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猕猴桃是我国长江流域分布极广的浆果类植物.果脯一般采用切片加工,由于野生猕猴桃果形小、种子多成熟期不一致等缺点,苦采用切片加工,其果脯不但小,不平整(周围厚、中间凹),而且大多数果脯上面"粘"有一圈黑色的种子,严重影响了果脯的商品价值.结合蜜枣加工技术,开发研制出蜜枣形野生猕猴桃果脯,较好地解决了这些问题.  相似文献   

猕猴桃的组织培养和遗传转化研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了国内外猕猴桃组织培养和遗传转化研究进展,内容包括花药培养、胚培养、胚乳培养、子叶、叶、茎段等器官培养、原生质体培养以及遗传转化等,并对生物技术在猕猴桃研究中存在的问题以及今后在猕猴桃中的应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis)是当前世界上一种新兴的果树。我国是猕猴桃的原产地,野生资源极为丰富,目前尚未全部开发利用。近年来,国内虽然开展了猕猴桃果实加工技术等方面的研究,但由于现行的加工方法不合理,致使其中重要成分之一的蛋白酶活性受到破坏。为了开发猕猴桃果实的新用途,我们选用我国独有的种类--野生中华猕猴桃的原变种(软毛变种)为材料,先把其中的蛋白酶(以下简称猕酶)分离出来,然后进行综合利用。  相似文献   

发酵食品与人们的生活息息相关,文章从乳制品发酵方面、植物蛋白饮料加工方面、酿造工业方面、发酵香菇方面、改善蛋鸡饲养方面和发酵蛋制品的研发方面、发酵肉制品方面、发酵果蔬制品及谷物制品加工方面对乳酸菌的应用进行了综述。未来,乳酸菌在发酵食品中的应用前景将更加广阔,文章能够为新产品的研发提供理论参考。  相似文献   

本文通过对野生软枣猕猴桃果脯加工技术的试验研究,进一步完善了其加工工艺,筛选出三种较好的产品风味及其各自独特的加工方法。  相似文献   

闽江南北的广大山区生长着丰富的猕猴桃科植物。其营养十分丰富,尤其是维生素C(阔叶猕猴桃,每100克果肉中含维生素C1600毫克以上),果品可供出口。所以,发展称猴桃生产前景是辉煌灿烂的,对四化建设将起积极的作用。  相似文献   

中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)是当前世界上一种新兴的果树。由于它的果实营养丰富,功效特异,因此引起国内外普遍的重视。我国是猕猴桃的原产地,资源极为丰富。近年来,国内正在开展选种、栽培及加工技术等方面的研究,但对于酶化学的研究则基本上空白,其基础研究和资源开发利用研究都有待进行。  相似文献   

猕猴桃果实性状及营养成分的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄正福  梁木源  黄陈光  李瑞高   《广西植物》1983,(1):53-56+66
<正> 猕猴桃为我国特产果品,果实芳香多汁,酸甜适口,风味佳美,营养价值高,可供鲜食和加工成罐头、果酱、果汁、果酒、果干、果脯、果晶等食品,深受世界各国的重视,成为一种新兴的栽培果树。 我国是猕猴桃的分布中心,资源丰富,种类繁多,据报导我国有猕猴桃92种(变种、变  相似文献   

猕猴桃果实营养成份丰富,鲜果不但可以生食,而且可以加工成果汁、果酒、果酱、罐头等保健食品,这些食品又是老人、小孩、孕妇和手术后患者的营养补品。除此之外,猕猴桃的根、茎、叶还有清热、止渴、防癌、抗癌、降高血脂、降血压等多种防病抗病作用。同时,猕猴桃叶片美丽,花色鲜艳,是美化城乡的园艺树种,很有观赏价值,是一种有开发利用价值的植物种类。  相似文献   

软枣猕猴桃主要分布我国东北、河北、山西、陕西等省区。抗寒性强,是重要的野生果树,也是城市垂直绿化的优良树种。随着人们对软枣猕猴桃果实加工用量的增加,群众在采收果实中,植株从树上拉下,破坏了架面,营林时许多植株被砍伐清除,严重破坏了自然资源。为保护野生软枣猕猴桃的优良种质,变野生为家植,提高产量,永续利用,我们从1982  相似文献   

Hobbyist and researchers often use commercially available phytoplankton concentrates to maintain filter feeding organisms held in their ornamental or experimental tanks. This study investigated the nutritional value of 10 products available commercially for juvenile hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria. Growth and mortality rates in clams fed these products were compared with those found in clams fed fresh cultures of the microalgae Isochrysis galbana, which is considered an industry standard for supporting growth of juvenile bivalves. Our results show a clear difference in feed nutritional value between non‐living and living commercial diets, and among commercial diets advertised as containing live algae. Overall, results showed that juvenile hard clams fed fresh cultures of I. galbana displayed the best growth and lowest mortality rates, followed by those fed the commercial diet DT's Live Marine Phytoplankton. Growth and mortality rates in unfed controls were similar to those found in clams fed commercial non‐living algae mixes or diets advertised as containing live algae (Phyto‐Feast Live product). Results also showed that the nutritional value of fresh algae (I. galbana) cultures is lost rapidly when cultures are maintained at 4°C, suggesting that algae present in some commercial diets may lose their nutritional value during processing or refrigerated storage. The commercial blend, DT's Live Marine Phytoplankton, seems to represent a good substitute to lab grown algae for clams held in ornamental or experimental aquariums. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The species Schleichera oleosa (Kusum), being rich in nutritional, medicinal and processing qualities can play a very important role in the livelihood security of the rural communities through enhanced household income, employment generation and environmental protection. People of many states of India are becoming increasingly aware about the potential importance of this species in terms of its ethnobotany and lac production in their livelihood security. Value addition of all the components especially seed oil for biodiesel production, lac production and processing of bark for exploiting their nutritional and medicinal properties is a long-term strategy. There is need of increasing the area and plantation of this valuable species and enhancing their processed products. Moreover, to domesticate this species on farmer's field, there is a need to develop good cultivars. Hence, there is an ample scope in developing propagation methods and suitable good cultivars through nursery management programme. Dissemination of improved production technologies, value addition and marketing strategies regarding Kusum trees and its products to the farmers/entrepreneurs/lac based industries is of utmost importance for promoting it as agribusiness.  相似文献   

Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) is a multi-purpose palm tree native to tropical Latin America, which is predominantly cultivated by smallholders in agroforestry systems. The fruits are rich in starch and contribute importantly to food security and the cash income of farmers who cultivate them. Complex value chains have emerged that link producers to consumers, but irregular product quality and market chain inequalities undermine the economic well-being of producers and retailers. Peach palm is genetically diverse, but screening for traits of commercial and nutritional interest is required to enhance the use of its genetic resources. Alliances between public organizations and private enterprises are needed to realize the potential for processing novel products from peach palm, especially in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic sectors. The diverse challenges that emerge at different stages of production, processing and marketing require participatory research that directly involves stakeholders from the beginning.  相似文献   

越来越多的人们逐渐意识到饮食与健康之间的紧密联系,粮食“量”与“质”协调发展的矛盾也开始凸显。马铃薯是全球第四大粮食作物,我国正在推进的“健康中国”建设和马铃薯主粮化战略给马铃薯育种和食品加工带来了更多的挑战和机遇。与其他粮食作物相比,马铃薯中维生素含量是最全面的,但市场上尚缺乏“量”与“质”俱佳的马铃薯品种和产品,因此这一领域存在着巨大的研究潜力。着重介绍了马铃薯维生素代谢研究的最新进展,探讨了在马铃薯营养代谢改良中的应用前景,以期为以健康为导向的营养强化研究做好技术储备,满足多样化的市场需求。  相似文献   

Organic products are derived from the organic production system, following organic agricultural cultivation standards, and processing schedules must be identified by an independent certificate authority. The main characteristic of the organic agricultural production system is that all artificial synthetic materials such as pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, feed additives, and gene engineering products are not allowed to use. However, there is much debate on organic production quality and health safety issues in academic circles. Some people believe that there is a “Three Cannot” problem with organic production, that is, organic products “cannot be distinguished, cannot be tasted and cannot be measured” compared to common ones. To objectively reflect the differences in nutritional quality and food safety between organic and conventional products, we combined extensive literatures with our research data and have reported some advances in the sensory quality, nutritional value, and safety of the two types of products. The results showed that organic products tasted better; the percentage of leanness was higher, and the products tasted much tender. The dry matter content of most organic crops was about 7–20% higher than that of conventional foods, and enriched vitamin C, anthocyanins, isoflavones, carotenoids, and other phenolic compounds and more elements such as P, Fe, and Mg and trace elements such as Zn, Cu, and Cr were verified in organic crops. Organic animal products contain more beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids; the nitrate content in organic fruits and vegetables was 20–50% of that in normal fruits. No pesticide residues and less heavy metals were found in the organic products. Our investigation showed that there were obvious differences in quality and safety between the products that originated from organic agriculture systems and conventional alternatives. This conclusion can provide an important theoretical basis for the healthy development of the organic industry.  相似文献   

转基因改良植物的营养价值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物是人类所需大部分营养物质的主要来源,植物产品的营养品质直接影响着人类的健康。分子克隆和遗传转化技术的发展为改良植物的营养价值开辟了新途径。植物营养价值的转基因改良已在改进作物蛋白质含量及品质、淀粉和油脂成分及品质,提高抗氧化物水平(如类胡萝卜素、类黄酮等),培育具有医疗效应的营养品质等方面取得了可喜的进展。迄今,已获得许多营养品质改良的转基因作物品系。这些转基因作物经过一系列的安全性及对人类营养有效性的验证后, 可直接食用,或应用于开发具有特殊营养品质和保健作用的“功能食品”。我们实验室开展了大豆油脂改良研究,构建了能特异抑制大豆FAD2-1基因表达的锌指转录因子,获得了油酸含量显著提高的转基因材料。初步结果表明锌指转录因子的分子设计是改良植物油脂代谢的一条可行途径,亦可用于调控植物其它内源靶基因的表达。  相似文献   

Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) constitutes valuable and nutritional sources of components, such as proteins, lipids and chitin. The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of applying a pilot scale enzymatic hydrolysis process of snow crab by-products, followed by fractionation, in order to recover enriched high-valued compounds. The yield of snow crab by-products recovered after manual processing; on a dry weight was 87.4%. The by-products (raw materials) were mainly moist (approximately 78%), and contained 42.9% proteins, 14.8% lipids, 25.7% minerals, 16.2% chitin, all expressed on a dry weight. The fatty acid profile of snow crab by-products and all fractions obtained following processing showed a higher content in mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs; approximately 50%), followed by polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs; approximately 20%) and saturated fatty acids (SFAs; approximately 15%). The n − 3/n − 6 ratio was approximately 10 and represents a good index of nutritional value for snow crab oil by-products. Most protein enriched fractions demonstrate a well-balanced amino acid composition, notably the most essential amino acids. These protein fractions are characterized by biomolecules having a relatively low molecular weight (35 kDa and less) range. The enzymatic hydrolysis process developed in this study shows that snow crab by-products should to be viewed as having the potential of being identified as high-valued products. Even though the process could be optimized, it is controllable, and depending on hydrolyses conditions, the products obtained are reproducible and well defined. Results presented in this study indicate that snow crab by-products may serve as excellent nutritional components for future applications in the health and food sectors.  相似文献   

Para-rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) seed and its products were subjected to different methods of processing such as decortication, oil extraction, autoclaving and fermentation and assayed for their chemical composition and nutritional value. Peanut oil meal and yellow maize were also assayed similarly for comparison.

Decortication reduced the crude fibre content, with proportionate increases in other nutrients and energy value. Autoclaving and fermentation failed to improve the nutritional value of undecorticated rubber seed oil meal.

Crude protein content of rubber seed and its products ranged from 11.5% in rubber seeds to 27.4% in commercial decorticated rubber seed oil meal. The oil content of the rubber seeds and kernels was 24.0 and 40.1%, respectively. The available carbohydrate content of rubber seed and its products ranged from 6.3% in rubber seeds to 15.9% in commercial decorticated rubber seed oil meal; these values may be compared with the value of 59.0% for yellow maize.

Both undecorticated and decorticated rubber seed oil meals appeared to be deficient in sulphur-containing amino acids and lysine. The gross protein value of undecorticated and decorticated rubber seed oil meals and peanut oil meal was estimated to be 43.6, 47.0 and 49.7, respectively.

Both undecorticated and decorticated rubber seed oils were rich in oleic and stearic acids, but relatively poor in poly-unsaturated fatty acids, compared with peanut oil.

Determined apparent ME (AME) values were (kcal/g dry matter): rubber seeds, 2.91; kernels, 4.70; undecorticated rubber seed oil meal, 2.00; and decorticated rubber seed oil meal, 2.80. The true ME (TME) values were 3.24, 5.16, 2.22 and 3.00 kcal/g dry matter, respectively. In general, TME values were about 10% higher than the AME values.  相似文献   

芡实的营养保健价值及其加工利用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
芡实是一种珍贵的药食兼用的水生经济作物种子,具有很高的营养价值和多种保健功能。着重介绍了国内外对芡实的营养组分、药用价值及其功能成分的研究进展,并对其在国内的加工利用现状和前景进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

Nutritional value of milk and meat products derived from cloning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development and use of milk and meat products derived from cloning depends on their safety and on the nutritional advantages they can confer to the products as perceived by consumers. The development of such products thus implies (i) to demonstrate their safety and security, (ii) to show that their nutritional value is equivalent to the traditional products, and (iii) to identify the conditions under which cloning could allow additional nutritional and health benefit in comparison to traditional products for the consumers. Both milk and meat products are a source of high quality protein as determined from their protein content and essential amino acid profile. Milk is a source of calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B2 and B12. Meat is a source of iron, zinc and vitamin B12. An important issue regarding the nutritional quality of meat and milk is the level and quality of fat which usually present a high content in saturated fat and some modification of the fat fraction could improve the nutritional quality of the products. The role of the dietary proteins as potential allergens has to be taken into account and an important aspect regarding this question is to evaluate whether the cloning does not produce the appearance of novel allergenic structures. The presence of bio-activities associated to specific components of milk (lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, growth factors, anti-microbial components) also represents a promising development. Preliminary results obtained in rats fed cow's milk or meat-based diets prepared from control animals or from animals derived from cloning did not show any difference between control and cloning-derived products.  相似文献   

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