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微藻废水生物处理技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微藻因生长速率快、细胞脂质含量高及具有生物隔离二氧化碳能力,已作为新一代生物质能源受到广泛关注.然而,投入大量淡水资源并需在生长期间持续提供营养物质已成为规模化培育微藻的主要障碍.将微藻培育系统与废水处理相结合是经济可行的污水资源化方案.基于微藻生长期间对氮磷等营养物质的利用机制,本文综述了微藻在各类废水生物处理过程中的应用情况,着重分析了其对废水中有机与无机化合物、重金属以及病原体的去除或抑制能力.同时,考察了废水初始营养物浓度、光照、温度、pH与盐度以及气体交换量等环境因素对微藻生长代谢的影响.此外,结合微藻规模化应用所面临的问题,对微藻废水处理技术的应用前景及发展方向进行了展望,旨在为水生态系统的建设与管理提供参考.  相似文献   

当前规模化畜禽养殖业排放含有大量氮磷、重金属和有机污染物的粪污废水,导致生态环境遭受严重的污染,治理畜禽废水的任务迫在眉睫。由于传统畜禽废水处理方式及应用存在较多不足,基于微藻生物技术处理废水的研究得到越来越多的关注。微藻是一种广泛存在于水体中的单细胞生物,具有高效的脱氮除磷及纳污能力,其主要利用同化作用吸附污水中的氮,通过磷酸化作用吸附、沉降磷,依靠细胞膜上的官能团对重金属进行富集。基于以上生理基础,大多数微藻的氮磷吸附率和重金属富集率可以高达80%。目前微藻对畜禽废水污染组分的处理的研究主要集中在氮磷、重金属,实际应用方式多为高效藻类塘、活性藻、固定化技术、光生物反应器等。但是微藻处理畜禽废水仍存在分子机理研究较少,生产实际经验不足等问题。基于微藻处理畜禽废水的机理,通过综述若干微藻去除氮磷、重金属等污染物的效率,总结国内外微藻废水处理技术的研究及存在问题,展望了微藻废水工程发展前景。  相似文献   

微藻可以高效利用废水中的部分小分子有机质、氮和磷等污染物合成生物质,并达到处理废水的目的。近年来,利用微藻进行农业废水、工业废水、城市废水和含农药以及抗生素等有害废水的处理等有了一些新的尝试。本文中,笔者重点分析了微藻处理废水中藻种选育、藻菌共培养、藻菌絮体、工艺集成和反应器设计以及可持续综合开发等关键技术问题。其中,藻菌共培养可以发挥微藻和菌的各自优势,提高废水处理效率。藻菌絮体技术还具有便于采收的特点,具备进一步研究的潜力。针对不同废水的处理需求,笔者提出合理构建绿色可持续发展路线,推动微藻处理废水的更广泛应用。  相似文献   

微藻在废水处理方面有着很好的开发潜能和极大的优势,在去除氮、磷、富集重金属和降解有毒有机物质的同时,还能作为食品添加原料和养殖饲料等。重点针对微藻的特点及类型、水处理体系的优缺点、废水中的应用及氮磷的去除、重金属离子的富集和难降解有机物的降解机理进行了介绍,并阐述了微藻处理废水中存在的问题及展望了该领域今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

微藻是能以自养模式固定二氧化碳,生成生物能源的原料,对可持续发展具有重要意义。微藻也能以异养模式生长,用于废水处理和积累高附加值物质。目前,微藻收获的成本占总成本的20%~30%。微藻收获技术已经成为研究热点。本文从文献计量的角度分析了各国微藻收获的研究进展以及我国的研究现状,并展望了微藻收获技术发展趋势,为进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

微藻作为一种有巨大应用前景的生物质资源,在环境保护、废水处理和清洁能源等领域广泛应用。但是微藻采收成本过高严重限制了微藻产业的发展,因此,寻找一种经济、环保、高效的采收技术对促进微藻产业的发展具有十分重要的意义。本文分析了常用微藻采收技术的优缺点,包括离心分离、沉降、过滤、浮选和絮凝技术,重点论述絮凝技术在微藻采收方面的研究进展,以期为微藻高效、低成本采收方案的选择及其研究方向提供参考。  相似文献   

城市生活废水用于产油微藻培养   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
将废水与产油微藻培养结合起来,可以实现废水的无害化处理,还可为微藻的培养提供营养组分和大量水源。利用高产油栅藻,以城市生活废水为水源,在气泡柱式光反应器中,考察了添加不同营养组分对栅藻细胞的生长、生物质产量、总脂含量以及氮磷的去除情况的影响。结果表明:生活废水非常适合于产油微藻的培养,利用生活废水进行微藻培养中,仅需补充添加无机氮、无机磷、柠檬酸铁铵以及微量元素。但这些营养组分的加入量对藻细胞的生长、生物量和油脂积累有重要影响。在优化的废水培养基中微藻细胞浓度可达8.0 g/L左右,远高于标准BG11培养基5.0 g/L的水平。微藻细胞对于无机氮与磷有着高的吸收能力,在废水中加入185.25 mg/L以下无机氮,16.1 mg/L以下无机磷的条件下培养3~4 d后,培养液水体中未检测到有氮磷残留。由此表明利用城市生活废水培养含油微藻可以在获得微藻油脂产品的同时实现水体的无害化处理。  相似文献   

微藻被认为是一种有潜力的、可被开发为再生能源的重要生物材料。一些微藻种类具有较强的异养和混养能力,能直接利用有机物作为碳源。工农业生产和城市生活中所排放的废水中通常含有大量的有机碳、氮、磷等营养物质。利用废水培养微藻,一方面可以将废水中的碳、氮、磷等营养物质转化为具有更高价值的微藻生物质,另一方面又可实现废水的净化和营养物质的再利用。本综述了不同种类废水的特点,讨论了两类微藻培养模式的优劣,同时还探讨了微藻对营养元素的利用,并总结了微藻培养需突破的瓶颈。  相似文献   

经济微藻高密度培养技术及其生物资源化利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济微藻富含不饱和脂肪酸、蛋白质、碳水化合物等多种生物活性物质, 可以应用于食品加工业、水产养殖业、医药与美容业、废水处理环保业和生物能源业等各行业。开发和利用微藻生物资源将是解决人类能源需求的重要途径, 微藻产业化的发展进程与社会经济、生态环境和人类健康有密切的关系。微藻高密度培养是提高微藻生物质产量和活性代谢产物, 发展生物质能源的关键环节。论文综述了微藻的社会经济价值, 指出了其在能源、食品、水产等行业的重要作用; 介绍了开放式培养和封闭式培养的两大类技术体系, 比较分析了柱状光反应器、平板光反应器和管状光反应器的特点; 概括了影响经济微藻生长和油脂含量的主要因素, 包括光照、温度、pH、营养元素等, 最后展望了经济微藻培养及其生物资源化利用的前景。  相似文献   

基于微藻的水产养殖废水处理技术研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
摘要:利用微藻处理水产养殖废水是一项污水资源化生物技术。近年来,国内外开展了大量有关藻类培养和废水处理的研究,发展了藻类处理技术,包括藻类塘、活性藻、固定化藻类、光生物反应器。本文综述了微藻净化水产养殖废?水的原理、研究成果及应用实例,并对今后的研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

Owing to certain drawbacks, such as energy-intensive operations in conventional modes of wastewater treatment (WWT), there has been an extensive search for alternative strategies in treatment technology. Biological modes for treating wastewaters are one of the finest technologies in terms of economy and efficiency. An integrated biological approach with chemical flocculation is being conventionally practiced in several-sewage and effluent treatment plants around the world. Overwhelming responsiveness to treat wastewaters especially by using microalgae is due to their simplest photosynthetic mechanism and ease of acclimation to various habitats. Microalgal technology, also known as phycoremediation, has been in use for WWT since 1950s. Various strategies for the cultivation of microalgae in WWT systems are evolving faster. However, the availability of innovative approaches for maximizing the treatment efficiency, coupled with biomass productivity, remains the major bottleneck for commercialization of microalgal technology. Investment costs and invasive parameters also delimit the use of microalgae in WWT. This review critically discusses the merits and demerits of microalgal cultivation strategies recently developed for maximum pollutant removal as well as biomass productivity. Also, the potential of algal biofilm technology in pollutant removal, and harvesting the microalgal biomass using different techniques have been highlighted. Finally, an economic assessment of the currently available methods has been made to validate microalgal cultivation in wastewater at the commercial level.  相似文献   

微藻的生产过程可以实现能源生产、废水净化和CO2减排的高度耦合,在能源危机日益紧张、环境问题日趋严峻的今天,微藻的开发利用具有重要的研究价值和经济、社会效益。制约微藻产业化的瓶颈问题是采收成本过高,一种经济合理的采收方法不但可以大大降低生产成本,还可以奠定微藻产业化发展的基础。本文对目前应用较为普遍的微藻采收方法进行了介绍,重点阐述了絮凝法采收微藻,以期对微藻的低成本高效率采收以及产业化发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

The use of organic matter such as vegetable oil to produce biodiesel fuel has been a practical technology for a number of years. However, the search for new technologies and raw materials for biodiesel fuel production has gained increased attention recently because of financial and environmental concerns. Of particular interest are raw materials that are not food-related. Microalgae have gained a great deal of attention as a potential biodiesel raw material because of their high growth rates and ability to accumulate oil, bind carbon dioxide, and remove contaminants from wastewater. This article is a literature review of technologies for biodiesel production from microalgae. The technologies relate to microalgal cultivation, microalgal growth enhancement to simultaneously increase biomass and reduce pollution, the preparation of microalgal biomass for biodiesel production, and biodiesel production itself.  相似文献   

藻类胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances, EPS)是一种复杂的高分子聚合物,主要由多糖、蛋白质等物质组成。由于EPS具有独特的结构、大的比表面积及含有大量官能团等物理-化学特性,使其在污水处理及微藻生物质的絮凝回收等方面都有着非常重要的作用。本文系统介绍了EPS的组成及特性,重点论述了影响藻类EPS产生的生物因素及非生物因素,如光照、营养盐、pH及温度等,并对EPS在污水处理及生物絮凝方面的应用进行了总结。对藻类EPS产生机制及机理的深入研究有望为微藻提供更广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Untreated wastewaters have been a great concern and can cause major pollution problems for environment. Conventional approaches for treating wastewater involve tremendous capital cost, have major short comings and are not sustainable. Microalgae culture offers an interesting step for wastewater treatment. Microalgae serve the dual purpose of phycoremediation along with the production of potentially valuable biomass, which can be used for several purposes. The ability of microalgae to accumulate nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals and other toxic compounds can be integrated with wastewater treatment system to offer an elegant solution towards tertiary and quaternary treatment. The current review explores possible role of microalgal based wastewater treatment and explores the current progress, key challenges, limitations and future prospects with special emphasis on strategies involved in harvesting, boosting biomass and lipid yield.  相似文献   

污水资源化、二氧化碳减排及微藻生物柴油是当前能源与环境领域的前沿课题。以下围绕污水及烟道气资源化培养产油微藻的培养体系,就藻种、营养条件、培养方式、培养环境及微藻生物反应器等影响产油微藻培养的因素研究进展进行了综述。在综述的基础上提出:由于微藻具有特殊营养方式,通过藻种筛选、微藻营养条件和培养环境的优化以及高效光生物反应器和生产工艺等的创新,可利用污水进行产油微藻生产,以获得生物柴油等高附加值产品,实现微藻生物能源、污水资源化处理和CO2减排三者高度耦合的产油微藻生产体系,从而减少微藻培养费用及污水处理费用,因此,该体系具有重要的环境、社会、经济价值和商业化应用前景。  相似文献   

藻类对垃圾填埋场渗滤液的净化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用PCR及序列测定的方法,对两个分别分离自广州市李坑垃圾填埋场的渗滤液收集塘以及广州市郊的一个普通池塘的藻类种群的rDNA ITS区进行了序列的测定和分析,结果证实两者均为蛋白核小球藻,分别记作Chlorella pyrenoidosa(LK)和Chlorella pyrenoidosa(P)。将上述两个藻类种群的纯培养液分别接种至一系列不同浓度的垃圾渗滤液中,以研究它们在渗滤液中的生长,对渗滤液的耐性以及对渗滤液中污染物的去除等差异。结果表明,藻类的生长在10%的渗滤液中都得到一定的促进,而在更高浓度的渗滤液中则受到抑制,但C.pryenoidosa(LK)在经过一段时间的适应后,对30%的渗滤液表现出较强的耐性。藻类的生长使垃圾渗滤液中的NH3-N,PO4-P和COD等污染物的含量显著下降,而NO3-N含量下降不明显。  相似文献   

Sustainable, clean, renewable energy without negotiating contiguous environment is a challenging task mainly comprises of natural resource management which involves operational efficiency, waste minimisation and energy recovery. Disposal of untreated industrial wastewater with chemical nutrients especially compounds containing nitrogen and phosphorous lead to eutrophication and related environmental issues that affect the recycling processes of bio system. Biotransformation of pollutants using microalgae has proven to be proficient and economic method of wastewater treatment due to their adaptability of growing in various wastewater streams and also useful in the process of CO2 fixation. Moreover this technology has the competence of producing bio fuels as an alternative energy resource in the form of bio diesel, bio ethanol and biogas. In this review paper, the applicability of microalgae cultivation in industrial wastewater treatment has been discussed extensively including the processes involved, influencing operational parameters such as study mode, cultivation mode and time, method of aeration, pH and intensity of light. Further, the cultivation methods, harvesting techniques involved in the treatment process have been presented. In addition, the analysis on removal efficiency of algal treatment, biomass productivity and lipid content of the cultivated biomass has been discussed widely which possibly will be helpful in adopting the process integration in industrial wastewater treatment with bio energy production.  相似文献   

There is currently a renewed interest in developing microalgae as a source of renewable energy and fuel. Microalgae hold great potential as a source of biomass for the production of energy and fungible liquid transportation fuels. However, the technologies required for large-scale cultivation, processing, and conversion of microalgal biomass to energy products are underdeveloped. Microalgae offer several advantages over traditional 'first-generation' biofuels crops like corn: these include superior biomass productivity, the ability to grow on poor-quality land unsuitable for agriculture, and the potential for sustainable growth by extracting macro- and micronutrients from wastewater and industrial flue-stack emissions. Integrating microalgal cultivation with municipal wastewater treatment and industrial CO(2) emissions from coal-fired power plants is a potential strategy to produce large quantities of biomass, and represents an opportunity to develop, test, and optimize the necessary technologies to make microalgal biofuels more cost-effective and efficient. However, many constraints on the eventual deployment of this technology must be taken into consideration and mitigating strategies developed before large scale microalgal cultivation can become a reality. As a strategy for CO(2) biomitigation from industrial point source emitters, microalgal cultivation can be limited by the availability of land, light, and other nutrients like N and P. Effective removal of N and P from municipal wastewater is limited by the processing capacity of available microalgal cultivation systems. Strategies to mitigate against the constraints are discussed.  相似文献   

Microalgae have the ability to mitigate CO2 emission and produce oil with a high productivity, thereby having the potential for applications in producing the third-generation of biofuels. The key technologies for producing microalgal biofuels include identification of preferable culture conditions for high oil productivity, development of effective and economical microalgae cultivation systems, as well as separation and harvesting of microalgal biomass and oil. This review presents recent advances in microalgal cultivation, photobioreactor design, and harvesting technologies with a focus on microalgal oil (mainly triglycerides) production. The effects of different microalgal metabolisms (i.e., phototrophic, heterotrophic, mixotrophic, and photoheterotrophic growth), cultivation systems (emphasizing the effect of light sources), and biomass harvesting methods (chemical/physical methods) on microalgal biomass and oil production are compared and critically discussed. This review aims to provide useful information to help future development of efficient and commercially viable technology for microalgae-based biodiesel production.  相似文献   

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