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抗体是介导体液免疫的重要效应分子。近年来,随着治疗性抗体药物不断上市及其临床应用范围不断拓宽,治疗性抗体已成为生物制药的产业支柱。另一方面,随着抗体相关的基础研究日益深入和抗体序列、结构、功能表位等相关数据大量涌现,作为抗体数据管理、搜索与利用的重要工具,抗体资源库也层出不穷并得到长足发展,在相关的研究、开发、生产与销售中发挥日益重要的作用。本文对包括Kabat、IMGT、ab Ysis等在内抗体信息数据库进行介绍。  相似文献   

随着治疗性单克隆抗体在临床治疗方面发挥的作用日益突显,其全球药物市场所占份额和研发投入均在逐年增加。除了抗体新药的开发,抗体药物效力和安全性相关的基因工程改造也越来越受到重视。在这些基因工程改造中,抗体半衰期改造已成为近年来研究的热点之一。对几种抗体半衰期改造技术进行了介绍,并简要描述了半衰期改造后抗体的临床研究现状。  相似文献   

治疗性抗体药物针对不同的适应证具有专一性和有效性。目前已上市的治疗性抗体药物多是以IgG为框架开发的,并且绝大部分属于IgG1亚型。在治疗性抗体药物的开发中,由于各亚型具有不同的结构与功能,影响其理化性质、生物活性和触发效应功能的能力等,为达到期望的治疗效果并且避免不良反应,应选择适宜的抗体亚型进行抗体设计。主要综述了影响IgG亚型选择的相关因素,以及IgG1、IgG2和IgG4亚型在治疗性抗体药物开发中的应用研究,以期为治疗性抗体药物研发提供新思路。  相似文献   

抗体在疾病的诊断、治疗和预防方面发挥着重要作用。随着2019新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)感染引起的肺炎不断传播,如何研发针对该病毒的抗体迫在眉睫。基于IncoPat数据库的专利信息和Cortellis数据库的药物信息,采用定量分析与定性调研相结合的方法,从申请趋势、技术分布、国家/地区分布、机构分布以及市场现状等维度对人冠状病毒抗体领域的专利进行态势分析。结果表明美国是专利技术拥有量最大的国家,中国是专利保护的重点国家。中国科学院等3家国内机构进入全球前十位。人冠状病毒抗体产品研发主要以SARS和MERS为主,部分MERS抗体已进入临床阶段。研究结果为2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的相关抗体研发提供数据参考与决策支撑。  相似文献   

与常规治疗药物相比,抗体药物具有靶向性强、特异性好等优点,其作为一类重要的治疗性药物,近年来在临床中的应用逐渐增多,为疾病的治疗提供了新的选择,应用范围逐渐从肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病及慢性炎症扩展到心血管和感染性等疾病中。人源抗体的全部结构是由人类抗体基因所编码的,因此避免了异种蛋白长期应用引起的不良反应,加之人源抗体制备技术的不断发展完善,使其逐渐成为治疗性抗体研发的首要选择。综述了近年来治疗性人源抗体的主要制备技术及其在临床中应用的最新进展,同时探讨了人源抗体制备技术的不足之处,以期为人源抗体的发展提供借鉴和思路。  相似文献   

Wnt信号转导通路是人体重要的信号通路之一,其参与细胞多种复杂的生物化学反应过程并能够调节中枢神经系统的多个方面。随着研究的日益深入,Wnt信号通路与精神疾病的关系不断被揭示。本文总结了近年来这方面相关的研究进展,阐述了Wnt信号通路与精神分裂症、阿尔茨海默病等精神疾病的关系,将为神经系统疾病及其治疗提供更多的理论依据和研究基础。  相似文献   

一百多年前,"魔术子弹"学说首次提出了具有靶向特异性的抗体可以用来治疗疾病。此后,随着单克隆抗体制备技术的成熟,以及癌症血清疗法的发展,靶向肿瘤抗原的治疗性抗体开始进入临床,至今已有20余种抗体药物用于癌症的治疗。近两年,以免疫检查点蛋白拮抗剂、双特异性抗体、抗体药物偶联药物等为代表的新一代抗体药物,不断在治疗恶性肿瘤上取得突破性进展。本文回顾了抗肿瘤抗体的发展历程,总结了新一代抗体药物的作用机制与构建策略,以及主要临床副作用。并对基于抗体的肿瘤免疫疗法未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

基因工程抗体具有生产简单、价格低廉和容易获得稀有抗体等优点而日益受到广泛关注,是当前制备治疗性抗体的主要手段。抗体表达量低依然是制约其大规模生产和应用的主要因素,通过对表达载体、宿主细胞和表达条件等进行改造与优化,将有可能获得基因工程抗体的高效表达。  相似文献   

自1986年OKT3作为第一个治疗性单克隆抗体获批上市后,抗体技术及抗体药物迅猛发展。单克隆抗体、抗体片段、双(多)特异性抗体、融合蛋白、纳米抗体以及抗体偶联药物(antibody-drug conjugates, ADCs)等推陈出新,在肿瘤、血液、免疫、呼吸和代谢等相关疾病的治疗领域发挥着举足轻重的作用。抗体药物的发现过程,是通过多轮生物学功能评估和可成药性评估,筛选出具有安全、有效、稳定和可工艺放大的最佳候选序列,从而提高药物开发和临床研究的效率及成功率。抗体药物发现阶段的“成药性筛选与评估”已日益受到关注和重视,从药物发现和设计、先导分子筛选到候选分子确认,可及时发现分子潜在的物理化学风险因素,并评估可控性,保证后续药物开发过程中的质量稳定性。本文对抗体发现阶段的成药性筛选评估流程进行了分类和定义,涉及单克隆抗体、双特异性抗体、纳米抗体和ADCs等相关技术和药物形式,同时总结了成药性筛选评估中应重点关注的质量属性和高通量检测技术;系统性地阐述成药性开发流程和策略,为不断涌现的创新型药物的成药性筛选评估提供参考,大幅提高抗体药物开发的效率和成功率。  相似文献   

近几十年以来,随着生命科学的发展,已被生理学家们对肿瘤及治疗肿瘤的认识不断加深,从化学药物到天然植物药(如紫杉醇),再到当前的免疫靶向治疗药物(如以肿瘤细胞膜为靶点和以肿瘤血管生成为靶点的抗体药物)。科学家们通过对抗体分子的人源化改造,新型抗体分子的研究,药物可分解性无毒性等多方面的研究,使得抗肿瘤药物进入了一个全新的新时期,寄望研究出对癌症患者更友好更有效的药物。  相似文献   

随着全球制药企业研发投资成本加大、研发周期变长、研发成功率降低,作为社会分工专业化的产物,CRO 企业凭借其低成本、高效率、 多服务的特点,快速发展,且服务范畴已涵盖药物研发的整个过程,成为医药研发产业链中不可缺少的环节。报告采用文献调研、数据库检索、 数据统计与分析等定性定量研究方法,从发展概况、发展策略、竞争格局、企业布局等角度对国内外医药 CRO 领域进行多角度、多层次的 分析,旨在为相关企业确定产品研发思路、制定市场策略提供线索和参考。  相似文献   

单抗药物以靶向性强、特异性高、副反应小等优势在癌症、自身免疫性疾病等治疗领域取得了快速发展,成为医药行业增速最快的 细分领域。报告采用文献调研、数据库检索、数据统计与分析等定性定量研究方法,从竞争优势、应用领域、给药剂型、产业现状、成长 路径等角度对国内外单抗药物领域进行多角度、多层次的分析,旨在为相关医药企业明确发展方向、确定产品研发思路及制定市场策略提 供参考。  相似文献   

单抗药物以靶向性强、特异性高、副反应小等优势在癌症、自身免疫性疾病等治疗领域取得了快速发展,成为医药行业增速最快的 细分领域。报告采用文献调研、数据库检索、数据统计与分析等定性定量研究方法,从竞争优势、应用领域、给药剂型、产业现状、成长 路径等角度对国内外单抗药物领域进行多角度、多层次的分析,旨在为相关医药企业明确发展方向、确定产品研发思路及制定市场策略提 供参考。  相似文献   

Since the first generation of humanized IgG1 antibodies reached the market in the late 1990s, IgG antibody molecules have been extensively engineered. The success of antibody therapeutics has introduced severe competition in developing novel therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, especially for promising or clinically validated targets. Such competition has led researchers to generate so-called second or third generation antibodies with clinical differentiation utilizing various engineering and optimization technologies. Parent IgG antibodies can be engineered to have improved antigen binding properties, effector functions, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical properties and safety issues. Although the primary role of the antibody variable region is to bind to the antigen, it is also the main source of antibody diversity and its sequence affects various properties important for developing antibody therapeutics. Here we review recent research activity in variable region engineering to generate superior antibody therapeutics.  相似文献   

With the explosive growth of biological data, the development of new means of data storage was needed. More and more often biological information is no longer published in the conventional way via a publication in a scientific journal, but only deposited into a database. In the last two decades these databases have become essential tools for researchers in biological sciences. Biological databases can be classified according to the type of information they contain. There are basically three types of sequence-related databases (nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences and protein tertiary structures) as well as various specialized data collections. It is important to provide the users of biomolecular databases with a degree of integration between these databases as by nature all of these databases are connected in a scientific sense and each one of them is an important piece to biological complexity. In this review we will highlight our effort in connecting biological information as demonstrated in the SWISS-PROT protein database.  相似文献   

Since the first generation of humanized IgG1 antibodies reached the market in the late 1990s, IgG antibody molecules have been extensively engineered. The success of antibody therapeutics has introduced severe competition in developing novel therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, especially for promising or clinically validated targets. Such competition has led researchers to generate so-called second or third generation antibodies with clinical differentiation utilizing various engineering and optimization technologies. Parent IgG antibodies can be engineered to have improved antigen binding properties, effector functions, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical properties and safety issues. Although the primary role of the antibody variable region is to bind to the antigen, it is also the main source of antibody diversity and its sequence affects various properties important for developing antibody therapeutics. Here we review recent research activity in variable region engineering to generate superior antibody therapeutics.Key words: antibody therapeutics, variable region, engineering, affinity, pharmacokinetics, stability, immunogenicity  相似文献   

In the wake of the numerous now-fruitful genome projects, we have witnessed a 'tsunami' of sequence data and with it the birth of the field of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics involves the application of information technology to the management and analysis of biological data. For many of us, this means that databases and their search tools have become an essential part of the research environment. However, the rate of sequence generation and the haphazard proliferation of databases have made it difficult to keep pace with developments, even for the cognoscenti. Moreover, increasing amounts of sequence information do not necessarily equate with an increase in knowledge, and in the panic to automate the route from raw data to biological insight, we may be generating and propagating innumerable errors in our precious databases. In the genome era upon us, researchers want rapid, easy-to-use, reliable tools for functional characterisation of newly determined sequences. For the pharmaceutical industry in particular, the Pandora's box of bioinformatics harbours an information-rich nugget, ripe with potential drug targets and possible new avenues for the development of therapeutic agents. This review outlines the current status of the major pattern databases now used routinely in the analysis of protein sequences. The review is divided into three main sections. In the first, commonly used terms are defined and the methods behind the databases are briefly described; in the second, the structure and content of the principal pattern databases are discussed; and in the final part, several alignment databases, which are frequently confused with pattern databases, are mentioned. For the new-comer, the array of resources, the range of methods behind them and the different tools required to search them can be confusing. The review therefore also briefly mentions a current international endeavour to integrate the diverse databases, which effort should facilitate sequence analysis in the future. This is particularly important for target-discovery programmes, where the challenge is to rationalise the enormous numbers of potential targets generated by sequence database searches. This problem may be addressed, at least in part, by reducing search outputs to the more focused and manageable subsets suggested by searches of integrated groups of family-specific pattern databases.  相似文献   

RNA分子众多、结构复杂、功能重要,已经成为当前重要的研究热点之一。RNA的功能与结构密切相关,伴随RNA分子及功能的发现,建立了有关RNA二级结构的数据库,一方面有助于理解RNA功能的结构基础,一方面有助于开发各种有关RNA结构的预测模型。本文对近年常见的RNA二级结构数据库作一概述,希望有助于相关工作者更好地了解与应用相关数据。  相似文献   

组学研究是生命科学研究的重要组成部分,是从整体角度研究全部组分及其相互关系的学科。组学数据库收集整理了与组学研究相关的所有信息,为组学研究提供了全面的数据基础。其中,作物组学数据库主要是以作物为对象建立的组学数据库,尤其是几大主要粮食作物的组学测序及信息挖掘,提升了作物科学的基础研发和生产水平,使我国粮食储备迈上一个新的台阶。本文以水稻、玉米和小麦为代表,通过搜集它们在组学研究中常用的数据库,概述了作物基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学、代谢组学及表型组学的主要研究内容,阐述了作物组学数据库在作物科学研究中的发展现状,揭示了在高通量信息时代下多种组学数据库的交叉及综合利用已经成为作物科学研究发展的重要方向和手段。  相似文献   

During the past decades, bioactive (regulatory) peptides have been identified as the major players in the regulation of many important biological processes. Dozens of peptides have found their application as pharmaceutical agents, which further stimulated research in this field making it one of the most rapidly developing areas on the edge of biological science and medicine. However, the fast accumulation of enormous amounts of experimental data has revealed a great difficulty in their analysis and demanded the development of a systematic approach for generalization of the obtained information. We propose a new computer-based algorithm for studying biological activities of regulatory peptides and their groups based on their representation as vectors in n -dimensional functional space. Our method allows the rapid analysis of databases containing thousands of polyfunctional regulatory peptides with overlapping spectra of physiological activity. The described method permits to perform several types of correlations which, when applied to the large databases, could reveal new important information about the system of regulatory peptides. It can select the groups of peptides with similar physiological role (peptide constellations) and search for the optimal peptide combinations with predetermined spectrum of effects and minimal side effects for their further pharmacological application. It can also reveal the role of regulatory peptides in induction of chain physiological reactions.  相似文献   

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