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新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情的暴发导致全球迫切需要大量有效的疫苗来应对。mRNA疫苗具有良好的安全性,且研发周期短,成为目前最有潜力的疫苗之一,在传染病和肿瘤研究领域也引发了更多关注。随着技术创新,mRNA不稳定性、翻译效率低等缺点得到较大改善。如何安全高效地将mRNA递送至靶细胞仍是阻碍mRNA研究的一大挑战。综述目前应用于mRNA疫苗体内递送的非病毒载体递送系统,以及mRNA在传染病疫苗和肿瘤疫苗中的应用现状,旨在为mRNA疫苗研发提供参考。  相似文献   

基于信使RNA(messenger RNA, mRNA)的核酸疫苗是近年来兴起的一种mRNA技术。mRNA疫苗比传统疫苗有许多优点,能够实现快速、经济、高效的生产。单个mRNA疫苗可以编码多种抗原,增强对特定病原体的免疫反应,提高疾病的治疗效率,以单一配方针对多种病原微生物或疾病。mRNA疫苗相关技术在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控中被视作一种革命性的疫苗技术,以创纪录的速度完成研发并成功应用。由于mRNA自身稳定性差,新型递送系统的开发与应用至关重要。随着mRNA相关药理学的深入研究,mRNA疫苗的临床应用进入了一个崭新的阶段。近年来。mRNA疫苗在传染性疾病预防、肿瘤治疗等方面获得充分发展并取得了一定的研究成果,对其进行概述并进行一定程度的展望。  相似文献   

mRNA疫苗的开发及临床研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着mRNA稳定性和安全高效的递送系统的研究日渐成熟,近年来,mRNA疫苗在肿瘤个体化疫苗中取得了较大进展,因其生产工艺简单、在细胞内表达抗原、安全性优于DNA疫苗等特点,是一种很有前途的新型疫苗。为了解全球mRNA疫苗的开发与研究现状,在此重点对mRNA疫苗的分子设计、递送系统、临床研究现状进行了分析和综述,为后续mRNA疫苗的开发和研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

以新冠mRNA疫苗为代表的mRNA药物在新冠疫情中发挥重要的作用.而在后疫情时代, mRNA技术的应用范围不断被扩展.环形RNA比线性mRNA有更高的稳定性,有望提供比mRNA更大的治疗窗口,因此作为新一代的mRNA药物平台有广泛应用前景.同时环形RNA的设计与生产、载体选择与制备以及递送选择等方面,也有很多技术特色和挑战.本文对于环形RNA的体内外合成、翻译调控以及递送和应用各方面进行简要的总结和讨论.期望对关心环形RNA技术应用的读者有所参考和启发.未来研究中,环形RNA技术将向着提高表达和递送效率,以及降低其天然免疫原性的方向来进行优化.  相似文献   

自我复制型mRNA是一种灵活的疫苗平台,该平台的开发基于甲病毒表达载体,其中复制必需基因得以完整保留,而结构蛋白基因则被来自病原的抗原基因替换。由于避免了病原培养、毒力返强和现存免疫的干扰,使其成为疫苗快速设计的理想平台。大量研究数据显示,此类疫苗可应用在人、小鼠、兔、猪、禽甚至鱼类体内诱导体液免疫和细胞免疫。过去,自我复制mRNA疫苗的研究采用重组单载体的模式,基因组骨架来源于辛德毕斯病毒、塞姆利基森林病毒和委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒。现在,反式复制型RNA和核酸修饰的反式复制型RNA作为下一代技术平台被寄予厚望。对基于甲病毒表达载体的mRNA疫苗技术的研究进展进行概述,重点介绍针对以流感病毒、新型冠状病毒和寨卡病毒等为代表的自我复制型mRNA疫苗研究现状,并探讨了该技术平台的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

自我复制型mRNA是一种灵活的疫苗平台,该平台的开发基于甲病毒表达载体,其中复制必需基因得以完整保留,而结构蛋白基因则被来自病原的抗原基因替换。由于避免了病原培养、毒力返强和现存免疫的干扰,使其成为疫苗快速设计的理想平台。大量研究数据显示,此类疫苗可应用在人、小鼠、兔、猪、禽甚至鱼类体内诱导体液免疫和细胞免疫。过去,自我复制mRNA疫苗的研究采用重组单载体的模式,基因组骨架来源于辛德毕斯病毒、塞姆利基森林病毒和委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒。现在,反式复制型RNA和核酸修饰的反式复制型RNA作为下一代技术平台被寄予厚望。对基于甲病毒表达载体的mRNA疫苗技术的研究进展进行概述,重点介绍针对以流感病毒、新型冠状病毒和寨卡病毒等为代表的自我复制型mRNA疫苗研究现状,并探讨了该技术平台的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

信使RNA(messenger RNA,mRNA)是一段编码蛋白质的核糖核苷酸序列,因为其进入细胞经翻译修饰后可以表达目的蛋白,所以mRNA分子可以作为药物治疗相应的疾病。mRNA药物用于治疗多种疾病,包括感染性疾病、肿瘤,以及由于缺少某种蛋白质或者某种蛋白质机能异常所引起的疾病,甚至作为基因编辑的工具参与基因治疗。mRNA分子作为疫苗用于预防感染性疾病已经在市场上取得了巨大的成功,因此其应用潜力得到了广泛的关注。由于mRNA药物应用方向广泛,且mRNA药物具有研发生产过程快、生产成本较低等优势,目前多种mRNA药物的相关研究正在进行中。就mRNA的基础结构、mRNA的递送系统、国内外mRNA药物的研究及临床进程进行综述,并对进一步广泛应用mRNA药物所面临的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

2023年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予医学家卡塔琳·卡里科(Katalin Karikó)和德鲁·韦斯曼(Drew Weissman),以表彰他们在核苷碱基修饰方面的发现,这些修饰的发现对于开发针对严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-CoV-2)的有效mRNA疫苗至关重要。疫苗接种是预防感染性疾病最经济最有效的措施。到目前为止,疫苗已经从灭活疫苗、重组蛋白疫苗进入到了第三代核酸疫苗。两位科学家的研究发现,掺入修饰碱基的体外转录mRNA可以逃避不良的免疫激活,解决了体外转录的mRNA过度引起炎症反应的问题;进一步的研究发现,含假尿苷的mRNA能更有效地进行翻译。同时 德鲁·韦斯曼对于递送系统的研究与发展也做出了重要贡献。新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)爆发后,以两位科学家的研究为基础,mRNA疫苗的研发技术体系被完善,在COVID-19疫情期间为人类抗击SARS-CoV-2起到非常重要的作用。本文介绍了疫苗发展的过程、mRNA疫苗中重要的核苷酸修饰和脂质纳米颗粒技术、针对SARS-CoV-2的mRNA疫苗以及技术发展的总结与展望。  相似文献   

2019年,全球暴发了严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2型(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)疫情。由SARS-CoV-2引起的传染病(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19)具有极强的传染性及较高的病死率,对人类健康及经济发展造成了极大伤害。疫苗接种是预防和控制SARS-CoV-2传播的主要途径。信使RNA(mRNA)疫苗因具有制备简单、生产周期短、细胞毒性较小等优点而备受关注;最重要的是,mRNA容易实现量产,是应对突发疫情的重要手段之一。在此将对mRNA疫苗及其作用机制、递送载体以及给药方式等进行综述,旨在为mRNA疫苗研发工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus -2 (SARS-CoV-2), has impacted human lives in the most profound ways with millions of infections and deaths. Scientists and pharmaceutical companies have been in race to produce vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. Vaccine generation usually demands years of developing and testing for efficacy and safety. However, it only took less than one year to generate two mRNA vaccines from their development to deployment. The rapid production time, cost-effectiveness, versatility in vaccine design, and clinically proven ability to induce cellular and humoral immune response have crowned mRNA vaccines with spotlights as most promising vaccine candidates in the fight against the pandemic. In this review, we discuss the general principles of mRNA vaccine design and working mechanisms of the vaccines, and provide an up-to-date summary of pre-clinical and clinical trials on seven anti-COVID-19 mRNA candidate vaccines, with the focus on the two mRNA vaccines already licensed for vaccination. In addition, we highlight the key strategies in designing mRNA vaccines to maximize the expression of immunogens and avoid intrinsic innate immune response. We also provide some perspective for future vaccine development against COVID-19 and other pathogens.  相似文献   

动物疫病流行广泛、传播迅速,严重危害养殖业的发展。疫苗接种是预防和控制动物传染病最有效的策略之一。目前,随着生物技术的发展和疫病防控的需要,安全、高效、广谱、用量少、具有标记特征的新型疫苗成为研发重点。文中就近年来出现的黏膜疫苗、长效与速效疫苗、嵌合疫苗、纳米颗粒疫苗等新概念动物疫苗的发展、应用及优缺点进行了评述,并提出了其发展方向,以期为动物疫苗的研发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The shared diseases between animals and humans are known as zoonotic diseases and spread infectious diseases among humans. Zoonotic diseases are not only a major burden to livestock industry but also threaten humans accounting for >60% cases of human illness. About 75% of emerging infectious diseases in humans have been reported to originate from zoonotic pathogens. Because antibiotics are frequently used to protect livestock from bacterial diseases, the development of antibiotic‐resistant strains of epidemic and zoonotic pathogens is now a major concern. Live attenuated and killed vaccines are the only option to control these infectious diseases and this approach has been used since 1890. However, major problems with this approach include high cost and injectable vaccines is impractical for >20 billion poultry animals or fish in aquaculture. Plants offer an attractive and affordable platform for vaccines against animal diseases because of their low cost, and they are free of attenuated pathogens and cold chain requirement. Therefore, several plant‐based vaccines against human and animals diseases have been developed recently that undergo clinical and regulatory approval. Plant‐based vaccines serve as ideal booster vaccines that could eliminate multiple boosters of attenuated bacteria or viruses, but requirement of injectable priming with adjuvant is a current limitation. So, new approaches like oral vaccines are needed to overcome this challenge. In this review, we discuss the progress made in plant‐based vaccines against zoonotic or other animal diseases and future challenges in advancing this field.  相似文献   

The messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines have progressed from a theoretical concept to a clinical reality over the last few decades. Compared to conventional vaccination methods, these vaccines have a number of benefits, such as substantial potency, rapid growth, inexpensive production, and safe administration. Nevertheless, their usefulness was restricted up to now due to worries about the erratic and ineffective circulation of mRNA in vivo. Thankfully, these worries have largely been allayed by recent technological developments, which have led to the creation of multiple mRNA vaccination platforms for cancer and viral infections. The mRNA vaccines have been demonstrated as a powerful alternative to traditional conventional vaccines because of their high potency, safety and efficacy, capacity for rapid clinical development, and potential for rapid, low-cost manufacturing. The paper will examine the present status of mRNA vaccine technology and suggest future paths for the advancement and application of this exciting vaccine platform as a common therapeutic choice.  相似文献   

正Coronaviruses are large, enveloped, positive-strand RNA viruses. Several coronaviruses are pathogenic in humans,including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus(SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus(MERS-CoV) and this novel virus, SARS-CoV-2,  相似文献   

Infectious diseases represent a continuously growing menace that has severe impact on health of the people worldwide, particularly in the developing countries. Therefore, novel prevention and treatment strategies are urgently needed to reduce the rate of these diseases in humans. For this reason, different options can be considered for the production of affordable vaccines. Plants have been proved as an alternative expression system for various compounds of biological importance. Particularly, plastid genetic engineering can be potentially used as a tool for cost-effective vaccine production. Antigenic proteins from different viruses and bacteria have been expressed in plastids. Initial immunological studies of chloroplast-derived vaccines have yielded promising results in animal models. However, because of certain limitations, these vaccines face many challenges on production and application level. Adaptations to the novel approaches are needed, which comprise codon usage and choice of proven expression cassettes for the optimal yield of expressed proteins, use of inducible systems, marker gene removal, selection of specific antigens with high immunogenicity and development of tissue culture systems for edible crops to prove the concept of low-cost edible vaccines. As various aspects of plant-based vaccines have been discussed in recent reviews, here we will focus on certain aspects of chloroplast transformation related to vaccine production against human diseases.  相似文献   

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