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四眼斑水龟雌性生殖器官组织结构的季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
傅丽容  洪美玲  史海涛  张扬波  钟昌茂 《四川动物》2006,25(2):360-363,I0002
应用石蜡常规切片,HE染色,分别在3月(春季)、8月(夏季)、10月(秋季)、1月(冬季),对24只四眼斑水龟雌性生殖器官组织结构变化进行研究,结果表明:四眼斑水龟雌性生殖器官的形态和结构存在季节性的变化,8月卵泡开始发育,卵巢增重,子宫腺增多;10月卵巢增重达最大,卵泡发育成熟开始排卵,随后形成黄体,进入排卵期。翌年的1~3月卵巢重量减轻,输卵管管腔增大,腺体增多,子宫肌层不断增厚,进入产卵期。  相似文献   

使用超声波技术检测了6只雌性四眼斑水龟的卵黄卵泡(包括生长卵泡和排卵前卵泡)、闭锁卵泡和输卵管卵的大小和数量.结果 表明:四眼斑水龟卵巢卵黄卵泡数目和大小呈明显的周期性变化,检测到的卵黄卵泡长径范围为4~24 mm(n=186).8月份卵泡数目开始增多,卵泡长径逐渐增大,至12月份排卵前期卵泡数量达最大值,卵巢发育成熟.排卵前期卵泡长径范围为19~24 mm(n=56),最大排卵前期卵泡出现于12月.排卵时间是1月至3月.闭锁卵泡长径范围在10~20 mm(n=14)之间,仅在10月至次年3月能检测到少数的闭锁卵泡.  相似文献   

研究龟鳖的两性异形对理解形态适应具有重要意义。通过测量41只(21♀,20♂)成体四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)的20个形态特征指标,研究四眼斑水龟个体大小和体形的两性异形。结果表明:除头长、头宽、尾长和尾长肛前段长外,四眼斑水龟其他的形态特征均与背甲长呈正相关。雌性的背甲长、腹甲长、腹甲中线长、腹甲曲线长显著大于雄性;雄性的头长、头宽、后肢长、尾长和尾长肛前段长显著大于雌性;雌雄两性的体重、体周长、前肢长、腹甲宽、肛盾切口长、肛盾切口宽以及除背甲长外的所有背甲形态特征指标均无显著差异。研究结果表明,四眼斑水龟存在个体大小和体形两性异形。  相似文献   

为探讨光周期对四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)繁殖的影响,于2008年10月至2009年9月对其进行光周期实验.将39只成体分成短光照组、长光照组和对照组,每个组别中样本量均为7♀、66.每月用超声波技术对雌性个体进行卵泡数量、大小的检测,并用X光投射法确定硬壳卵数;每半月对雄性进行录像观察.结果表明:三个实验组卵泡数量和卵泡大小表现出明显的周期性,原始卵泡从8月份开始生长发育,卵泡数量在11月份最多,尺寸在12月份也达到最大值;光周期对雌性卵泡数量和卵泡大小的发育有影响,短光照组检测到的总卵泡数高于长光照组和对照组,其中短光照组卵泡数与对照组卵泡数差异显著(P<0.05),长光照组卵泡尺寸相对于另外2个实验组显著变小(P<0.01);光周期对雌性产卵数和雄性发情强度无影响(P>0.05).光周期对四眼斑水龟雌雄个体性腺发育的作用不同,缩短光照对雌性繁殖有促进作用,延长光照对雄性发情强度在特定阶段具有一定促进作用.  相似文献   

四眼斑水龟低温胁迫条件下体重与形态特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海南的正常温度下,四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)在人工饲养环境中无冬眠现象,也未观察到繁殖行为。为研究冬眠对四眼斑水龟繁殖的影响,于2004年12月~2005年2月对其进行低温胁迫实验。选取29只成体四眼斑水龟分成2组,实验组9♀5♂共14只进行低温处理,在8·46±1·61℃干燥环境中保持32天;对照组10♀5♂共15只在正常条件下饲养。结果表明:低温胁迫后,实验组平均体重减小8·68±2·45%,雌雄差异不显著;雄性个体背甲宽从8·55±0·26cm减小到8·46±0·22cm,差异显著(P<0·05);雌性个体背甲长从12·97±0·80cm减小到12·94±0·81cm,差异显著(P<0·05);雌雄四眼斑水龟甲壳表面积相对低温胁迫前均减小;对照组龟养殖于常温下,甲壳无显著变化,两组龟体重变化量差异极显著(P<0·01)。影响失重率主要因素是胁迫时间,环境温度对失重呈显著线性正相关(r=0·811,P<0·05);形态特征的变化可能与繁殖机制、代谢有关。  相似文献   

海南岛黎母山四眼斑水龟种群密度与空间分布格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2004年3~7月,采用系统抽样法在海南岛黎母山对四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)种群密度与空间分布进行了调查,采用Cassie指数、David&Moore指数、Morisita指数和Lloyd指数测定了四眼斑水龟种群空间分布格局。结果表明,(1)四眼斑水龟种群分布于海拔170~470m范围内,在垂直梯度上呈现不连续的分布状态;(2)在海拔170~470m范围内种群相对密度为0.011~0.050只/笼捕日;(3)种群空间分布呈现聚集分布格局;(4)资源的空间分布特点和人为干扰可能对四眼斑水龟种群密度及空间分布格局有重要影响。  相似文献   

四眼斑水龟在海南岛的地理分布调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用查阅文献、走访调查和野外调查三种方法相结合,对四眼斑水龟在海南岛的地理分布进行了调查。对18个市县的103个乡镇进行了走访调查;野外调查中采用系统抽样法和笼捕法,对黎母山、尖峰岭、霸王岭、南茂岭、万俄岭和文教河上游6个研究点进行了调查。结果表明:1)四眼斑水龟分布于海南岛中部和西南部山区以及丘陵地区,除了海口、文昌、临高、定安和澄迈5个市县没有分布外,其它13个市县均有分布,其中8个市县为本次调查的分布新记录;2)四眼斑水龟栖息于海拔170~640m的山区溪流环境,而在平原、台地、滩涂地区以及比较大的江河、水库和湖泊沿右分布。  相似文献   

海南岛黎母山四眼斑水龟对春季生境的选择性   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
2004年3—4月,在海南岛黎母山采用系统抽样法对四眼斑水龟春季生境选择进行了初步研究。在海拔170~1170m设196个研究样点,共1392个笼捕日。其中在海拔170~470m的26个布笼点共捕获四眼斑水龟36只,而在海拔470~1170m未捕获到四眼斑水龟。采用Kruskal Wallis检验,对海拔500m以下四眼斑水龟利用样地(n=26)和海拔500m以上的对照样地(n=26)的生态因子差异显著性进行检验。结果表明,两类样地的海拔、植被类型、植被盖度、落叶厚度、土壤类型、坡度、水面宽、水深、水面流速、基底类型、露石率、食物丰度、干扰距离13个生态因子差异均显著,仅石洞数目差异不显著。说明海拔500m以上和以下的环境差异较大。主成分分析结果表明,影响四眼斑水龟生境选择的主要生态因子依次为海拔、干扰距离、植被盖度、土壤类型、水深和落叶厚度。而植被类型、食物丰度、露石率、基底、石洞数目、坡度、水面宽和水面流速8个生态因子的影响不明显。保护好近河岸植被和提高当地群众对龟类的保护意识对四眼斑水龟的保护十分重要。  相似文献   

在大鼠动情前期促黄体生成激素峰形成前后测定了血清雌、孕激素水平变化、下丘脑正中隆起促黄体生成激素释放激素含量及弓状核区雌、孕激素受体密度改变和弓状核前阿黑皮素mRNA水平变化。结果表明:动情前期14小时时血清雌激素水平开始升高(P<005),于16小时时达高峰。此时弓状核雌激素受体密度降低(P<005),孕激素受体密度增加(P<005),前阿黑皮素mRNA水平减少(P<005)。前阿黑皮素mRNA水平与血清雌激素及正中隆起的促性腺激素释放激素水平呈负相关(P值分别小于001及005),与弓状核雌激素受体密度变化呈正相关(P<001)。提示弓状核的前阿黑皮素mRNA水平在此过程中可能受雌激素及其受体调控,下丘脑β内啡肽合成减少可能参与了排卵前促性腺激素释放激素/促黄体生成激素峰的形成。  相似文献   

排卵,排精前后文昌鱼体内GnRH的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
殷红  张崇理 《动物学报》1994,40(1):63-68
利用放射免疫分析法测定了排卵、排精前后青岛文昌鱼体内促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)的含量变化,并通过高效液相色谱比较了雌、雄文昌鱼性腺及除性腺外体部GnRH的种类和含量的异同。结果表明:1)生殖过程中雌、雄文昌鱼体内GnRH含量的变化规律不同;雌性文昌鱼体内GnRH总含量在排卵时有所下降,排后12小时政策最为明显,以后逐渐上升到排前水平;雄性文昌鱼仅在排精时有所下降,2小时后即稳定在排水平。2)文  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess fluctuations in daily water temperature in Chascomús Lagoon during one year, and to evaluate whether the highest temperature recorded during pejerrey spawning season can produce an endocrine disruption on brain-pituitary-gonads axis. Fish were subjected to daily temperature fluctuations: 17 °C to 19 °C (reproductive control), 19 °C to 25 °C, and 19 °C to 27 °C. After 8 days, ten fish per treatment were sacrificed and gene expression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH-I, GnRH-II, GnRH-III), gonadotropin subunits-β (FSH-β, LH-β), glycoprotein hormone-α (GPH-α), gonadotropin receptors (FSH-R, LH-R), and gonadal aromatase (cyp19a1a) was analyzed. Also, plasma levels of sexual steroids and gonadal reproductive status were studied. Fish exposed to high temperature fluctuations quit spawning, presenting clear signs of gonadal regression. Fish recovered its spawning activity 11 weeks after heat treatment. At endocrine level, GnRH-I and FSH-β in both sexes, LH-β and GPH-α in males and FSH-R, LH-R and cyp19a1a in females decreased significantly in treated fish. Also, a strong reduction in plasma sex steroid levels was found for both sexes. This study demonstrated that pulses of warm water in natural environment during pejerrey spawning season can disrupt all levels of the reproductive axis, impairing reproduction.  相似文献   

The present study assessed annual adrenal gland activity in the Indian tropical Jungle bush quail, Perdicula asiatica. We also elucidated the role of the annual variations in gonadal steroids and melatonin in the regulation of its activity. Increasing day length (photoperiod), ambient temperature and rainfall are positively correlated with adrenal and gonadal functions, and inversely related to pineal gland activity. Pineal, adrenal and gonadal weights showed cyclical patterns relative to environmental factors, which were also correlated with plasma melatonin, corticosterone and gonadal steroids, respectively. In both sexes of P. asiatica, pineal gland weight and/or plasma melatonin levels were inversely related to adrenal lipids, (e.g. phospholipids, free and esterified cholesterol) and plasma corticosterone levels. Melatonin levels also showed an inverse relationship with plasma testosterone and estradiol levels. These studies indicate that changes in environmental factors promote annual variations in adrenal and gonadal activity probably by modulating the pineal gland. Melatonin receptors have been localized in the pars tuberalis, adrenal gland and gonads of birds, the pineal gland may, therefore, mediate environmental stimuli indirectly and directly to down regulate adrenal and gonadal activity, which run in parallel in this species.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), a regulator of gonadal maturation in vertebrates, is primarily secreted by neurosecretory cells of the pre-optic area (POA) in the forebrain of teleosts. GnRH-immunoreactive (GnRH-ir) cells of this area demonstrate positive correlation in number and size of soma with gonadal maturity and directly innervate the pituitary in most teleosts. Gonadal development in triploid fish remains impaired due to genetic sterility. The gonadal immaturity in triploid fish may be due to low levels of gonadotropin and sex steroids during the vitellogenic phase of reproductive cycle. However, the nature of GnRH-ir cells in triploid fish is not yet known. Triploid catfish (H. fossilis) showed significant decrease (P<0.001) in size and number of immunoreactive-GnRH cells of POA and low immunoreactivity in pituitary in comparison to their diploid full-sibs during the late pre-spawning phase of ovarian cycle. This study suggests that low activity of GnRH-cells in triploid may be due to lack of positive feedback stimulation by sex steroids and/or reduced responsiveness of sensory cells to environmental cues required for gonadal maturation in teleosts.  相似文献   

Fish were treated with exogenous hormones, and milt and blood samples were collected for up to 96 h post‐treatment. Blood plasma samples were assayed for the gonadal steroids testosterone (T), 11‐ketotestosterone (11KT) and 17,20ß‐dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (17.20ßP). Milt volume, spermatocrit and sperm motility were measured from milt samples. Non‐spermiated fish showed increased plasma T and 11KT in response to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) but not luteinising hormone releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa). Fish did not become spermiated in response to treatment with hCG, LHRHa, 11KT, 17‐hydroxyprogesterone (17P) or 17,20ßP. Spermiated fish showed an increase in milt volume in response to hCG and LHRHa but not exogenous steroids. Sperm motility declined to zero over 120 s and was not affected by hormone treatment or sampling time. Increased milt volume was accompanied by increased plasma T and 11KT, but not 17.20ßP levels. In a separate experiment, LHRHa delivered by injection or pellet was equally effective at increasing milt volume but had no effect on plasma steroid levels. Spermatocrit declined with stripping but was not affected by hormone treatment, nor was sperm motility. Co‐treatment of fish with 17P plus LHRHa had no additive effect on plasma steroid concentrations or milt volume. The results suggest that as in other teleosts, gonadotropin mediates milt production in greenback flounder.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to analyze the differences in the activity of hormone stanniocalcin (STC) between male and female fishes of Mastacembelus armatus during their gonadal cycle. A large variation in nuclear diameter of cells of corpuscles of Stannius (CS) were recorded in relation to testicular cycle as well as ovarian cycle which indicates that the cellular activity varied with different phases of reproductive cycle in both male and female fish. Similar changes in nuclear diameter of CS cells were also observed after 17alpha-methyltestosterone administration in males and 17 β-estradiol administrations in females. A positive correlation was observed between plasma STC levels, gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the sex steroids in both sexes, suggesting that STC has a role in the processes involved in gonadal development. In addition females showed remarkable changes in plasma calcium level during gonadal cycle while no such change for males were observed. In females the plasma calcium level estimated during different phases of reproductive cycle indicates positive correlation between plasma level of calcium and gonad growth. Thus hyperactivity of CS cells was noted in both male and female fishes during gonadal cycle along with the differences in the activity of STC as well. In female it may act as hypocalcemic factor and bring the level of calcium to normal which increases during preparatory and pre spawning phases to fulfill the increased demand of calcium for vitellogenesis. However data of male fishes indicated that plasma STC concentration varied widely during gonadal cycle but showed no consistent relationship to plasma calcium level.  相似文献   

Adult males and females of the seasonally breeding lizardCalotes versicolor were subjected to various social situations under semi-natural conditions to explain the role of socio-sexual factors in gonadal recrudescence. They were grouped as: (i) males and females, (ii) males and females separated by a wire mesh, (iii) same sex groups of males or females, (iv) castrated males with intact females and (v) ovariectomized (OvX) females with intact males from postbreeding to breeding phase. Specimens collected from the wild during breeding season served as the control group. Plasma sex steroid levels (testosterone in male and 17β-estradiol in female), spermatogenetic activity and vitellogenesis were the criteria to judge gonadal recrudescence. In intact males and females that were kept together, gonadal recrudescence and plasma sex steroids levels were comparable to those in wild-caught individuals. Gonadal recrudescence was at its least in all male and all female groups, and plasma sex steroids were at basal levels. Association with OvX females initiated testicular recrudescence but spermatogenetic activity progressed only up to the spermatid stage while males separated from females by wire mesh showed spermatogenetic activity for a shorter period. Females grouped with castrated males and those separated from males by wire mesh produced vitellogenic follicles. However, the total number and diameter of vitellogenic follicles, and plasma estradiol levels were lower than in the females grouped with intact males. The findings indicate that association with members of the opposite sex with progressively rising titers of sex steroids is crucial in both initiating and sustaining gonadal recrudescence in the lizard. Thus, members of the opposite sex mutually regulate gonadal recrudescence in theC. versicolor.  相似文献   

In a 12 years old patient with asymmetric mixed gonadal dysgenesis (karyotype 45, XO/46,XY) a stimulation test with arginine, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GRH) and thyreotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) was performed before and after exstirpation of the gonads as well as after application of sex steroids. FSH, LH, PRL, HGH, TSH, testosterone and oestradiol were determined by radioimmunoassay. The results show an intact hypothalamo-pituitary axis which reacts with a normal negative feedback with respect to the secretion of gonadotropins after application of sex steroids.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to test the working hypothesis that mean plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) increase as a result of an increase in the frequency and amplitude of the pulsatile releases of LH in postpubertal boars after removal of gonadal steroid hormones by castration. It was further hypothesized that these changes in secretion of LH would be the result of changes in sensitivity of the pituitary to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). In Experiment 1, plasma LH was monitored in 10 postpubertal crossbred boars (13 to 14 mo old and weighing 159 +/- 6.0 kg) at 12-min intervals for 6 h before and 1 h after GnRH (375 ng/kg of body weight) on Days -1, 7, 14, 21 and 29 relative to castration. In Experiment 2, plasma LH was monitored in four castrated and five intact postpubertal boars (11 to 12 mo old and weighing 150 +/- 5.1 kg) after each of three doses of GnRH (94, 188 and 375 ng/kg) were administered to each animal. Sample collection occurred 5 wk after castration. Mean LH and frequency of pulsatile releases of LH increased as a result of castration (P<0.0001), with changes evident by Day 7 after castration. However, the amplitude of the LH pulses increased minimally after castration (P<0.10). The response to exogenous GnRH increased throughout Experiment 1 (P<0.0001), even though the amplitude of the pulsatile releases of LH (response to endogenous GnRH) did not change. Castrated animals in Experiment 2 had a greater response of LH to GnRH stimulation than intact boars (P<0.05). The dose-response curve of castrated animals was not parallel (P<0.001) to that of intact boars, and indicated that sensitivity of the pituitary to GnRH had increased in the absence of gonadal steroids. Thus, the hypotheses stated above can be accepted with the exception that castration may have a minimal effect on LH pulse amplitude. Based on the results of these experiments, we suggest that gonadal steroid hormones modulate both the size of releasable stores of LH and pituitary sensitivity to GnRH in boars.  相似文献   

The responses of gonadotropin and gonadal steroids to the administration of clomiphene citrate were studied in male and female chimpanzees, aged 3.6 to 9.9 years. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) was significantly reduced after treatment in the prepubertal females (n = 4) and in early pubertal males (n = 2) but not in prepubertal males (n = 5). FSH was unchanged or increased in early pubertal females (n = 2) and late pubertal males (n = 2). There was no consistent response to treatment with clomiphene citrate by luteinizing hormone (LH) in either males or females, nor by 17 beta-estradiol in the females. Testosterone levels were reduced in the early pubertal males only. These results support the hypothesis that negative feedback by gonadal steroids is operative in prepubertal chimpanzees and that puberty is accompanied by a reduction in the sensitivity to such feedback.  相似文献   

Annual variations in moult, body mass, and the plasma concentrations of luteinizing hormone, prolactin and the gonadal steroids, oestradiol and testosterone, were measured in captive White storks ( Ciconia ciconia ). Data were collected at approximately monthly intervals for 13 months on storks hatched over five successive years, the youngest ones being in their first, the oldest in their fifth, year of life.
Moulting of wing feathers occurred during the summer months, April through August. Young birds began to moult at least one month earlier, and replaced more wing feathers each year, than did three- to five-year-old birds. Body mass exhibited remarkably consistent annual cycles with minima of2–9-3-5 kg, during the summer months, and maxima of3–8-4-5 kg, during the winter months. Young males were heavier at all times of the year than young females, although this difference was gradually reduced to non-significant levels by four years of age. Luteinizing hormone, prolactin and the gonadal steroids, oestradiol and testosterone, exhibited annual cyclic changes, usually of a bi-modal nature. No major differences in hormone profiles, however, were found between any of the age groups. The phenomenon of deferred maturity in the stork does not parallel that of puberty found in many mammals.  相似文献   

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