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冬虫夏草菌侵染及寄生阶段的生长发育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冬虫夏草菌侵染进入寄主幼虫血体腔后,断裂形成长梭形的菌体。菌体以顶端出芽的方式增殖,分隔分化,互相质配。质配菌体生长出菌丝充满寄主幼虫血体腔,使幼虫死亡并形成僵虫形的菌核,菌核萌生子座即形成冬虫夏草。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草是一味传统名贵中药材,甾醇类成分是其重要的活性成分之一。为了探讨冬虫夏草不同生长阶段甾醇类成分的变化,本研究采用高效液相-蒸发光散射检测器技术对冬虫夏草5个不同阶段样品(冬虫夏草发酵菌丝体、僵虫、1cm子座冬虫夏草,4-6cm子座冬虫夏草,孢子弹射冬虫夏草)和对照样品(蝙蝠蛾幼虫)中麦角甾醇、胆甾醇和谷甾醇的含量进行了分析。结果显示4-6cm子座冬虫夏草样品总甾醇含量较高,该结果为冬虫夏草采收期的选择提供了参考。  相似文献   

土壤和植物对冬虫夏草寄主昆虫规模化饲养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冬虫夏草大量人工培植的关键之一是寄主昆虫的规模化饲养,本文对西藏林芝地区冬虫夏草生境中不同土壤基质在室内对蝙蝠蛾幼虫生长的影响以及寄主幼虫对5种植物的取食行为、嗅觉反应进行了系统研究。结果表明蝙蝠蛾幼虫偏好土质疏松、渗透性好的土壤,土壤因子中湿度和有机质含量与蝙蝠蛾幼虫存活率成正相关。蝙蝠蛾3龄幼虫对适生地植物的取食选择性与嗅觉反应趋性顺序为鹅绒委陵菜>珠芽蓼>小大黄>圆穗蓼>羊角天麻;进一步Spearman相关分析显示,幼虫对各植物的选择系数与可溶性糖(R=0.850,P<0.05)和粗蛋白(R=0.898,P<0.05)都存在显著的正相关关系,而与粗纤维(R=-0.952,P<0.05)有着显著的负相关关系,与粗灰分(R=-0.391,P=0.516)之间没有显著的相关关系;取食鹅绒委陵菜、珠芽蓼后的幼虫单头虫重显著大于取食其他植物的幼虫。这一研究结果为冬虫夏草寄主昆虫规模化饲养提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

近来,在广州市面上常见有人出售一种形状略似名贵中草药冬虫夏草的药材,并都称是新鲜虫草。因其价格500克8元至100元不等,比药店中卖的虫草便宜得多,故颇有销路。其实,这种所谓的虫草虽然也是一种中药材,但来源迥然不同,药效亦有所差异,如图便宜当虫草买回,必然得不偿失。冬虫夏草,亦称虫草,是一种真菌——冬虫夏草菌(Cordycepssinensis)寄生于鳞翅目蝙蝠蛾科昆虫幼虫体内后所长出的子座(子实体)与幼虫尸体(内含真菌的菌丝体组成的菌核)构成的复合体。而时下号称新鲜虫草的商品,是被子植物唇形科…  相似文献   

冬虫夏草属于线虫草科、线虫草属的虫生真菌,其多寄生在虫草幼虫体上,由子座(草部)和虫行菌核(虫部)所组成。对冬虫夏草的无性型研究作为医学上的重点与难点研究,随着近年来发酵技术的逐渐成熟,在开发与利用冬虫夏草过程中取得了较大的研究进展,本文对冬虫夏草的无性型发酵技术进行探讨展开综述,展望其在未来发展过程的应用价值。  相似文献   

梁焱  吴华  韩日畴  曹莉 《环境昆虫学报》2020,42(6):1446-1457
冬虫夏草Chinese cordyceps是食药两用的传统名贵资源。其人工培养需要冬虫夏草菌Ophiocordyceps sinensis的优质芽生孢子。为获得高产量及高感染力芽生孢子,本研究测定不同糖类培养基对冬虫夏草菌芽生孢子产量及毒力(对小金蝠蛾Thitarodes xiaojinensis幼虫的存活率、携菌率和僵虫率)的影响。两个冬虫夏草菌株于含6种糖(葡萄糖、果糖、阿拉伯糖、麦芽糖、蔗糖和海藻糖)的液体培养基中分别培养30、45和60 d,计数芽生孢子产量并将收集的孢子注射感染两个品系的小金蝠蛾6龄幼虫,置于不同温度下观察幼虫的存活率、携菌率及僵虫率。结果显示:不同糖源培养基中芽生孢子的产量差异显著,其中含麦芽糖培养基中芽生孢子产量最高;注射菌株和幼虫品系对被注射幼虫的存活率无显著差异;不同糖源培养基获得的芽生孢子对蝠蛾幼虫的存活率无显著差异,对携菌率和僵虫率产生影响;以含麦芽糖为糖源的培养基、芽生孢子培养时间显著影响被注射幼虫的存活率与僵虫率,其中培养30 d的冬虫夏草菌所注射的幼虫的存活率、僵虫率显著高于60 d的;温度也显著影响被注射幼虫的存活率、僵虫率,10℃的幼虫存活率和僵虫率显著高于14℃、18℃的。研究结果为培养优质冬虫夏草芽生孢子,提高被侵染蝙蝠蛾幼虫僵虫率提供了参考。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草,通称虫草。是我国名贵的真菌药物和高级补品。在我国明代以前,人们已知道应用虫草。从明代中叶开始,就受到东南亚人民的喜爱,在国际市场上享有很高的声誉。冬虫夏草是子囊菌寄生于虫草编幅娥等昆虫体内而形成的。冬天在感染的昆虫内形成菌核,外表仍保持原来虫形,到次年夏季温暖潮湿时适于菌体生长,从虫体头部长出一根棕色有柄的律状子座,长4~11cm,粗约3mm,形似一根野草,为此而得名“冬虫夏草”。由此可见,虫革既不是“冬为虫,夏为草”,也木是“既为虫,又是草”,而是一种虫和菌的结合体。由于冬虫夏草所处的生态环…  相似文献   

刘晴  刘梦潜  王芬  怀美玉  王丽  董彩虹 《菌物学报》2022,41(11):1761-1771
蛹虫草是一种重要的食药用真菌,其子座可规模化栽培。然而,栽培中菌种极易退化,成为限制其发展的重要因素,野生种质资源为蛹虫草栽培生产菌株的重要来源。本研究对东北和山东部分地区蛹虫草资源进行了持续调查,对其生态分布和宏观、微观形态等进行了系统研究。从5个地点共采集野生蛹虫草标本414份,寄主绝大多数为鳞翅目昆虫的蛹,少数为鳞翅目昆虫的幼虫和茧。野生蛹虫草子座单生或2-25根,长1-17 cm,棒状、扁平状或不规则畸形,扁平状子座常具纵沟,部分可分支;子座可从寄主头、胸和腹部各部位长出,其中以头部为主。子座地上部分长1-6 cm,颜色呈深橙黄色。可育部位长0.5-4 cm,宽1.2-6 mm,大多数与不育柄部分界明显;地下部分0.5-11 cm,其长度与腐殖质厚度相关。首次明确观察到蛹虫草菌索,菌索连接蛹体和子座,或单从子座、蛹体上长出,但不是所有野生蛹虫草都有菌索。蛹虫草菌索与子座内部的疏丝组织菌丝形态各异,菌索菌丝中间膨大。人工栽培与野外采集的子座宏观形态差异明显,但子囊和子囊孢子形态无明显差异。通过野外采集和调研,获得了大量的野生蛹虫草种质资源,为解决蛹虫草种业问题奠定基础。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草(Cordyceps sinensis)是虫草真菌的子座及其寄主蝙蝠蛾(Hepialus armoricanus)幼虫尸体的复合物。本菌属子囊菌纲、麦角科、虫草属,此属的种类很多。据日本学者小林义雄等记载的共有260种,在我国,据梁佩琼等报道,已知的有58种,常见的七种虫草为冬虫夏草、蛹虫草、亚香棒虫草,蛾蛹虫草、大蝉虫草、小蝉虫草、泰山虫草,其  相似文献   

冬虫夏草   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
冬虫夏草□蒋冬花(浙江师范大学生物系,321004)冬虫夏草又名虫草、冬虫草、夏草冬虫等,属球壳目(Sphaeriales)、麦角菌科(Clavicipitaceae)、虫草属(Cordyceps)。是虫草菌菌丝体侵入昆虫体内后形成的真菌与虫尸共存的...  相似文献   

【目的】旨在采用iTRAQ标记结合二维液相色谱串联质谱技术对草菇不同生长发育阶段的差异蛋白质组进行研究。【方法】首先将提取的草菇不同生长阶段蛋白样品进行SDS-PAGE分析,其次将经二维液相色谱串联质谱技术获取的串联质谱数据通过MASCOT软件搜库,之后对鉴定蛋白质数据进行了主成分分析(Principal componentanalysis,PCA)、层次聚类(Hierarchy clustering)分析、K-均值(K-means)聚类和GeneOntology(GO)注释分析。【结果】试验结果显示,共计获得2 335个不同肽段,鉴定到1 039个蛋白质,其中1 030个蛋白质具有定量信息。在子实体阶段中显著上调蛋白质64个,下调蛋白质150个。生物信息学分析表明,iTRAQ标记技术结合二维液相色谱串联质谱可对不同生长发育时期的草菇蛋白样品进行有效地分离和鉴定。【结论】这一研究结果为深入研究草菇乃至其他大型担子菌子实体形成和发育的分子机制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

草菇子实体不同成熟阶段的比较蛋白质组学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用iTRAQ标记结合二维液相色谱串联质谱技术对草菇不同成熟阶段的差异蛋白质组进行研究。首先将提取的草菇不同成熟阶段蛋白样品进行SDS-PAGE分析,其次将经二维液相色谱串联质谱技术获取的串联质谱数据通过MASCOT软件搜库,之后对鉴定蛋白质数据进行了KEGG代谢通路分析。试验共计获得2 335个不同肽段, 鉴定到1 039个蛋白质,其中1 030个蛋白质具有定量信息。与蛋形期相比,在伸长期和成熟期阶段显著上调蛋白质85个,下调蛋白质103个。KEGG代谢通路分析结果显示,草菇不同成熟阶段中的68个差异蛋白质可定位于4种伞菌目模式真菌(灰盖鬼伞、双色蜡蘑、可可丛枝病菌和裂褶菌)的45个不同生物代谢途径,全景展示出草菇成熟阶段差异表达蛋白质定位的代谢网络。结果表明,iTRAQ标记技术结合二维液相色谱串联质谱可对不同生长发育时期的草菇蛋白样品进行有效地分离和鉴定。  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been implicated in the development of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), a squamous cell carcinoma with high-occurrence in Southeast Asia and southern China. However, the underlying relationship of EBV and NPC squamous cell remains obscure. In this study, we employ a comparative iTRAQ-coupled 2D LC-MS/MS system to analyze the protein profile of NPC cell line upon EBV infection. Based on the proteome data and Western blot validation, 12 proteins were found to be significantly up-regulated and associated with signal transduction, cytoskeleton formation, metabolic pathways and DNA bindings. The interactions among NPC and EBV proteins were further analyzed and protein networks were established. Based on the functions of differentially expressed proteins, a metabolic pathway was proposed to elucidate their relationship in cytoskeleton formation, cell proliferation and apoptosis. Our results suggested a new proteome platform to analyze EBV's role in NPC squamous cell line. And these differentially expressed proteins may hold the promise as potential biomarkers for NPC diagnostics and treatment.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications are used by cells to control the functions of proteins. Phosducin-like protein (PhLP) is a regulator of G-protein signaling that is post-translationally modified via phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of PhLP initiates its degradation by the 26S proteasome in serum-stimulated cells. In this report, we show that PhLP is phosphorylated in serum-stimulated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Through the use of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), the specific amino acids phosphorylated can be identified. A PhLP-myc-His construct was purified and phosphorylated by serum-stimulated CHO extract. The resulting protein was digested with trypsin and the peptides were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Automated collison-induced dissociation data acquisition was compared with LC-MS/MS of manually chosen parents. In general, LC-MS/MS is superior for parent ions chosen manually, with the notable exception that automated fragmentation employs dynamic collision energy, which can result in higher quality collison-induced dissociation. Using the LC-MS/MS methods, four phosphorylation sites on PhLP were positively identified.  相似文献   

Xu J  Khor KA  Sui J  Zhang J  Tan TL  Chen WN 《Proteomics》2008,8(20):4249-4258
Hydroxyapatite (HA) and its derived bioceramic materials have been widely used for skeletal implants and/or bone repair scaffolds. It has been reported that carbon nanotube (CNT) is able to enhance the brittle ceramic matrix without detrimental to the bioactivity. However, interaction between osteoblasts and these bioceramics, as well as the underlying mechanism of osteoblast proliferation on these bioceramic surfaces remain to be determined. Using iTRAQ-coupled 2-D LC-MS/MS analysis, we report the first comparative proteomics profiling of human osteoblast cells cultured on plane HA and CNT reinforced HA, respectively. Cytoskeletal proteins, metabolic enzymes, signaling, and cell growth proteins previous associated with cell adhesion and proliferation were found to be differentially expressed on these two surfaces. The level of these proteins was generally higher in cells adhered to HA surface, indicating a higher level of cellular proliferation in these cells. The significance of these findings was further assessed by Western blot analysis. The differential protein profile in HA and CNT strengthened HA established in our study should be valuable for future design of biocompatible ceramics.  相似文献   

Atenolol is a beta(1)-selective drug, which exerts greater blocking activity on beta(1)-adrenoreceptors than on beta(2)-adrenoreceptors, with the S-enantiomer being more active than R-enantiomer. The aim of this study was to investigate the proteins with differential protein expression levels in the proteome of vascular smooth muscle cells (A7r5) incubated separately with individual enantiomers of atenolol using an iTRAQ-coupled two-dimensional LC-MS/MS approach. Our results indicated that some calcium-binding proteins such as calmodulin, protein S100-A11, protein S100-A4, and annexin A6 were down-regulated and showed relatively lower protein levels in cells incubated with the S-enantiomer of atenolol than those incubated with the R-enantiomer, whereas metabolic enzymes such as aspartate aminotransferase, glutathione S-transferase P, NADH-cytochrome b(5) reductase, and alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase precursor were up-regulated and displayed higher protein levels in cells incubated with the S-enantiomer relative to those incubated with the R-enantiomer. The involvement of NADH-cytochrome b(5) reductase in the intracellular anabolic activity was validated by NAD+/NADH assay with a higher ratio of NAD+/NADH correlating with a higher proportion of NAD+. The down-regulation of the calcium-binding proteins was possibly involved in the lower intracellular Ca2+ concentration in A7r5 cells incubated with the S-enantiomer of atenolol. Ca2+ signals transduced by calcium-binding proteins acted on cytoskeletal proteins such as nestin and beta-tropomyosin, which can play a complex role in phenotypic modulation and regulation of the cytoskeletal modeling. Our preliminary results thus provide molecular evidence on the metabolic effect and possible link of calcium-binding proteins with treatment of hypertension associated with atenolol.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was metabolically modified for enhanced biofuel precursor production by knocking out genes encoding mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase and over-expression of a heterologous ATP-citrate lyase. A comparative iTRAQ-coupled 2D LC-MS/MS analysis was performed to obtain a global overview of ubiquitous protein expression changes in S. cerevisiae engineered strains. More than 300 proteins were identified. Among these proteins, 37 were found differentially expressed in engineered strains and they were classified into specific categories based on their enzyme functions. Most of the proteins involved in glycolytic and pyruvate branch-point pathways were found to be up-regulated and the proteins involved in respiration and glyoxylate pathway were however found to be down-regulated in engineered strains. Moreover, the metabolic modification of S. cerevisiae cells resulted in a number of up-regulated proteins involved in stress response and differentially expressed proteins involved in amino acid metabolism and protein biosynthesis pathways. These LC-MS/MS based proteomics analysis results not only offered extensive information in identifying potential protein-protein interactions, signal pathways and ubiquitous cellular changes elicited by the engineered pathways, but also provided a meaningful biological information platform serving further modification of yeast cells for enhanced biofuel production.  相似文献   

The x protein of HBV (HBx) has been involved in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), with a possible link to individual genotypes. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanism remains obscure. In this study, we aim to identify the HBx-induced protein profile in HepG2 cells by LC-MS/MS proteomics analysis. Our results indicated that proteins were differentially expressed in HepG2 cells transfected by HBx of various genotypes. Proteins associated with cytoskeleton were found to be either up-regulated (MACF1, HMGB1, Annexin A2) or down-regulated (Lamin A/C). These may in turn result in the decrease of focal adhesion and increase of cell migration in response to HBx. Levels of other cellular proteins with reported impact on the function of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and cell migration, including Ca2+-binding proteins (S100A11, S100A6, and S100A4) and proteasome protein (PSMA3), were affected by HBx. The differential protein profile identified in this study was also supported by our functional assay which indicated that cell migration was enhanced by HBx. Our preliminary study provided a new platform to establish a comprehensive cellular protein profile by LC-MS/MS proteomics analysis. Further downstream functional assays, including our reported cell migration assay, should provide new insights in the association between HCC and HBx.  相似文献   

Propranolol is a nonselective beta-blocker of the beta-adrenergic receptors, and the S-enantiomer is more active compared with the R-enantiomer. Clinically, it has been shown to be effective in hypermetabolic burn patients by decreasing cardiac work, protein catabolism, and lipolysis. While gene expression profiles have recently been reported in children receiving propranolol treatment, variations from one individual to another may have influenced the data analysis. Using iTRAQ-coupled 2D LC-MS/MS analysis, we report here the first study of protein profile in vascular smooth muscle cells incubated separately with the two enantiomers of propranolol. Four types of cellular proteins including metabolic enzymes, signaling molecules, cytoskeletal proteins, and those involved in DNA synthesis/protein translation displayed changes. The higher protein level of a number of enzymes involved in cellular anabolism and antioxidant activity in cells incubated with the S-enantiomer, as revealed by LC-MS/MS, was further supported by real-time PCR and Western blot analyses. Significantly, the increase in the anabolic activity associated with the higher level of metabolic enzymes was also supported by the higher intracellular concentration of the metabolic cofactor NAD+ which was a result of an increased oxidation of NADH. Our findings therefore provide molecular evidence on metabolic effect associated with propranolol treatment. The metabolic enzymes identified in our study may in turn be useful targets for future pharmaceutical interventions to reduce clinical side effects following propranolol treatment.  相似文献   

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