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带岭新松叶蜂生物学特性及防治方法的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王永哲  张志宏 《昆虫知识》1992,29(5):279-281
带岭新松叶蜂是辽宁海城地区危害油松的主要害虫,1年1代,少数2年1代。记述了该虫生活史,生活习性及天敌情况。在室内进行了5种农药防治试验,在野外用氧化乐果等防治,杀虫效果均达95%以上。  相似文献   

元宝槭潜叶叶蜂1988年首次发现于山东泰山.一年发生1代,以6龄老熟幼虫在地下土茧内滞育越夏、越冬.平均发育历期,卵7.3天,幼虫23.4天。蛹21天.翌年5月化蛹、羽化.该虫发生量与气候条件紧密相关.幼虫期可用50%久效磷乳油2000倍液.40%氧化乐果乳油1400倍液喷冠防治,效果可达90%以上;用以上两种药剂的原液树干打孔防治效果均在90%以上;用40%氧化乐果乳油5倍藏树干涂环防治效果可达90%.  相似文献   

竹织叶野螟生物学特性与防治   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
竹织叶野螟是福建省近年发生较为严重的竹林食叶害虫,该虫在福建1年发生2代,以老熟幼虫在土茧中越冬。竹林间防治试验表明,应用40%乐果或50%甲胺磷10倍液进行竹腔注射,效果较好。重度发生的林分可用油烟机喷杀灭菊酯+柴油烟雾防治,轻度发生林分可用白僵菌或苏云金杆菌进行防治。  相似文献   

赤斑黑沫蝉的发生与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 赤斑黑沫蝉Callitettix versicolor Fabricius,属同翅目,沫蝉科,近年来是我县局部地区丘陵地带对水稻为害最重的一种新害虫。一般受害轻者减产5%左右,重者40%以上。由于国内对该虫的发生和防治研究报道极少,在我省乐山地区还尚无此虫记载。因此,作者从1982年起对该虫进行了初步观察和防治研究,现将  相似文献   

桃蛀螟Dichocrocis puncilferalis Guenée原为重要的农业果树害虫。近年来在福建省的部分县市对剐植下的松树幼林危害严重.经观察。诙虫在南平、建宁一年发生4-5代,以4龄幼虫在被害橙梢虫苞内越冬,翌年春。越冬后的幼虫仍能取食为害.可采用白僵菌粉剂、95%晶体敌百虫300倍液或40%乐果乳油400倍液。喷布防治.效果可达94.1%以上.  相似文献   

稻秆潜蝇生物学特性及防治研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梁梅新 《昆虫知识》1990,27(2):72-73
<正> 稻秆潜蝇Chlorops oryzae Matsumura属双翅目黄潜蝇科。70年代初,我县只部分山区零星发生,到70年代末逐步蔓延成灾。1983年以来,我县常年发生面积在3.5万亩左右,发生田块一般损失15~25%,高的可达40%以上,已成为我县水稻的主要害虫之一。1983~1985年我们对该虫的生物学特性及防治进行了研究,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

安庆市第三代二化螟田间为害状况及水稻损失率的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文阐述了3代二化螟在双季晚稻上发生危害症状和出现的新特点,明确了各种受害症状均有产量损失,损失率为12.85% ̄59.63%;建立了田间友观受害状与产量损失之间的关系,为产量损失调查提供了参考依据。导致减产的主要原因是结实率和千粒重显著降低。药剂防治试验、示范表明,在本代卵孵盛期或初见红叶期选用杀虫双或三唑磷防治1次,防治效果可达72%以上。于以上两个时期防治2次,防治效果可达91%以上,同时可  相似文献   

北沙参钻心虫的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北沙参钻心虫Epinotia leucantha Meyrick属鳞翅目小卷叶蛾科。该虫为害北沙参叶、花、茎、根等各部位。山东省莱阳、牟平、海阳、蓬莱、文登等北沙参主产区受害较重,被害率达71%,最高可达92%。1964—1967年,我们对北沙参钻心虫的发生规律及防治方法进行了初步研究,现将结果整理如下:  相似文献   

三化螟卵在寄主上的分布与孵化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘文娟  王建富 《昆虫知识》1999,36(6):327-328
水稻的主要害虫。90年代以来,因耕作制度。水稻品种的变更等因素,该虫在我省大部分地区发生和为害呈上升趋势。为此,我们在利用综合防治措施进行防治的同时,研究其卵的生物学特性,为测报和防治决策提供依据,现将1996~1997年对三化螟卵的有关生物学特性观察结果报道如下。1研究内容与方法1.1卵块孵化观察于各代成虫产卵高峰期,在中粳稻田(品种为武育粳3号,下同),随机采卵20块,分别置于室内培养皿内进行保湿,观察每块卵孵化幼虫数和寄生蜂头数。1.2卵块孵化后为害水稻株数及残留虫量调查分别在1、2代盆栽…  相似文献   

云斑天牛在白蜡树上的发生与防治研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
云斑天牛Batocera horsfieldi(Hope)是白蜡树上近年来新出现的一种蛀干害虫。在东营市的市区绿化中危害日趋严重,目前其受害率达到10%强,成为白蜡树上继“窄吉丁虫”为害后的又一主要蛀干害虫。该虫2—3年完成1代,以第1年幼虫和第2年成虫,在主干或主干分叉处的蛀道内越冬。主要危害胸径8cm以上生长的白蜡树,在树干根基部30cm以下,或在主干分叉处蛀食为害,并常引起“风折木”。在9月下旬进行注药和4月上旬进行埋药防治,控制效果可达90%以上。  相似文献   

This study focuses on comparing the performance of submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) and submerged membrane adsorption bioreactor (SMABR) over a period of 20 days at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 3.1h. The effects of PAC on critical flux and membrane fouling were also investigated. The SMABR exhibited better results in terms of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) growth, DOC removal (over 96%), COD removal (over 95%), transmembrane pressure (TMP) and oxygen uptake rate. Nearly 100% of bacteria and 100% of total coliforms were removed in both systems. The addition of PAC could maintain the critical flux at a lower TMP value (7.5 kPa), while irreversible fouling caused by PAC occurred when the filtration flux exceeded critical flux.  相似文献   

There is a need for the development of alternative therapeutic treatments for amoebic gill disease (AGD) in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. to maintain the sustainability of the Tasmanian Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry. This study aimed to assess the effects of the mucolytic drug L-cysteine ethyl ester (LCEE) on marine Atlantic salmon mucus and whether or not it may have a therapeutic advantage for the alleviation of AGD when administered orally. We also aimed to document any physiological consequences of LCEE. Results showed that LCEE significantly decreased the viscosity of marine Atlantic salmon mucus both in vitro, where LCEE concentration showed a negative relationship to mucus viscosity (R2 = 0.95 at 11.5 s(-1)), and in vivo. Oral administration of LCEE at 52.7 mg LCEE kg(-1) fish d(-1) over 2 wk significantly delayed the progression of AGD-associated pathology during an aggressive, cohabitation induced, laboratory infection. Medicated fish had approximately 50% less gill filaments affected by AGD than control fed fish at 3 d post-infection when assessed using histology. Palatability of medicated feed was shown to be approximately 65% of control feed. No osmoregulatory disturbance was seen in medicated fish, although blood and whole body flux data indicated a slight acidosis coinciding with an increased plasma total ammonia concentration. However, both variables were within a tolerable physiological range and returned to control levels 3 d post-cessation of medicated feed. LCEE holds potential as an in-feed additive when administered over 2 wk prior to infection to delay the progression of AGD associated pathology. From the parameters measured, LCEE seems to have minimal physiological consequences after 2 wk of administration.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments discs cut from thalli of Ulva fenestrata Postels & Ruprecht grew in diameter and biomass (dry weight and ash-free dry weight) more when dead leaves of Zostera marina L. were present than when absent. A maximum increase in dry weight of 500% in 14 days occurred with Zostera present compared with only a 200% increase with no detritus. When NO?3 and PO3-4 were added the weight of an Ulva disc increased by over 800% when Zostera was present but by only 400% in controls. In general penicillin G (475 units/ml) caused a reduction in algal growth in cultures containing detritus. It is concluded that bacteria on the detritus may compete with algae for nutrients but by releasing unknown substances the bacteria promote the growth of Ulva.  相似文献   

Both azadirachtin and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown & Smith have been used to control the whitefly Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, but with only moderate effectiveness. Azadirachtin is a botanical insecticide derived from the neem tree, and P. fumosoroseus is an entomopathogenic fungus. To test whether these two agents might be more effective for whitefly control if used together, different rates of each were combined in laboratory bioassays in factorial treatment. Both tank mixes and separate sprays were tested. Up to 90% nymphal mortality was obtained when both the fungus and azadirachtin were combined, a significant increase over the 70%, or less, mortality obtained when only one agent was used; however, the combined effects were less than additive. Azadirachtin had moderately inhibitory effects on growth and germination of P. firmosoroseus, which may explain this antagonism.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of this study was to compare a recently described medium, thiosulphate-chloride-iodide (TCI), for the isolation of estuarine vibrios with thiosulphate-citrate-bile salts-sucrose (TCBS). METHODS: A total of 492 colonies which developed on these media from estuarine water samples taken monthly over a 10-month period were examined. RESULTS: A much larger number of colonies developed on TCBS than TCI, and minimal taxonomic criteria indicated that a higher percentage (61%) of TCBS colonies could be identified as Vibrio spp. when compared with TCI (46%). SIGNIFICANCE: This study suggests that TCBS is a superior medium when compared with TCI for the isolation of Vibrio spp. from estuarine waters. Because of the public health risk presented by V. vulnificus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae and other vibrios, the selection of the most appropriate medium for their isolation is extremely important.  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊为害(标葱)的空间分布型及其与有效穗关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李自军 《昆虫知识》1994,31(3):135-137
稻瘿蚊为害的空间分布型属聚集分布,田间估计稻瘿蚊为害的最佳取样方法为棋盘法和平行线法,当每丛受害超过1苗时,抽样数量可稳定在151丛以下。标葱率和有效穗相关性测定表明:当标葱率在20%以下时,为害程度与有效穗的多少无显著相关;当标葱率大于20%时,标葱率与有效穗呈显著负相关,每受害加重5%,有效穗将减少0.37个/丛。  相似文献   

AIMS: To formulate the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana in invert emulsion, then apply it against adults of almond bark beetle (Scolytus amygdali) under laboratory and field conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effect of formulated B. bassiana in invert emulsion against S. amygdali adults was shown by comparing the mortality percentage of adults exposed to the formulated fungus using a Petri dish treatment method and by field applications to infested peach trees with mortality of adults exposed to the unformulated fungus or the untreated control. Results obtained from both exposure methods have indicated that treatment of S. amygdali adults with the formulated fungus resulted in a significantly higher mean mortality percentage (P < 0.05) when compared with the treatment with the unformulated fungus or the untreated control. This mortality ranged from 81.2 to 100%, 10 days after treatment with the formulated fungus when compared with 6.7 to 49.6% mortality, 10 days after treatment with the control or the unformulated fungus, respectively. Viability of the fungus conidia in invert emulsion was assessed by calculating the germination percentage of the conidia over time. Results indicated a high storage stability shown by a small loss of germination percentage for the formulated conidia of both strains (5.8 to 8.4% over a 12-week period) vs a low storage stability shown by a high loss of germination percentage for the unformulated conidia of the same strains (58.9 to 61.0% over the same period). The presence of B. bassiana in the galleries of beetles following the treatment of infested trees was shown in the present research. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained have demonstrated a significantly higher level of efficacy of formulated B. bassiana in invert emulsion against S. amygdali adults under laboratory and field conditions. The ingredients of invert emulsion used in the formulation of the fungus had a negligible effect on the viability of formulated conidia when compared with the unformulated. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Results obtained in the present research are promising and may be exploited commercially to control S. amygdali adults on various species of stone fruit trees, especially peach trees. This type of biocontrol of this insect may be used as an alternative means to chemical control for management of the insect. No adverse environmental impacts of the fungus or its formulation have been observed during application.  相似文献   

ES细胞(MESPU13)嵌合体小鼠的GPI分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
吴白燕  冼美薇 《遗传学报》1995,22(5):336-342
为了评判小鼠ES细胞系MESPU13的分化潜能,我们对19只嵌合小鼠的心、肝、脾、肺、肾、胰腺、生殖腺、肌肉和血液的GPI(磷酸葡萄糖异构酶)进行了分析。在这些样品中,来源于ES细胞的A型条带的检出情况和小鼠的毛色嵌合率成正比关系。当毛色嵌合率低于40%时,除了少数小鼠的肾脏外,没有看到A型的条带。当毛色嵌合率大于85%时,几乎所有的器官组织都检测到A型条带,显示了ES细胞在发育形成内、中、外胚层的细胞方面具有很高的分化潜能。另外,在毛色嵌合率大于85%的其中的6只嵌合鼠的肌肉中,只观察到A型的条带,表明这些肌肉只单独来源于ES细胞。  相似文献   

Bismuth complexes have been widely used in clinical treatment as antiulcer drugs. However, different adverse effects have been observed and the diagnosis is generally confirmed by the detection of bismuth in blood or blood plasma. In this study, binding of bismuth to human serum albumin was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy with the binding constant logK(a) to be 11.2. Competitive binding of bismuth to human albumin and transferrin was carried out at pH 7.4 by FPLC and ICP-MS. It was found that over 70% of bismuth binds to transferrin even in the presence of a large excess of albumin (albumin/transferrin=13:1) at pH 7.4, 10 mM bicarbonate. The distribution of bismuth between the two proteins was almost unchanged when Cys(34) of albumin was blocked. However, all bismuth binds to albumin when iron-saturated transferrin was used. Almost all of the bismuth was distributed over the fractions containing transferrin (70%) and albumin (<30%) in serum. The percentage of bismuth associated with transferrin was further increased by 15% with elevated transferrin in serum. Binding of bismuth to transferrin is much stronger than human albumin. Transferrin is probably the major target of bismuth in blood plasma, and it may play a role in the pharmacology of bismuth.  相似文献   

从酵母中提取谷胱甘肽的初步研究   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
周楠迪  李寅 《生物技术》1997,7(4):30-33,48
考察了不同提取方法对从酵母中提取谷胱甘肽(GSH)的影响,热水抽提由于其提取收率高(90%),耗时短(10min)经济性强而明显优于其它提取方法,对732阳离子交换树脂纯化GSH进行了初步研究,主要研究了树脂颗粒大小对提纯GSH的影响,采用60~80目的树脂,GSH收率为57.6%,虽然比80目以上的树脂低10%但前者操作作所需时间只有后者的1/3。  相似文献   

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