二新种都有拉丁文及汉文描述,还分别讨论了新种与其同科或不同科寄主上的近似种之间的区别。  相似文献   

拟盘梗霉属(Bremiella G.W.Wilson)霜霉,全世界已报道2个种。本文报道寄生于我国菊科植物上的1个新种及2个新组合。新种是寄生于茼蒿上的Bremiella multiformis Tao et Y.Qin sp.nov.。新组合是欧茼蒿上的Bremiella chrysanthemi-coronarii(Sawada)Tao comb.nov。及黄花蒿上的Bremiella artemisiae-annuae(Ling et M. C.Tai)Tao comb.nov.。对新种作了汉文及拉丁文描述,并附有形态图,还讨论了新种和新组合与近似种之间的区别。  相似文献   

黑龙江阳蝇属四新种(双翅目:蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了采自黑龙江省的蝇科阳蝇属Helina Robineau Desvoidy 4新种,即:羚指阳蝇H. antilodactyla sp. Nov.,圆尾阳蝇H. circinanicauda sp. Nov., 朗乡阳蝇H. langxiangi sp. Nov.和北方阳蝇H. septentrionalis sp. Nov.。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

广西大头蚁属分类研究及三新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述广西大头蚁属昆虫13种,其中3新种,即奇大头蚁P.aphrastasp.nov.,长柄大头蚁P.longiscapasp.nov.和淡黄大头蚁P.flaveriasp.nov.,中国1新纪录种费氏大头蚁P.feaeEmery,提出1新地位种香港大头蚁P.hongkongensisWheeler,newstatus。新种奇大头蚁与香港大头蚁近似,主要不同为头部刻纹,尤其是头部的奇特形状,即不仅头顶具横形凹陷,头侧也具斜形凹陷。新种长柄大头蚁与阿伦大头蚁P.alaniBingham相似,不同之处为:唇基具中脊;唇基前缘凹陷;第1结节上缘完整。此外,小型工蚁触角极长,柄节比达164~167,在同属各种中也是少见的。新种淡黄大头蚁与兴起湖大头蚁P.funkikoensisWheeler相似,主要区别为大型工蚁头长大于宽;唇基不具中脊;小型工蚁后头缘具粗大网状刻纹。后一特征可与同属中大多数种类相区别。新种正模标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所,副模标本及其余研究标本保存于广西师范大学生物系。  相似文献   

A new jewel beetle genus, with one species (Cretofrontolina kzyldzharica gen. et sp. nov.) from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan is described based on a body; and three new species of the formal genus Metabuprestium are described based on isolated elytra: Metabuprestium sibiricum sp. nov. and M. arkagalense sp. nov. come from the Arkagala locality (Upper Cretaceous of Russia) and M. ichbogdense sp. nov. is from the Shar Tologoi locality (Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia).  相似文献   

Seven new species of Paramunnidae from the Magellan Strait are described, two of which are placed in new genera: Paramunna magellanensis sp. nov., P. menziesi sp. nov., P. parasimplex sp. nov., P. patagoniensis sp. nov., Allorostrata ovalis gen. et sp. nov., Austrosignum dentatum sp. nov., and Magellianira serrata gen. et. sp. nov. Four known paramunnid species from the same location are redescribed: Parammunna integra, P. simplex, P. subtriangulata and Munnogonium tillerae . While investigating the genus Paramunna , two species of this group, Acutomunna foliacea (Chardy, 1975) gen. nov. and Paramunna foresti Carvacho , 1977 were removed, which involved the erection of a new genus. The allocation of P. foresti remains uncertain. Some diagnostic characters of the Paramunnidae and a key to the Magellanic species of Paramunna are presented.  相似文献   

报道了采集自我国境内的皮司霉属Pithomyces 8个新种:山葵皮司霉P.arecastri sp.nov.,串珠皮司霉P.cateniformis sp.nov.,椭圆皮司霉P.ellipticus sp.nov.,蠕形皮司霉P.helminthosporioides sp.nov.,长柄皮司霉P.longipes sp.nov.,倒梨形皮司霉P.obpyriformis sp.nov.,络石皮司霉P.trachelospermi sp.nov.,和羊蹄甲皮司霉P.variegatae sp.nov.。2个中国新记录种:油棕生皮司霉P.elaeidicola和垫状皮司霉P.pulvinatus。新种分别进行了详实的拉丁文和中文描述并附图。研究标本(自然标本和干制培养物)保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

汪兴鉴  陈小琳 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):656-661
对前毛广口蝇属 Prosthiochaeta Enderlein(双翅目:广口蝇科)的属征进行了讨论。详细记述采自我国西南和华中地区的本属3新种: 峨眉前毛广口蝇 P. emeishana sp. Nov.,褐翅前毛广口蝇 P. fuscipennis sp. Nov. 及花翅前毛广口蝇 P. pictipennis sp. Nov.;并附其形态特征图和已知种检索表。 新种模式标本保藏于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

报道了采集自我国境内的皮司霉属Pithomyces 8个新种:山葵皮司霉P.arecastri sp.nov.,串珠皮司霉P.cateniformis sp.nov.,椭圆皮司霉P.ellipticus sp.nov.,蠕形皮司霉P.helminthosporioides sp.nov.,长柄皮司霉P.longipes sp.nov.,倒梨形皮司霉P.obpyriformis sp.nov.,络石皮司霉P.trachelospermi sp.nov.,和羊蹄甲皮司霉P.variegatae sp.nov.。2个中国新记录种:油棕生皮司霉P.elaeidicola和垫状皮司霉P.pulvinatus。新种分别进行了详实的拉丁文和中文描述并附图。研究标本(自然标本和干制培养物)保存于山东农业大学植物病理系标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

记述了中国带织蛾属PeriacmaMeyrick 9新种 ,即曲靖带织蛾P .qujingensissp .nov .,离腹带织蛾P .absacculasp .nov .,新带织蛾P .novellasp .nov .,齿腹带织蛾P .sacculidenssp .nov .,三齿带织蛾P .tri dentatasp .nov .,尖爪带织蛾P .acriuncatasp .nov .,等瓣带织蛾P .equivalvatasp .nov .,尖颚带织蛾P .acutignathasp .nov .,中华带织蛾P .sinicasp .nov .。报道了中国 1新纪录亚种 ,越南带织蛾P .iodesmavietnamicaLvovsky ,1988和 1新纪录种伊带织蛾P .isanensisMoriuti,SaitoetLewvanich ,1989。提供了新种的雌雄外生殖器特征图。模式标本 (除指明外 )保存在南开大学生物学系。  相似文献   

This publication is based on recent studies of Lower Cretaceous leaf beetles from the Yixian Formation (Liaoning, China), which are represented by five new species of one new genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. (M. antenattus sp. nov. [type species], M. adapertilis sp. nov., M. angusticollis sp. nov., M. basicollis sp. nov., and M. trapezicollis sp. nov.) assigned to a new tribe, Mesolpinini trib. nov. of the subfamily Chrysomelinae. This tribe, which includes only species from the Jehol biota, is the oldest known group of the family in the fossil record. A key to species of the genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. is provided and the position of the new tribe is discussed. A brief overview of the Mesozoic data on the subfamily Chrysomeloidea is given.  相似文献   

Pahl Bernier 《Geobios》1979,12(6):839-861
The genus Petrascula has not been reviewed since J. Pia in 1920. At present, seven species are attributed to this genus. Different characteris have been used to define it by the authors. After abundant sampling in the Upper Kimmeridgian or the Southern Jura Mountains, the species-type has been reviewed and divided in two species, the second one named: Petrascula guembeli nov. sp.An other level of Portlandian age, in the same azea, is very rich in Petrascula piaiBachmayer, 1944. This species which has not been observed since that time is here reviewed. Associated with this species, a new one was found and described Petrascula? bugesiaca nov. sp., in spite a doubtful genus attribution.So many different species allow the review and emendation of the genus Petrascula. Then, the other species of the genus: P. globosa (Alth) P. herakiSokac & Nikler, P. illyricaSokac & Nikler, are discussed using the new definition.  相似文献   

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