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GA3和变温层积对天女木兰种子萌发及内源激素的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用不同质量浓度GA3浸泡天女木兰种子并结合变温层积处理,应用高效液相色谱法对不同时期种子中4种激素GA3、IAA、ABA、ZR含量进行测定,并测量种胚长和萌发率,以探讨天女木兰种胚发育,内源激素含量变化与种子休眠萌发之间的调控关系,为进一步研究种子休眠机理提供理论基础。结果表明:(1)天女木兰成熟种子胚发育不完全,胚乳内高浓度ABA和低浓度GA3是其休眠的主要原因。(2)GA3处理能促使天女木兰种子提前30d完成形态后熟,并以1 500mg·L-1 GA3处理效果最佳。(3)在变温层积过程,天女木兰种胚发育可分三个阶段:阶段Ⅰ(0~70d)完成种胚进一步分化;阶段Ⅱ(70~120d)种胚快速生长时期;阶段Ⅲ(120~150d)休眠完全解除,种子具备发芽能力。种子能否打破休眠主要取决于阶段Ⅰ和Ⅱ的状况。(4)GA3/ABA、IAA/ABA和ZR/ABA在种子后熟期间的变化同胚生长发育存在一致性,认为内源激素的相对水平对种子休眠具有重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

华中五味子种子的发育和3种内源激素含量的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究秦岭地区野生华中五味子种子的发育及其不同发育时期种子中内源激素GA3、IAA和ABA含量变化的结果表明:盛花期后80d华中五味子种子形态发育已完善,相对含水量降至28.8%,盛花期后60d和80d的可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量分别达到最大,GA3和IAA含量以及ABA含量分别在盛花期后30d和70d达到最大。  相似文献   

以辐射变异西瓜自交分离系内果实有籽株‘406F’和无籽株‘406S’为试验材料,采用形态学观察及酶联免疫吸附分析法(ELISA)对其果实发育过程以及果肉与种子内源激素动态变化进行比较研究。结果表明:(1)两类西瓜果实纵横径随生育期推进呈相似的‘慢-快-慢’的‘单S’增长曲线,而果实重量及种子的变化则不同。‘406S’果实重量增加速率较恒定,其种子授粉后15 d停止生长,纵横径及重量开始降低;‘406F’果实重量变化呈‘快-慢-快’的‘双S’曲线,种子大小和重量随发育进程增加迅速。(2)两类西瓜果实发育期果肉与种子内源激素水平及峰值的时间有差异。‘406S’子房赤霉素(GAs)和玉米素核苷(ZRs)含量在授粉后0~3 d较高,且授粉后3~15 d果肉生长素(IAA)含量也高于有籽果实;‘406F’果肉GAs与ZRs含量则在授粉后6~21 d较高,且GAs含量变化与果实纵横径发育曲线相吻合。‘406S’种子IAA、GAs、ZRs含量相对较低,只有脱落酸(ABA)含量随种子退化进程增幅较大;‘406F’种子4种激素含量相对较高,且随种子的发育变幅较大。研究认为,无籽果实与有籽果实发育机制不同,果肉4种激素水平的差异对果实形状影响不大,但对重量增长影响较大;种子内源激素含量与种子发育关系密切,但无籽西瓜种子内源激素含量对果实发育无明显作用。  相似文献   

水稻胚和胚乳内源ABA含量的变化及其与发育和萌发的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用放射免疫方法测定了种子发育和萌发过程中胚和胚乳的游离态(f-)和结合态(c-)内源 ABA 水平的变化。发育中稻胚 ABA 含量的双峰曲线与胚的两阶段发育模式一致。胚分化期和成熟期各有一个 ABA 含量的高峰。分化期以 f-ABA 为主,可能主要来自母体组织,与同化物迅速输入种胚有关;成熟期以 c-ABA 为主,可能主要是原位合成的,更直接地涉及胚基因表达的调节。胚乳的 ABA 含量占整个种子的90%左右,但 ABA 浓度(按 ABAng/mg鲜重表示)仅为胚的一半左右。除在线性充实期有一个 ABA 浓度的高峰外,整个发育期间胚乳的 ABA 浓度非常稳定。萌发期间胚的 ABA 含量呈“V”字形曲线变化,萌发开始时 ABA含量迅速下降,胚芽伸长生长开始以后再逐渐回升。讨论了内源 ABA 与种胚发育和萌发的可能关系。  相似文献   

以酶联免疫吸附检测技术分析了水稻(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica)分离胚不同发育时期及萌发早期的内源激素含量的动态变化.GA1含量是所测激素中含量最高的.GA1的变化趋势基本上与ABA相反.花后4 d的胚中GA1和ABA的含量最高;花后8 d到18 d,GA1的含量下降,而ABA含量增加.在早期萌发过程中,种子吸涨后2 d的胚中GA1含量迅速上升,而ABA下降.GA1/ABA的最高比值也出现在吸涨后2 d的胚中.iPAs和ZRs的最高含量也出现在开花后4 d的胚中,但随后含量均下降到相当低的水平,并几乎没有变化.研究结果进一步证实了GA1在早期胚胎发生和萌发过程中起重要的作用;推测iPAs和ZRs可能仅在胚胎发生的早期起作用;GA1与ABA含量之间的相对平衡控制着胚胎发育的过程.用分离胚作为测试材料可以避免胚乳等其他组织成分的干扰,从而比较准确地反映了胚的内源激素变化.此外,本研究是首次用4 d的水稻幼胚作为激素含量测定的起始材料.  相似文献   

水稻胚胎发生与萌发早期分离胚中内源激素的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以酶联免疫吸附检测技术分析了水稻(Oryza sativa ssp.iapoica)分离胚不同发育时期及萌发早期的内源激素含量的动态变化。GA1含量是所测激素中含量最高的。GA1的变化趋势基本上与ABA相反。花后4d的胚中GAl和ABA的含量最高;花后8d到18d,GA1的含量下降,而ABA含量增加。在早期萌发过程中,种子吸涨后2d的胚中GA,含量迅速上升,而ABA下降。GA1/ABA的最高比值也出现在吸涨后2d的胚中。iPAs和ZRs的最高含量也出现在开花后4d的胚中,但随后含量均下降到相当低的水平,并几乎没有变化。研究结果进一步证实了GAl在早期胚胎发生和萌发过程中起重要的作用;推测iPAs和ZRs可能仅在胚胎发生的早期起作用;GA1与ABA含量之间的相对平衡控制着胚胎发育的过程。用分离胚作为测试材料可以避免胚乳等其他组织成分的干扰,从而比较准确地反映了胚的内源激素变化。此外,本研究是首次用4d的水稻幼胚作为激素含量测定的起始材料。  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞果实生长发育期内源激素变化及关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘宁杞1号’枸杞为材料,采用高效液相色谱技术,对不同发育时期宁夏枸杞果皮和种子内源激素(ZT、GA3、IAA、ABA)含量进行测定,以揭示其变化规律.结果显示:(1)种子中的生长素与果实横径和果实单粒重均呈极显著的正相关关系,与果实纵径呈显著正相关关系,即种子中的生长素在果实的增大中起着重要的作用.(2)果皮和种子中的赤霉酸含量都远远大于其他3种激素含量,且从第一次快速生长期(花后2~8 d)到缓慢生长期(花后8~25 d),其含量与种子中的生长素含量变化较为一致,进入第二次快速增长期(花后25~33 d)以后,果皮和种子中赤霉酸的含量则迅速下降,而种子中的生长素含量却急速上升,这可能是果皮和种子中的赤霉酸促进了种子内生长素的合成,而种子内的生长素可以直接调节果实细胞的伸长.研究表明,‘宁杞1号’种子中的内源激素在果实生长发育中起着重要的作用,且各激素间存在着平衡关系,果皮和种子中各种激素相互影响,共同促进果实的生长发育.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物珙桐种子休眠萌发过程中内源激素的变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
珙桐是我国特有珍稀濒危植物,休眠期长且具二次休眠现象。将处于休眠萌发过程中的珙桐种子依据胚根长度划分为4个阶段,利用高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定各阶段种子及其内果皮中ABA(脱落酸)、GA(赤霉素)、KT(细胞分裂素)、IAA(3-吲哚乙酸)4种内源激素含量,分析其比值动态变化,并与幼苗阶段进行比较。结果显示:未破壳种子的内果皮中内源激素含量以ABA最高,其次是GA、IAA、KT,随着种子破壳后四种激素含量显著降低。除ABA外,种子中GA、IAA和KT含量随着胚根的伸长逐渐升高,但仍低于幼苗阶段。此外,随着胚根伸长,种子中GA/ABA、IAA/ABA、KT/ABA比值逐渐增大,其中以GA/ABA的变化最显著。因此,珙桐种子的休眠和萌发可能主要受ABA和GA的平衡和拮抗来调控。  相似文献   

研究光强对砀山酥梨果实发育过程中石细胞形成的影响,探讨了内源激素和梨石细胞形成的关系。结果表明:梨花后第1周~11周是石细胞形成期,石细胞含量为高光强<中光强<弱光强<极弱光强;内源IAA、ZR含量于花后第1周与第7周分别出现2次高峰;花后第1周内源ABA含量最高后迅速下降,IAA、ZR和ABA含量为高光强>中光强>弱光强>极弱光强。高光强促进砀山酥梨果实发育前期IAA、ZR和ABA合成,减少石细胞的积累。  相似文献   

药用植物黄精种子休眠特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从黄精(Polygonatum sibiricum Red.)种子的形态、解剖结构、果实及种子部分抑制物质的生物测定和种子成熟过程中内源激素ABA含量的变化等方面研究种子的休眠特性。结果表明:黄精种子休眠属于综合休眠,首先黄精种子秋季采收后其种胚存在生理后熟,是导致黄精种子深休眠的主要原因;其次黄精种子的胚乳细胞小、细胞质浓厚、排列致密,胞间隙小,影响物质的共质体运输;果实及种子中含有不同程度的发芽抑制物质;种子成熟时ABA含量升高是导致种子休眠的又一原因。  相似文献   

Berry T  Bewley JD 《Plant physiology》1992,100(2):951-957
During tomato seed development the endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) concentration peaks at about 50 d after pollination (DAP) and then declines at later stages (60-70 DAP) of maturation. The ABA concentration in the sheath tissue immediately surrounding the seed increases with time of development, whereas that of the locule declines. The water contents of the seed and fruit tissues are similar during early development (20-30 DAP), but decline in the seed tissues between 30 and 40 DAP. The water potential and the osmotic potential of the embryo are lower than that of the locular tissue after 35 DAP also. Seeds removed from the fruit at 30, 35, and 60 DAP and placed ex situ on 35 and 60 DAP sheath and locular tissue are prevented from germinating. Development of 30 DAP seeds is maintained or promoted by the ex situ fruit tissue with which they are in contact. Their germination is inhibited until subsequent transfer to water, and germination is normal, i.e. by radicle protrusion, and viable seedlings are produced, compared with 30 DAP seeds transferred directly to water; more of these seeds germinate, but by hypocotyl extension, and seedling viability is very poor. Isolated seeds at 35 and 60 DAP re-placed in contact with fruit tissues only germinate when transferred to water after 7 d. At 30 DAP, isolated seeds are insensitive to ABA at physiological concentrations in that they germinate as if on water, albeit by hypocotyl extension. At higher concentrations germination occurs by radicle protrusion. Osmoticum prevents germination, but there is some recovery upon subsequent transfer to water. Seeds at 35 DAP are very sensitive to ABA and exhibit little or no germination, even upon transfer to water. The response of the isolated seeds to osmoticum more closely approximates that to incubation on the ex situ fruit tissues than does their response to ABA. This is also the case for isolated 60 DAP seeds, whose germination is not prevented by ABA, but only by the osmoticum; these seeds are inhibited when in contact with ex situ fruit tissues also. It is proposed that the osmotic environment within the tissues of the tomato fruit plays a greater role than endogenous ABA in preventing precocious germination of the developing seeds.  相似文献   

Frey  Anne  Audran  Corinne  Marin  Elena  Sotta  Bruno  Marion-Poll  Annie 《Plant molecular biology》1999,39(6):1267-1274
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone synthesized during seed development that is involved in the induction of seed dormancy. Delayed germination due to seed dormancy allows long-term seed survival in soil but is generally undesirable in crop species. Freshly harvested seeds of wild-type Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants exhibit a clear primary dormancy that results in delayed germination, the degree of primary dormancy being influenced by environmental culture conditions of the mother plant. In contrast, seeds, obtained either from ABA-deficient mutant aba2-s1 plants directly or aba2-s1 plants grafted onto wild-type plant stocks, exhibited rapid germination under all conditions irrespective of the mother plant culture conditions. The ABA biosynthesis gene ABA2 of N. plumbaginifolia, encoding zeaxanthin epoxidase, was placed under the control of the constitutive 35S promoter. Transgenic plants overexpressing ABA2 mRNA exhibited delayed germination and increased ABA levels in mature seeds. Expression of an antisense ABA2 mRNA, however, resulted in rapid seed germination and in a reduction of ABA abundance in transgenic seeds. It appears possible, therefore, that seed dormancy can be controlled in this Nicotiana model species by the manipulation of ABA levels.  相似文献   

A regime of temperatures alternating between 35°C (8 h)and 10°C (16 h) proved to be a specific method for breakingdormancy of seeds of Phellodendron wilsonii. The relationshipbetween the germination capacity after about 13 days of incubationunder this regime and the logarithm of the amount of ABA inthe seed before incubation yielded a high correlation coefficient.The final germination capacity under this regime was poorlycorrelated with the amount of ABA in seeds before incubation.These observations suggest that at least part of the germinationbehavior is controlled by the amount of abscisic acid in theseed. Stratification decreased the amount of ABA but resultedin only 8–25% germination relative to other dry storedseeds failed to germinate under suboptimal conditions, namely,incubation at 22°C with 12 h light. This phenomenon indicatesthat some unknown mechanism is the major factor that controlsthe dormant state, and the effect of this mechanism are overcomeonly by the specific alternating-temperature regime. Fluctuationsin temperature failed, however, to reduce the ABA content ofseeds during the incubation period. We conclude that some unknownfactor contributes to the dormancy of seeds of P. wilsonii althoughthe level of ABA definitely plays a minor role in the maintenanceof seed dormancy. (Received January 25, 1993; Accepted November 25, 1993)  相似文献   

Seed water content is high during early development of tomato seeds (10–30 d after pollination (DAP)), declines at 35 DAP, then increases slightly during fruit ripening (following 50 DAP). The seed does not undergo maturation drying. Protein content during seed development peaks at 35 DAP in the embryo, while in the endosperm it exhibits a triphasic accumulation pattern. Peaks in endosperm protein deposition correspond to changes in endosperm morphology (i.e. formation of the hard endosperm) and are largely the consequence of increases in storage proteins. Storage-protein deposition commences at 20 DAP in the embryo and endosperm; both tissues accumulate identical proteins. Embryo maturation is complete by 40 DAP, when maximum embryo protein content, size and seed dry weight are attained. Seeds are tolerant of premature drying (fast and slow drying) from 40 DAP.Thirty-and 35-DAP seeds when removed from the fruit tissue and imbibed on water, complete germination by 120 h after isolation. Only seeds which have developed to 35 DAP produce viable seedlings. The inability of isolated 30-DAP seed to form viable seedlings appears to be related to a lack of stored nutrients, since the germinability of excised embryos (20 DAP and onwards) placed on Murashige and Skoog (1962, Physiol. Plant. 15, 473–497) medium is high. The switch from a developmental to germinative mode in the excised 30- and 35-DAP imbibed seeds is reflected in the pattern of in-vivo protein synthesis. Developmental and germinative proteins are present in the embryo and endosperm of the 30- and 35-DAP seeds 12 h after their isolation from the fruit. The mature seed (60 DAP) exhibits germinative protein synthesis from the earliest time of imbibition. The fruit environment prevents precocious germination of developing seeds, since the switch from development to germination requires only their removal from the fruit tissue.Abbreviations DAP days after pollination - kDa kilodaltons - SP1-4 storage proteins 1–4 - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - HASI hours after seed isolation - MS medium Murashige and Skoog (1962) medium This work is supported by National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada grant A2210 to J.D.B.  相似文献   

In recalcitrant seeds of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) maintaining a high water content during winter, dormancy is determined by the presence and influence of the seed coat, while the axial organs of the embryos excised from these seeds are not dormant. Such axial organs were capable for active water uptake and rapid fresh weight increase, so that their fresh weights exceeded those in intact seeds at the time of radicle protrusion. Fructose plays an essential role in the water uptake as a major osmotically active compound. ABA interferes with the water uptake by the axial organs and thus delays the commencement of their growth. The manifestation of seed response to ABA during the entire dormancy period indicates the presence of active ABA receptors and the pathways of its signal transduction. The content of endogenous ABA in the embryo axes doubled in the middle of dormancy period, which coincided with a partial suppression of water uptake by the axes. During seed dormancy release and imbibition before radicle protrusion, the level of endogenous ABA in axes declined gradually. Application of exogenous ABA can imitate dormancy by limiting water absorption by axial organs. Fusicoccin A (FC A) treatment neutralized completely this ABA effect. Endogenous FC-like ligands were detected in the seed axial organs during dormancy release and germination. Apparently, endogenous FC stimulates water uptake via the activation of plasmalemmal H+-ATPase, acidification of cell walls, their loosening, and turgor pressure reduction. FC can evidently counteract the ABA-induced suppression of water uptake by controlling the activity of H+-ATPase. It is likely that, in dormant intact recalcitrant seeds, axial organs, maintaining a high water content, are competent to elevate their water content and to start their preparation for germination under the influence of FC when coat-imposed dormancy becomes weaker.  相似文献   

Temperature and humidity are the main factors influencing seed viability, dormancy and longevity of buried seeds. Unfortunately, very little is known about such processes in species of tropical regions, where temperature does not show major seasonal variations. The extent to which germination capacity, phytohormones and vitamin E levels were altered after burial of seeds of Xyris bialata and X. peregrina (Xyridaceae), two species endemic to rupestrian fields of Brazil, was examined. After 2 months of burial, seed germination capacity remained constant, which is associated with decreases in ABA and IAA content in both species. During this period, zeatin levels also decreased in X. bialata, but not in X. peregrina, the latter showing much lower levels of ABA. During the summer (rainy season), seeds of both species experienced a progressive, but severe, decrease in germination capacity, which reversed at the end of the winter (dry season), thus suggesting secondary dormancy. This dormancy appeared to be caused by drastic decreases in GAs, rather than increases in ABA. Levels of GA(4) decreased to non-detectable values during dormancy in both species. Furthermore, zeatin levels decreased in X. bialata but not in X.peregrina during this period. Both species accumulated γ-tocopherol as the major vitamin E form, and levels of this antioxidant remained constant or even increased during seed burial; however, X. bialata seeds showed a significant decrease in α-tocopherol during seed burial and dormancy. It is concluded that in X. peregrina and X. bialata, (i) burial causes significant changes in the phytohormone levels of seeds; (ii) secondary dormancy is induced in seeds; (iii) a GA(4) decrease, rather than an ABA increase, seems to be involved in the induction of secondary dormancy; and (iv) reductions in α-tocopherol in buried seeds are not necessarily indicative of reduced germination capacity.  相似文献   

The influence of seed testa color, temperature and seed water content on dormancy release and seed viability loss in the endangered, endemic species Silene diclinis (Lag.) M. Laínz was evaluated. Dormant heterogeneous seeds (black, red and grey colored) were exposed to three different temperatures (5, 20, and 35°C) and two relative humidities (33 and 60%) in order to assay their dormancy release. Longevity behavior was studied for the three colored seeds, storing samples at nine different combinations of temperature (5, 20 and 35°C) and relative humidities (33, 60 and 90%). According to our findings, seed heteromorphism was not related to neither break of dormancy nor seed storage behavior. Silene diclinis seeds present dormancy after collection, and need an after-ripening period to germinate. Temperature and relative humidity are positively correlated with dormancy release and seed ageing. Therefore, both factors must be carefully controlled during seed manipulation in the laboratory for long term seed conservation purposes. When seeds are stored immediately after collection (dormant), if the temperature of storage is above the base temperature for dormancy release found in this work (between 2.7 and 1.6°C), seeds may eventually overcome dormancy. On the other hand if seeds are stored after an after-ripening period, storage at low temperature does not induce secondary dormancy.  相似文献   

In a wide range of plant species, seed germination is regulated antagonistically by two plant hormones, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA). In the present study, we have revealed that ABA metabolism (both biosynthesis and inactivation) was phytochrome-regulated in an opposite fashion to GA metabolism during photoreversible seed germination in Arabidopsis. Endogenous ABA levels were decreased by irradiation with a red (R) light pulse in dark-imbibed seeds pre-treated with a far-red (FR) light pulse, and the reduction in ABA levels in response to R light was inhibited in a phytochrome B (PHYB)-deficient mutant. Expression of an ABA biosynthesis gene, AtNCED6, and the inactivation gene, CYP707A2, was regulated in a photoreversible manner, suggesting a key role for the genes in PHYB-mediated regulation of ABA metabolism. Abscisic acid-deficient mutants such as nced6-1, aba2-2 and aao3-4 exhibited an enhanced ability to germinate relative to wild type when imbibed in the dark after irradiation with an FR light pulse. In addition, the ability to synthesize GA was improved in the aba2-2 mutant compared with wild type during dark-imbibition after an FR light pulse. Activation of GA biosynthesis in the aba2-2 mutant was also observed during seed development. These data indicate that ABA is involved in the suppression of GA biosynthesis in both imbibed and developing seeds. Spatial expression patterns of the AtABA2 and AAO3 genes, responsible for last two steps of ABA biosynthesis, were distinct from that of the GA biosynthesis gene, AtGA3ox2, in both imbibed and developing seeds, suggesting that biosynthesis of ABA and GA in seeds occurs in different cell types.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, seed development in recombinants of the ABA-deficient aba mutant with the ABA response mutants abi1 or abi3 is compared to wild type and the monogenic parents. Aberrant seed development occurred in the aba,abi3 recombinant and was normal in aba,abi1, abi3 and aba,abi1 seeds. Embryos of the recombinant aba,abi3 seeds maintained the green color until maturity, the seeds kept a high water content, did not form the late abundant 2S and 12S storage proteins, were desiccation intolerant, and often showed viviparous germination. Application of ABA, and particularly of an ABA analog, to the roots of plants during seed development partially alleviated the aberrant phenotype. Seeds of aba,abi3 were normal when they developed on a mother plant heterozygous for Aba. In contrast to seed development, the induction of dormancy was blocked in all monogenic mutants and recombinants. Dormancy was only induced by embryonic ABA; it could not be increased by maternal ABA or ABA applied to the mother plant. It is concluded that endogenous ABA has at least two different effects in developing seeds. The nature of these responses and of the ABA response system is discussed.  相似文献   

ABA plays important roles in many aspects of seed development, including accumulation of storage compounds, acquisition of desiccation tolerance, induction of seed dormancy and suppression of precocious germination. Quantification of ABA in the F(1) and F(2) populations originated from crosses between the wild type and an ABA-deficient mutant aba2-2 demonstrated that ABA was synthesized in both maternal and zygotic tissues during seed development. In the absence of zygotic ABA, ABA synthesized in maternal tissues was translocated into the embryos and partially induced seed dormancy. We also analyzed the levels of ABA metabolites, gibberellins, IAA, cytokinins, jasmonates and salicylic acid (SA) in the developing seeds of the wild type and aba2-2. ABA metabolites accumulated differentially in the silique and seed tissues during development. Endogenous levels of SA were elevated in aba2-2 in the later developmental stages, whereas that of IAA was reduced compared with the wild type. These data suggest that ABA metabolism depends on developmental stages and tissues, and that ABA interacts with other hormones to regulate seed developmental processes.  相似文献   

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