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本文叙述了制作禄丰古猿雌性复原头像的根据和过程。复原像以宽阔的眶间宽和中面部,以及低平的鼻根和鼻梁硬骨部为其显著的特点。它的“鼻—前颌部”侧面轮廓和软鼻形态与猩猩的较相似。它的鼻属猿型鼻,有类似大猩猩的和人形化的性状。  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimates of familial correlations are presented for 12 cranio-facial measurements taken on 399 nuclear families from Southern India. Marital resemblance is significantly different from zero for head circumference, head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, bizygomatic breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects reveals that family resemblance for head circumference, head length, bigonial breadth, total facial height, and nasal height, but not for bigonial breadth, nose breadth, nose depth, or ear dimensions. All other familial correlations are significantly greater than zero except for the father-daughter correlation for nasal depth. Path analysis with a TAU transmission model with sex effects breadth, and sex effects in transmission were found for head breadth and nose dimensions. Sex effects in this sample may be due to the fact that different anthropometrists were used for male and female subjects.  相似文献   

我国23个群体体质的聚类分析与主成分分析   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
作者选取13项指标(头长、头宽、额最小宽、面宽、形态面高、鼻宽、鼻高、口裂宽、两眼内宽、身高、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽)对我国23个群体体质特征进行了聚类分析与主成分分析。研究结果显示:23个群体可分为南方组、北方组(含两个小组)和中间类群组。南方组与北方组的体质区别主要为体部的长度、宽度的差异。北方组各群体之间头面部指标值差异较大,南方组各群体之间头面部指标值则较为接近。  相似文献   

The measurement of 13 items in the face and nose of 220 young adults (110 males and 110 females) of the Han nationality between the ages of 18 and 21 years has been done in the Henan Province of China. The means and standard deviations have been obtained, and the significant differences in many items between males and females have been proved. Some items influencing outer nasal shape have been analyzed. The correlations between nose height, nose length, and morphologic facial height and physiognomic facial height have been discussed. The ratio and amount of nasal breadth to facial breadth and nasal breadth to interocular breadth have been compared and analyzed, and the differences among the different races and between the sexes have been explained.  相似文献   

对448例(男232例,女216例)湖北侗族进行了90项体质人类学特征的调查(观察项目32项,测量项目58项),计算出40项体质指数,对身高和10项指数进行了分型统计。结果表明,1)湖北侗族上睑皱褶出现率88.11%,蒙古褶出现率47.13%,达尔文结节出现率82.14%;多数人前额发际为三角形;颧部与颏部突出不甚明显;头发浓密,黑而平直;眼裂上斜型,高度中等;鼻根及鼻翼高度中等,鼻梁男多直形、女多凹形,鼻基与鼻尖上翘型居多;口裂男性较宽,女性中等;上唇皮肤部多正唇且红唇较厚;耳壳多椭圆或卵圆形,耳垂以圆形为主。2)体质特征表现为身材矮短;瘦长体型;中躯干型;窄肩型;中腿型;宽手型;圆头型、高头型、中头型;阔鼻型;阔面型。3)与我国南方其他36个少数民族群体进行聚类分析,结果显示湖北侗族体质特征与湖南侗族和贵州布依族最接近。湖北侗族具有典型的蒙古人种的南亚类型体质特征。  相似文献   

在海南文昌市调查了城市汉族315例(男为150例, 女为165例)和乡村汉族407例(男为216例, 女为191例)成人的73项体质指标, 计算了25项体质指数, 统计了指数分型情况, 与我国族群资料进行了比较, 对海南文昌汉族体质特征进行了初步分析。结果显示: 1)文昌汉族有上眼睑皱褶, 蒙古褶欠发达,眼裂窄且多呈眼外角高, 鼻根高度中等, 直鼻梁, 鼻基部上翘, 鼻翼高度中等, 鼻孔最大径斜位, 鼻翼宽, 耳垂多为圆形、三角形, 上唇皮肤部高度中等, 红唇较厚, 发色黑, 肤色、眼色较深。2)文昌汉族男女性均为特圆头型、高头型、中头型、中鼻型。男性还为中面型, 女性还为狭面型。3)文昌汉族男女性均为长躯干型、中胸型、中肩型、中骨盆型, 男性还为中腿型, 女性还为亚短腿型。文昌汉族城市、乡村的男性与女性身高均属于中等身材。4)文昌汉族头面部特征更接近于我国蒙古人种北亚类型族群。从体部指标来看。文昌汉族介于北亚类型族群与南亚类型族群之间, 更接近于北亚类型族群。  相似文献   

新疆塔什库尔干塔吉克族体质特征调查   总被引:33,自引:11,他引:22  
本文调查了新疆塔什库尔干塔吉克族成人155人(男100人、女55人)。观察24项,测量72项。调查结果表明,塔吉克族有其本民族的特征。如发色黑、波形、胡须多、眉毛发达,头最大宽、面宽、鼻宽均较窄,鼻根高、鼻尖下垂、鼻孔最大横径以斜和矢状位为多,未出现蒙古褶。经比较,塔吉克族与其他黄种人东亚人种较远。我们认为这些特征与白种人印度-阿富汗类型很接近。  相似文献   

为探讨遗传与环境因素对学龄双生子儿童头面部特征的影响, 对呼和浩特市和包头市7-12岁369对双生子儿童(同卵180对, 同性别异卵141对, 异性别异卵48对)的16项头面部指标进行活体测量。采用通径分析方法, 用Mx软件拟合最佳结构方程模型, 计算各指标遗传与环境方差组分, 分析年龄、性别的作用。结果发现, 校正年龄后, 头部指标中头围的遗传度(男66%, 女66%)较高; 面部指标中, 容貌面高的遗传度(男73%, 女84%)最高, 其次为鼻宽(男57%, 女67%)、眼内角间宽(男57%, 女50%)和额最小宽(男50%, 女50%); 头长(男64%, 女25%)、头宽(男26%, 女82%)、眼外角间宽(男76%, 女34%)和容貌耳长(男23%, 女70%)的遗传度存在一定的性别差异。表明遗传因素与环境因素对学龄双生子儿童的头面部发育均有一定影响, 其中遗传因素对男女头围及容貌面高、男性头长和眼外角间宽、女性头宽、鼻宽、口宽、容貌耳长的影响相对较大。  相似文献   

中国克木人的体质特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文调查了我国克木人285例(男为141例,女为144例)的体质特征,计算出9项观察项目的出现率,58项测量项目的均数和标准差、31项指数值和分型情况,并与我国31个群体的体质特征进行了比较,得出我国克木人的体质特征为:蒙古褶出现率低,男为31.21%,女为32.64%;上眼睑皱褶出现率高,男为90.33%,女为93.75%;鼻根高度中等型出现率最高,男为65.96%,女为47.22%;鼻翼高度多为中等;耳垂多为三角型;上唇皮肤部高度多为中等型;发色多为黑色;眼色多为褐色;肤色多为黄色;圆头型、高头型、阔头型、狭鼻型、中躯干型、中胸型出现率最高;男性狭面型、亚长腿型、宽肩型、中骨盆型出现率最高;女性的阔面型、中腿型、中肩型、宽骨盆型出现率最高;男性身高均数为160.2cm,女身高均数为151.5cm,属亚中等身材;克木人男性与女性均具有生活在我国南方的人群的体质特征。  相似文献   

新疆哈萨克族体质特征调查   总被引:42,自引:17,他引:25  
崔静  李传仁 《人类学学报》1991,10(4):305-313
本文调查了新疆塔城地区托里县哈萨克族成人258例(男152,女106)。观察29项,测量86项,调查结果表明,哈萨克族有其本民族的特征。如头圆、高、阔,眼开度中等,鼻宽大于两眼内角宽,鼻根较高,蒙古褶出现率半数以上,多呈微显型,指距长,体型中等。经比较,哈萨克族与柯尔克孜族、锡伯族、蒙古族和华北汉族较接近,与苗族、满族、黎族和羌族等较远。  相似文献   

佤族的体质特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
调查了442例(男258例,女184例)佤族人的67项(观察项目9项,测量项目58项)体质人类学指标,计算了31项体质指数值,统计了部分指数的分型情况。研究结果显示:佤族人内眦褶率低(16.1%),上眼睑皱褶率高(96.8%),鼻根高度、鼻翼高度与上唇皮肤部高度均为中等型,耳垂多为圆型(58.1%),发色多为黑色,眼色多为褐色,肤色多为黄色。身高均数男为160.4cm,女为150.7cm,男女均为亚中等身材。体重均数男为54.9kg女为49.1kg。按指数分型标准,男女均以圆头型、高头型、阔头型、狭面型、狭鼻型、长躯干型、中腿型、中胸型出现率最高。此外,男性以宽肩型、中骨盆型出现率最高;女性的中肩型、窄骨盆型出现率最高。对包括佤族在内的我国32个人群(南、北方各16个人群)13项体质指标值主成分分析,结果显示佤族人身材矮小、纤瘦,面部及五官高度值较大,头长值较小,头面部及五官宽度值较大。佤族人具有蒙古人种南亚类型的体质特征。本文对佤族人体质特征形成的原因进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

中国图瓦人体质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在新疆阿勒泰地区调查了图瓦人159例(男55, 女104)的67项体质指标(9项观察指标和58项测量指标), 计算出26项体质指数, 并对身高和11项指数进行了分型统计。研究结果表明: 1)图瓦人有上眼睑皱褶率为71.70%, 有内眦褶率为47.80%, 有耳垂率为55.97%, 肤色多为浅色, 发色黑色, 眼色褐色。鼻根多数中等或低, 男女均以中鼻型居多。鼻翼发育中等, 红唇发育中等偏薄, 男性耳垂三角形的最多, 方形次之, 女性以三角形和圆形为主。2)图瓦人男女身高均数分别为166.7cm和152.6cm, 体重均数分别为71.25kg和58.93kg。按指数分型标准, 中国图瓦人特圆头型率、高头型率、中鼻型率、宽胸型率、窄骨盆型率、中腿型率、长躯干型率、矮胖型率最高。男性还以阔头型率、中面型率、宽肩型率最高。女性还以阔面型率最高。3)图瓦人体质特征具蒙古人种北亚类型体质特点, 与柯尔克孜族、塔塔尔族、布里亚特人体质接近。  相似文献   

Human upper airway dilator muscles are clearly influenced by chemical stimuli such as hypoxia and hypercapnia. Whether in humans there are upper airway receptors capable of modifying the activity of such muscles is unclear. We studied alae nasi electromyography (EMG) in normal men in an attempt to determine 1) whether increasing negative intraluminal pressure influences the activity of the alae nasi muscle, 2) whether nasal airway feedback mechanisms modify the activity of this muscle, and 3) if so, whether these receptor mechanisms are responding to mucosal temperature/pressure changes or to airway deformation. Alae nasi EMG was recorded in 10 normal men under the following conditions: 1) nasal breathing (all potential nasal receptors exposed), 2) oral breathing (nasal receptors not exposed), 3) nasal breathing with splints (airway deformation prevented), and 4) nasal breathing after nasal anesthesia (mucosal receptors anesthetized). In addition, in a separate group, the combined effects of anesthesia and nasal splints were assessed. Under each condition, EMG activity was monitored during basal breathing, progressive hypercapnia, and inspiratory resistive loading. Under all four conditions, both load and hypercapnia produced a significant increase in alae nasi EMG, with hypercapnia producing a similar increment in EMG regardless of nasal receptor exposure. On the other hand, loading produced greater increments in EMG during nasal than during oral breathing, with combined anesthesia plus splinting producing a load response similar to that observed during oral respiration. These observations suggest that nasal airway receptors have little effect on the alae nasi response to hypercapnia but appear to mediate the alae nasi response to loading or negative airway pressure.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

江西汉族人头面部形态特征的年龄变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究人类头面部形态特征随年龄增长而变化的规律, 赴江西省丰城调查了汉族705例(城男151, 城女156, 乡男203, 乡女195)38项头面部指标, 并计算了12项头面部体质指数, 对江西汉族头面部形态特征的年龄变化进行了初步分析。结果显示: 江西汉族人头面部形态特征随年龄增长呈现一定的变化规律。1)随年龄增长, 江西汉族成人有蒙古褶率下降, 眼裂倾斜度渐趋水平, 眼色变浅, 上唇皮肤部高度狭窄型率下降, 红唇厚度窄型率上升。2)相关分析显示, 江西汉族鼻宽、口裂宽、鼻深、上唇皮肤部高度、容貌耳长、容貌耳宽与年龄呈正相关; 眼外角间宽、唇高、红唇厚度与年龄呈负相关; 3)江西汉族人头长宽指数、口指数与年龄呈负相关。4)方差分析显示, 上述指标值、指数值在不同年龄组间差异均具有统计学意义。  相似文献   

Respiratory changes in nasal muscle length   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Respiratory changes in alae nasi muscle length were recorded using sonomicrometry in pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized tracheostomized dogs spontaneously breathing 100% O2. Piezoelectric crystals were inserted via small incisions into the alae nasi of 11 animals, and bipolar fine-wire electrodes were inserted contralaterally in nine of the same animals. The alae nasi shortened during inspiration in all animals. The mean amount of shortening was 1.33 +/- 0.22% of resting length (LR), and the mean velocity of shortening during the first 200 ms was 4.60 +/- 0.69% LR/S. The onset of alae nasi shortening preceded inspiratory flow by 77 +/- 18 ms (P less than 0.002), at which time both alae nasi shortening and the moving average of electromyographic (EMG) activity had reached approximately one-third of their peak values. In contrast, there was a relative delay in alae nasi relaxation relative to the decay of alae nasi EMG at the end of expiration. Single-breath airway occlusions at end expiration changed the normally rounded pattern of alae nasi shortening and moving average EMG to a late-inspiratory peaking pattern; both total shortening and EMG were increased by similar amounts. The onset of vagally mediated volume-related inhibition of alae nasi shortening occurred synchronously with the onset of inhibition of alae nasi EMG; both occurred at lung volumes substantially below tidal volume. These results indicate that the pattern of inspiratory shortening of this nasal dilating muscle is reflected closely in the pattern of EMG activity and that vagal afferents cause substantial inhibition of alae nasi inspiratory shortening.  相似文献   

为了探究孟高棉语族未识别民族族群特征,研究组以412名(男性220人,女性192人)云南孟高棉语族未识别民族成人为例,运用人体测量学方法对该族群男女头面部与体部58项指标及20个指数进行测量和分析,并选取头长、头宽、面宽、形态面高、身高、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽8项指标与30个已研究族群进行比较。结果表明:1)男性各项体质指标除大腿围和6项皮褶厚度指标外,都大于女性各项指标,男女身高均以矮型为主;2)孟高棉语族未识别民族男性上眼睑皱褶率为88.2%,女性上眼睑皱褶率为94.3%。男性蒙古褶率为41.8%,女性蒙古褶率为36.5%。鼻根高度男性以中等型为主,女性以低平为主。耳垂类型男性以圆形率为主,女性以三角形率为主;3)依据指数分型出现率得出:孟高棉语族未识别民族男女均以圆头型、高头型、阔头型、狭鼻型、中腿型、中胸型、宽肩型率最高;4)聚类分析和主成分分析显示孟高棉语族未识别民族与布朗族、基诺族、布依族、侗族比较接近。遗传因素、环境条件与饮食习惯是这些民族体质特征接近的原因。  相似文献   

人体测量指标与掌指纹特征之间的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张继宗 《人类学学报》1991,10(3):231-237
本文对106名中国东北汉族女性进行了活体测量,并拓取了掌指纹。样本的年龄范围为18—34岁。所分析的人体测量指标共41项,掌指纹指标共59项。将人体测量指标与掌指纹指标同时输入电子计算机,进行了100项实验指标间的相关分析,并做了相关显著性检验。在41项人体测量指标中,有35项指标与掌指纹特征有相关关系。其中与掌指纹特征同时相关的人体测量特征有18项,与指纹特征相关的人体测量指标有2项,与掌纹相关的人体测量指标有15项。与掌指纹特征同时相关的人体测量特征,与遗传因素之间的相互关系大于与指纹相关的人体测量特征。与指纹相关的人体测量特征,与遗传因素的关系,要大于与掌纹相关的人体测量特征。  相似文献   

Anthropometric studies in Brazilian Cayapo Indians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results of 16 measurements and 7 indices obtained from 130 men and 156 women belonging to three populations of Brazilian Indians are reported. For both males and females the averages for stature and head breadth are in the middle of the distribution range of values observed in other South American tribes; those for head length and nasal height are relatively low but the averages for sitting height, calf circumference and minimum frontal breadth are high. As for the indices, in both sexes the cephalic and cephalofacial are medium, the Rohrer, jugomandibularis and facial low, and the nasal high when compared with other tribes. Morphological distances between the three Cayapo populations were estimated using Mahalanobis' D2 statistic; they are smaller than those separating different tribes and are not the expected ones when the demographic variables of these groups and the geographic distances between them are considered. The amount of variability as expressed by the coefficient of variation and the prevailing pattern of sexual dimorphism are similar to those observed in other Indian populations.  相似文献   

Alae nasi electromyographic activity and timing in obstructive sleep apnea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The alae nasi is an accessible dilator muscle of the upper airway located in the nose. We measured electromyograms (EMG) of the alae nasi to determine the relationship between their activity and timing to contraction of the rib cage muscles and diaphragm during obstructive apnea in nine patients. Alae nasi EMG were measured with surface electrodes and processed to obtain a moving time average. Contraction of the rib cage and diaphragm during apneas was detected with esophageal pressure. During non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep, there was a significant correlation in each patient between alae nasi EMG activity and the change in esophageal pressure. During rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, correlations were significantly lower than during NREM sleep. As the duration of each apnea increased, the activation of alae nasi EMG occurred progressively earlier than the change in esophageal pressure. We conclude that during obstructive apneas in NREM sleep, activity of the alae nasi increases when diaphragm and rib cage muscle force increases and the activation occurs earlier as each apneic episode progresses.  相似文献   

广州莲花山水上居民体质特征调查   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对莲花山164名21至70岁的水上居民男(106)、女(58)进行了活体测量、观察和摄影,并和广西壮族、广东黎族及湖南瑶族进行了比较。  相似文献   

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