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植物表皮蜡质中的饱和链烷作为内源指示剂广泛用于评价放牧家畜的食性和食量, 但用于天然草原蝗虫食性的评价研究较少。为了探讨天然草原蝗虫的食性及其生态位变化, 本研究以内蒙古天然草原为研究对象, 于2003年7-8月沿降水梯度选择3种典型植物群落(小针茅Stipa klemenzii、 羊草Leymus chinensis和大针茅Stipa grandis群落), 在每个植物群落不同放牧压力下小区随机做20个植被样方, 样方内植物齐地面刈割, 测定其地上生物量和物种多样性, 取主要植物种测定其链烷模式, 同时采集放牧小区优势蝗虫种亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus的粪便, 测定其链烷模式, 运用链烷技术评价蝗虫的食性及其营养生态位。结果表明: 不同植物群落中优势牧草种类及其比例不同, 其链烷模式存在种间差异, 链烷技术可以评价亚洲小车蝗的食性。亚洲小车蝗的食性在不同植物群落及不同放牧压力下存在显著的差异, 在羊草和大针茅群落中, 亚洲小车蝗是禾草采食者, 主要采食羊草和糙隐子草Cleistogenes squarrosa, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较低, 分别为0.0619和0.0172; 在小针茅群落中亚洲小车蝗是杂类草采食者, 主要采食无芒隐子草Cleistogenes songorica、 猪毛菜Salsola collina和小针茅, 且与绵羊的营养生态位重叠指数较高, 达到0.1815。因此, 放牧不仅改变了群落的植物种类组成, 而且直接影响了亚洲小车蝗的食物组成, 二者对食物资源利用存在一定程度的竞争。  相似文献   

放牧对藏北紫花针茅高寒草原植物群落特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于放牧试验,研究了不同放牧强度下藏北地区紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)高寒草原植物群落特征的变化规律。结果表明,随着放牧强度的增强,植物群落盖度、地上生物量均呈现显著降低的趋势;紫花针茅等禾草类植物的重要值逐渐降低,莎草类中青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)、牲畜不喜食的杂类草及有毒有害植物均有增加的趋势;如果持续过度放牧,植物群落表现出由紫花针茅等禾草为建群种的草地型向青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)、杂类草(Herbarum variarum)草地型过度的趋势;在中度放牧强度下,紫花针茅高寒草原α物种多样性达到最高水平,而继续增强放牧强度,则造成各项指标的迅速降低。  相似文献   

放牧对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性和生产力的影响   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
研究了不同放牧强度对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性和生产力的影响。结果表明,在牧压梯度上,不同的植物表现出不同的生态适应对策,贝加尔针茅种群随着牧压的增加,种群株丛破碎化、小型化,羊草耐牧性较强,在中牧阶段生产力最高。群落初级生产力随着放牧强度的增加逐渐下降。较大的放牧压力下,群落中适口性差、耐牧的杂类草植物渐趋增加。而在更大的放牧压力下,群落逐步被耐牧的小丛生禾草、旱生小苔草、小灌木和灌木所替代。草地群落的稳定性随着放牧强度增加逐渐降低。放牧干扰对群落植物多样性和生产力及其稳定性的影响是不同步的,不对称的。植物群落初级生产力对放牧干扰的响应更迅速,变化更剧烈。  相似文献   

羊草草原土壤微生物的数量和生物量   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:36  
羊草原原土壤微生物数量特征是,细菌数量在名生境中分布的顺序为:拂子茅群落〉杂类草〉榆树疏林〉羊草群落〉碱蓬群落;真菌的分布:榆树疏林〉羊草群落〉杂类草群落〉指子茅群落〉碱茅群落〉碱蓬群落,放线菌为:羊草群落〉发类草群落〉碱茅群落〉碱蓬群落〉指子茅群落〉榆树疏林。土壤微生物生物量在6个植物群落中的大小顺序为:羊草群落〉杂类草群落〉榆树疏林〉拂水茅群落〉碱茅群落〉碱蓬群落,土壤微生物数量在土壤剖面中的  相似文献   

引言近年来在黑龙江省杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县南部省绿色草原牧场和敖林西伯公社地区,对这里分布面积较广的羊草+杂类草群落、山杏-针茅+杂类草群落进行了植物群落学调查和群落营养状况及绵羊合理放牧密度的研究。  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系及其机制是生态学领域的重大科学问题. 人们越来越关注环境因子对多样性-生产力关系的影响. 植物群落组成、物种丰富度、物种特征、生物量的分布结构和植物枯枝落叶对高寒草甸物种多样性和生产力有着重要的影响. 因此, 我们利用2001~2004年中国科学院海北生态系统定位站高寒草甸群落的实测资料, 研究了不同环境梯度(土壤含水量和营养)下, 植物群落生物量, 物种丰富度及组成的变化. 结果表明, 植物群落物种组成的不同反应在生物量的分布上, 以藏嵩草为优势种的藏嵩草沼泽化草甸群落总生物量(地上、地下)最高(13196.96±719.69 g/m2), 次之是以杂类草和莎草科为主的小嵩草草甸(2869.58±147.52 g/m2), 以禾本科和杂类草为主的矮嵩草草甸最低(2153.08±141.95 g/m2). 藏嵩草沼泽化草甸中, 草本植物枯枝落叶显著高于小嵩草、矮嵩草草甸, 土壤含水量对草本植物枯枝落叶有较大的影响. 不同类型草甸群落中, 地上生物量与土壤有机质、全氮和群落盖度之间均呈显著正相关(P < 0.05); 藏嵩草沼泽化草甸中, 总生物量与物种丰富度呈负相关(rs = -0.907, P < 0.05)、地下生物量与土壤含水量呈正相关(rs = -0.900, P < 0.05); 而在小嵩草和矮嵩草草甸中它们之间均没有达到显著水平, 说明不同类型高寒草甸群落生产力除受物种多样性、功能群内物种密度和均匀度的影响, 同时也受物种本身特征和外部环境资源的影响. 不同类型草甸群落生物量的分布与土壤含水量和土壤养分的变化相一致.  相似文献   

以青藏高原东北缘高寒草甸为对象,研究不同放牧强度下植物群落和土壤因子的变化,以及群落物种分布与土壤物理结构和化学养分因子的定量关系.结果表明: 放牧导致优势种为垂穗披碱草和大针茅的原植物群落发生分异,高强度放牧样地优势种变为矮生嵩草和阴山扁蓿豆,低强度放牧样地变为垂穗披碱草和冷地早熟禾.随放牧强度增加,物种丰富度、重要值和生物量均显著降低.各放牧强度样地重要值的物种序列均可用对数模型进行拟合;随放牧强度增加,植物重要值累积到占整个群落重要值50%时,需要的物种数降低.土壤速效P、速效K、紧实度、含水量、稳定入渗速率和大团聚体指标随放牧强度显著变化,但变化规律不一致.CCA排序表明,土壤紧实度是放牧作用下影响群落物种分布格局的最关键因子.方差分解表明,土壤因子共解释群落物种分布变异的30.5%,其中土壤物理性状单独解释群落物种分布的22.8%,对群落物种分布的贡献率最高,主要影响放牧干扰下高寒草甸植物群落物种的分布格局.  相似文献   

植物群落的物种多样性以及群落建群种的基因型多样性对群落生态功能是否存在交互影响已成为群落生态学研究的热点内容。以内蒙古典型草原群落内常见物种为研究对象,研究了群落物种多样性与建群种羊草(Leymus chinensis)基因型多样性及其交互作用对群落生物量生态功能特性的影响。结果表明:(1)羊草基因型多样性、物种多样性及其交互作用对群落地上、地下和总生物量无显著影响(P0.05);(2)羊草基因型多样性、物种多样性及其交互作用对多样性效应(净多样性效应、互补效应和选择效应)有显著影响(P0.05)。羊草基因型多样性抑制多样性净效应的发挥,且主要抑制互补效应;而物种多样性则促进多样性净效应的发挥,主要表现为选择效应对地上生物量的正效应;(3)互补效应对群落生物量多样性净效应起主要贡献。实验所得结果不仅为探讨多样性效应在物种水平以及群落水平上对群落生物量的影响因素提供了重要启示,而且为内蒙古草原种质资源的保护及合理利用,乃至生态系统的恢复和重建提供理论指导。  相似文献   

处于干旱地区的内蒙古荒漠草原,在防风固沙、生物多样性保育等方面发挥着重要的生态功能。近年来由于人类活动的干扰及气候变化的影响,内蒙古荒漠草原生态系统发生了严重的退化。如何有效恢复荒漠草原的生态功能是当前亟待解决的问题,科学合理地进行人为定向培育是荒漠草原植物群落恢复与重建的重要措施。本研究以乌拉特中旗荒漠草原为对象,通过控制实验探讨了不同退化程度下植物群落结构及地上生物量对不同恢复措施的响应。结果表明:在重度退化的荒漠草原生态系统,短期封育提高了杂类草的相对盖度,使群落地上生物量增加2.11倍;添加有机肥提高了禾草物种丰富度,使群落地上生物量提高了3.97倍;补播显著提高了植物群落的盖度、密度,使群落地上生物量提高了9.76倍。在重度沙化区,补播显著提高了群落的盖度、密度、地上生物量,但对物种多样性无显著影响。在中度退化区,添加复合肥显著降低了短花针茅群落杂类草物种数,提高了禾草及植物群落的地上生物量;添加复合肥显著提高了柠条锦鸡儿-丛生禾草群落中禾草物种丰富度,但对植物群落盖度、密度及地上生物量无显著影响;喷施叶面肥显著降低了藏锦鸡儿-灌丛化禾草群落杂类草的盖度和密度,提高了禾草的地...  相似文献   

内蒙古高原4类地带性草原群落,贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis Roshew.)群落、大针茅(S.grandis P.Smirn.)群落、克氏针茅(S.krylovii Roshev.)群落和小针茅(S.klemenzii Roshev.)群落初级生产力连续12年的定位研究结果表明,在气修波动下群落生产力及其稳定性与群落多样性特征的变化是一致的,从贝加尔针茅群落到小针茅群落。植物多样性显下降,群东中起重要作用的植物功能群的数量逐渐减少,群落初级生产力及其稳定性也逐渐降低。生活型功能群组成中,多年生丛生禾草、多年生根茎禾草与苔草和多年生杂类草功能群多样性与群落初级生产力稳定性极显地呈正相关。生态类群组成中,旱生植物和中旱生植物功能群多样性也与群落初级生产力稳定性极显地呈正相关,生态位互补效应(niche complementary effect)可能是高植物多样性群落具有高生产力的机制,而植物多样性对群落初级生产力稳定性的影响可能是通过不同功能群间的补偿作用来实现的。  相似文献   

生物多样性与生态系统生产力之间的关系是当前生态学领域的热点问题。短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)草原是内蒙古荒漠草原的主要类型, 生态系统脆弱, 气候波动剧烈, 研究内蒙古短花针茅草原生物多样性与生产力的关系具有十分重要的意义。该研究在内蒙古短花针茅草原区设置了202个样地进行群落调查, 在干旱区及半干旱区两种资源供给下, 分析了物种丰富度、功能群丰富度与生产力的关系, 旨在解决两个科学问题: 1)物种多样性和功能群多样性中, 哪一种与生产力关系更为密切?2)资源供给对多样性和生产力关系的影响。结果表明: 1)物种丰富度、群落生产力与年降水量呈正相关关系, 而功能群丰富度与年降水量之间不存在显著相关性; 2)群落生产力随物种丰富度的增加而增加, 且两者间呈正线性关系, 功能群丰富度与生产力之间不存在显著相关关系; 3)资源供给会影响多样性与生产力之间的关系, 资源供给低时, 多样性对生产力贡献较低, 资源供给高时, 多样性对生产力的贡献较高。该研究丰富了多样性与生产力关系的研究, 同时, 考虑到植物功能性状的研究在近几年受到生态学家的重视, 且多数研究集中于小尺度的人工控制实验, 因此, 在大尺度自然生态系统中开展功能性状多样性与生态系统功能关系的研究将十分必要。  相似文献   

功能多样性-生产力关系研究结果支持质量比假说和多样性假说, 但对于这两种假说的适用条件尚有争议。通过对吉林省西部草甸和沼泽植物群落的地上生物量、2个物种多样性指标(物种丰富度和Shannon-Weaver指数)、7种植物性状的两类功能多样性指标(群落权重均值和Rao二次熵), 以及土壤环境因子进行调查测量, 研究了群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。结果表明: 1)功能多样性与生产力的关系比物种多样性与生产力的关系更为密切; 2)功能群落权重均值解释生产力变异的能力好于Rao二次熵, 即优势物种对群落生产力的影响作用更大; 3)水淹条件影响着功能多样性与生产力的关系, 以群落权重均值为基础的质量比假说适于解释草甸群落功能多样性与生产力的关系, 而以Rao二次熵为基础的多样性假说适于解释有强烈环境筛(水淹)的沼泽群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。  相似文献   

功能多样性-生产力关系研究结果支持质量比假说和多样性假说, 但对于这两种假说的适用条件尚有争议。通过对吉林省西部草甸和沼泽植物群落的地上生物量、2个物种多样性指标(物种丰富度和Shannon-Weaver指数)、7种植物性状的两类功能多样性指标(群落权重均值和Rao二次熵), 以及土壤环境因子进行调查测量, 研究了群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。结果表明: 1)功能多样性与生产力的关系比物种多样性与生产力的关系更为密切; 2)功能群落权重均值解释生产力变异的能力好于Rao二次熵, 即优势物种对群落生产力的影响作用更大; 3)水淹条件影响着功能多样性与生产力的关系, 以群落权重均值为基础的质量比假说适于解释草甸群落功能多样性与生产力的关系, 而以Rao二次熵为基础的多样性假说适于解释有强烈环境筛(水淹)的沼泽群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。  相似文献   

Decreasing species diversity is thought to both reduce community productivity and increase invasibility to other species. However, it remains unclear whether identical mechanisms drive both diversity-productivity and diversity-invasibility relationships. We found a positive diversity-productivity relationship and negative diversity-invasibility and productivity-invasibility relationships using microcosm communities constructed from spatial niche specialist genotypes of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. The primary mechanism driving these relationships was a dominance (or selection) effect: more diverse communities were more likely to contain the most productive and least invasible type. Statistical elimination of the dominance effect greatly weakened the diversity-invasibility relationship and eliminated the diversity-productivity relationship, but also revealed the operation of additional mechanisms (niche complementarity, positive and negative interactions) for particular combinations of niche specialists. However, these mechanisms differed for invasibility and productivity responses, resulting in the invasibility-productivity relationship changing from strongly negative to weakly positive. In the absence of the dominance effect, which may be an experimental artefact, decreasing diversity can have unexpected or no effects on ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

One of the major goals in ecology is to determine the mechanisms that drive the asymptotic increase in ecosystem productivity with plant species diversity. Niche complementarity, the current paradigm for the asymptotic diversity-productivity pattern, posits that the addition of species to a community increases productivity because each species specializes on different resources and thus can more thoroughly utilize the available resources. At higher diversity the increase in productivity decreases because resources become limiting, resulting in the classic asymptotic diversity-productivity pattern. An alternative but less tested explanation is that density-dependent disease from species-specific soil microbes drive the diversity-productivity relationship by increasing disease and thus decreasing productivity at low diversity. At higher diversity, productivity asymptotes because disease decreases with increasing diversity until it reaches a uniformly low level. Using a series of field experiments, we found that the classic asymptotic diversity-productivity pattern existed only when soil microbes were present. Soil microbes created the well-known pattern by depressing plant growth at low productivity though negative density dependent disease. In contrast, niche complementarity played only a weak role in explaining the diversity-productivity relationship because productivity remained high at low abundance in the absence of soil microbes. Based on our findings, the ongoing loss of species in natural ecosystems will likely increase per capita plant disease and lower ecosystem productivity. Furthermore, recent evidence suggests that negative density dependent disease maintains plant species diversity, and thus this single mechanism appears to link diversity maintenance to the diversity-productivity curve—two important ecological processes.Key words: density dependence, diversity-productivity, negative feedback, pathogens, species richness, soil microbesThe asymptotically saturating increase in ecosystem productivity with increasing diversity is a well know pattern in nature14 (Fig. 1). The pattern has been used as an argument for the importance of species diversity,5 and understanding the mechanisms that drive the pattern is critical to determine the potential loss in productivity with ongoing and accelerating species loss in many ecosystems. The cause of the diversity-productivity pattern can be explained by either bottom-up control, such as plant resource competition, or top-down control from plant herbivores or pathogens. Most contemporary explanations for the pattern are centered on the bottom-up concept of niche-based resource competition, in which different species utilize different resources. The commonly accepted explanation, the niche complementarity hypothesis, states that the increase in species diversity increases productivity because each additional species uses a differ set of resources (e.g., nutrients) and thus more thoroughly utilizes whole-ecosystem resources.3,4,6 At high diversity, however, the resource requirements of additional species overlap with existing ones and thus productivity no longer increases with diversity, resulting in the asymptotic diversity-productivity pattern (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Theoretical relationship between species number and biomass. As diversity increases, total biomass increases asymptotically.Top-down control from plant enemies may also produce the asymptotic diversity-productivity pattern if the enemies are species-specific and have a strong negative density-dependent effect at low diversity. One general group of enemies is plant pathogens and parasites (bacterial, fungal, viral) that live in the soil and infect plant roots (hereafter referred to as soil pathogens). The specificity of soil pathogens has been shown in various studies and is now generally accepted.1,7,8 The negative density dependent effect of plant pathogens at low diversity is likely because when diversity is low the relative abundance of each remaining species is high,911 which leads to most individuals growing in close proximity of conspecifics and thus a greater probability of species-specific disease transmission. Unlike other plant enemies, such as foliar pathogens or insect and mammalian herbivores, which can be broadly dispersed, soil-borne pathogens may be a particularly effective driver of negative density dependent effects because they have low mobility and thus are more likely to infect nearby conspecifics, which causes increased disease at low diversity.911 As diversity increases, the effect of soil-borne pathogens decreases because there is a lower likelihood of growing near a conspecific and there are lower concentrations of host-specific soil enemies.10 Consequently, soil-borne, species-specific disease may limit ecosystem productivity through top-down density-dependent regulation, even in the absence of niche-based explanations. Few studies, however, have considered the role of plant soil pathogens in driving the classic diversity-productivity relationship1 (see also ref. 2) and, until now, no study has compared the two potential drivers simultaneously.1We used a modeling approach to first demonstrate that both niche complementarity and species-specific soil pathogens can both theoretically drive the well-known diversity-productivity pattern.1 We then used a series of complementary field experiments in grasslands in North America (Ontario, Canada and Minnesota, USA) to determine how plant disease and productivity change over a gradient of plant species richness in the presence and absence of soil microbes, and whether feedback between plants and their species-specific soil biota influenced the diversity-productivity pattern.1 We first tested whether the asymptotic diversity-ecosystem productivity relationship arose in the presence of soil pathogens (a test of the negative density dependence hypothesis) or in the absence of soil pathogens (a test of the niche complementarity hypothesis). We then confirmed that soil biota were species specific and examined the decrease in plant disease and increase in productivity with increasing plant diversity.  相似文献   

高寒草甸不同草地群落物种多样性与生产力关系研究   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
生态系统的结构和功能、生物多样性与生产力的关系问题是近年来群落生态学中研究的中心问题,其中,生态系统生产力水平是其功能的重要表现形式,用4种不同草地类型探讨自然群落的物种多样性与生产力关系.结果表明,矮嵩草草甸、小嵩草草甸和金露梅灌丛群落中物种多样性与生产力的关系呈线性增加关系,藏嵩草沼泽化草甸群落中线性增加关系不显著,这表明群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响.不同的环境资源和环境异质性是形成群落结构特征、物种多样性分布格局差异的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

Jeffrey S. Dukes 《Oikos》2001,94(3):468-480
Several researchers have hypothesized that, through various mechanisms, loss of species and functional group richness from a plant community will affect the magnitude and interannual variability of productivity. To test this hypothesis, I conducted a microcosm study of California grassland communities that differed in species richness. I grew cohorts of microcosms that simulated undisturbed grassland (in one year) and gopher-disturbed grassland (in two consecutive years). As the number of species per functional group decreased from 4 to 1, biomass production remained constant in all three cohorts. As species richness decreased from 16 to 1 (or 8 to 1, in either case including a drop in functional group richness), productivity declined in one of the cohorts. In this cohort, productivity of one polyculture marginally exceeded that of the most productive monoculture. Resource complementarity and a type of selection effect may have each contributed to the observed diversity-productivity relationships. Results suggest the existence of a selection effect that involves species that are highly productive in mixtures, rather than in monoculture. Over two seasons, species and functional group richness did not affect the interannual variability of biomass production. Comparisons of interannual changes in the productivity of monocultures and polycultures suggested that, in some polycultures, increased water availability might have relieved interspecific competition more than intraspecific competition. Based on results from this experiment and other manipulative experiments, I develop a framework to explain the relationship between species richness and productivity in terrestrial plant communities. The framework highlights the importance of environmental variation in shaping the diversity/productivity relationship.  相似文献   



Two decades of research showing that increasing plant diversity results in greater community productivity has been predicated on greater functional diversity allowing access to more of the total available resources. Thus, understanding phenotypic attributes that allow species to partition resources is fundamentally important to explaining diversity-productivity relationships.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we use data from a long-term experiment (Cedar Creek, MN) and compare the extent to which productivity is explained by seven types of community metrics of functional variation: 1) species richness, 2) variation in 10 individual traits, 3) functional group richness, 4) a distance-based measure of functional diversity, 5) a hierarchical multivariate clustering method, 6) a nonmetric multidimensional scaling approach, and 7) a phylogenetic diversity measure, summing phylogenetic branch lengths connecting community members together and may be a surrogate for ecological differences. Although most of these diversity measures provided significant explanations of variation in productivity, the presence of a nitrogen fixer and phylogenetic diversity were the two best explanatory variables. Further, a statistical model that included the presence of a nitrogen fixer, seed weight and phylogenetic diversity was a better explanation of community productivity than other models.


Evolutionary relationships among species appear to explain patterns of grassland productivity. Further, these results reveal that functional differences among species involve a complex suite of traits and that perhaps phylogenetic relationships provide a better measure of the diversity among species that contributes to productivity than individual or small groups of traits.  相似文献   

One robust result from many small-scale experiments has been that plant community productivity often increases with increasing plant diversity. Most frequently, resource-based or competitive interactions are thought to drive this positive diversity-productivity relationship. Here, we ask whether suppression of plant productivity by soil fungal pathogens might also drive a positive diversity-productivity relationship. We created plant assemblages that varied in diversity and crossed this with a ± soil fungicide treatment. In control (non-fungicide treated) assemblages there was a strong positive relationship between plant diversity and above-ground plant biomass. However, in fungicide-treated assemblages this relationship disappeared. This occurred because fungicide increased plant production by an average of 141% at the lower ends of diversity but boosted production by an average of only 33% at the higher ends of diversity, essentially flattening the diversity-productivity curve. These results suggest that soil pathogens might be a heretofore unappreciated driver of diversity-productivity relationships.  相似文献   

对不同类型草地功能群多样性和组成与植物群落生产力之间的关系进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)在矮嵩草(Kobresia humlis)草甸和金露梅(Potentilla froticosa)灌丛中,豆科植物的作用比较明显,而其他功能群植物的作用较弱。(2)在藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)沼泽化草甸和小嵩草(K.pygmaca)草甸中,虽然杂类草、C3植物和莎草科植物功能群的生产力占群落初级生产力的比例较大,但二者在统计上没有显著性差异,这表明群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响,更主要的是受到功能群内物种密度和均匀度的影响,即功能群组成比功能群多样性更能说明对生态系统过程的影响。(3)不同类型草地群落植物功能群盖度与群落初级生产力呈显著的线性相关。(4)不同类型草地群落生产力与功能群内物种数的变化均表现为单峰曲线关系,即功能群内物种数处于中间水平时,群落生产力最高。  相似文献   

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