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闫喜中  谢佼昕  邓彩萍  郝赤 《昆虫学报》2021,64(11):1252-1260
【目的】明确小菜蛾Plutella xylostella成虫喙管感器的形态结构及感器神经元的投射。【方法】利用扫描电子显微镜观察小菜蛾成虫喙管结构和感器,利用神经回填技术和激光共聚焦显微镜观察喙管感器神经元在脑部的投射。【结果】小菜蛾成虫喙管上存在毛形感器(两种亚型)、腔锥形感器、锥形感器、刺形感器和栓锥形感器5种不同类型的感器。毛形感器表面光滑,分布于外颚叶外侧,可分为毛形感器Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种亚型,其中Ⅰ型比Ⅱ型长;锥形感器分布于喙管外表面,由一个感觉锥和一个短的圆形基座组成;腔锥形感器仅分布于食管内侧,只有一个粗短感觉锥而无基座;刺形感器由一个细长的感觉毛和一个圆形基座组成,表面无孔,分布于喙管的外表面;栓锥形感器是昆虫喙管上最典型的感受器,集中分布于喙管顶端区域,感器顶部凹腔伸出一个单感觉锥。此外,喙管上的感觉和运动神经元投射到初级味觉中枢咽下神经节。【结论】本研究阐明了小菜蛾成虫喙管感器的类型、分布和形态特征及其感器神经元在脑部的投射形态,为深入了解小菜蛾喙管感器的生理和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

触角和下唇须是昆虫头部的重要感觉器官,其上被有多种类型的感器。宽胫夜蛾Protoschinia scutosa是一种重要的农业害虫,但其触角和下唇须感器研究较少。本研究利用扫描电子显微镜观察了宽胫夜蛾的触角和下唇须感器的类型、分布和超微形态。宽胫夜蛾的雌雄触角均为丝状,雌虫触角鞭节明显短于雄虫。雌雄触角均分布有8种类型感器,分别为Bhm氏鬃毛、鳞形感器、毛形感器、刺形感器、耳形感器、锥形感器、腔锥形感器和栓锥形感器。其中,毛形感器数量最多,且雄性毛形感器的数量明显多于雌性。宽胫夜蛾的下唇须为长管状,雌雄下唇须长度无显著差异。共观察到5种类型感器,即毛形感器、钟形感器、鳞形感器、刺形感器和棒形感器。毛形感器分布在下唇须基部第1节和端部第3节的陷窝器内,钟形感器位于第1节毛形感器簇之中,鳞形感器在各节均有分布,刺形感器和棒形感器只见于第3节。并对宽胫夜蛾的触角和下唇须感器的功能进行初步的推测和讨论。为昆虫感器功能分析、分类学和行为学研究提供依据。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾头部感器的电镜扫描结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用扫描电镜系统观察并描述了苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)成虫及幼虫触角上及口器上的感器。主要研究结果如下:1)苹果蠹蛾成虫触角背面密布鳞片,感器很少,腹面和侧面鳞片稀疏,具大量感器;2)触角上的感器大部分分布于鞭节各节,少部分分布于柄节和梗节;3)雄虫触角上着生10种感器,雌虫触角上着生9种感器,与雄虫相比,雌虫缺少鳞形感器;4)雄虫口器具鳞形感器和刺形感器,雌虫口器仅具刺形感器;5)幼虫触角3节,基节无感器,第2节具2刺形感器且其分布位置存在个体差异,端节端部具呈三角状排列的3个栓锥感器;6)幼虫口器具一定数量和不同形态的感器。  相似文献   

灰茶尺蠖成虫触角及幼虫头部感器超微结构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【目的】明确灰茶尺蠖Ectropis grisescens成虫触角及幼虫头部感器的种类、形态、数量和分布,以探讨灰茶尺蠖的行为机制。【方法】利用扫描电镜技术观察灰茶尺蠖雌、雄成虫触角和5龄幼虫头部感器的超微结构。【结果】灰茶尺蠖成虫触角上分布有8种感器,分别是栓锥形感器、耳形感器、毛形感器(Ⅰ-Ⅳ)、B?hm氏鬃毛、腔锥形感器(Ⅰ和Ⅱ)、鳞形感器、锥形感器(Ⅰ和Ⅱ)和刺形感器。其中,栓锥形感器仅分布在雌蛾触角上,耳形感器、毛形感器(STⅠ-Ⅲ)仅分布在雄虫触角上。5龄幼虫触角上着生1个栓锥形感器、1个锥形感器和2个刺形感器;上唇着生有6对刺形感器,内唇着生有3对刺形感器和1对指形感器;上颚基部外侧着生有2个刺形感器;下颚及下颚须着生有5个刺形感器、9个锥形感器和2个栓锥形感器;下唇须着生有1个锥形感器和1个刺形感器;吐丝器前端着生有1对刺形感器。【结论】灰茶尺蠖雌、雄成虫触角感器存在性二型性,且雄虫上感器种类和数量较多,据此推测雄虫感受寄主植物或性信息素的能力较强;幼虫头部感器具有嗅觉和味觉功能,在其判断食物的种类和适应性等生态行为中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜对微红梢斑螟雌、雄成虫触角的外部形态及感器进行观察,结果表明,微红梢斑螟雌、雄成虫触角共观察到10类感器.其中,毛形感器(Ⅰ、Ⅱ型)、刺形感器(Ⅰ、Ⅱ型)、耳性感器、腔锥形感器、Bǒhm氏鬃毛共7类感器在雌、雄虫触角上均有分布;而栓锥形感器仅在雌虫触角上被发现,钟形感器和鳞形感器这2类感器仅在雄虫触角上被发...  相似文献   

黑肩绿盲蝽Cyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter是稻飞虱重要天敌之一.为分析黑肩绿盲蝽成虫生殖器上与生殖有关的感器类型,本文通过扫描电镜对黑肩绿盲蝽雌成虫交配孔和产卵器,雄成虫交配器感器分布进行了观察.结果表明,黑肩绿盲蝽雌成虫交配孔有毛形感器Ⅱ(TSⅡ)和锥形感器Ⅱ(BSⅡ)2种感器;产卵器上有毛形感器Ⅰ(TS Ⅰ)、刺形感器(CHS)、凹状感器(DS)、锥形感器Ⅰ(BS Ⅰ)等4种感器;雄成虫交配器上有毛形感器Ⅰ(TS Ⅰ)、二叉状感器(DIS)、刺形感器(CHS)、凹状感器(DS)、钟形感器(CAS)、栓锥形感器Ⅰ(SS Ⅰ)、栓锥形感器Ⅱ(SSⅡ)和腔形感器(CS)等8种感器.研究结果为揭示黑肩绿盲蝽外生殖器上感器在其交配和产卵过程中的作用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

【目的】明确茶谷蛾成虫触角上感器的种类、数量、分布及形态结构。【方法】利用扫描电镜分别对茶谷蛾雌、雄成虫触角上各类感器的超微结构进行观察。【结果】茶谷蛾触角上共分布8种感器,类型分别为B?hm氏鬃毛(2种亚型)、鳞形感器、刺形感器(2种亚型)、腔锥形感器、栓锥形感器、锥形感器、毛形感器(4种亚型)、舌形感器。【结论】茶谷蛾雌、雄成虫触角感器存在性二型性,雌雄蛾感器种类相同,但在感器亚型和数量上,雄蛾多于雌蛾。研究结果将为茶谷蛾通讯及行为机制的研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

越北腹露蝗触角感器的扫描电镜观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)对越北腹露蝗FruhstorferiolatonkinensisWill.触角的外部形态进行观察的结果表明,蝗蝻和成虫触角均分布有以下6种感器,毛形感器、刺形感器、锥形感器、栓锥形感器、腔锥形感器和Bhm氏鬃毛,其中锥形感器有长、短锥之分,腔锥形感器有Ⅰ、Ⅱ型之分。芽孢形感器、盾形感器和钟形感器只限于蝗蝻的触角。成虫触角鞭节末端长锥形感器数量多于蝗蝻;而蝗蝻触角鞭节末端短锥形感器数量多于成虫。成虫触角从第9节开始,蝗蝻触角从第11节开始锥形感器和腔锥形感器的数量明显增多。  相似文献   

山茱萸蛀果蛾幼虫触角和口器感器的超微形态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈静  花保祯 《昆虫学报》2014,57(1):133-140
【目的】探索寄主范围不同的蛀果蛾科(Carposinidae)幼虫感器之间是否存在差异。【方法】采用扫描电子显微镜观察了为害山茱萸Cornus officinalis Sieb. et Zucc.的单食性蛀果害虫--山茱萸蛀果蛾Carposina coreana Kim老熟幼虫触角和口器感器的超微形态。【结果】山茱萸蛀果蛾幼虫触角柄节未见感器分布, 梗节上有2个刺形感器和3个锥形感器, 鞭节上有1个栓锥感器和3个锥形感器。口器上共有6种感器: 刺形感器数量多, 分布广; 栓锥感器主要分布在颚叶、 下颚须和下唇须上; 指形感器位于内唇和下颚须端节侧缘; 锥形感器和板形感器仅存在于下颚上; 内唇感器为内唇所特有。【结论】蛀果蛾幼虫触角和口器的感器与寄主范围之间未发现严格的对应关系。  相似文献   

螺旋粉虱成虫触角的感器   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用环境扫描电镜(ESEM)对螺旋粉虱Aleurodicus dispersus Russell雌雄成虫触角感器的外部形态结构数量和分布进行观察。结果表明螺旋粉虱成虫触角存在着以下5种感器,即毛形感器、板状感器、腔锥感器、刚毛形感器和锥形感器。腔锥感器仅在雌成虫触角中发现。雌、雄虫的板状感器和锥形感器数量差异不显著。本文试图确定螺旋粉虱成虫触角感器的功能,以了解该粉虱寄主选择行为的嗅觉基础。  相似文献   

Using the electro-physiological technique, the sensory mechanisms of maxillary sensilla styloconica to stimulants and deterrents were explored on two closely related species, the generalist Helicoverpa armigera and the specialist H. assulta. The results showed that: (i) in both species, cells sensitive to sucrose and azadirachtin were mainly in the lateral sensillum styloconicum, and those to inositol were in the medial sensillum styloconicum; (ii) sensitivity of medial sensillum styloconicum in H. assulta to inositol was higher than that in H. armigera; (iii) among 6 tested deterrents, only azadirachtin evoked high impulse discharge from the lateral sensillum styloconicum in both insects; (iv) the deterrents could disturb stimulants evoking impulse discharge from maxillary sensilla styloconica of both species in different degrees: To sucrose evoking impulses on lateral sensillum styloconicum, for H. armigera capsaicin had a strong inhibition and gossypol had a weak inhibition, while for H. assulta tann  相似文献   

Comparative morphology of the butterfly proboscis and its sensilla — a contribution to the phylogenetic systematics of Papilionoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) The morphology of the proboscis was investigated in more than 70 European representatives of Papilionoidea using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The composition of the proboscis wall, its surface structures, as well as the shape and distribution of the different types of sensilla are compared. Special attention is given to the tip region and the diversity of the sensilla styloconica. Plesiomorphic features of the proboscis of Papilionoidea were found to include vertically extended exocuticular ribs composing the galeal wall, cuticular spines restricted to the ventral side of the proximal galea, and two rows of fluted sensilla styloconica restricted to the tip region. Apomorphic features of the proboscis in Papilionidae are three rows of small sensilla styloconica. The presence of cuticular spines all over the galeae was identified as an autapomorphy of Pieridae. Possible apomorphies of Nymphalidae are oblique exocuticular ribs of the galeal wall and the great number and length of the sensilla styloconica (significant at p < 0.01, t-test). A possible synapomorphy of Lycaenidae and Riodinidae are cuticlar spines up to the distal galeae. Distinct transformation series of sensilla styloconica give evidence that divergent evolutionary trends led from fluted shafts to a multitude of other shapes in Papilionidae, Nymphalidae (sensu lato), and Lycaenidae. Long smooth-shafted, club-shaped sensilla styloconica, bearing apical spines, are found in Nymphalinae, Apaturinae and Limenitidinae. Highly derived sensilla styloconica evolved in Heliconiinae and Melitaeini, which are arranged in only one row in both taxa. Their shafts are smooth, flattened and bear an excentral sensory cone. Further apomorphic character states are dented flutes which evolved several times, independently from each other in Satyrinae, Lycaeninae and Riodinidae. The results are discussed in a systematical context and provide the basis for a better understanding of the function of different morphological structures of the proboscis in feeding.  相似文献   

We describe the number, distribution, and function of sensilla located on different organs of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) females using scanning electron microscopy, selective staining, and contact electrophysiology. The tarsi of the prothoracic legs bear contact chemo‐mechanoreceptor sensilla chaetica (5–13 per tarsomere), arranged in rings mainly concentrated on ventral surfaces, and different mechanosensory structures (sensilla chaetica, sensilla squamiformia, sensilla campaniformia, and spines). A single contact chemo‐mechanoreceptor sensillum chaeticum is present between the claws on the pretarsus. The ventral surface of the ovipositor lobes is covered with numerous mechanosensory sensilla chaetica of different types, out of which 10 have a contact chemosensory function. Putative contact chemo‐mechanoreceptor sensilla were also observed on the proboscis and antenna. Longitudinal rows of alternated sensilla styloconica and basiconica are present on the distal part of the proboscis, and rings of sensilla chaetica are present at the antennal tip. The sensilla on these body parts may play different roles in the selection of an oviposition site.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):295-301
Proboscis sensilla are important for feeding biology in Lepidoptera, and are also valuable characters for species recognition and phylogenetic analysis. However, proboscis has not been satisfactorily explored in many groups in Lepidoptera so far. Here we examined the proboscis sensilla of the black cutworm Agrotis ypsilon (Rottemberg), a cosmopolitan agricultural pest of great economic significance, using scanning electron microscopy. Three types of sensilla were found on the proboscis: sensilla chaetica, sensilla basiconica, and sensilla styloconica. Sensilla chaetica occur only on the external surface of the proboscis and become shorter and more scattered toward the tip. Sensilla basiconica are arranged in longitudinal rows on the external proboscis and one longitudinal row in the inner food canal. Sensilla styloconica are the most characteristic sensilla on the proboscis, consisting of a single sensory cone inserted at the top of a stylus with six or seven longitudinal ribs, and are concentrated on the tip region, and are much longer and more numerous in females than in males. The role of proboscis sensilla in the feeding habit prediction is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

 Morphology and distribution of the proboscis sensilla in Vanessa cardui have been investigated in order to contribute to the understanding of flower-probing behaviour in butterflies. The proboscis has a bend region approximately one-third of the length from the base. A short tip region is characterized by rows of intake slits leading into the food canal. Along the dorsal, lateral and ventral sides of the proboscis, sensilla trichodea, sensilla basiconica and sensilla styloconica are distributed in varying patterns depending on their distance from the b ase. The medial food canal bears one longitudinal row of sensilla basiconica only. The bristle-shaped sensilla trichodea are longer in the proximal region of the proboscis and become gradually shorter towards the tip. They are most frequent in number near to the bend region and near the beginning of the tip region. Sensilla basiconica arranged in longitudinal rows increase in number the more distal they are on the proboscis. The tip region is characterized by rows of sensilla styloconica on the dorsal side whereas the sensilla trichodea are mostly restricted to the ventral side. The ultrastructure suggests that the aporous sensilla trichodea function as mechanosensilla while the uniporous sensilla basiconica act as contact chemosensilla. The sensilla styloconica are regarded as bimodal contact chemo/mechanosensilla since their sensory cones are equipped with a single terminal pore and a tubular body at the base. The mouthpart sensilla appear to provide tactile cues on the positioning of the proboscis and on the degree of its insertion into a floral tube. Furthermore, they receive chemical stimuli on the availability of nectar and on the immersion status of the food canal. Accepted: 12 September 1997  相似文献   

Sensilla on male and female antennae, mouthparts, tarsi and on the ovipositor of the European sunflower moth, Homoeosoma nebulella (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) have been investigated by means of scanning electron microscope. The antennal flagellum bears multiporous sensilla (trichodea, basiconica, auricillica, coeloconica) and uniporous sensilla (chaetica, styloconica). A sexual dimorphism is found in the numbers of sensilla trichodea (8300 in males and 6000 in females) and sensilla basiconica (1150 in females and 650 in males). The proboscis has uniporous s. styloconica, multiporous s. basiconica (described for the first time in Lepidoptera), aporous s. chaetica, and some rare uniporous s. basiconica in the food channel. The labial palp-pit organ houses multiporous s. coeloconica, while the maxillary palps have aporous sensilla. Tarsi of both sexes possess one type of aporous s. chaetica and 2 types of uniporous s. chaetica. There is no significant difference in the distribution of tarsal sensilla between males and females. The surface of each lobe of the ovipositor is covered by 3 types of aporous s. trichodea of different lengths and about 60 multiporous s. basiconica, sensilla unusual on the ovipositor of Lepidoptera. The role of sensilla in the oviposition site selection is discussed.  相似文献   

Chemosensory proteins from the proboscis of mamestra brassicae   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Soluble, low molecular weight proteins were immunodetected in proboscis extracts of Mamestra brassicae males by Western blot, using antibodies raised against the general odorant-binding protein of the moth Antheraea polyphemus. The same antibodies weakly labelled the sensillum lymph and subcuticular space of sensilla styloconica on ultrathin sections of the proboscis. The morphology of sensilla styloconica is described. The immunodetected proteins yielded several N-terminal sequences, three of which showed strong affinity for tritiated analogues of pheromonal compounds of M. brassicae in binding assays. The cDNAs coding for these sequences were cloned and it was shown that the new proteins are related to the OS-D protein of DROSOPHILA: They are named chemosensory proteins (CSP-MBRA:A1-CSP-MBRA:A5 and CSP-MBRA:B1 and CSP-MBRA:B2) and may have an odorant-binding protein-like function. A common localization in both olfaction and taste organs suggests a physiological role depending on the cellular environment.  相似文献   

The external surface of lepidopteran proboscides may bear six morphological types of sensilla: chaeticum, basiconicum, styloconicum, coeloconicum, filiformium, and campaniformium, with the first three types being the most common. There are four types of pore-system: aporous, uniporous, multiporous, and uniporous-multiporous. Sensilla chaetica and campaniformia are aporous sensilla with a tactile or a proprioceptive function, respectively. Aporous sensilla filiformia are probably vibroreceptors. Uniporous sensilla with a gustative function exist in sensilla basiconica, styloconica and coeloconica. Multiporous sensilla were found in long sensilla basiconica and seem rare. Uniporous-multiporous sensilla are relatively common and are to be found both in sensilla styloconica (Arctiidae, Noctuidae) and in sensilla basiconica (Adelidae, Pyralidae, Arctiidae, Noctuidae). It is difficult to establish their function (gustative or olfactive). More extensive research would make it possible to discover them in other families. Only gustative uniporous sensilla basiconica exist in the food canal. The morphology of the proboscis and the distribution of sensilla are adapted to food habits.  相似文献   

Antennal sensilla of Micropterix calthella were studied with the scanning electron microscope to determine their morphological types, relative abundance, distribution, location and possible functions. Of the 12 types occurring in both male and female moths, seven are found in most higher Lepidoptera: sensilla trichodea, multiporous s. basiconica, s. coeloconica, s. styloconica, s. chaetica, s. campaniformia and Böhm's bristles. Two types (uniporous s. basiconica and cupuliform organs) are found only in a few families. Three structures are peculiar to Micropterix : ascoïd sensilla, multiporous s. placodea and circular organs. All types of sensilla have characteristic distribution and location pattern similar in both sexes.  相似文献   

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