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大鼠睾丸间质细胞的自体吞噬活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文结合超微结构和细胞化学观察,研究大鼠睾丸间质细胞(Leydig细胞)中溶酶体的结??构与功能。观察结果表明,大鼠睾丸间质细胞中高尔基体非常发达,在高尔基体的成熟面存在着CMP酶阳性反应的GERL系统,说明这种细胞有不断产生溶酶体的能力。细胞化学结果也证实在睾丸间质细胞有较多的初级和次级溶酶体。睾丸间质细胞不仅有较多的溶酶体,而且还有相当数量的自噬小体,存在着活跃的自体吞噬活动。自噬小体的界膜来源于特化的光面内质网或高尔基体膜囊,包围的内容物主要是光面内质网和少量线粒体。当自噬小体与溶酶体融合后即成为自体吞噬泡,由于酶的消化作用,自体吞噬泡内的细胞器有一系列形态变化。根据CMP酶细胞化学反应,可以区分自噬小体和自体吞噬泡,后者是一种次级溶酶体,呈CMP酶阳性反应。睾丸间质细胞是分泌雄性激素的内分泌细胞,其光面内质网和线粒体在类固醇激素分泌中起重要作用,自体吞噬活动的结果是去除部分内质网和线粒体,可能在细胞水平上起着对雄性激素分泌的调节作用。  相似文献   

细胞在生理状态下自体吞噬出现的频率很低,很难用正常细胞来研究自体吞噬活动,一般都通过诱导自体吞噬来获得有关自体吞噬活动的资料。本实验观察了肝、肾、睾丸等组织的32种细胞,发现睾丸间质细胞中自体吞噬出现频率远远高于其他细胞,平均每100个细胞切面中可以看到25个自噬小体,从而为研究自体吞噬的过程和机理提供了一个正常细胞模型。本实验还观察到睾丸间质细胞的自体吞噬活动可分为前自噬小体、早期自噬小体和晚期自噬小体三个阶段,是一个连续的过程。前自噬小体和早期自噬小体不含溶酶体酶,只有在自噬小体与溶酶体接触后,才从后者获取溶酶体酶并将其内容物消化分解,成为晚期自噬小体。由自体吞噬所产生的残余体并不在睾丸间质细胞内积聚,而是通过胞吐作用排出细胞外。  相似文献   

本实验用外源性雄激素引起垂体促性腺激素细胞和睾丸间质细胞分泌抑制,对这两种细胞中的溶酶体及分泌吞噬和自体吞噬活动进行了超微结构形态观察和半定量分析。实验中应用了CMP酶细胞化学技术和免疫胶体金技术。研究结果显示,在分泌受抑制状态下,垂体促性腺激素细胞中溶酶体增多,分泌吞噬活动加强;与此同时,睾丸间质细胞也表现溶酶体增多、自体吞噬活动加强。这些结果不仅再次证明在分泌蛋白质激素细胞中溶酶体以分泌吞噬的方式参与了激素分泌调节,更重要的是初步证明在分泌类固醇激素细胞的分泌调节中,也有溶酶体的参与,其形式是自体吞噬作用。细胞通过自体吞噬作用得以在短时间内清除一部分合成激素的细胞器和其中的激素,这可能是分泌类固醇激素的细胞及时有效地调整激素分泌量的一项重要机制,与分泌蛋白质激素细胞的分泌吞噬有着相同的意义。  相似文献   

冬季沙冬青叶肉细胞液泡中泡状内含物的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
韩善华  王双 《西北植物学报》2005,25(6):1072-1076
用透射电镜观察了沙冬青叶肉细胞液泡中泡状内含物的形成。在早期,这种泡状内含物位于细胞质中,它由大小不等、形态各异的小泡组成,后经液泡膜内吞进入液泡。液泡中的泡状内含物主要位于两个正常叶绿体之间,附近的细胞质较多,内有丰富的内质网、高尔基体、质膜管状突起和由它们产生的小泡。也有一些液泡泡状内含物出现在解体叶绿体附近。前者主要来自内质网、高尔基体和质膜,后者则主要起源于解体的叶绿体。这种泡状内含物的形成可能与增强植物的抗冻性有关。  相似文献   

在不经过任何特殊处理的常规生物样品中,高尔基体扁囊(Saccules)及囊泡(Vacuoles)中的内含物在电镜下常为低电子密度,而最近我们在莼菜(Brasenia schreberi)叶柄及叶片的表皮腺毛细胞中观察到带有高电子密度的高尔基体内含物。在扁囊中,这些内含物多呈波浪形(图版Ⅰ,图1)。这种特殊形态的高尔基体内含物以及这种未经任何特殊处理而显示出高尔基体中某些物质的现象是前人没有报道过的,本文就这种内含物的结构、性质以及其染色机制进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

本实验用霍乱毒素辣根过氧化物酶复合物(CT-HRP)与培养的新生大鼠小脑细胞直接结合的电镜细胞化学方法,表明神经节苷脂G_M1只分布在细胞膜的外侧面;神经细胞表面的G_M1含量比胶质细胞高。通过电镜还观察到神经细胞和少突胶质细胞对结合在膜上的CT-HRP的不同内吞过程。培养的细胞在4℃与CT-HRP孵育1小时后,CT-HRP仅结合在细胞膜的外表面,无内吞现象出现。如将标本再移入36.5℃中温育,15分钟内即出现神经细胞对结合在膜上的CT-HRP的内吞,称为受体介导的细胞内吞(RME)。RME不仅发生在神经细胞的胞体部位,在突起上也多见。神经细胞RME的特点是包含G_M1-CT-HRP的内吞小泡必先进入与膜的再循环有关的GERL区。当温育延长至3小时,细胞膜上的结合CT-HRP的数量与温育初期无明显差异,内吞小泡仍在GERL区,并可见胞体和树突内若干阳性小泡成串地沿微管排列,在细胞膜内侧的胞浆内也有较多的阳性小泡分布。少突胶质细胞在温育15分钟内吞入大部分结合在膜上的CT-HRP,形成大量内吞小泡,弥散地分布在细胞质内。随着温育时间的延长,内吞小泡彼此融合,最终与溶酶体融合。本文就这两种细胞对CT- ??HRP的不同内吞的可能原因及其生物学意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过组织学方法和透射电镜技术对细鳞鱼(Brachymystax lenok)卵子发生过程中细胞器的变化与作用进行了研究.结果表明,从刚分化的卵原细胞至成熟卵母细胞时期(Ⅰ~Ⅴ时相)胞质内均能观察到线粒体,其形态最初为圆形,随着其大量增殖,形态变为棒状、弯曲状或长形(Ⅱ时相),并导致线粒体簇形成,其嵴也由单个变为多个,电子密度呈由低到高的规律变化;但到Ⅲ时相末期线粒体又退化为圆形,个别线粒体还通过对分或牙分进行裂变,线粒体嵴被不断释放,形成空泡,其基质电子密度呈降低的规律变化;在此过程中线粒体主要参与各种囊泡的形成,为后期卵黄前体物质进入、积累创造条件.在Ⅱ时相卵母细胞早期的细胞核附近开始出现内质网和高尔基体,但数量少,结构简单,随着它们的大量增殖(Ⅲ~Ⅳ时相),这两种细胞器将对卵黄物质的合成与加工起到关键作用.内质网主要呈弓形,少数呈圆形或杯形,早期与高尔基体相伴出现,但随着内质网大量增殖,其合成功能也随之增强.早期高尔基体也呈弓形,但随着其高度发育,几个分散的高尔基体聚集形成高度发育的高尔基体复合体,其加工与修饰功能也不断增强,同时其周围伴有大量潴泡或电子密度不同的囊泡体(多层结构)出现,且这些多泡体常常与环形片层(annulate lamellae,AL)一同出现.AL与核膜结构相似,早期呈弧形排列,本研究推测环形片层起源于核膜,其主要作用可能是膜的储藏地.  相似文献   

天麻吸收蜜环菌营养机制的细胞学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天麻(Gastrodia elata BI.)地下块茎皮层内具三种染菌细胞:通道细胞、寄主细胞和消化细胞。超微结构的研究表明,通道细胞被真菌所破坏,寄主细胞与真菌保持共生关系,而消化细胞能反寄生于真菌并从真菌摄取营养。消化细胞首先释放溶酶体小泡消化真菌,然后通过内吞管和内吞泡吸收菌丝细胞质降解后渗漏的可溶性有机大分子物质,后期通过消化泡进一步吞噬和消化不溶性菌丝细胞壁物质。  相似文献   

内吞体分选转运复合体(Endosomal sorting complex required for transport,ESCRT)主要识别泛素化修饰的膜蛋白,介导内吞小泡出芽和多泡体(Multivesicular bodies,MVBs)的形成。此外,以类似的拓扑方式,ESCRT也参与胞质分裂、自体吞噬、以及包膜病毒的出芽等过程。已有的研究表明,大量的反转录病毒和RNA病毒含有晚期结构域(Late-domains),该结构域与ESCRT组分相互作用,将ESCRT-Ⅲ和VPS4等募集在病毒组装与出芽区域,并利用ESCRT-Ⅲ使病毒粒子得以释放。最近,有研究发现,一些DNA包膜病毒、如乙肝病毒、疱疹病毒和杆状病毒等的出芽释放也依赖于宿主细胞ESCRT系统,但其机理尚需深入研究。  相似文献   

本文报道银耳(Tremellafuciformis)原基分化前期.在双核菌丝的幼细胞、成熟细胞和分生孢子中,与质膜相关联的两类膜结构──边缘体和质膜体的形成与功能。根据相似结构的存在.支持小泡或多泡体排出质膜之外附在细胞壁上成为边缘体和参于细胞壁合成的假定。银耳原基分化前期.双核菌丝迅速分裂的幼细胞.其质膜内陷产生泡状质膜体,内含数个小泡,或产生膜状质膜体;在成熟细胞中.质膜内陷通常形成回旋的膜结构──膜状质膜体.内含1—2个电子致密小泡.当这两类质膜体脱离质膜进入细胞质后,有的膜层和小泡局部被消化.因此,推断质膜体具有内吞和输送养料的作用。另外.在桶孔隔膜闭塞一侧电子致密度高的细胞质中.还观察到一种罕见的只有单个膜层的质膜体.其内充满3个电子致密小泡.估计它的形成与功能同膜状质膜体相似。作者认为.桶孔闭塞和质膜体的出现是与银耳原基细胞分化有关联的两个重要特征。最后,在成熟细胞中,尚可以观察到质膜体的膜层能够散开形成内质网.因此.内质网也可以来源于质膜体。  相似文献   

多泡体形成过程的细胞化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multivesicular bodies were observed frequently in electron microscope photographs of Leydig cells from normal adult rat testes. Their formation, evolution and fate were analyzed morphologically in preparations treated to show cytidine monophosphatase (CMPase) activity and in animals sacrificed at various time intervals ranging from 5 min to 2 hrs after a single intratesticular injection of cationic ferritin (CF). Analysis of morphological and cytochemical data led to the following interpretation for the origin and fate of the multivesicular bodies in Leydig cells. The formation of multivesicular bodies in Leydig cells can be divided into three steps. Step 1, some endocytic vacuoles in Golgi region fuse with small vesicles to form pre-multivesicular bodies. Step 2, the pre-multivesicular bodies fuse together to form pale multivesicular bodies which are characterized by their large size, pale matrix and paucity of internal vesicles. Step 3, the pale multivesicular bodies remove their surplus enveloping membrane to become dense multivesicular bodies which are characterized by their smaller size, dense matrix and filling with internal vesicles. The pre-multivesicular bodies and pale multivesicular bodies do not contain hydrolytic enzymes, the dense multivesicular bodies acquire their hydrolytic enzymes by fusion with lysosomes and show CMPase activity. The dense multivesicular bodies often show a very close association with autophagosomes, and they might be involved in the autophagic activity of Leydig cells.  相似文献   

DNA-protein coacervates containing colloidal gold particles were readily phagocytized by strain L fibroblasts. During the subsequent digestion process, the gold particles served as markers which permitted the demonstration of the evolution of digestive vacuoles to multivesicular bodies and finally to dense bodies. Acid phosphatase and esterolytic activity was present in these structures. The hydrolytic enzymes were apparently brought to the phagocytotic vacuoles in small vesicles originating in the Golgi region. These vesicles entered the vacuoles prior to the digestion of the coacervates and the appearance of positive cytochemical reactions. The cytoplasmic dense bodies frequently merged with the phagocytotic vacuoles. This was demonstrated by prelabeling the dense bodies with colloidal iron prior to phagocytosis of the coacervates. In addition, evidence is presented for the interrelationship of the phagocytotic and autophagic pathways.  相似文献   

Walter Halperin 《Planta》1969,88(2):91-102
Summary Acid phosphatase localization has been studied, using the lead salt method, in suspension-cultured cells of the wild carrot. Enzyme activity in most of the cells was restricted to the walls and vacuoles. However, in some senescent cells activity was also seen in the nucleus, at one face of the dictyosomes, and in nearby dictyosome-derived vesciles.The activity in the walls was closely associated with the central portion of the wall which ultimately disintegrates in auxin-containing media. However, the large vesicles which accumulate in this portion of the wall as it breaks down never showed acid phosphatase activity, nor did the multivesicular bodies which appear to transfer vesicular material into the wall space. Although multivesicular bodies in plant cells resemble the multivesicular lysosomes of animal cells, no evidence could be obtained in this study for the presence in such bodies of hydrolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

睾丸间质细胞—研究自体吞噬的一种正常细胞模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study, we tried to estimate, in a semiquantitative way, the relative frequency of the autophagic activity in various cell types under physiological condition. The results indicated that the highest activity appeared to be in the Leydig cells of rat testes. Autophagosomes were frequently observed in electron microscope photographs of Leydig cells, which provide a good model to study the autophagocytosis in normal cells. The autophagic process in Leydig cells was observed with the electron microscope in preparations treated to show CMPase activity. The mode of formation of autophagosomes in Leydig cells can be divided into three steps. Step 1, flattened membranous elements expand to enclose a small cytoplasmic territory to form pre-autophagosome. Step 2, The double membrane profile of the pre-autophagosome then completely encloses the cytoplasmic territory to form early autophagosome in which structurally normal organelles are contained. Step 3, the transformation of an early autophagosome into a late one is accompanied by the loss of one of the two delimiting membranes, the partial disintegration of the enclosed content and simultaneous acquisition of acid phosphatase activity. The enzymatic reactivity is acquired following a close association with the lysosomes. The late autophagosome then reaches the cell surface and appear to exocytose their residual content.  相似文献   

Summary Acid phosphatase distribution in the biflagellate zoospores of a marine fungus Thraustochytrium, resembling T. motivum Goldstein, was examined utilizing ultrastructural cytochemistry. Acid phosphatase activity was found in the Golgi saccules, Golgi vesicles, multivesicular bodies, endoplasmic reticulum, and autophagic vacuoles.Extensive autolysis of cellular structures occurs in the zoospores. Organelles or portions of the cytoplasm are segregated from the rest of the cytoplasm by acid phosphatase-positive vesicles and lamellae. These vesicles and lamellae coalesce around a portion of cytoplasm forming an enclosing double membraned sac. One of the membranes, probably the inner, is disrupted, releasing the hydrolytic enzymes which initiate digestion of the enclosed cytoplasm. These cytolysomes eventually fuse with larger cytolysomes where digestion is presumably completed. The final fate of the digestive residues and the large cytolysomes has not been determined.Contribution No. 501, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia 23062, U.S.A.Supported in part by the Oceanographic Section, National Science Foundation, Grant # GA-31014, to Dr. Frank O. Perkins.  相似文献   

The role of coated vesicles during the absorption of horseradish peroxidase was investigated in the epithelium of the rat vas deferens by electron microscopy and cytochemistry. Peroxidase was introduced into the vas lumen in vivo. Tissue was excised at selected intervals, fixed in formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde, sectioned without freezing, incubated in Karnovsky's medium, postfixed in OsO4, and processed for electron microscopy. Some controls and peroxidase-perfused specimens were incubated with TPP,1 GP, and CMP. Attention was focused on the Golgi complex, apical multivesicular bodies, and two populations of coated vesicles; large (> 1000 A) ones concentrated in the apical cytoplasm and small (<750 A) ones found primarily in the Golgi region. 10 min after peroxidase injection, the tracer is found adhering to the surface plasmalemma, concentrated in bristle-coated invaginations, and within large coated vesicles. After 20–45 min, it is present in large smooth vesicles, apical multivesicular bodies, and dense bodies. Peroxidase is not seen in small coated vesicles at any interval. Counts of small coated vesicles reveal that during peroxidase absorption they first increase in number in the Golgi region and later, in the apical cytoplasm. In both control and peroxidase-perfused specimens incubated with TPP, reaction product is seen in several Golgi cisternae and in small coated vesicles in the Golgi region. With GP, reaction product is seen in one to two Golgi cisternae, multivesicular bodies, dense bodies, and small coated vesicles present in the Golgi region or near multivesicular bodies. The results demonstrate that (a) this epithelium functions in the absorption of protein from the duct lumen, (b) large coated vesicles serve as heterophagosomes to transport absorbed protein to lysosomes, and (c) some small coated vesicles serve as primary lysosomes to transport hydrolytic enzymes from the Golgi complex to multivesicular bodies.  相似文献   

Leydig cells prepared routinely (glutaraldehyde--osmium) for ultrastructural studies are generally found to be lacking in subcellular detail as a result of poor membrane preservation and a dense cytoplasmic matrix. A method modified after that of Karnovsky (1971), utilizing a ferrocyanide--osmium mixture for post-treating glutaraldehyde fixed tissued, was found to yield routinely excellent preservation of Leydig cells. The primary advantages of this method were the enhancement of contrast within the Leydig cell and greatly improved membrane preservation. In addition, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum always appeared as an extensive network of interconnected tubules of uniform diameter; mitochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes, multivesicular bodies, and Golgi were especially prominent. Glycogen and microfilaments, not readily seen in routine preparations, were found to be abundant in these cells. New observations on the numbers and distributions of subcellular organelles are described and are discussed in relation to their possible role in the steroidogenic process. In view of the greatly improved tissue preservation observed in this study, it is suggested that this treatment be used routinely for preservation of rat Leydig cells.  相似文献   

Exosomes: A Bubble Ride for Prions?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In certain cell types, endosomal multivesicular bodies may fuse with the cell surface in an exocytic manner. During this process, the small 50-90-nm-diameter vesicles contained in their lumen are released into the extracellular environment. The released vesicles are called exosomes. Exosome secretion can be used by cells to eject molecules targeted to intraluminal vesicles of multivesicular bodies, but particular cell types exploit exosomes as intercellular communication devices for transfer of proteins and lipids between cells. The molecular composition of exosomes is determined by sorting events within endosomes that occur concomitantly with the generation of intraluminal vesicles. As other raft-associated components, the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked prion protein transits through multivesicular bodies. Recent findings in non-neuronal cell models indicate prion protein association with secreted exosomes. Thus, exosomes could constitute vehicles for transmission of the infectious prion protein, bypassing cell-cell contact in the dissemination of prions.  相似文献   

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