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树鼩实验室繁殖及育幼的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
探讨实验室内树鼩的人工繁殖和育幼情况。结果显示在16个月的观察期内,35只雌性、2 0只雄性成年树共产仔14 7窝4 0 4只,平均每只母树年产仔3 2窝、8 7只,平均每次妊娠的合笼天数为6 8±32天。在非繁殖高峰期给雄、雌性树鼩用激素可使合笼时间缩短至6 1±14天,用药有效率为6 1. 5 %。仔树出生后经被动母乳联合人工配方乳喂养的成活率达92. 2 %。表明在实验室条件下,非繁殖期使用激素类药物能提高成年树鼩的受孕率;被动母乳联合人工配方乳喂养仔树的方法简单易行。  相似文献   

6种中国特有闭壳龟的人工驯养繁育种群状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周婷 《四川动物》2007,26(2):448-451
2003年1月~2006年6月期间,调查了6种中国特有闭壳龟的人工驯养繁育种群状况。结果显示,三线闭壳龟(含越南三线闭壳龟和中国三线闭壳龟)的人工驯养繁育种群数量最多,种龟8000~10000,其中30%~40%是中国三线闭壳龟;金头闭壳龟134只,潘氏闭壳龟49只;百色闭壳龟39~44只,周氏闭壳龟29只;云南闭壳龟最少,仅2只。6种中国特有闭壳龟中,除中国三线闭壳龟外,其他种类人工驯养繁育种群数量均不超过50~150只;没有形成稳定的人工种群数量。  相似文献   

比较野生和人工繁育树鼩的部分生理指标,为人类疾病的动物模型创制提供基本参数.血液采自昆明地区54只野生树鼩(被捕获后人工饲养1-2月)和54只子一代人工繁育树鼩.该研究首次报道在两组动物中,肌酸激酶、肌钙蛋白I、总胆汁酸、果糖胺、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇等在性别间差异无显著性;这些指标在人工繁育树鼩中的中位数(四分位数间距)依次为:1449(956)U/L、5.94(7.23)μg/L、15.6(19.7)μmol/L、393.5(80.8)μmol/L和0.36(0.32)mmol/L;在野生树鼩中依次为:986(564)U/L、4.01(4.10)μg/L、20.0(20.6)μmol/L、379.0(104.0)μmol/L和0.46(0.23)mmol/L.人工繁育树鼩生理指标表现出个体间离散程度降低趋势,但个别反映肝脏功能及心肌情况的指标表现出平均值上升,个体离散程度扩大的现象.这些生理指标为人类疾病的树鼢模型创制打下了基础.  相似文献   

正大熊猫是人们熟知的动物,独特的黑白形象早已深入人心,它憨态可掬、与世无争的悠闲样子受到全世界人民的喜爱。然而野生大熊猫几乎都呆在深山老林里,通常我们只能看到圈养条件下的大熊猫。在动物园,往往雌雄两只大熊猫共同生活在一个圈舍里;而在圈养种群较大的繁育机构,每只成年大熊猫虽有独立圈舍却彼此相邻;在亚成体集中的幼儿园,更是容易看到多头大熊猫  相似文献   

从青海湖国家级自然保护区管理局获悉 ,世界上第 1只人工饲养的普氏原羚“玲玲”,8月 6日成功产下第 1胎幼仔 ,经过近 1个月的精心呵护 ,取名为“陶陶”的幼仔生长发育良好。普氏原羚是中国的特有物种、世界极度濒危级动物 ,目前仅生存在青海湖环湖地区 ,数量不足 2 0 0只。国家林业局野生动物研究与发展中心李迪强博士说 :“普氏原羚的人工饲养和繁育非常不易 ,如果能通过人工繁育的方式建立人工种群 ,对这个物种的保护将很有意义。”普氏原羚人工繁育取得成功  相似文献   

多枝柽柳是中国西北干旱地区的重要建群种,为了解其不同种群的传粉生物学特性,对该物种的开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性、访花者种类、坐果率及繁育系统进行观测。结果表明:1)野生和人工种群的开花高峰期和花生产期有差异,人工种群的持续时间更长。2)野生种群中,意大利蜂为主要的访花昆虫,花粉与胚珠比(P/O)为337.2;人工种群中,卡切叶蜂是最有效的访花者,花粉与胚珠比(P/O)为356.1。3)人工种群的坐果率高于野生种群。4)在2个种群中,杂交指数均为3,表明多枝柽柳以兼性异交为主,自交在繁育系统中只起辅助作用。  相似文献   

黄腹角雉(Tragopan caboti)为我国特有珍稀雉类。目前,其野生种群仅分布于湖南东南部、浙江南部和西南部、江西、福建、广东北部和广西东北部,估计数量约为4000只。湖南省雉类繁殖基地自1997年通过对执法检查中获得的黄腹角雉个体进行收容、救护以及驯养繁殖工作以来,该人工种群已经成功繁殖4年,至2004年年底种群数量为131只。本文利用8年的驯养繁殖过程中获得的种群生态学参数,借助漩涡模型(Vortex9.51)对该种群100年内的动态进行了模拟。结果显示,按照过去8年的生存情况,该种群在100年灭绝的概率为97%。成年雌性的高死亡率和频繁的灾害是影响种群长期存活的两个关键因素。如果成年雌性的死亡率降低到饲养后3年(2002—2004年)时的水平,种群的灭绝概率降低至5%,如果同时控制灾害的发生,其灭绝概率降至0。增加环境容纳量没有降低种群的灭绝概率和增加其增长速度,但增加环境容纳量对100年后的种群数量和基因杂合度有明显的影响。在降低成年雌性死亡率和杜绝灾害发生的情况下,可以考虑对种群进行收获(用作向野外放养),每次收获的数量应该控制在5只成年雄性和5只成年雌,开始收获时间为种群连续繁殖10年以后。降低成年雌性的死亡率、杜绝食物中毒和火灾等灾害的发生以及增加环境容纳量是该人工饲养种群长期存活和发展壮大的重要管理手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨树鼩乳汁的基本成份,并和其它乳制品成份进行了比较分析。方法选取10只分娩后(1-21)d期间的哺乳期母树鼩,用人工被动母乳喂养方法让仔树鼩自由吮吸母乳,立即采用无菌操作的方法用注射器直接采取仔树鼩胃内的乳汁,1次/2 d,连续3-5次,每只母树鼩采取18 mL乳汁,按照国家标准的方法进行成分检测。结果树鼩乳汁总固形物为43.63%、脂肪为26.01%、蛋白质为10.41%、乳糖为0.45%、灰分为0.99%。树鼩乳的总固形物、灰分、蛋白质、脂肪、乳糖含量分别为牛乳的3.36、1.24、2.74、6.67、0.09倍;树鼩乳的总固形物、灰分、蛋白质、脂肪、乳糖含量分别为婴幼儿配方乳的1.44、0.20、0.58、1.53、0.06倍;与牛乳及婴幼儿配方乳矿物质成分含量相比,树鼩乳的矿物质成分钙、磷、钾、钠、镁、铁、锌含量均大于牛乳,分别为1.83、2.73、1.25、1.93、1.28、1.48倍,而均小于婴幼儿配方乳,分别为0.66、0.85、0.34、0.26、0.85、0.24、0.49倍。结论树鼩乳的主要营养成分呈现高脂高蛋白低糖的类型,可为树鼩人工育幼和饲养工作提供依据。  相似文献   

为研究陆均松(Dacrydium pectinatum)种群生存现状及分布格局,对BWL、DLS、JFL三种不同分布区域的陆均松天然种群进行了调查,分析了其天然群落乔木层物种多样性及优势种组成、龄级结构及分布格局三个方面的空间异质性,结果表明:(1)三种陆均松天然群落乔木层物种丰富度及多样性指数均较高,基本表现为BWLJFLDLS,且远高于中高纬度温带及亚热带森林群落;群落内多为小密度种群,少有占绝对优势地位的树种,符合热带山地雨林物种组成的一般规律。(2)龄级结构有所差异,BWL和JFL种群呈衰退趋势,共同特点是幼年树数量较少,成年和老年树比例较高;DLS种群幼年树数量在所有个体中比例最高,属于增长型种群。(3)BWL和DLS种群整体呈聚集分布,幼年至老年阶段由聚集分布转变为均匀分布,JFL种群整体及不同发育阶段均呈均匀分布状态;聚集强度表现为DLSBWLJFL,幼年树成年树老年树。陆均松是热带山地雨林的关键种和建群种,对研究海南热带雨林的起源及其区系特征具有重要意义,针对其生存现状,可根据实际情况,利用人工辅助措施如开辟林窗、合理疏伐等方式进行保护及更新复壮。  相似文献   

利用径级法和方差/均值法对我国不同地理区域上栓皮栎种群年龄结构及其空间分布格局进行分析.结果表明: 在水平梯度上,中部、北部、南部和西部栓皮栎种群均呈倒J型分布,而东部种群呈衰退型分布.成年树在中部和南部均呈集群分布,而北部区域呈现随机分布;幼树在在北、中和西部区域均为集群分布,而在南部和东部均呈随机分布.在纬向梯度上,幼树聚集强度的纬向趋势为中>北>南,而成年树聚集强度为中>南>北,经向梯度上幼树和成年树的聚集强度均为中>西>东.在垂直梯度上,中、低海拔种群呈倒J型分布,高海拔呈现衰退型.幼树在不同海拔均呈集群分布;成年树在低海拔为随机分布,而在高海拔和中海拔均为集群分布.幼树和成年树的聚集强度均为中海拔>高海拔和低海拔.在不同地理区域上,幼树的聚集强度均高于成年树.因此,栓皮栋种群结构及其分布格局主要是由环境梯度变化及其自身生物学特性决定,证实了“中心-边缘”种群假说.  相似文献   

The pattern of development of brain tryptophan in the rat was studied in the progeny of mothers fed a 7.5% protein diet ad lib., a 20% protein diet ad lib. and those fed a 20% protein diet pair-fed with mothers who received the 7.5% protein. The pattern of development was similar in all three groups. Starting with a high brain tryptophan content at birth, all animals showed a progressive reduction during the next 3 weeks. However, tryptophan levels at birth were several fold higher in the brains of pups born to mothers receiving either the low protein diet fed ad lib. or those born to mothers who received the 20% protein diet in restricted amounts. From the 14th day after birth, tryptophan concentration of brain in undernourished pups was significantly lower until the 35th day. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, the effects of food availability on growth and reproduction were assessed by placing male musk shrews on 3 different feeding schedules, i.e. fed ad libitum, fed 50% of the amount eaten by the ad-libitum controls or fed 25% of the amount eaten by the ad-libitum controls. After 25 days, growth and sexual maturation were significantly retarded in both of the food-restricted groups compared to the control group. In the second experiment, the combined effects of food availability and social cues were investigated in juvenile males that were either fed ad libitum (during the day) or placed on a restricted diet known to inhibit growth and reproduction. Half of these males were either housed alone or with an adult female (separated from female during the day by a wire barrier, but in full contact at night). The ad-libitum-fed males living with a female ate more food, gained more body weight and were more sexually mature than ad-libitum-fed animals living alone. Furthermore, males in the two food-restricted groups had lower body weights and were sexually immature compared with males in both of the ad-libitum-fed groups. Finally, there were little or no differences in growth and reproduction between animals in the two food-restricted groups. These results suggest that food availability is an important environmental regulator of the timing of sexual maturation, and that stimulatory social cues cannot override the inhibitory effects of an inadequate diet.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pregnant rats were fed for 15 days predelivery until 15 days postpartum a choline (Ch)-deficient diet (CD diet) or a CD diet supplemented with 0.8% Ch-CI (CS), 1% N -methylaminoethanol (MME) or 1% N,N -dimethylaminoethanol (DME). Gestation and parturition of the pregnant rats proceeded normally. However, all the pups born of dams fed the MME diet, and most of those born of dams fed the DME diet, died within 36 h of birth. No histological or cytological alterations were detected in the brain of the pups. Levels of Ch and acetylcholine (ACh) were elevated in the brain of pups born of dams fed the MME and DME diets, but not the CS diet. The content of total phospholipids in the brain of the pups was not altered by the diet fed to the dams. However, the phosphatidyl-Ch and phosphatidylaminoethanol (PAE) contents in the brain of the MME- and DME-exposed pups were markedly reduced. At the same time, significant amounts of DME, phosphatidyl-N-monomethylaminoethanol (PMME) and of phosphatidyl- N,N -dimethylaminoethanol (PDME) were present in the same brain areas. These results are evaluated and discussed in terms of providing a cause for the death of the MME- and DME-exposed neonatal rats.  相似文献   

Diets of raccoon dog, red fox and badger were studied in southern Finland from 1990 to 1996 by collecting faeces from dens and latrines during May-July of each year. The frequency of occurrence and relative volume of each food item in the faeces were calculated. The raccoon dog was the most and the red fox the least omnivorous of these carnivores, according to the diversity index. Diet composition of all these species varied among areas, indicating that they are opportunistic feeders. Mammals and birds constituted the bulk of the fox diet, while invertebrates, frogs and plants were most frequently eaten by the badger. The frequency of earthworms in badger faeces varied between 16 and 77%, according to area. Voles and shrews were important to the raccoon dog, but it also frequently consumed other food items. The food niches of the badger and the raccoon dog overlapped more than that of the red fox and other species. The red fox was more carnivorous and fed on larger prey items than the others, but the food composition of the red fox in the present study reflects the prey carried to the den for the pups; thus, the diet of adult foxes may be more similar to that of the raccoon dog. In conclusion, these 3 carnivores share many resources, suggesting that competition may occur among them: however, their diets also differ to some extent, which helps them to avoid competition. Furthermore, the badger and the raccoon dog are dormant during winter, when food is scarcest, which may be the reason why all these species can coexist in rather unproductive boreal forests.  相似文献   

Maternal overnutrition negatively impacts the offspring's health leading to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases or metabolic syndrome in adulthood. What we eat affects the endocannabinoid system (eCS) activity, which in turn modulates lipogenesis and fatty acids utilization in hepatic, muscle, and adipose tissues. This study aimed to evaluate the transgenerational effect of maternal obesity on cannabinoid receptor 1 knock-out (CB1 KO) animals in combination with a postnatal obesogenic diet on the development of metabolic disturbances on their offspring. CB1 KO mice were fed a control diet (CD) or a high-fat diet (HFD; 33% more energy from fat) for 3 months. Offspring born to control and obese mothers were also fed with CD or HFD. We observed that pups born to an HFD-fed mother presented higher postnatal weight, lower hepatic fatty acid amide hydrolase activity, and increased blood cholesterol levels when compared to the offspring born to CD-fed mothers. When female mice born to HFD-fed CB1 KO mothers were exposed to an HFD, they gained more weight, presented elevated blood cholesterol levels, and more abdominal adipose tissue accumulation than control-fed adult offspring. The eCS is involved in several reproductive physiological processes. Interestingly, we showed that CB1 KO mice in gestational day 15 presented resistance to LPS-induced deleterious effects on pregnancy outcome, which was overcome when these mice were obese. Our results suggest that an HFD in CB1 receptor-deficient mice contributes to a “nutritional programming” of the offspring resulting in increased susceptibility to metabolic challenges both perinatally and during adulthood.  相似文献   

目的对树[鼠句]抓取和保定、采血、灌胃基本实验技术方法进行探讨,逐步规范树[鼠句]实验技术。方法选用成年树[鼠句]进行抓取和保定,分徒于法和器具法(自制捕捉保定袋),对130只树[鼠句]采用尾静脉、股动(静)脉两种采血方法;采取人用8号胃管可对树[鼠句]绎口灌胃给药。结果所采用徒手、器具的方法抓取和保定树[鼠句]均能有效地控制动物,不会发生动物死亡或很少逃逸;两种方法都顺利采集到所需血量,股动(静)脉单次最大采血量可达2mL而不损伤动物;12只树[鼠句]连续灌胃10d,成功率100%。结论自制的捕捉保定袋经济实用,摸索的几种树[鼠句]实验技术方法具有操作简便、安全、快捷等优点。  相似文献   

We have previously reported that essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD) during suckling in mice resulted in an adult lean phenotype and a resistance to diet-induced obesity. We now hypothesized that postnatal EFAD would cause long-term effects on lipid metabolism. C57BL/6 mice were fed an EFAD or a control diet from the 16th day of gestation and throughout lactation. The pups were weaned to standard diet (STD) and at 15 weeks of age given either high fat diet (HFD) or STD. Lipoprotein profiles, hepatic lipids, fatty acids and mRNA expression were analyzed in 3-week-old and 25-week-old offspring. At weaning, the EFAD pups had higher cholesterol levels in both plasma and liver and 6-fold higher concentrations of hepatic cholesterol esters than control pups. Adult EFAD offspring had higher levels of hepatic cholesterol and linoleic acid, but lower levels of dihomo-γ-linolenic acid and Pparg mRNA expression in the liver. In addition, HFD fed EFAD offspring had lower plasma total cholesterol, lower hepatic triglycerides and lower liver weight compared to controls fed HFD. In conclusion, early postnatal EFAD resulted in short-term alterations with increased hepatic cholesterol accumulation and long-term protection against diet-induced liver steatosis and hypercholesterolemia.  相似文献   

Diets with restricted energy or protein during lactation programs body weight in the adult offspring. We have investigated the hypothesis that protein or energy-restricted diets during lactation alter the feeding response to peripheral leptin treatment of the adult offspring. Five Wistar rats were randomly assigned to one of the following groups on the day that the offspring were born: C, control diet with 23% protein; PR, protein restricted diet with 8% protein; and ER, energy-restricted, receiving the control diet in restricted quantities, which were calculated according to the mean ingestion of the PR group. After weaning (day 21), two animals from each litter (10 pups in each group) were randomly selected and placed together in the cage with free access to water and standard diet until 150 days of age, when they were tested for its response to either leptin (0.5 mg/kg body wt ip) for groups Clep, PRlep and ERlep or saline vehicle for groups Csal, PRsal and ERsal on food intake. In the control groups, food intake was reduced two hours (36%), four hours (41%) and six hours (25%) after leptin treatment. In contrast, no response was observed to leptin treatment in the PRlep and ERlep groups, suggesting leptin resistance. We demonstrated the development of resistance to the anorectic leptin effect and its program in a critical life period associated to nutritional and hormonal factors.  相似文献   

安冉  刘斌  徐艺玫  黎歌  廖力夫 《兽类学报》2015,35(2):170-175
本文通过红外线照相的方法,对发育期的林睡鼠幼鼠进行室内活动规律及行为观察,为充分了解林睡鼠越冬前的能量储备形式提供饲养参考。将鼠密度监测仪固定在饲养笼具上方,24h连续拍照,采集和分析6-9月年龄在10周内的幼鼠各种活动数据。结果显示:幼鼠一天中超过70%的时间都在窝内度过,大部分时间都蜷缩成一团少有动作;在窝外活动时间多在玩耍,如攀爬笼架。用于进食和饮水的时间不超过全天的2%。林睡鼠幼鼠主要活动时间在21:00-07:00,活动高峰在21:00-03:00之间。幼鼠出生3周后开始出窝活动,哺乳期30d后开始采食,5周后幼鼠有交配玩耍行为。随着日龄的增长,活动高峰从23:00提前到21:00,活动时间也逐渐延长,但9周龄后活动时间逐渐缩短,幼鼠的饮水进食时间与其活动的时间长短较为一致。10周体重可达成年体重的70%。研究表明,林睡鼠在夏秋季节基本是昼伏夜出动物。光照是影响其在外活动的重要因素之一。幼鼠6周后所需的饲料和水量大于成年林睡鼠,在此期间要注意饲料和水的补充。  相似文献   

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