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南京现代人颅骨的测量   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对南京出土成年颅骨273个(男157,女116)进行了9个项目的测量。结果表明,除1项性差不显著外,其余8项的性差均有高度的显著性。按颅指数,颅长高指数及颅宽高指数分级,南京人颅骨多分别属于圆颅、高颅及中颅型。  相似文献   

陈洪 《人类学学报》2008,27(4):336-343
本例特小颅T1的死者为男性,年龄约40岁,身高168cm,中国人。经颅骨各项指标测量和观察,该颅骨的脑颅特小,尤其是额部特别窄小;而面颅则相对较大,上、下颌骨向前突出。颅骨主要的长、宽、高各径和弧、弦、周长等的测量值均比其他报道中的最小值要小;颅容量为602ml,比已报道的最小颅容量1340ml还要小一倍多,故将其称为特小颅。  相似文献   

邵象清 《人类学学报》1983,2(2):116-208
同时,也运用Moire法,系统地观察颅侧点(euryon)位置在人类进化过程中的变化顺序。  相似文献   

林奇  牛映斗 《人类学学报》1989,8(3):245-247
本文系用原子吸收光谱法测定了西安地区10例成人尸体和15例新生儿尸体的颅盖骨内Cu和zn的含量。结果求得成人颅骨中Cu正常含量(均数±标准差)为4.48±3.78mg/kg(干组织重);zn为597.05±472.54mg/kg。新生儿颅骨中Cu和zn的含量分别为1.96±0.76mg/kg;1160.38±859.71mg/kg。结果表明,成人颅骨内Cu含量高于新生儿,而成人颅骨内Zn含量显著低于新生儿。  相似文献   

西安现代人脑颅的性差   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对西安现代人成年颅骨一百例(男50,女50)进行了廿个项目的测量。对其中性差非常显著的八项,进行了性差鉴别。 中颅、高颅和狭颅型的出现,两性均占多数,与湖南、长春男性的资料作了比较,高颅型的出现率在三个地区之间无差异,似乎可作为国人之代表型。  相似文献   

为了研究狒猴属的颅骨差异性,从面探讨种间在形态、功能和系统分化方面联系,测定了111个猕猴种类的77个颅骨变量,用于主成分分析和判别分析。应用巢式分析方法,分析过程包括3个步骤。所有变量根据功能和部位的不同首先分为7个单位:下颌、下颌齿、上颌齿、上面颅、下面颅,、面颅后部和颅腔。第2步根据它们所揭示的相似性(具有相同的种间及种内差异性类型)合并为3个解剖区域:咀嚼器官(下颌、下颌齿、上颌齿),面颅  相似文献   

目的:颅骨过度气化(Craniocervical bone pneumatisation)比较少见,近年来对其报道和认识逐渐增多。本文介绍一例偶然发现的颅骨过度气化的影像表现并对相关文献进行复习。方法:分析我院1例颅骨过度气化的影像学图像。并从国外pubmed数据库(www.pubmed.gov)及国内中国知网数据库(www.cnki.net)查找发表的文献进行文献复习。结果:颅骨过度气化表现为颅骨的气腔形成并局部膨出,多为偶然发现或因并发症就诊,可涉及颅盖骨、颅底骨及颈椎等,近年来对其认识逐渐增多。结论:颅骨过度气化尽管少见,对征象的认知有助于相关科室医师正确识别此征象,从而有利于临床一些相关疑难病例的诊断和操作并对防止漏、误诊具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

对上颌牙齿大小和颅骨大小进行了相关研究。全部上颌牙齿大小与上齿槽弓长和弓宽相关显著或非常显著,与颅围长(右I~2无显著相关,左I1、左I2、右I2、左M1、右M1和右PM1与中部面宽)相关显著或非常显著。在此基础上求出了17个以牙齿大小推算颅骨大小的回归方程。  相似文献   

崔静  王博 《人类学学报》1999,18(1):75-77
新疆考古所文物队于1994年在哈密地区寒气沟墓地发掘出4座墓葬共3具颅骨,其中一具男颅,两具女颅,编号为94HTBIM3:B(男颅)、94HTBHIM2:B(女颅)、94HTBHIM3:A(女颅)。据文物判定其时代为春秋时期。在考古文化上与焉布拉克相...  相似文献   

颅容积的测量与推算的改进   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
颅容积对鉴别颅骨的性别具有一定的意义。国内外至今仍沿用传统的测量方法,即堵塞孔缝、灌注介质(菜子或砂等),再间接用量具测出其容积。此法烦琐费时,如不严格统一标准重复误差一般达几十毫升。1964年Uspenskii改用颅内放一橡皮球,球内注水加压法,大大地提高了测量速度,并使重复误差降低到7ml,缺点是必须有加压设备,另外橡皮球易破裂。本测量法采用厚度适中的乳胶囊放入颅腔,囊内灌注汞,取其净重和测时室温,用计算机换算成颅容积。经不同时间对112个颅骨测量两次,结果相差平均为2.27±0.17(0—7.9)ml。乳胶囊使用寿命一般可达20次。本法主要优点是:精确度高和测量速度快;不够理想之处:由于汞重,在密闭箱内操作不便,尽管汞蒸气远低于允许浓度,仍需注意其安全防护问题。此外,求出用颅周长、颅顶正中弧、耳上颅高、颅高等项推算颅容积的回归方程式和关系图,便于实际应用。  相似文献   

甘肃泾川化石人类头骨性别鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1984年刘玉林等报道了在甘肃泾川发现的一具晚期智人头骨化石,判定该头骨代表一个女性青年个体。本文检查了顶矢状脊、乳突、耳孔上脊、枕外脊、枕外隆凸、枕骨上项线、枕骨圆枕和肌脊8项非测量性状,及星点间宽、星点至人字点距离、颅宽、耳上颅高、顶矢状弦、颞骨鼓板长和宽7项测量性状,并就7项测量性状与武山头骨进行了对比,认为它更有可能属于男性。  相似文献   

本文通过粗壮池猿头骨新材料的初步观察得出,它与欧洲上猿的头骨比较接近,而在某些特征上又与现生长臂猿相似。这与牙齿和颌骨研究的结果是一致的。本文还对亚洲第三纪长臂猿类与其他同时代长臂猿类的关系作了初步的探讨,并对池猿的系统关系作了论述。  相似文献   

A long-standing controversy exists about the comparative utility of metric and non-metric traits as biological indicators in population studies. We hypothesize that the underlying scale which determines the presence or absence of a cranial non-metric trait is an expression of general and/or local size variation in the cranium. Therefore metric and non-metric traits will share a common developmental determination. The hypothesis implies that the underlying scale of a non-metric trait will be correlated with measures of cranial size and shape. Forty-eight cranial metric and twenty-five cranial non-metric traits were scored on the left side of adult male crania from four North American Indian populations. New threshold traits were generated for each non-metric trait by dichotomizing discriminant scores produced by discriminant function analysis. The discriminant analysis was performed using metric traits to discriminate between groups formed by non-metric trait presence or absence. Every non-metric trait tested was significantly correlated with its threshold trait in at least one population. The correlations were of moderate to high levels depending on the trait and population sample studied. This implies that metric and non-metric traits share a moderate to high degree of developmental determination. The cause of these correlations may lie in the common effects that growth and development of the soft tissue and functional spaces of the cranium exert on both metric and non-metric traits.  相似文献   

1. The osteogenesis of the cranium was studied on a precisely dated embryological and postnatal material from merino-sheep and goats (crossbreed). 2. The order and duration of the appearance of ossification centers were determined (see Fig. 6). 3. It was noticed that, in small ruminants, the beginning of cranial ossification indifferent to other parts of the skeleton is not staged in time. Sexual dimorphism was only manifested by larger proportions of the male fetuses. An exception was noted only in os interparietale, which in male fetuses appeared 4 to 5 days later in male fetuses. 4. The cranial bones of small ruminants, showed a high degree of ossification at birth.  相似文献   

云南西瓦古猿头骨的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对1978年12月在云南禄丰石灰坝煤窑发现的第一个古猿头骨化石作了描述和比较,归属为云南西瓦古猿类型。由于它在形态上保留一些原康修尔猿的性质和显示出较多的相似于猩猩的特征,所以作者认为它可能代表后两者的中间环节。同时,作者又发现这个头骨具有接近于南方古猿粗壮种的性质,因此认为云南西瓦古猿与南方古猿粗壮类型可能有亲缘关系。  相似文献   

发现于埃塞俄比亚MiddleAwash地区Bodo地点距今60万年的人类头骨化石是迄今发现的最为古老和完整的非洲中更新世人类化石。由于Bodo头骨化石在形态特征上兼有直立人与智人的特点,多年来学术界对其分类地位一直存在争议。Rightmire认为Bodo头骨化石与BrokenHill及Petralona等在分类上属于古老型智人的中更新世人类更为接近,是非洲直立人向古老型智人过渡的代表。至少在距今60万年的中更新世早期直立人向古老型智人转变的成种事件在非洲就已经发生。以Bodo头骨为代表的一批更新世中期非洲和欧洲人类化石构成了可能是后期人类祖先的人属海德堡种。这些观点导致了近年学术界对古老型智人在非洲及欧亚出现时间以及更新世中期非洲和欧亚地区古人类相互之间演化关系的关注。基于这样的背景,本文对年代与Bodo化石接近的周口店直立人头骨特征与Bodo头骨的相似及差异表现情况进行了对比研究。结果发现Bodo头骨在一系列特征上与周口店直立人相似,同时在包括颅容量在内的其它一些特征上呈现出后期智人的特点,但总体形态上似乎与直立人更为相似。作者认为尽管这种进化上的镶嵌现象在中国古人类化石记录上也广泛存在,但由于中国人类化石标本在年代上的不确定性,目前还没有可靠的证据说明这种集直立人与智人化石特征为一体的镶嵌性在中国古人类化石出现的时间接近或早于非洲。考虑到中国与非洲直立人生存年代的巨大差异及人类演化的不同步或地区间差异,具有较多后期人类特征表现的人类首先出现在非洲是完全可能的。根据这些研究对比,作者就人类演化的镶嵌现象、更新世中期非洲与亚洲地区人类演化上的差异等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In comparative and evolutionary aspects in humans, the middle meningeal artery enters the cranium through the foramen spinosum, whereas in great apes the middle meningeal artery can enter the cranium through foramen spinosum, through foramen ovale or through petrosphenoid fissure. Generally, in nonhuman primates the anterior meningeal system is associated with the ophthalmic branch of the internal carotid artery. The vessels joining the two systems pass through the additional channels: the superior orbital fissure or through the cranio-orbital foramen. In anatomically modern humans, the absence of foramen spinosum involves abnormal development and course of the middle meningeal artery and it is usually accompanied with replacement of the conventional middle meningeal artery with such, arising from the ophthalmic artery system. In these cases the middle meningeal artery most often enters the middle cranial fossa through the superior orbital fissure and rarely through the meningo-orbital foramen. All skulls, investigated in the present study, belonged to adult individuals of both sexes, conditionally grouped into three cranial series--contemporary male, medieval male, and medieval female series. The absence of foramen spinosum was established only among the medieval male and female series--in 1 (0.70%) male and in 1 (0.72%) female skull on the right side and in 3 (2.13%) female skulls on the left side. In 1 (0.72%) female skull, a small atypically located foramen spinosum was established on the right side. In all of the described cases, the intracranial meningeal grooves started from the lateral edge of the superior orbital fissure and probably reflect the ophthalmic origin of the middle meningeal artery.  相似文献   

SKW 18, a partial hominin cranium recovered from the site of Swartkrans, South Africa, in 1968 is described. It is derived from ex situ breccia of the Hanging Remnant of Member 1, dated to approximately 1.5-1.8 Mya. Although partially encased in breccia, it was refit to the facial fragment SK 52 (Clarke 1977 The Cranium of the Swartkrans Hominid SK 847 and Its Relevance to Human Origins, Ph.D. dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg), producing the composite cranium SKW 18/SK 52. Subsequent preparation revealed the most complete cranial base attributable to the species Australopithecus robustus. SKW 18 suffered weathering and slight postdepositional distortion, but retains considerable anatomical detail. The composite cranium most likely represents a large, subadult male, based on the incomplete fusion of the spheno-occipital synchondrosis; unerupted third molar; pronounced development of muscular insertions; and large teeth. Cranial base measures of SKW 18 expand the range of values previously recorded for A. robustus. SKW 18 provides information on anatomical features not previously visible in this taxon, and expands our knowledge of morphological variability recognizable in the cranial base. Morphological heterogeneity in the development of the prevertebral and nuchal muscular insertions is likely the result of sexual dimorphism in A. robustus, while differences in cranial base angles and the development of the occipital/marginal sinus drainage system cannot be attributed to size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Omo-323-1976-896, a partial hominid cranium dated to ca. 2.1 from the Member G, Unit G-8 of the Shungura Formation, lower Omo Basin of Ethiopia, is described. It is suggested that the specimen is an adult male based on the well-developed and completely fused sagittal crest; heavily worn teeth; relatively large canine; and size of the articular eminence. Omo-323 consists of fragments of the frontal, both temporals, occipital, parietals, and the right maxilla, and is attributed to Australopithecus boisei, making it the oldest known cranium of this species. The specimen shares features with Australopithecus aethiopicus (KNM-WT 17000), thus supporting the existence of an evolving East African robust lineage between ca. 2.6-1.2 Ma. The morphology of Omo-323 increases our knowledge of the intraspecific variability of A.boisei.  相似文献   

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