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在批林批孔运动的推动下,在“农业学大寨”运动深入发展中,为了适应农业大发展对肥料的需要,我县贫下中农、科技人员遵照伟大领袖毛主席关于“尽量采用先进技术”的教导,从1971年开始生产、应用“5406”  相似文献   

随着举世瞩目的三峡工程大江截流进入倒计时,国内外普遍关注的库区珍稀濒危植物经过科技人员10多年的艰苦努力,其中80%以上的植物得到妥善安置,它们已在新的环境中茁壮成长。在中科院武汉植物所植物园,三峡地区特有珍稀植物荷叶铁线破、疏花水柏枝历经“考验”后已成片生长;“活化石”水杉、“中国鸽子树”珙桐、“树中熊猫”金钱松等已生长成林;其他来自三峡的珍稀植物,如巴东水莲、连香树、鹅掌揪、白辛木、川明参等40多种植物在这里也长势良好。多年来,中科院武汉植物所的科技人员先后在武汉植物所植物园、宜昌市大老岭、通山县…  相似文献   

1989年12月5日和6日,山东省植物生理学会在临胸县召开了“科技兴农”座谈会。来自本省高校,科研农业部门共25个单位的40多位同志参加了会议。临朐县副县长冯学忠及县农牧局、林业局、科委、供销社的多位领导及科技人员也参加了座谈会。与会人员参观了中国北方果树苗木繁育厂组织培养室供销社的  相似文献   

巍峨的青藏高原,雄踞于地球之巅。这片既古老而又年轻的大地,以其独特的地理景观、丰富的自然资源和悠久的地域文化召唤着致力于“青藏高原的隆起及其对自然环境和人类活动的影响”科学考察主题的科技人员前往考察。作为植物研究所人员不多的古植物研究室先后有八人在惊...  相似文献   

中国科学院成都生物研究所生态中心于1999年首批进入中国科学院知识创新工程“西南生物资源与生物多样性保护与发展研究基地。”中心拥有植物学博士点和生物学硕士点,现有在职科技人员43人,其中研究员7人,博士生导师4 ,“百人计划”人才2人,“西部之光”人才计划3人,博士12人,形成了以常务副所长、四川省学术带头人吴宁研究员为主的一批青藏高原东缘及长江上游地区恢复生态学研究的核心力量。  相似文献   

中国特色小镇的建设是如今的热点问题。以英国为例,通过对小城镇在城市化进程中的发展特征研究发现:“人口集中化”时期,工业化的推进为小城镇的发展奠定了经济基础和产业基础;在“人口分散化”时期,政府的宏观调控使小城镇向着可持续的方向发展。研究结果表明英国成功“特色小镇”的特征与其历史进程中的积累息息相关,并给予了中国特色小镇的建设热潮一些启示。  相似文献   

我国生物技术领域首次面向产业发展的大会——“中国生物产业大会·2007”将于2007年6月16~18日在石家庄召开。本次大会将围绕“创新与发展,战略与未来”的主题,邀请政府官员、科学家、企业家以及来自国内外投资者共商我国生物产业发展大计,共同推进我国生物产业持续、健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

为贯彻中国科协“三大”会议精神,让更多的科技人员掌握较新的专业技术,辽宁省微生物学会责承辽宁师范大学、大连市微生物学会和大连制药厂,于八月十四日到二十三日在大连师范大学生物系举办了“微生物原生质体融合技术学习班”。  相似文献   

1981年7月21日到8月8日,农业部委托辽宁省农业科学院在沈阳举办了“全国辐射遗传育种训练班”。训练班上北农大毛炎麟讲”辐射生物学”;哈尔滨师大李集临主讲“辐射细胞学”,并有实验课;辽宁省农科院丘成建教授讲“辐射诱发抗病和优质突变体”,植生所顾瑞琦讲“辐射对植物细胞的伤害及其修复等。参加训练班的学员大多是富有实际辐射育种工作经验的中级科技人员,通过这次训练班丰富了辐射生物学的基础理论知识,并对辐射育种中的一些方向性问题进行研讨。一致认为这次训练班为进一步搞好辐  相似文献   

伴随着新医改政策的实施,国务院发布的《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》中提出了深化公立医院体制改革、优化多元办医格局的目标。目前,在我国多个领域,公私伙伴关系模式已经得到了广泛的运用,医疗卫生服务行业也不例外。文章通过物有所值评价,分析了公立医院公私伙伴关系模式改革的效果。政府应充分考虑我国的基本国情,加强相关配套措施的研制,使公私伙伴关系模式中私营企业发展与我国公立医院改革齐头并进,进一步推动医疗服务体制改革和政府公共服务职能转变。  相似文献   

China has the highest greenhouse-based production in the world. In 2010, the area of greenhouses devoted to vegetable production was estimated at 4.7 million ha. With the increasing costs of pest control, expanding pesticide resistance and the growing consumer concern regarding pesticide residues in fresh vegetables, a strong demand for applying non-chemical control methods is emerging in China. Biological control in the greenhouse environment is a viable alternative to pesticide use from both environmental and economic perspectives. Although we have only 17 cases of fully documented, successful biological control operations from China, involving 8 crops, 8 pest species and 14 species of natural enemies, the use of the biological control agents is much more widespread. There are 7 commercial companies and facilities producing 21 species of natural enemies, and most of them are available country-wide. Several of these employ a rearing system using artificial diets, and many now move to an integrated production system, including the mass production of the biocontrol agents, quality control, methods of long-distance transportation, release recommendations, and user feedback. While initially these systems relied on introduced natural enemies, they increasingly develop modified systems using native natural enemies. The increasing demand for pesticide-free, high quality vegetable produce year-round and the existing certification schemes make it very likely that the use of biocontrol agents will continue to increase in China.  相似文献   

Augmentative biological control concerns the periodical release of natural enemies. In commercial augmentative biological control, natural enemies are mass-reared in biofactories for release in large numbers to obtain an immediate control of pests. The history of commercial mass production of natural enemies spans a period of roughly 120 years. It has been a successful, environmentally and economically sound alternative for chemical pest control in crops like fruit orchards, maize, cotton, sugar cane, soybean, vineyards and greenhouses. Currently, augmentative biological control is in a critical phase, even though during the past decades it has moved from a cottage industry to professional production. Many efficient species of natural enemies have been discovered and 230 are commercially available today. The industry developed quality control guidelines, mass production, shipment and release methods as well as adequate guidance for farmers. However, augmentative biological control is applied on a frustratingly small acreage. Trends in research and application are reviewed, causes explaining the limited uptake are discussed and ways to increase application of augmentative biological control are explored.  相似文献   

中国南方害虫生物防治50周年回顾   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
综述了中国南方50年来害虫生物防治的研究与应用概况,特别是大卵(蓖麻蚕卵)繁殖赤眼蜂防治甘蔗螟虫的成功先例,为后来国内应用柞蚕卵繁殖赤眼蜂提供了宝贵经验。应用平腹小蜂防治荔枝蝽,解决了荔枝生产的主要害虫问题;引进澳洲瓢虫、孟氏隐唇瓢虫、松突圆蚧花角蚜小蜂均是我国生物防治成功的例证;以生物防治为主的水稻害虫综合防治研究坚持了20多年,从生产实践和理论方面均取得显著的成绩;在昆虫病原微生物的研究与应用方面,利用苏云金杆菌以色列变种防治蚊虫、松毛虫质多角体病毒的发现和应用、斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒的分离以及中试和工厂化生产、昆虫病原线虫的大量繁殖与应用,取得了一批有应用价值的成果;在分子生物学研究方面,利用基因重组扩大了病原微生物的毒力与杀虫谱。总结和继承我国乃至世界上最早的以虫治虫(黄蚁防治柑桔害虫)的经验,对促进我国生物防治事业的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

N. C. Leppla  E. G. King 《BioControl》1996,41(3-4):343-360
The immediate goals for improving natural enemy production are to reduce costs, increase efficacy and provide additional species for pest management. This paper describes expanding markets for natural enemies that are or could be produced commercially, gives operational and experimental examples of parasitoid and predator production for use in field crop biological control, defines some of the obstacles and makes recommendations for producing and using natural enemies. Additionally, it provides recent published guidance for implementing biological control in Integrated Pest Management.  相似文献   

Effective pest control remains an essential part of food production, and it is provided both by chemicals and by natural enemies within agricultural ecosystems. These methods of control are often in conflict because of the negative impact of chemicals on natural enemies. There are already well-established approaches such as those provided by the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control-Pesticides and Beneficial Organisms for testing, collecting, and publishing information on responses of natural enemies to chemicals based on laboratory responses of specific organisms; however, these tests do not assess the cumulative impact of chemical inputs across an entire season or consider impacts on the complex communities of natural enemies that can provide effective pest control on a farm. Here, we explore the potential of different approaches for assessing the impact of chemicals on agricultural ecosystems and we propose a simple metric for sustainable chemical use on farms that minimizes overall impact on beneficial groups. We suggest ways in which the effectiveness of metrics can be extended to include persistence and habitat features. Such metrics can assist farmers in developing targets for sustainable chemical use as demonstrated in the viticultural industry.  相似文献   

农田景观格局对害虫天敌生态控害功能的调控作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何提升农田景观的生态服务功能是当前景观生态学和害虫防治学的前沿研究热点.基于区域农田景观格局可显著调节植物-植食性昆虫-天敌之间相互关系的理论基础,本文系统概括总结了农田景观格局及其变化对农田重要天敌多样性与生态控害功能的影响.从不同天敌类群的角度,分析了农田景观格局对捕食性天敌、寄生性天敌、有益微生物及其生态控害功能的调控作用.同时,对优化农田景观作物布局、采取合理的植被生境管理策略进行了展望.本文可为应用植被生境管理提升农田景观中天敌的生态系统服务功能提供参考,进一步促进区域生态农业响应"化学农药减量施用"的战略目标提供理论支撑.  相似文献   


In Taiwan, the agricultural policy, ‘Reduce the consumption of pesticide to half in the next 10 years’, was launched in 2017. Pesticide application, which results in contamination of food by chemical residues, pest resistance, and other adverse ecological effects, is a growing public and environmental concern. Pest control by natural predators is, thus, the best alternative. Biological control methods implemented based on insights obtained from studies on pest behaviour, rearing, and various crop management modes, increase the possibility of controlling pests in modern organic agricultural systems. More than a decade has passed since the first introduction of a predatory insect in Taiwan for pest control (in the 1990s). Predatory and parasitic natural enemies, including lacewing, predatory stink bugs, Orius, and parasitic wasps, were initially used for controlling thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and lepidopteran pests. At present, there exists a wide range of integrated pest management (IPM) methods incorporating other non-chemical, biological, and agricultural methods. However, recently, there has been an increase in research and development on the utilisation of natural enemies of insects and the associated food safety issues. Mass production and release, storage, and handling techniques of insect predators and parasitoids have been successful in recent years. The final goal of present day research is to develop natural enemy products and provide an IPM-based model to farmers for using natural enemies in agricultural production systems, thereby reducing pesticide application and ensuring food security.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented which quantifies the potential for distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS, a coproduct of wheat bioethanol production) to replace soya bean meal (SBM) and cereals in livestock rations. A major proportion of the SBM imported into Europe as a protein‐rich feedstuff for livestock comes from South America, where land‐use change (LUC) is associated with high carbon emissions. Production of DDGS can therefore reduce LUC in South America by substitution of SBM in animal feed. The analysis indicates that a single bioethanol distillery processing 1 million tonnes of wheat, and producing ca. 330 000 tonnes of DDGS per annum, would substitute at least 136 493 tonnes of whole soya beans grown on 47 725 ha of land, and save greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 0.63 million tonnes CO2 per annum. By growing sugar beet and wheat in an average ratio of 0.06 : 0.94 on 1 ha of land in Europe, the net area of agricultural land required to produce feed ingredients equivalent to 6.08 t of sugar beet pulp (SBP) and 1.72 t of DDGS associated with 2363 L of bioethanol, is reduced to 0.40 ha. This accounts for 0.42 ha of soya that is not required when DDGS displaces SBM, and 0.18 ha of wheat that is not required when DDGS and SBP displace wheat in livestock rations.  相似文献   

Reduction of noncrop habitats, intensive use of pesticides and high levels of disturbance associated with intensive crop production simplify the farming landscape and bring about a sharp decline of biodiversity. This, in turn, weakens the biological control ecosystem service provided by arthropod natural enemies. Strategic use of flowering plants to enhance plant biodiversity in a well-targeted manner can provide natural enemies with food sources and shelter to improve biological control and reduce dependence on chemical pesticides. This article reviews the nutritional value of various types of plant-derived food for natural enemies, possible adverse effects on pest management, and the practical application of flowering plants in orchards, vegetables and field crops, agricultural systems where most research has taken place. Prospects for more effective use of flowering plants to maximize biological control of insect pests in agroecosystem are good but depend up on selection of optimal plant species based on information on the ecological mechanisms by which natural enemies are selectively favored over pest species.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were made to test whether natural enemies would take over control of brussels sprouts aphids at the time when protection from a selectively acting, soil-applied systemic insecticide, menazon, began to fail. The natural enemies, notably Syrphidae, proved ineffective against Brevicoryne brassicae L. despite advantages given by the insecticide and by close planting, which greatly increased the ratio of numbers of syrphid eggs and larvae to aphids. Thus, development of the aphid population was little altered when infested plants were kept free of most natural enemies by hand removal. I lb/acre (1–12 kg/ha) of menazon applied as spot treatments to the soil at planting-out time decreased the number of overwintering parasite mummies by 70 % but such ‘mortality’ was compensated for by decreased mortality from hyperparasites and other causes, so the numbers of adults of the primary parasite Diaretiella rapae (McIntosh) which emerged in the spring were similar to those from untreated plots. Soil cultivation in winter drastically decreased the numbers of emerging adult primary parasites, hyperparasites and syrphids. The menazon treatment designed for integrated control (1 lb/acre) seemed too unpredictable in action, e.g. less effective in dry than in damp conditions, to provide the hoped-for chemical control needed until natural enemies became abundant. Menazon at 4 lb/acre (4·48 kg/ha) protected the crop throughout the growing season and bioassays showed that menazon or its toxic derivatives continued to occur in leaves during cool periods in winter and also in the following April-May nearly 1 year after application. The same amount of menazon per unit area of crop was less effective on 1 ft 6 in (45·6 cm) spaced than on 3 ft (91·2 cm) spaced brussels sprouts plants.  相似文献   

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