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目的调查从老挝引种的食蟹猴BV、SRV、SIV和STLV-1四项病毒抗体阳性、可疑的比例,并对SPF种群建立过程中四项病毒的动态变化进行了监测,进而比较普通种群和SPF种群幼猴病毒抗体的阳性率。方法采用专用试剂盒对四项病毒进行连续监测并进行比较分析。结果引种的1998只食蟹猴,BV抗体阳性比例高达52.35%,可疑比例为8.31%,抗体阴性的比例仅为39.34%;SRV和STLV-1抗体阳性率分别为7.45%和8.56%;未检测出SIV抗体阳性或可疑的食蟹猴。经过筛选后组建的SPF种群,2010年监测的BV、SRV和STLV-1三项病毒抗体阳性率分别为5.24%、1.01%和0.4%,经过连续5年的不断筛选和淘汰,截至2014年年底三种病毒抗体阳性率分别下降至0.82%、0.27%和0.27%,未监测出SIV抗体阳性或可疑的食蟹猴。普通群繁殖幼猴B病毒抗体阳性的比例为9.71%,可疑率为1.85%;而SPF繁殖种群B病毒抗体阳性率仅为0.22%。结论连续监测病毒抗体并不断淘汰抗体阳性和可疑的动物对组建SPF食蟹猴种群具有重要的生产意义。  相似文献   

分别针对编码STLV-1和SRV/D-1两种逆转录病毒膜蛋白的env基因进行引物设计,通过优化、调整PCR条件,建立一种能同时检测猕猴STLV-1和SRV/D-1两种逆转录病毒的多重PCR方法,用于猕猴种群逆转录病毒的常规监测。结果显示多重套式PCR产物片段大小与预期结果一致,进一步测序证实为目的产物,说明建立的多重套式PCR方法能同时检测出猕猴体内可能存在的STLV-1和SRV/D-1两种逆转录病毒。这种方法具有灵敏度高、特异性强、省时、试剂用量少和检测费用低等优点,因此可以作为一种新方法用于猕猴种群逆转录病毒的定性监测。  相似文献   

目的利用巢式PCR方法检测圈养的食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis)和猕猴(Macaca mulatta)中猴D型逆转录病毒(Simian Type D Retrovirus SRV)和猴泡沫病毒(Simian foamy virus SFV)。方法针对SRV-env和SFV-pol基因的保守区序列设计特异性外引物,然后再设计特异性内引物。将外引物扩增出的片段克隆到PJET1.2blunt载体中作为阳性对照,运用NCBI中BLAST软件比对测序结果。用巢式PCR方法分别检测食蟹猴和猕猴中SRV和SFV。结果发现食蟹猴中SFV感染率为65.2%,SRV感染率为9.5%,猕猴中SFV感染率为60.5%,SRV感染率为12.8%。结论圈养的食蟹猴和猕猴SFV的感染率均较高,SRV感染率很低。  相似文献   

目的为了进一步确证SHIV-KB9感染中国恒河猴的病毒浓度范围,测试动物对病毒的适应性,明确该动物模型的可重复性。方法实验前采集猴血清并进行血清学检查。选出4只无SIV、STLV、SRV/D和B病毒感染的恒河猴,分别用10倍系列稀释的病毒液静脉感染实验猴,使用流氏细胞术、血常规、病毒分离、DNA-PCR和RT-PCR等方法确定实验猴是否被感染,以及感染后恒河猴体内病毒复制和免疫细胞损伤情况。结果实验猴的血浆病毒载量、病毒分离结果、CD4+/CD8+比值和CD4+T细胞数等证实,4.8×105 copies/mL以上浓度的SHIV-KB9病毒液能成功感染中国恒河猴。结论本研究进一步明确了SHIV-KB9感染中国恒河猴的有效病毒浓度范围,确定了SHIV-KB9病毒感染中国恒河猴的病毒学、免疫学的测定指标,成功的建立了SHIV-KB9/中国恒河猴动物模型。  相似文献   

对安徽省实验猕猴中心的安徽恒河猴进行了微生物(包括病毒和病原菌)和寄生虫检测。对恒河猴的病毒检测结果发现,猕猴疱疹病毒1型(BV)和猴痘病毒(SPV)抗体的阳性率分别为20.7%(6/29)和10.0%(2/20),20只恒河猴中没有发现猴反转录D型病毒(SRV)、猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)和猴T细胞趋向性病毒Ⅰ型(STLV—1)的抗体。5只受检的人工繁育的安徽恒河猴没有感染沙门菌、皮肤病原真菌、志贺菌和结核分枝杆菌的这四种病原菌。肉眼检测恒河猴体表,未发现体外寄生虫。39份人工繁殖的恒河猴粪便样品的总寄生虫感染率为38.5%,检测到溶组织内阿米巴和5种蠕虫(粪类圆线虫、猴结节线虫、绦虫、钩虫、蛔虫),感染率最高的是粪类圆线虫和猴结节线虫。本次调查表明,安徽恒河猴无特殊疾病,健康状况基本良好,可以建立普通级的实验恒河猴,实现安徽恒河猴的实验动物化。  相似文献   

中国猕猴逆转录病毒的分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内首次从捕自中国三个地区的猕猴分离到三株逆转录病毒,经ELISA、免疫荧光检查与SRV-1呈阳性反应。免疫蛋白印迹试验加以证实,血清抗体与SRV-1呈阳性反应,其中有一株与SRV-1和STLV血清抗体有交叉反应。电子显微镜下见有大量病毒颗粒,具有典型逆转录病毒结构。  相似文献   

目的了解湖南省实验动物微生物学质量,为实验动物实行科学管理提供重要依据,保证实验动物质量,确保实验结果准确和实验动物科技事业工作者的职业健康与安全。方法在相关单位生产繁殖群以单纯随机抽样原则采样,按照GB 14922.2-2001、GB/T 14926-2001和GB/T14926.21-2008进行实验动物微生物检测。结果 SPF级大鼠批次合格率为73.68%,SPF级小鼠批次合格率为77.78%,普通级新西兰兔批次合格率为60.61%,普通级豚鼠批次合格率为100%。结论我省2006~2010年实验动物微生物学质量前期呈现下降趋势,后期得到较大改善。要继续采取措施加强实验动物管理,消除实验动物种群微生物感染。  相似文献   

非人灵长类动物模型在HIV-1致病机制研究以及抗AIDS药物和疫苗研发中具有重要作用。由于缺乏HIV-1直接感染的动物,SIV/SHIV猕猴模型是目前AIDS研究中应用最为广泛的动物模型。虽然SIV/SHIV猕猴模型与人AIDS具有一定的相似性,但SIV/SHIV与HIV-1间的遗传差异较大,致使SIV/SHIV猕猴模型存在很多局限性。创建合适的非人灵长类动物模型仍然是HIV/AIDS研究中的热点和难点。平顶猴是目前唯一可以被HIV-1感染的旧大陆猴,在HIV-1静脉传播和性传播模型研究中具有许多优势。该文综述了SIV、HIV、SHIV和HSIV通过静脉和黏膜途径感染平顶猴的特征,并简要介绍了病毒在平顶猴细胞中复制的分子机制以及建立平顶猴AIDS模型的限制因素和前景。  相似文献   

猕猴是最理想的医学实验灵长类动物,并且是国家二级保护动物。四川地区的猕猴数量多、分布广,全面了解其遗传背景对于该地区猕猴资源的保护与合理利用具有重要的意义。本研究对来自四川8 个地理种群的231个不同猕猴个体的线粒体DNA 控制区部分序列进行了测定和群体分析,发现了110 个变异位点(22. 49% ),定义了56 种单倍型,其单倍型多样性(h)平均值为0. 686、核苷酸多样性(π)平均值为0. 01483,种群总体遗传多样性较高;进一步分析表明,8 个地理种群间存在着明显的遗传分化(Fst = 0. 70412,P < 0. 05),种群间基因交流较低(Nm < 1);系统发育树显示,四川猕猴8 个地理种群的单倍型基本上成簇分布在系统树上,与地理位置呈现一定的对应关系,说明四川猕猴具有明显的系统地理分布格局。地理隔离和人类活动可能是促使四川猕猴种群分化的主要因素。  相似文献   

使用实时荧光定量PCR技术对HearNPV在生长对数期和平台期HzAM1细胞的复制差异进行分析。结果表明,HzAM1细胞生长对数期的倍增时间为22 h,生长对数期的细胞以S期细胞为主(48.6%),而平台期细胞中以G2/M期细胞为主(72.6%)。在这两种不同状态的细胞中,病毒的复制主要在感染后60 h内完成,在感染后14~20 h,病毒复制倍增时间分别为1.8 h和1.9 h,几乎没有差别。但是感染生长对数期细胞时,吸附侵入细胞内的BV数量、BV释放的数量、最终的病毒产量以及病毒表达的蛋白产量明显高于被病毒感染的生长平台期细胞。如生长对数期细胞内复制合成的病毒DNA总量的25%装配形成BV病毒粒子出芽释放到细胞外,而对于平台期细胞,病毒DNA仅有13%装配形成BV病毒粒子出芽释放到细胞外。病毒感染两种生长状态的细胞,病毒DNA均从感染后7~8 h开始复制,没有明显差别;而生长对数期细胞从被感染后18~20 h释放子代病毒BV,生长平台期细胞则在感染后22~25 h开始释放病毒BV。在感染后30~60 h,在生长对数期被感染的细胞释放BV的速度约为483 copies/cell/h,而平台期细胞约为100 copies/cell/h。最初吸附侵入到生长对数期细胞内的BV粒子数量明显多于侵入到生长平台期细胞内的BV数量。实验证实,生长对数期与平台期的细胞膜的流动性有很大差别,推测健康细胞表面有活性的病毒受体数量可能决定了侵入细胞内的BV的数量。  相似文献   

Specific pathogen-free (SPF) macaque colonies are now requested frequently as a resource for research. Such colonies were originally conceived as a means to cull diseased animals from research-dedicated colonies, with the goal of eliminating debilitating or fatal infectious agents from the colony to improve the reproductive capacity of captive research animals. The initial pathogen of concern was Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb.), recognized for many years as a pathogen of nonhuman primates as well as a human health target. More recently attention has focused on four viral pathogens as the basis for an SPF colony: simian type D retrovirus (SRV), simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), simian T cell lymphotropic/leukemia virus (STLV), and Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 (CHV-1). New technologies, breeding, and maintenance schemes have emerged to develop and provide SPF primates for research. In this review we focus on the nonhuman primates (NHPs) most common to North American NHP research facilities, Asian macaques, and the most common current research application of these animals, modeling of human AIDS.  相似文献   

The rhesus macaque breeding colony of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) was established in 1932 from a founding stock of 100 animals. This population has remained closed to new animal introductions for almost 70 years. A serologic survey was performed to determine the prevalence of antibodies to selected viruses as a first approach to identifying viral pathogens endemic in this population. Banked serum samples were tested for antibodies to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), simian T-lymphotropic virus (STLV), simian type D retrovirus (SRV), cercopithecine herpesvirus type-1 (B virus), rhesus cytomegalovirus (RhCMV), measles virus (MV), and hepatitis A virus (HAV). All samples were negative for antibodies against the simian retroviruses. The overall prevalence of antibodies was 95% for RhCMV, 45% for B virus, 35% for HAV, and 1% for MV. Prevalence was found to vary by age group.  相似文献   

The exogenous simian type D retroviruses (SRV/Ds) are prevalent in macaque monkeys and sometimes cause immunodeficiency with anemia, weight loss, and persistent unresponsive diarrhea. SRV/D isolates are classified as subtypes 1 to 6, and the entire sequences of the gag region of SRV/D-1, -2, and -3 and SRV/D-Tsukuba (SRV/D-T) have been determined. We designed specific primers in the gag region of SRV/D-T that enabled us to directly detect by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) SRV/D-T proviral DNA sequences in DNA extracted from whole blood. Using this assay and another PCR assay that detects multiple SRV/D subtypes, we performed a survey for SRV/D infection in our specific pathogen-free (SPF) and conventional colonies at Tsukuba Primate Center (TPC). In the SPF colony, no SRV/D signal was detected in any animal. On the other hand, SRV/D-T was detected in 11 of 49 animals (22.5%) in the conventional colony. SRV/D-T was the only SRV/D subtype detected. Consequently, SRV/D-T is the major SRV/D subtype present in cynomolgus monkeys at TPC.  相似文献   

A 3.3% seroprevalence of simian T-lymphotropic virus (STLV) was found in a closed breeding and research colony of rhesus and cynomolgus macaques in Thailand. Epidemiology of STLV within the colony was assessed by means of a retrospective analysis of banked and freshly collected serum samples, and a review of the animals' medical records. Evidence was found that the virus had been imported into the colony by some of the original animals, and was subsequently transmitted both vertically and horizontally. The cell-associated nature of STLV was demonstrated by iatrogenic transmission of the virus following a whole blood transfusion, but there was no transmission to animals that received only serum from the same infected donor. Transmission by all routes was infrequent, as indicated by the overall seroprevalence of 3.3% (14 of 420 samples) after the colony had been closed for 11 years. Maternal-infant transmission appeared to be < 12%.  相似文献   

The proviral DNA of the simian T-leukemia/lymphotropic virus (STLV) isolate, originally obtained from a captive colony of pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) (STLV(pan-p)), was cloned from the DNA of the chronically infected human T-cell line L93-79B. The entire proviral DNA sequence was obtained and compared with sequences of the known genotypes of STLV and human T-leukemia/lymphotropic virus types 1 and 2 (HTLV-1 and -2). Phylogenetic analysis indicates that STLV-2(pan-p) is an early divergence within the type 2 lineage and should be referred to as STLV-2(pan-p). Since STLV-2(pan-p) has been found in African nonhuman primates, we investigated its infectiousness and pathogenicity in Asian monkeys. Pigtailed macaques were inoculated with human cells harboring STLV(pan-p), and infection was assessed by virus isolation, PCR analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and seroconversion against viral antigens in HTLV-1/HTLV-2 and Western blot assay. Pigtailed macaques became persistently infected by STLV-2(pan-p), and the virus could be transferred by blood transfusion from an infected pigtailed macaque to a rhesus macaque. In addition, like HTLV-1 and HTLV-2, STLV-2(pan-p) was infectious in rabbits. In summary, STLV-2(pan-p) is a novel retrovirus distantly related to HTLV-2 and displays a host range similar to that demonstrated for other HTLV and STLV strains.  相似文献   



The rhesus macaque is an important biomedical model organism, and the Tulane National Primate Research Center (TNPRC) has one of the largest rhesus macaque breeding colonies in the United States.


SNP profiles from 3266 rhesus macaques were used to examine the TNPRC colony genetic composition over time and across conventional or SPF animals of Chinese and Indian ancestry.


Chinese origin animals were the least genetically diverse and the most inbred; however, since their derivation from their conventional forebearers, neither the Chinese nor the Indian SPF animals exhibit any significant loss of genetic diversity or differentiation.


The TNPRC colony managers have successfully minimized loss in genetic variation across generations. Although founder effects and bottlenecks among the Indian animals have been successfully curtailed, the Chinese subpopulation still show some influences from these events.  相似文献   

目的为了完善现有的SIV/恒河猴模型,掌握恒河猴被SIV感染后体内细胞免疫应答状态,为评价HIV疫苗提供方法和数据上的参考,我们测定了SIV感染猴体内病毒特异性的细胞免疫水平。方法实验前选出4只无SIV、sTLV、SRV/D和B病毒感染的恒河猴,用SIVmac239病毒液静脉感染实验猴,使用RT-PCR、流氏细胞术和ELISPOT等方法,监测SIVmac239病毒在恒河猴体内复制情况、感染猴的外周免疫损伤情况和细胞免疫情况,持续测定一年。结果实验结果显示IFN-γ ELISPOT方法能有效的评估实验猴的细胞免疫情况,IFN—YELISPOT结果和CD4+T细胞数无相关性,与血浆病毒载量稍有相关。结论本实验明确了SIVmac239感染中国恒河猴体内CTL的基本趋势和范围,了解了外周血病毒载量、外周免疫损伤与细胞免疫状况之间的联系,完善了SIV/SAIDS模型评价指标,为使用此模型评价抗病毒药物或疫苗提供了基础条件。  相似文献   

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