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胡荣  赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2018,37(3):442-451
作为现仅存于亚洲大陆的现生大猿,更新世时期猩猩曾广泛分布于东南亚大陆及华南地区,但其保留下来的化石材料主要为单颗牙齿。从牙齿形态、尺寸等外部特征的研究得出的关于猩猩的分类及演化问题的结论并未得到广泛一致的认同,而研究表明牙齿生长发育特征可作为系统分类研究的一个潜在工具。本研究选取了一批来自于中国广西更新世时期的猩猩牙齿化石,制作牙齿组织学切片,测量计算了其牙釉质日分泌率,结果显示广西化石猩猩牙尖釉质日分泌率在2.32-6.88μm/d之间,平均值约为4.61μm/d,从牙尖内部到表面,釉质日分泌率有增加趋势。此外,还将广西化石猩猩与其他现生大猿和现代人进行比较,以期从牙齿生长发育的角度为猩猩的演化和分类问题提供一点线索和证据。  相似文献   

近些年,我国华南地区不断有猩猩类牙齿化石的发现,这些材料对于研究东亚地区大型类人猿的演化、灭绝及其环境变迁具有重要意义.本文基于猩猩类牙齿化石的测量和统计分析,结合形态学研究,尝试探讨它们的分类学意义及演化趋势等.经过分析比较得出以下认识:我国更新世猩猩与印尼的亚化石猩猩和现生猩猩在颊侧牙齿大小上存在显著性差异,依次呈减小趋势.在形态特征方面,亦存在一些明显差别.据此认为我国更新世猩猩建立魏氏亚种(Pongo pygmaeus weidenreichi)的观点是合理的.  相似文献   

胡荣  赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2015,34(3):404-416
华南和东南亚发现大量更新世的猩猩牙齿化石。本研究应用CT扫描三维重建的技术方法研究了广西更新世化石猩猩牙齿釉质厚度,并与现生类人猿、现代人、化石类人猿以及早期人类进行比较分析。结果显示:广西猩猩同类牙齿的釉质厚度与牙齿大小相关性很小;臼齿和前臼齿釉质厚度在上下颌之间不存在显著性差异;来自广西不同地区的猩猩化石牙釉质厚度无显著差异。与早期人科成员相比,广西猩猩的牙釉质相对较薄,平均与相对釉质厚度值都明显小于南方古猿、傍人。与早期人属相比,小于直立人、尼人以及非洲和欧洲的早期人属化石。与现代人和现生灵长类相比,广西化石猩猩釉质厚度明显大于大部分猴类和非洲大猿;平均釉质厚度稍大于现生猩猩,而与现代人更为接近;相对釉质厚度小于现代人,而与现生猩猩差异不大,都属于偏厚型釉质。本文讨论了釉质厚度与系统分类演化、食性适应的相关问题,作者推测釉质厚度可能是物种的特征属性,与牙齿功能适应有密切关联。  相似文献   

胡荣  赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2012,31(4):371-380
釉面横纹的分布与数目可以反映牙齿生长发育的时间和速率变化, 在化石研究中能为复原个体生活史提供重要依据。本研究运用扫描电子显微镜观察华南化石猩猩门齿、犬齿釉面横纹分布与数目, 并估算门齿和犬齿牙冠形成时间, 结果如下: 牙冠从牙尖至牙颈方向釉面横纹分布密度有疏密变化, 牙尖釉面横纹密度小于10条/mm, 中间至牙颈釉面横纹密度较尖部增大, 大约10-15条/mm; 犬齿釉面横纹数目多于门齿, 雄性犬齿釉面横纹数目多于雌性; 根据釉面横纹计数及其生长周期的组织切片观察结果, 估算门齿牙冠形成时间大约为2.97-6.66年, 犬齿雄性长于雌性, 分别为6.25-11.31年和4.28-7.29年。与一些古猿、早期人类、现代人以及现生大猿比较, 华南化石猩猩釉面横纹整体密度稍大于南方古猿和傍人, 小于黑猩猩、大猩猩、现代人和禄丰古猿; 除侧门齿外, 华南化石猩猩釉面横纹数目明显多于南方古猿、傍人和现代人, 与大猩猩接近; 华南猩猩前部牙齿牙冠形成时间与现生大猿、禄丰古猿差别不大, 与现生猩猩最相近, 长于南方古猿和傍人。  相似文献   

云南禄丰是久已闻名于世的化石产地。1975—1976年,我国科学工作者同当地贫下中农一道,在禄丰约一千万年前的上新世褐煤层中,发现了丰富的古猿化石(有二具较完整的下颌骨及百余枚牙齿)和其他哺乳动物化石。古猿化石可分两种:一种属森林古猿类型,可能是现代猩猩的祖先;另一种则与腊玛古猿相接近,是向人类方向发展的过渡类型。这批珍贵的古猿化石的发现,  相似文献   

广东罗定更新世灵长类化石   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
来自广东罗定苹塘下山洞及山背岩的灵长目动物包括:猩猩(pongo)、长臂猿(gibbon)、猕猴类(macaques)及疣猴类(colobines)。猩猩化石的研究报告已于1992年发表。本文记述的是长臂猿科及猴科化石共5属、9种:Hylobatesconcolor,Rhinopithecussp.,cf.Pygathrixnemaeus,cf.Trachypithecusphyrei,T.sp,T.francois和cf.Macacaassamensis,Macacathibetana,Macacamulatta。虽然它们均属于现生种,但这些猴类牙齿化石的形态给今后进一步研究提供了对比资料。这一动物群的组合特征,为探讨两广地区的生态环境提供了科学依据。根据其它伴生哺乳动物的分析,其时代为中更新世末期。  相似文献   

李罡 《古生物学报》2005,44(2):322-325
黑龙江省嘉荫县东南永安村东的黑龙江南岸上白垩统嫩江阶太平林场组底部的黑灰色页岩中,产丰富的俞氏链叶肢介(Halysestheria yui)化石。通过对这批化石材料的扫描电镜研究,发现该种化石壳表在靠背部的生长带上的长线脊间布满小网格装饰。而在光学显微镜下,这种装饰显示为长线脊间偶夹分布于生长带下半部的短线脊,修正了该种化石的特征描述。同时通过该种与青冈链叶肢介(Halysestheria qinggangensis Chen)的对比研究,发现两者区别不大,由于前者命名在先,后者应该是前者的同物异名。  相似文献   

近年,在对广西崇左地区第四纪洞穴堆积调查的过程中,从年代贯穿更新世的8个地点采集到了33颗长臂猿游离牙齿化石。记述了这些新发现的长臂化石,并初步确定了其分类位置。形态和测量的对比表明,这些牙齿不超过现生长臂猿种内变异的范围,且都可以归入一个种内。它们与冠长臂猿属(Nomascus)共有的特征组合表明,这些化石可以归入该属。这些特征包括:上臼齿相对宽,舌侧齿带及唇侧齿带痕迹保留率高;M3长度几乎与M1相等;下臼齿狭窄,并保留唇侧齿带退化痕迹。崇左地区的化石长臂猿的臼齿平均比冠长臂猿属中现生种类稍显大。但是崇左地区的游离牙齿化石材料提供的证据并不足以支持将其归入该属中的某一具体种类。与中国南方更新世其他同时代的大型猿类猩猩(Pongo)和巨猿(Gigantopithecus)不同,长臂猿的牙齿大小并没有随时间发生变化。尽管冠长臂猿属在现今的崇左地区并没有分布,但是在历史时期该属曾经广泛分布于中国南方地区。  相似文献   

华南新发现的巨猿牙齿化石*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1935年荷兰古生物学家孔尼华(G.H.R.von K(?)nigswald)在香港中药铺所购得的大量哺乳动物的牙齿化石中,发现了一个巨大的下右第三臼齿,认为是属于高等灵长类的一个新种新属,定名为步氏巨猿(Gigantopithecus blacki)。魏敦瑞最初(1937年)以为它是一种巨大的猩猩,但以后又根据孔尼华所购得的另外两个巨猿牙齿,进行研  相似文献   

禄丰腊玛古猿和西瓦古猿的牙齿有许多性状是一致的,但在犬齿和下前臼齿的形态上则有较大的差别,这些差别可能是两性的差别。它们与现代大猿类相比,表现出与猩猩比较相似,而与大猩猩和黑猩猩差别较大,因而禄丰腊玛古猿和西瓦古猿可能是同一类型的雌雄个体,与猩猩有较近的关系。但另一方面,与南方古猿类的牙齿相比,禄丰腊玛古猿牙齿又显示出较多的相似于南方古猿阿法种和非洲种的性状,而西瓦古猿大的犬齿与所有南方古猿类差别甚大,因此另一种可能性是禄丰腊玛古猿与西瓦古猿是不同的类型,前者是向南方古猿方向进化的早期的人科成员。  相似文献   

Both in the wild and in captivity, a marked and enduring arrest of secondary sexual developmental occurs in some male orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) (Kingsley [1982] The Orang-Utan: Its Biology and Conservation, The Hague: Junk; Utami [2000]). Researchers have hypothesized that chronic stress, perhaps related to aggression from mature males, causes endocrine changes altering growth and maturation rates in these males (Maple [1980] Orangutan Behavior, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; Graham [1988] Orangutan Biology, Oxford: Oxford University Press). In this study, urine samples were collected over a 3-year period from 23 captive male orangutans to test the hypothesis that developmentally arrested male orangutans have an endocrine profile consistent with chronic stress. Three study males were juveniles, seven were arrested adolescents, six were developing adolescents, and seven were mature adults. Morning samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay for levels of the stress hormones cortisol and prolactin, and group hormone profiles were compared by analysis of variance. Results indicate that developing adolescent male orangutans have a significantly higher stress hormone profile than juvenile, developmentally arrested adolescent, or adult males. These results imply that the arrest of secondary sexual development in some male orangutans is not stress-induced, but instead perhaps an adaptation for stress avoidance during the adolescent or "subadult" period. These data, together with previously reported data on levels of gonadotropins, testicular steroids, and growth-related hormones, define endocrine profiles associated with alternative reproductive strategies for males with and males without secondary sexual features (Maggioncalda et al. [1999], [2000].  相似文献   

Enamel thickness has figured prominently in discussions of hominid origins for nearly a century, although little is known about its intra-taxon variation. It has been suggested that enamel thickness increases from first to third molars, perhaps due to varying functional demands or developmental constraints, but this has not been tested with appropriate statistical methods. We quantified enamel cap area (c), dentine area (b), and enamel-dentine junction length (e) in coronal planes of sections through the mesial and distal cusps in 57 permanent molars of Pan and 59 of Pongo, and calculated average (c/e) and relative enamel thickness (([c/e]/ radicalb) * 100). Posteriorly increasing or decreasing trends in each variable and average (AET) and relative enamel thickness (RET) were tested among molars in the same row. Differences between maxillary and mandibular analogues and between mesial and distal sections of the same tooth were also examined. In mesial sections of both genera, enamel cap area significantly increased posteriorly, except in Pan maxillary sections. In distal sections of maxillary teeth, trends of decreasing dentine area were significant in both taxa, possibly due to hypocone reduction. Significant increases in AET and RET posteriorly were found in all comparisons, except for AET in Pongo distal maxillary sections. Several significant differences were found between maxillary and mandibular analogues in both taxa. Relative to their mesial counterparts, distal sections showed increased enamel cap area and/or decreased dentine area, and thus increased AET and RET. This study indicates that when AET and RET are calculated from samples of mixed molars, variability is exaggerated due to the lumping of tooth types. To maximize taxonomic discrimination using enamel thickness, tooth type and section plane should be taken into account. Nonetheless, previous findings that African apes have relatively thinner enamel than Pongo is supported for certain molar positions.  相似文献   

釉面横纹的数目可用于推断个体牙齿的牙冠形成时间,在生长发育研究中具有重要的意义。本研究运用数码体视显微镜和扫描电镜观察了云南石灰坝禄丰禄丰古猿(简称禄丰古猿)30枚齿冠完整的前部牙齿,包括上下颌中门齿6枚、侧门齿10枚和犬齿14枚。根据唇侧面釉面横纹计数的观察结果,分别以7天和9天芮氏线生长周期,估算各齿型的牙冠形成时间,结果显示:以生长周期7天计算,中门齿牙冠形成时间约为3.6-4.1年,侧门齿牙冠形成时间约为2.7-3.7年,犬齿牙冠形成时间约为4.2-7.0;以生长周期9天计算,中门齿牙冠形成时间约为4.4-5.2年,侧门齿牙冠形成时间约为3.4-4.7年,犬齿牙冠形成时间约为5.2-8.8年。为更深入地了解禄丰古猿牙冠形成时间在不同齿型及性别间足否存在明显差异,本文用SPSS软件对其进行显著性差异检验。采用小样本平均值的t值假设检验(置信区间为95%),结果如下:禄丰古猿前部牙齿的牙冠形成时间在各类牙齿的上下颌中不存在显著性差异;犬齿牙冠形成时间存在非常显著的性别差异,雄性牙冠形成时间明显长于雌性,侧门齿也存在显著的性别差异,而中门齿性别间则无显著性差异。此外对禄丰古猿中门齿,侧门齿和犬齿的牙冠形成时间进行单因素方差分析并两两对比,结果显示中门齿与侧门齿的牙冠形成时间不存在显著性差异,而犬齿与中门齿和侧门齿均存在显著性差异,犬齿牙冠形成时间明显长于门齿。同时也对禄丰古猿前部牙齿的牙冠形成时间与齿冠高进行相关性分析,其结果表明两者有显著的正相关性。将禄丰古猿与其他古猿和现生大猿、南方古猿以及人属成员进行对比,结果显示其前部牙齿牙冠形成时间长于原修康尔猿、南方古猿、傍人、人属成员,接近于蝴蝶禄丰古猿和大猩猩,而明显小于黑猩猩、华南化石猩猩及现生猩猩。  相似文献   

The divergent molar characteristics of Pan troglodytes and Pongo pygmaeus provide an instructive paradigm for examining the adaptive form-function relationship between molar enamel thickness and food hardness. Although both species exhibit a categorical preference for ripe fruit over other food objects, the thick enamel and crenulated occlusal surface of Pongo molar teeth predict a diet that is more resistant to deformation (hard) and fracture (tough) than the diet of Pan. We confirm these predictions with behavioral observations of Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii and Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii in the wild and describe the mechanical properties of foods utilized during periods when preferred foods are scarce. Such fallback foods may have exerted a selective pressure on tooth evolution, particularly molar enamel thinness, which is interpreted as a functional adaptation to seasonal folivory and a derived character trait within the hominoid clade. The thick enamel and crenulated occlusal surface of Pongo molars is interpreted as a functional adaptation to the routine consumption of relatively tough and hard foods. We discuss the implications of these interpretations for inferring the diet of hominin species, which possessed varying degrees of thick molar enamel. These data, which are among the first reported for hominoid primates, fill an important empirical void for evaluating the mechanical plausibility of putative hominin food objects.  相似文献   

Many behavioral and ecological factors influence the degree of expression of canine dimorphism for different reasons. Regardless of its socioecological importance, we know virtually nothing about the processes responsible for the development of canine dimorphism. Our aim here is to describe the developmental process(es) regulating canine dimorphism in extant hominoids, using histological markers of tooth growth. Teeth preserve a permanent record of their ontogeny in the form of short- and long-period incremental markings in both enamel and dentine. We selected 52 histological sections of sexed hominoid canine teeth from a total sample of 115, from which we calculated the time and rate of cuspal enamel formation and the rate at which ameloblasts differentiate along the future enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) to the end of crown formation. Thus, we were able to reconstruct longitudinal growth curves for height attainment in male and female hominoid canines. Male hominoids consistently take longer to form canine crowns than do females (although not significantly so for our sample of Homo). Male orangutans and gorillas occasionally take up to twice as long as females to complete enamel formation. The mean ranges of female canine crown formation times are similar in Pan, Gorilla, and Pongo. Interspecific differences between female Pan canine crown heights and those of Gorilla and Pongo, which are taller, result from differences in rates of growth. Differences in canine crown heights between male Pan and the taller, more dimorphic male Gorilla and Pongo canines result both from differences in total time taken to form enamel and from faster rates of growth in Gorilla and Pongo. Although modern human canines do not emerge as significantly dimorphic in this study, it is well-known that sexual dimorphism in canine crown height exists. Larger samples of sexed modern human canines are therefore needed to identify clearly what underlies this.  相似文献   

A 19-years-old male Orang-Utan had a brief illness of two weeks with marked dyspnoea. Necropsy revealed diffuse bilateral pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis. This is the first account of this pathoanatomical entity in lower primates.  相似文献   

The single previous study on tooth development in great apes (Dean and Wood: Folia Primatol. (Basel) 36:111–127, 1981) is of limited value because it is based on cross-sectional radiographic data. This study considers problems in defining stages of tooth development in radiographs of developing ape dentitions and provides data on tooth chronology in Pongo pygmaeus and Gorilla gorilla by using histological methods of analysis. Crown formation times were estimated in individual teeth, and an overall chronology of dental development was found by registering teeth forming at the same time by using incremental growth lines. The earlier radiographic study correctly identified the molar and second premolar chronology and sequence in great apes, but significantly underestimated crown formation times in incisors, first premolars, and canine teeth in particular. Ape anterior tooth crowns take longer to form than the equivalent human teeth, but the overall dental developmental period in great apes is substantially shorter than in humans. Gorilla root extension rates appear to be fast, up to approximately 13 μm/day. This rapid root growth, associated with early tooth eruption, appears to be the developmental basis for the observed differences in timing between developing dentitions in great apes and humans.  相似文献   

李永生 《人类学学报》2007,26(2):125-127
目的:对“桐梓人”化石具有“氟性斑釉齿病症”一说提出不同意见,以维护鉴定结论的科学性。方法:依据全国地方性氟中毒防治方案,从氟斑牙的诊断、环境水氟的测定、动物患病情况三方面与吴文对化石牙齿的描述认定相比较。结果:仅凭“有三颗牙齿的牙冠有明显的黄色小凹坑”不能确立“氟斑齿病症”的认定;测环境水样含氟量在0.1—0.3mg/L之间,属正常范围;同期出土的动物化石无氟斑牙病征。结论:“由于人们生前饮用含氟量较高的水”而致“桐梓人”化石具有“氟性斑釉齿病症”的认定是缺乏依据的。  相似文献   

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