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利用石蜡切片和薄切片方法对芸香料14属23种和1变种植物幼茎中分泌囊的分布和结构进行了比较研究。在芸香科植物茎中,靠近表皮的皮层中分布一轮分泌囊,分泌均由鞘细胞和一层上皮细胞围绕圆形腔隙构成,上皮细胞扁平,细胞壁薄,完整。鞘细胞1-5层。在不同亚科、不同属之间,分泌囊的差异仅仅表现在分泌腔的大小和鞘细胞的层数方面。一般草本类型属植物  相似文献   

金丝桃属植物叶中分泌结构的比较解剖学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用整体透明法、石蜡制片法和半薄切片法,对金丝桃属9组43种l亚种1变种的植物叶分泌 结构的类型、形态、结构和分布进行了比较研究。结果表明,分泌结构是金丝桃属植物叶片普遍的结构特征,根据其分泌结构的特征,可划分为分泌细胞团、分泌囊(道)和韧皮部中分泌小管道等3种分泌结构。其中,分泌细胞团按其在叶片的分布可分为叶缘型和散生型;分泌囊按其在叶横切面中的位置可分为栅栏组织型、海绵组织型、居中型(位于栅栏组织型与海绵组织型之间)和横跨叶肉组织型。根据分泌囊和分泌细胞团在该属植物叶中的分布可划分为3种类型:(1)只有分泌囊的类型;(2)只有分泌细胞团的类型;(3)具分泌囊和分泌细胞团的类型。两种主要分泌结构的类型、分布密度、分布位置及其形态等方面在组间和种间均存在—定的差异,对金丝桃属属以下等级的区分具有一定意义。在此基础上,对该属分泌结构的形态演化以及金丝桃属各组间的亲缘关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

贯叶连翘分泌结构的发育及其内含物积累的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡正海  吕洪飞 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):287-292,T008,T009
应用半薄切片和组织化学观察结果表明,贯叶连翘植物内具有分泌囊和分泌细胞团,叶片,萼片,花瓣中都存在2种分泌结构,分泌囊尚存在于果壁内,而分泌细胞团还在花药和茎棱中 ,2种分泌结构均起源于幼叶的基本分生组织内,其原始细胞形态相似,都垂周分裂为2子细胞,接着分别以不同分裂方式形成原始细胞群,并分化出鞘细胞,以后分 囊原始细胞群以裂生方式发育成由1层鞘细胞,1层上皮细胞包围着分泌腔组成的分泌囊,而分泌细胞团原始细胞群则继续增加细胞数目和体积发育成2-4层鞘细胞包围紧密排列的分泌细胞组成的分泌细胞团,其中给终未出现分泌腔,组织[化学试验表明,前者产生和贮存油类物质,而后者产生和贮存金丝桃素类物质。  相似文献   

4种药用芦荟叶的形态解剖学研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
通过植物形态解剖学方法研究4种药用芦蔡的叶的结构,结果表明:它们都具有早生多浆植物中的结构特征。表皮及角质层厚,气孔下陷,气孔下陷,孔下室大。叶肉分为二部分,由同化薄壁组织和储水组织组成。同化薄组织由多层细胞组成,细胞形态相似,不分化为栅栏组织和海绵组织。储水组织占据叶的体积一半以上,细胞大、不规则、壁薄、富含粘液。维管束具鞘,呈环状分布。紧靠同化组织的维管束赶忙皮薄壁组织发达,具有合成和储存芦荟  相似文献   

吴茱萸果实中分泌囊的发生和发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王黎  胡正海  景汝勤   《广西植物》1992,(2):172-176+197
吴茱萸果皮内分布有许多分泌囊。我们作了发育解剖学方面的研究。在花蕾期,雌蕊的子房中分泌囊原始细胞即开始发生,它起源于单个表皮细胞和其内的1—4层薄壁细胞。分泌囊最初为裂生,后期由于上皮细胞的破毁,其腔隙逐渐扩大,因此,腔隙发生方式应属裂溶生型。成熟分泌囊是由多层鞘细胞和上皮细胞包围圆形腔隙构成。  相似文献   

番荔枝科蚁花属和澄广花属叶的比较解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用扫描电镜技术,叶片离析方法和石蜡切片法对蚁花属1种和澄广花属9种植物叶的形态结构进行比较研究。结果表明,两属植物有许多相似之处,但又有以下一些显著不同;蚁花属植物叶表皮细胞均具一晶族,叶肉组织中具1-2层栅栏组织细胞,油细胞均匀分布在栅栏组织和海绵组织中,栅栏组织在主脉处不连续,而澄广花属植物叶的表皮细胞内具一单斜晶,叶肉组织中具1层栅栏组织细胞,油细胞仅分布在海绵组织中,栅栏组织在主脉处连续,结果为蚁花属和澄广花属的分类学处理提供了新证据。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法对豆蔻属12个种的叶片横切面结构进行比较解剖学研究。结果显示:豆蔻属植物叶片表皮层由1层表皮细胞组成,在无下皮层的种中,近轴面的表皮细胞通常体积较大,而在有下皮层的种中,表皮层通常较薄,细胞壁增厚;下皮层的结构具有多样性;叶肉中栅栏组织通常1~2层,海绵组织2~6层细胞,常含丹宁,所观察的大部分种含有方晶或砂晶;中脉韧皮部极端维管束形态多样,维管束系统II通常缺失,未发现同时具有4个系统的种。此外,对叶缘的形态特点进行了概括性描述,并结合前人的研究资料讨论了叶解剖结构的系统学意义。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜、叶表皮离析法和石蜡切片法研究了番荔枝科93种2变种植物叶片的形态结构.结果表明番荔枝科植物叶片形态结构具有较大相似性,如叶表面均具有表皮毛,表皮细胞具有晶体,气孔器为平列型,具2~6个副卫细胞,仅分布在远轴面,普遍具有败育气孔器,叶肉组织中普遍含有油细胞等,但表皮毛的类型,表皮细胞的形状,表皮细胞内晶体的类型和形态,叶肉组织的结构具有明显的属间和种间差异.  相似文献   

花椒果实分泌囊发育过程的超微结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电镜观察结果表明,花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.)果实分泌囊是由裂生方式形成,由鞘细胞、上皮细胞和油腔构成。对分泌囊的原始细胞、油腔发生和扩大以及发育成熟3个时期的超微结构研究表明,其精油是在分泌囊油腔发生时开始积累,以油滴形态存在于上皮细胞的质体内及其周围的细胞质中。根据各细胞器的变化规律分析,质体是精油合成的主要场所,内质网参与精油的合成和转运,线粒体为上述活动提供能量。上皮细胞内积累的精油可能通过两种途径排出细胞,分泌至油腔内贮存。鞘细胞内也积累精油,其主要合成场所也与质体有关,以后转运至上皮细胞内。成熟分泌囊的质体由于功能改变,其内出现蛋白质结晶和淀粉粒。  相似文献   

刘培卫  张玉秀  杨云  陈波 《广西植物》2017,37(5):565-571
为比较沉香属不同种植物间的叶片形态解剖特征,将不同来源的六种沉香属植物在海南省兴隆南药园种植,运用石蜡切片法和撕片法对其成熟叶片的解剖特征进行观察,并对叶片的上下表皮,叶脉和叶横切面等12项数量性状进行统计分析。结果表明:六种沉香属植物叶片解剖结构基本一致,均为典型的异面叶,由表皮、叶肉和叶脉组成,表现出典型的旱生形态特点。表皮细胞单层,气孔微下陷,仅分布在下表皮,上下表皮上零星分布着表皮毛。叶肉组织发达,栅栏组织由1~2层排列紧密地圆柱状细胞组成,其间分布着大量的长方晶体,海绵组织内有一层排列较整齐,染色较深的异细胞组成的下皮层。主脉维管束双韧型,呈圆环状,内含大量异细胞。方差分析表明,除栅海比外,叶片厚度、叶脉条数、主脉厚度等其余11项数量指标在六种植物间差异均达到显著水平。聚类分析将这六种植物聚成3类,Aquilaria sinensis(白木香),A.crassna和A.banaensis聚为一类,A.baillonii和A.malaccensis聚为一类;A.yunnanensis(云南沉香)单独为一类。该研究结果为沉香属植物的物种鉴定提供了解剖学依据,同时对沉香属植物合理开发利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

 对石蒜属( Lycoris Herb. ) 12 种植物叶片的比较解剖学研究表明: (1) 石蒜属植物叶片横切面的端部、中部及基部的轮廓基本呈浅“W”或“V”字型, 有些种的表皮细胞上具有明显的尖刺状乳突; ( 2)石蒜属植物均为异面叶, 叶肉组织有一定的栅栏组织和海绵组织分化, 但二者的厚度、叶肉中所占比例及栅栏组织的细胞层数在种间有一定的差异; (3) 海绵组织发达、具有大而明显的薄壁细胞或细胞裂溶后形成空腔(分泌腔或气腔); (4) 叶片中维管束数目大多为奇数, 叶脉维管束鞘由薄壁细胞组成; (5) 石蒜属植物横切面上叶缘的形状分为圆弧形和楔形两种类型。石蒜属植物叶的解剖结构具有许多相似特征; 同时又具有一定的种间差异, 可为石蒜属植物的种间关系和开发利用提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   

The structure, type, morphology and location of secretory structures in leaves of 43 species, 1 subspecies and 1 variety of 9 sections in Hypericum L. were comparatively studied using tissue clearing, paraffin sectioning and thin sectioning. The results have shown that the presence of secretory structures is a common feature of leaves in this genus. According to their anatomical characteristics, the secretory structures can be divided into nodules, secretory cavities (canals) and tiny secretory tubes. In their distribution in leaves the nodules fall into two types: the leaf edge type and the scattered type. According to the location of cavities in the cross sections of leaves, the cavities can be divided into 4 types: the median type which is situated between the palisade tissue and spongy tissue, the palisade tissue type, the spongy tissue type and the across-mesophyll type. Based on the location of cavities and nodules in leaves, the species in Hypericum can be divided into 3 groups: group Ⅰ , in which only cavities are present; group Ⅱ, in which only nodules are present; group Ⅲ, in which both cavities and nodules are present. The type, location, distribution density and morphology of secretory structures are of some taxonomic value at the level of species and of section in Hypericum L. From these observations, the evolutionary trends concerning the morphology and anatomy of secretory structures and the affinity among sections in the genus Hypericum ate dis-cussed.  相似文献   

Leaf anatomy of 63 taxa is investigated to elucidate generic relationships among Brachychaeta, Brintonia, Chrysoma, Euthamia, Gundlachia, Oligoneuron, Oreochrysum, Petradoria, and Solidago. All these genera have been included at one time or another within Solidago. Aster ptarmicoides is also studied because it hybridizes with some species of Solidago (sens. str.). Qualitative and quantitative differences in mesophyll, storage parenchyma, secretory apparatus, bundle sheath extensions, and midvein structure allow rather precise grouping of the taxa. Brachychaeta, Brintonia, Oligoneuron, Oreochrysum, and Aster ptarmicoides should be considered as constituents of Solidago. They all have bundle sheath extensions and little or no water storage parenchyma. In Solidago secretory cavities, when present, are shaped and positioned differently from those in Euthamia. The absence of bundle sheath extensions and various combinations of other anatomical features suggest that Chrysoma, Euthamia, Gundlachia, and Petradoria are generically distinct from one another and from Solidago.  相似文献   

Arundinella hirta L. is a C4 plant having an unusual C4 leaf anatomy. Besides mesophyll and bundle sheath cells, A. hirta leaves have specialized parenchyma cells which look morphologically like bundle sheath cells but which lack vascular connections and are located between veins, running parallel to them. Activities of phosphoenolpyruvate and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylases and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, NADP-and NAD-malic enzymes were determined for whole leaf extracts and isolated mesophyll protoplasts, specialized parenchyma cells, and bundle sheath cells. The data indicate that A. hirta is a NADP-malic enzyme type C4 species. In addition, specialized parenchyma cells and bundle sheath cells are enzymatically alike. Compartmentation of enzymes followed the C4 pattern with phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase being restricted to mesophyll cells while ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and decarboxylating enzymes were restricted to bundle sheath and specialized parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the chloroplasts of maize (Zea mays L.) has been investigated by electron microscopic examination of ultrathin sections of leaves fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide solutions. Both the parenchyma sheath and mesophyll chloroplasts contain a system of densely staining lamellae about 125 A thick immersed in a finely granular matrix material (the stroma), and are bounded by a thin limiting membrane which often appears as a double structure. In the parenchyma sheath chloroplasts, the lamellae usually extend the full width of the disc-shaped plastids, and grana are absent. The mesophyll chloroplasts, however, contain numerous grana of a fairly regular cylindrical form. These consist of highly ordered stacks of dense lamellae, the interlamellar spacing being ca. 125 A. The grana are interlinked by a system of lamellae (intergrana lamellae) which are on the average about one-half as numerous as the lamellae within the grana. In general, this appears to be due to a bifurcation of the lamellae at the periphery of the granum, but more complex interrelationships have been observed. The lamellae of the parenchyma sheath chloroplasts and those of both the grana and intergrana regions of the mesophyll chloroplasts exhibit a compound structure when oriented normally to the plane of the section. A central exceptionally dense line (ca. 35 A thick) designated the P zone is interposed between two less dense layers (the L zones, ca. 45 A thick), the outer borders of which are defined by thin dense lines (the C zones). Within the grana, the C zones, by virtue of their close apposition, give rise to thin dense intermediate lines (I zones) situated midway between adjacent P zones. A model of the lamellar structure is proposed in which mixed lipide layers (L zones) are linked to a protein layer (P zone) by non-polar interaction. Chlorophyll is distributed over the entire lamellar surface and held in the structure by van der Waals interaction of the phytol "tail" with the hydrocarbon moieties of the mixed lipide layers. The evidence in favour of the model is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Light microscopical observation of thin sections revealed that the initials of secretory cavities in Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. originated from parenchyma cells below the epidermis in early stages of development. The cavity lumen appeared in the center of the initials and gradually enlarged during subsequent development. Concurrently the ceils surrounding the central space differentiated into secretory cells and sheath cells. The developed cavities of fruit ,stem and leaf consisted of 2–5 layers of sheath cells and 2–3 layers of secretory cells surrounding a spherical space. The secretory cells lining the space were observed to remain intact throughout the plantt s life. On the basis of comparative studies with the aid of different kinds of fixatives, embedding media and sectionings,it was suggested that the ,manner of formation of the lacunao of secretory cavities in fruit peels of P. trifoliata, Citrus reticulata and C. sinensis were different. However,as seen in thin sections the secretory cavities of all the 3 species developed schizogenously. Our result with reference to views of other authers concluded the existance of a common schizogenous cavity formation in Rutaceae.  相似文献   

The leaf structure and morphology, the structure and location of oil cells in leaves of 82 species and 1 subspecies in 10 genera of the Magnoliaceae were comparatively studied using tissue clearing, paraffin sectioning and thin sectioning. In leaves of Liriodendroideae, some of abaxial epidermal cells are papillose and the vascular tissue of the main vein appeared to be separated. However, papillose cells were not found and there were uniseriate, multicellular or unicellular hairs distributed on the epiderm, and the vascular tissue of the main vein appeared to be continuous in leaves of the Magnolioideae. Furthermore, in the Magnolioideae, the structure of leaves of Manglietia were different from that of Magnolia. These results support the separation of Magnolioideae and Liriodendroideae, and suggest that Manglietia and Magnolia be independent genera, which is consistent with Law’ s taxonomic scheme. Oil cells are one of marked features of the leaf anatomy of the Magnoliaceae, and they are mainly distributed in the palisade tissue in leaves of 47 species and in the spongy tissue in leaves of 5 species, and dispersed in the whole mesophyll in leaves of 31 species. The size and location of oil cells in leaves, combined with the thickness of leaves, the number of layers of the palisade tissue, the ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue in thickness, the hypo-derm, and the type of hairs may be used as the characteristics of genera and even species.  相似文献   

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