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目的:调查我校大学生营养知信行现状,探讨与大学生营养状况的关系。方法:采用整群抽样方法,从我校在校大学生中抽取大一、大二、大三学生,共发放485份调查问卷,收回482份,问卷有效率为99.38%,其中大一249名(51.66%)、大二104名(21.58%)、大三129名(26.76%);男生317名(65.77%)、女生165名(34.23%)。问卷收集调查对象一般情况资料,营养知识、营养态度和营养行为现状。测量身高体重,计算体质指数(BMI)。结果:482例大学生营养知识得分为(6.83±0.95)分,营养态度得分为(23.85±0.96)分,营养行为得分为(22.84±0.95)分。大学生营养知识、营养态度和营养行为得分与性别、年级、专业、父母文化水平相关(P<0.05)。营养知识与营养态度、营养行为相关,相关系数分别为0.296、0.397(P<0.05),营养态度与营养行为也存在相关关系(r=0.258,P<0.05)。73.24%的大学生体重正常,9.13%的大学生体重过轻,17.63%的大学生体重超重或肥胖,男女大学生体质指数有差异,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。体重正常组大学生营养知识得分、营养态度得分及营养行为得分显著高于体重过轻及体重超重肥胖组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论:在校大学生营养状况与营养知识、营养态度和营养行为相关。营养知识、营养态度及营养行为受性别、年级、专业、父母文化水平影响,在实际健康教育工作中,应有针对性的对男生、低年级学生、理科生及父母文化水平在初中以下的大学生进行重点营养教育指导。  相似文献   

目的:为了解云南省昆明市大学生饮水情况,分析日常饮水习惯、对饮水知识的了解程度以及在饮水方面存在的误区。方法:2016年4—5月,采用分群随机抽样调查方法,以调查问卷的形式对云南省昆明市7所高校的大学生进行饮水情况问卷调查。结果:调查总人数697人,有上课带水杯习惯为64-7%,女生高于男生(P<0-01);随着年级升高,上课带水杯的比例逐渐升高(P<0-01)。女生经常饮用温热水,在饮水温度方面的习惯好于男生(P<0-05);随着年级升高,饮用温热水的比例呈上升趋势。购买饮料时,女生关注外观和生产日期的比例明显高于男生(P<0-01);营养成分表和配料表是大学生最不关注的,分别为21-8%和21-4%;茶饮品饮用较少,占32-9%;而碳酸饮品深受男生喜欢,占38-2%,男生明显高于女生(P<0-01)。结论:高校学生健康饮水意识较弱,科学饮水相关知识欠缺,应开展健康饮水知识教育,从而促进大学生身心健康。  相似文献   

目的:了解广东省某高职院校食品专业学生关于营养标签的知识、态度、行为(Knowledge-Attitude-Practice,KAP)情况,为有针对性地开展大学生健康教育提供依据。方法:采取整群抽样的方法,选取某高职院校的食品类专业所有在校大学生,对其营养标签的KAP进行问卷调查。结果:共收集834名大学生,营养标签知识得分4.9±1.1分,及格率48.9%,女生、二年级学生、城市户籍学生、月生活费较高的学生得分较高(P<0.05),他们对某些重要的营养标签知识答对率较低,主要是通过上课、专业书籍获得知识,仍有26.7%人未获得相关知识,他们希望从网络、专业书中获得知识。营养标签态度得分8.8±2.4分,56.3%认为很有必要在食品包装上标识营养标签。对于营养标签的使用,只有9.3%表示每次都会查看、23.1%经常查看,关注的内容主要是“能量”、“脂肪”,营养标签使用行为得分的多元回归分析结果显示,女生、二年级学生、知识得分越高,行为得分就越高。结论:高职院校食品专业学生营养标签知识得分不高,不能很好地利用营养标签指导健康,应强化高职学生特别是男生、低年级学生的营养标签知识。  相似文献   

目的:了解武汉市大学生冬季的饮水以及排尿情况,旨在为大学生的饮水健康提供参考数据,扩展大学生饮水的相关知识,提高大学生的饮水健康意识,促进大学生正确的饮水行为。方法:采用简单随机抽样的方法,于2021年1月在武汉市抽取大学生468名参与问卷调查,对大学生的饮水知信行及排尿行为进行调查。结果:不同性别的调查对象对“剧烈运动是否可以猛喝水”差异有统计学意义,不同性别的调查对象对“反复煮沸的水是否可以长期饮用”差异有统计学意义,对正确饮水方式(定时定量喝水、增加饮水次数)男生知晓率为88.24%、女生为93.27%;在最健康的饮品中,大学生首选白开水(75.68%),其次纯净水(19.59%),再次是自来水(3.38%),最后是碳酸饮料(1.35%);调查中大学生最主要的饮水知识获取渠道来源于网络(66.22%);每日平均饮水量的调查中,有78.15%大学生每日饮水量在1 500 mL以下,有43.95%女生每日饮水量在1 200 mL以下,46.15%的男生选择每日饮水1 200~1 500 mL,整体来看,男生饮水量较高于女生。对于饮水的大致温度,男生选择凉水的比例(17.19%)高于女生(7.62%),女生选择烫水的比例(17.04%)高于男生(4.52%)。性别样本对于每日的总排尿量、是否观察自己的尿液颜色,尿液颜色呈现出显著性(P<0.05),性别对于是否观察自己的尿液颜色呈现出统计学差异,男生选择是的比例(52.04%)高于女生(39.01%);性别对于尿液颜色呈现出统计学差异,男生选择无色透明的比例(18.55%)高于女生(7.17%)。结论:本调查只有21.84%的大学生的饮水量超过1 500 mL,说明大学生的饮水意识还需提高。在饮水知识获取情况上,大学生在校园宣传、专家讲座、课堂教学等方面获取的较少,说明学校并没有重视这方面的宣传工作,学校在饮水知识健康方面的宣传还需加强。大部分人对自己的尿液健康不够重视,需要加大这方面知识的宣传。  相似文献   

目的:了解本地区农村已婚育龄妇女生殖健康现状,知识、态度和行为,以及需求,为有效开展生殖健康教育提供科学依据.方法:用整群抽样调查的方法对淮南地区农村妇女进行妇科病普查和生殖健康知识态度行为的问卷调查.结果:被调查者妇科病患病率为33.10%,居于前3位的是:宫颈炎13.54%、细菌性阴道炎6.77%和念珠菌阴道炎4.69%;被调查者生理卫生及保健知识、避孕、性病和爱滋病等知识较为欠缺;她们对生殖健康的知识主要来自于父母、爱人和朋友,录像和书籍等;多数妇女期望定期进行妇科病查治、参加生殖健康知识讲座、获得医务人员的咨询指导.结论:本地区妇女生殖健康现状不客乐观,需要进一步加强生殖健康服务力度,加强计划生育宣传、咨询和指导力度,多途径开展性传播疾病知识宣教工作等.  相似文献   

目的:了解云南省昆明市大学生食用方便面情况,分析其原因,为健康教育提供理论依据。方法:采用随机抽样匿名调查方法,对云南省昆明市6所高校606名学生进行了问卷调查,使用SPSS19.0分析软件进行数据统计处理。结果:在被调查的606名大学生中,食用方便面的人占调查总人数的70.13%,其中男生的食用率为54.96%、女生的食用率为81.69%,女生的食用率显著高于男生(P<0.01);大学生食用方便面主要是为了充饥,影响大学生购买的主要因素是方便性和口味好。结论:目前大学生方便面食用率高,应加强大学生营养知识的教育,引导大学生合理膳食,养成健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

目的:健康相关危险行为是产生常见病、多发病的重要原因,其形成受社会、家庭等多种环境因素和自身因素影响。初中阶段是养成良好健康行为的关键时期,了解初中生健康危险行为现状,可为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法:对西安市城区1608名初中生进行健康危险行为问卷调查,分析各种健康危险行为检出率的性别差别。结果:34.3%的初中生存在偏食行为,42.6%的初中生在过去30天内采取过减肥措施;62.2%的初中生最多有2天运动超过30分钟;65.3%的初中生骑自行车违规;9.6%的初中生目前吸烟。过去1个月有大量饮酒行为者占8.4%。因上网影响学习者占17.0%;参与过类似赌博的娱乐活动者占9.8%。多数健康危险行为检出率男生高于女生(P值均0.05)。结论:西安市城区初中生健康危险行为发生率较高,男女生间存在差异,应针对男女生不同健康危险行为,采取有针对性的综合干预措施进行干预,以及早纠正健康危险行为,促进青少年健康发展。  相似文献   

目的:了解云南各大高校大学生的茶饮料消费行为以及对茶饮料市场的需求。方法:采用问卷调查、数据统计的方法,以云南各大高校2 170名在校大学生为调查对象,针对大学生的基本情况、茶饮料相关知识的了解程度、对茶饮料的消费情况等多方面内容进行了调查研究。调查总人数2 170人(男生30%、女生70%)。结果:53.6%大学生对茶饮料相关知识感兴趣,但了解的不够全面。大学生选择茶饮料的人数偏低,占11.8%,其中男生显著多于女生;茶饮料的消费频率集中在1~2次/周,消费支出集中在<5元/周,并且花茶饮料是大学生的首选茶饮料,占32.3%;口味是影响大学生购买茶饮料的主要因素,其次是价格和营养与健康,分别占83.3%、54%、52.8%;有52%大学生表示会因为新产品的宣传而去尝试茶饮料新产品。结论:云南部分高校大学生对茶饮料相关知识认知不完善,应该开设相关讲座或专题报告,帮助大学生更多的了解营养健康知识;有关茶饮料企业可以加大创新力度,开发新型茶饮料产品扩大市场份额。  相似文献   

目的:了解某高校大学生每日饮水情况,为促进大学生健康饮水行为提出建议。方法:采用连续7d饮水调查法对58名学生的饮水情况进行调查。记录天气情况。结果:医学生的日均摄水量约1-64±0-49 L,男女生无显著差异。日均饮水量男生少于女生(0-82±0-28、1-21±0-57 L,P=0-004)。仅有1 2-5%的男生每日饮水超过1 200mL,女生则是47-1%。男生每日摄入白水较女生少(0-78±0-26、1-15±0-54L),但摄入更多的饮料(0-21±0-16、0-10±0-04L)。结论:大学生每日饮水量不足,男生含糖饮料摄入多。应加强对大学生的健康饮水指导。  相似文献   

目的了解大学生漱口杯卫生污染状况及其影响因素,为大学生疾病防控工作提供参考。方法随机抽取150名安徽理工大学大学生漱口杯样本并填写漱口杯使用习惯等相关调查表,采用倾注平板法和MPN法检测漱口杯菌落总数和大肠菌群。结果(1)调查人群中口腔牙龈经常出血者占26.00%,男女间差异无统计学意义(P0.05),牙龈出血与菌落总数超标之间存在着关联性(χ~2=4.528,r=0.174,P0.05);(2)150个漱口杯样本菌落总数超标率为60.00%,大肠菌群检出率为49.00%,大肠菌群严重超标率占大肠菌群检出的48.63%,菌落总数超标与大肠菌群检出率之间存在着关联性(χ~2=12.487,r=0.277,P0.01);(3)单因素分析显示:漱口杯材质、盛放物品样数、是否控干存放、牙刷头放置方向、刷牙水温度样本的菌落总数不合格率与大肠菌群检出率差异均分别具有统计学意义(Z=11.700、9.689、7.594、4.804、14.074;χ~2=3.870、4.120、4.410、6.387、8.100,P0.05);(4)Logistic回归分析表明漱口杯材质、刷牙水温度、使用次数/日是漱口杯菌落总数超标的影响因素。结论大学生口腔健康不容乐观,漱口杯污染状况严重且被忽视,造成其污染的因素是多方面的,应通过各种途径加强大学生关注漱口杯卫生的意识。  相似文献   

Gerodontology 2012; doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00672.x The relationship between seven health practices and oral health status in community‐dwelling elderly Thai Objective: This study aims to analyse the relationship between seven health practices, oral health behaviors, and oral health status in community dwelling elderly Thai. Materials and methods: The subjects were 612 elderly people (mean age = 68.8 ± 5.9 years). Questionnaires survey about sociodemographics, self‐reported seven health practices and oral health behaviors were conducted by trained interviewers. Oral examinations investigated the number of teeth present, decayed teeth, periodontal status and functional tooth units (FTUs). Oral malodor was assessed by Organoleptic Test, and unstimulated saliva was collected for 5 min. Results: Five health practices (smoking, drinking, physical activity, breakfast and weight maintenance) were significantly related with oral health behaviors. ancova analysis demonstrated the following significant associations: (i) smoking behavior with number of teeth present, number of FTUs, decayed teeth, periodontal disease, oral malodor and salivary flow rate, (ii) drinking alcohol behavior with number of teeth present, number of FTUs, periodontal disease, oral malodor and salivary flow rate, (iii) eating breakfast behavior with periodontal disease, oral malodor and salivary flow rate, (iv) eating between‐meal snack with number of teeth present, number of FTUs, decayed teeth and periodontal disease, (v) maintaining weight with number of teeth present, number of FTUs, periodontal disease and oral malodor, (vi) sleeping with number of teeth present, number of FTUs, periodontal disease, oral malodor and salivary flow rate, (vii) physical activity with periodontal disease and salivary flow rate. Conclusion: Good health practices were related with good oral health behaviors. Moreover, general health practices were associated with the clinical oral health status such as number of teeth present, decayed teeth, FTUs, periodontal disease, oral malodor and salivary flow rate. The elderly with good general health practices were considered to have good oral health status. Improving general health habits are suggested to lead to better oral health for the elderly, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Since the mid–1970s a number of investigators have developed measures of the extent to which oral disorders compromise functional, social and psychological well-being. They have also examined the associations between clinical indicators of oral health status and these subjective indicators. In general, these associations have been inconsistent and weak. One reason for this might be that the subjective indicators employed were rudimentary and insensitive to the health outcomes of oral disorders. The development of the Oral Health Impact Profile, a more sophisticated measure of the health outcomes of oral disorders, provided a method to examine this hypothesis. Using data from an oral health survey of older adults, we examined the associations between OHIP scores and a variety of clinical indicators of tooth loss, caries and periodontal disease. Even with this measure the associations were predominantly weak, the strongest of the correlations being 0.53. We also examined the influence of personal and sociodemographic characteristics on the relationship between tooth loss and its psychosocial outcomes. Five variables reflecting expectations and resources explained as much variance in OHIP scores as did the number of missing teeth. This analysis illustrates the essential distinction between disease and health and the way in which measures of oral health can be used to pursue fundamental issues in behavioural science and health services research.  相似文献   

Objective: A survey of dental health status was conducted in the institutionalised elderly in Zagreb, Croatia in order to assess the dental and oral health of the elderly population. Participants: In 139 institutionalised elderly from a single nursing home in Zagreb, dental and oral status was registered according to World Health Organization criteria. There were 108 (77.7%) female and 31 (22.3%) male subjects aged 58–99 years. Results: The results showed that 45.3% of the interviewed persons were totally edentulous in both jaws. A significant increase in prevalence of edentulousness with the increasing age was recorded. The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth number was 27. The average number of teeth with caries was 1.03 per person, the number of the teeth extracted was 6.9 per person and teeth with fillings 0.74 per person. The average number of teeth with root caries was 0.17. Approximately 9 teeth per person were in need of treatment. Filled teeth were found 25.9% of subjects and decayed teeth in 30.9%. The mean number of remaining sound teeth, decayed teeth and residual roots in the elderly decreased with increasing age. Complete periodontal treatment was required in 5.8% of the participants and no significant differences between genders in periodontal status could be noticed. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest poor dental health in this group of the institutionalised elderly and the necessity of improving and implementing some special features in the dental health services programs for the institutionalised elderly.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00575.x A scoping review and research synthesis on financing and regulating oral care in long‐term care facilities Background: Oral health care for frail elders is grossly inadequate almost everywhere, and our knowledge of regulating and financing oral care in this context is unclear. Objective: This scoping study examined and summarised the published literature available and the gaps in knowledge about regulating and financing oral care in long‐term care (LTC) facilities. Methods: We limited the electronic search to reports on regulating and financing oral care, including reports, commentaries, reviews and policy statements on financing and regulating oral health‐related services. Results: The broad electronic search identified 1168 citations, which produced 42 references, including 26 pieces of grey literature for a total of 68 papers. Specific information was found on public and private funding of care and on difficulties regulating care because of professional segregation, difficulties assessing need for care, uncertainty on appropriateness of treatments and issues around scope of professional practice. A wide range of information along with 19 implications and 18 specific gaps in knowledge emerged relevant to financing and regulating oral healthcare services in LTC facilities. Conclusions: Effort has been given to enhancing oral care for frail elders, but there is little agreement on how the care should be regulated or financed within the LTC sector.  相似文献   

目的:了解医学生突发公共卫生事件相关知识、态度、行为现状,为制订干预措施提供依据。方法:采用多阶段抽样方法,共抽取某医学院1380名本、专科学生进行突发公共卫生事件知、信、行问卷调查。结果:突发公共卫生事件相关知识平均得分为(35.93±6.98),总体知晓率为71.54%。其中女生高于男生(P=0.000),本科生高于专科生(P〈0.000),外省生源高于本省生源(P=0.001),年级越高得分有增高的趋势(P=0.000)。40.8%的学生对突发公共卫生事件感到恐惧;80.0%的海医学生愿意了解突发公共卫生事件相关知识,并认为学校有必要开设相关课程及进行应急演练;仅有17.2%的学生曾和家人讨论过如何应对灾害事件,91.5%的学生从未与家人进行过逃生演练。结论:医学生对突发公共卫生事件相关知识掌握不全面,部分学生尚未建立正向的认知态度和健康的行为方式,学校应采取适当的方式加强突发事件知识和技能的训练。  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00497.x
Oral health of the elderly living in residential homes in Slovenia Objectives:  To evaluate oral health status of the elderly, living in eight randomly selected residential homes for senior citizens across the country. Background: The percentage of the elderly is growing worldwide. With ageing, risks of various oral diseases, including dental caries and periodontal disease, are growing. Methods: Altogether 296 elderly people (88 men, 208 women) of average age 79.89 ± 7.4 years were questioned about their medical condition and oral health practice and examined orally. Evaluation of clinical examination was carried out by DMFT, plaque index ( 10 ) and Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Need (CPITN). Results: Of 296 participants, 106 (35.8%) were edentulous, 95 (32.1%) had one to nine teeth and 95 persons (32.1%) had 10 or more teeth. The average number of teeth in an individual was small: 6.76 ± 7.47. The average number of teeth with caries lesions was 3.59 ± 4.70, filled teeth 1.94 ± 3.63 and teeth without caries or fillings 1.19 ± 2.41. The average DMFT value was 30.75. In 69.5% of participants, dental plaque was visible with the naked eye. Of 171 subjects, in whom CPITN index was appraised, 81.9% would need oral hygiene education, 56.7% would need scaling and root planning and 21.6% would need periodontal surgical treatment. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate poor oral health of the elderly living in residential homes situated in different towns in Slovenia. It is of utmost importance to highlight the necessity of improving oral health care of this population.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00448.x
Oral hygiene and periodontal disease in Victorian nursing homes Objective: To investigate oral hygiene and periodontal disease in residents of Victoria nursing homes. Background: The Australian population is ageing with a growing proportion of elderly Australians living in nursing homes. With declining edentulism rates, periodontal disease is becoming more prevalent in this population. Materials and methods: A total of 275 dentate residents from 31 Victorian nursing homes had a questionnaire and clinical examination using the Visual Plaque Index and a modified Community Periodontal Index. Results: Self‐reported oral hygiene habits of residents were poor, with less than one‐third of residents cleaning their teeth twice daily or more. Periodontal health was found to be extremely poor, and the prevalence of 4 mm+ periodontal pockets was 35.6%, with 10.2% having 6 mm+ pockets. Logistic regression found that age, gender, number of teeth present and oral hygiene were all strongly associated with the prevalence of 4 mm+ periodontal pockets. Conclusion: Poor oral hygiene and the presence of significant plaque and calculus were common findings in this study. Periodontal diseases are a significant problem for residents in nursing homes. Addressing this health issue will require improved training for carers and better access to appropriate dental services.  相似文献   

Background: Epidemiological studies have reported a strong association between C‐reactive protein (CRP) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Elevated CRP levels have been observed both in dentate individuals with chronic dental infections like periodontal disease and in those edentulous. The mechanisms behind these observations, especially the reasons for the elevation of CRP in the edentulous, are poorly understood. The comparative data on the importance of these inflammatory conditions in the oral cavity as causes of elevated CRP levels and CVD risk factors are also limited. Objective: To determine if edentulism is associated with increased levels of CRP and investigate the possible mechanism for this association; and to study the influence of periodontal disease and edentulism on 10‐year mortality. Subjects: Of the 364 subjects aged 76,81, and 86 years in 1990,196 were dentate and 168 edentulous. By December 1999, 179 had died, almost half (n=87) of them due to cardiovascular disease. Results: Significantly more of the edentulous subjects had elevated (>3 mg/L) CRP levels as compared to those with at least 20 teeth (p<0.01). They also had high salivary microbial counts (p<0.05), and more mucosal lesions (p<0.0001) than those with at least 20 teeth. In multivariate analysis, high microbial counts (OR 2.3, CI 1.06‐5.05) and mucosal lesions (OR 2.18, CI 1.03‐4.61) were significantly associated with elevated CRP levels. The risk for all‐cause mortality was non‐significantly elevated among the edentulous (RR 1.48, CI 0.95 – 2.31) and dentate with periodontal disease (RR 1.58, CI 0.96 – 2.61). CVD mortality was significantly higher among the dentate with periodontal disease (RR 1.97, CI 1.01 – 3.85) when compared with dentate without periodontal disease. Conclusion: Among the edentulous, chronic infections like denture‐related mucosal lesions are important determinants of elevated CRP, comparable to periodontal disease in the dentate. Elevated CRP per se and edentulism were not significantly associated with increased mortality. Periodontal disease was, however, still associated with a two‐fold CVD mortality in this very old population.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00396.x Dementia and oral health among subjects aged 75 years or older Objective: To study the association between diagnosed dementia and oral health, focusing on the type of dementia, among an elderly population aged 75 years or older. Background: Elderly people with dementia are at risk from oral diseases, but to date, only a few studies have analysed the association between type of dementia and oral health, and their results are inconclusive. Materials and methods: This cross‐sectional study is based on the Geriatric multi‐disciplinary strategy (Gems) study that included 76 demented and 278 non‐demented subjects. The data were collected by means of an interview and an oral clinical examination. The type of dementia was diagnosed according to DSM‐IV criteria. Poisson’s and logistic regression models were used to determine relative risks (RR), odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence limits (CI). Results: Our results showed that patients with Alzheimer’s disease and those with other types of dementia had an increased likelihood of having carious teeth, teeth with deep periodontal pockets, and poor oral and denture hygiene, compared with non‐demented persons. The results showed that the type of dementia does not seem to be an essential determinant of oral health. Conclusions: Among the elderly aged 75 years or older, patients with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia are at increased risk of poor oral health and poor oral hygiene.  相似文献   

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