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桑天牛雄性附腺内容物组分分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
测定桑天牛Apriona germaric(Hope)雄性附腺内容物中各组分含量及变化情况。结果表明,内容物中可溶性蛋白占总腺管鲜重的8.39%;总糖占总鲜重的4.21%;海藻糖和游离氨基酸分别占总鲜重的0.50%、0.25%。随虫龄的增大,内容物中各组分含量不断降低。交配过程中,雄性附腺内容物部分转移到雌虫,交配后附腺内容物中总糖、海藻糖、游离氨基酸等组分含量均降低,蛋白质组分含量先升高再降低,48h即恢复可到交配前水平。大、小附腺内各组分含量变化有差异。  相似文献   

通过室内饲养观察和解剖云斑天牛雌虫生殖系统,研究了单次和多次交配对云斑天牛雌虫精子数鼍的消耗、产卵量、产卵历期和寿命的影响,并对云斑天牛雌虫生殖系统、精子形态及精子在雌虫生殖系统中的分布动态进行了研究.结果表明,多次交配的云斑天牛雌虫交配一受精腔内的精子数量长期保持在80万个左右,而单次交配的云斑天牛雌虫交配一受精腔内...  相似文献   

为了阐明栎旋木柄天牛Aphrodisium sauteri Matsushita生殖行为的方式和特点,寻找有效的防治手段,本试验观察了栎旋木柄天牛的生殖行为,并在林间尝试了成虫诱集。结果表明:雌雄成虫之间表现出较强的吸引作用,近距离时雌雄虫可相互吸引,而远距离时雌虫引诱力更强。室内试验中求偶时间会随着成虫的衰弱而增加。成虫交配主要发生于白天。羽化出孔后1~14日龄雌虫和2~13日龄雄虫均可多次交配。成虫一次完整交配平均需时70.12min,交配后保护平均仅用时3.86min。一次完整交配过程中,不同日龄成虫的交配历时、交配间隔历时及交配次数都存在差异,各日龄成虫的交配间隔历时均大于交配历时。交配或产卵经历对雄虫交配行为的影响明显大于雌虫。雌虫产卵前期平均为30.71h。雌虫每产1粒卵平均需时99.58s,并随日龄增长显著加长。每头雌虫平均每日产卵量和总产卵量分别为7.89和26.20粒。雌虫多在白天产卵,用产卵器触探树皮表面寻找合适的产卵部位。卵主要产于树皮裂缝和枝条疤痕内,一般每次产卵1粒,卵表面无覆盖物。  相似文献   

通过室内配对饲养和野外观察,本文研究了栗山天牛成虫的取食、交配和产卵行为。结果表明:栗山天牛成虫吸食从栎树树皮受伤处溢出的汁液补充营养。栗山天牛雄成虫比雌成虫更具攻击性,在取食和交配中的雄成虫易发生争斗,交配中的雄成虫攻击性最强。其攻击方式主要是用上颚咬住对手的触角或者足进行拖拽。70%的栗山天牛雄成虫争斗是为了争夺配偶,其次是为了争夺食物资源。栗山天牛成虫完成一次完整的交配经过4个阶段,即:识别、追逐-攀附、抚慰-插入输精-交尾间歇、配后保护。整个交配过程最长可达2 h。试探性插入、插入输精和输精后保护是整个交配过程的重点,持续时间长短不一。雄成虫输入精子的次数与交配持续的时间成正比。雄成虫每次插入输精持续的时间与次数成反比,每次输精间歇时间与次数成正比。雄成虫输入精子之后会再次插入保护,平均持续约1 min。栗山天牛雌成虫产卵于寄主树皮裂缝中。以上研究为了解栗山天牛成虫的行为及其防治提供参考。  相似文献   

松墨天牛是否存在雌性接触信息素?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊建庭  韦卫  孙江华 《昆虫知识》2007,44(1):125-129
将松墨天牛MonochamusalternatusHope的身体不同部位切除之后的交配试验显示,分别剪去头部、鞘翅以及前胸部后仍然可以正常交配,用雄虫的腹部代替雌虫的腹部后,仍然能够引起雄虫的交配趋势动作,但不能完成真正交配,因此推测雌性接触信息素如果存在,主要集中在雌虫身体后半部,尤其是中后胸部位。但是冻死后的雌虫不再引起雄虫的交配行为,而且冻死的雌虫与活雌虫同时放入培养皿中,雄虫喜欢与活雌虫交配,不选择冻死的雌虫,因此推测视觉在其松墨天牛的交配过程中扮演着重要的角色,而接触性信息素有可能并不存在。将雄虫的触角分别从第5~6节和第1节剪去的试验结果显示,雄虫仍然可以很快地找到雌虫,发生交配行为。这有2种可能的解释一是雄虫不仅仅靠触角来感受雌虫的接触信息素,头部下颚须和下唇须上或者足上也有可以感受信息素的感受器;二是雌虫不存在接触信息素,雄虫通过视觉就可以找到对方,完成交配过程。浸泡致死的雌虫不再引起雄虫的交配行为,并且将正己烷和乙醚的浓缩液滴加在浸泡致死的雌虫以及玻璃棒和鹅卵石的生测试验结果显示,都没有引起雄虫的交配行为。这进一步说明,松墨天牛可能并不存在体表接触信息素。性成熟后的松墨天牛雌雄成虫是靠衰弱寄主的强烈的挥发性气味聚集到寄主树干上,在树干这个较为狭小的环境里,有可能是通过视觉找到配偶,完成交配过程。  相似文献   

亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama是柑橘黄龙病的传播媒介。本文利用Ste REO Discovery V20体视显微镜对亚洲柑橘木虱成虫内生殖系统进行解剖观察,并探索了亚洲柑橘木虱雌雄成虫内生殖系统的形态变化规律。结果表明:雄虫内生殖系统由1对精巢、1对输精管、1个精泵、1个射精管、1对附腺和1个贮精囊组成。雌虫内生殖系统由1对卵巢、1对侧输卵管、1个中输卵管、2个附腺、1个黏腺和1个受精囊组成。交配前期和交配期的雄虫精巢饱满,精巢在交配后期明显萎缩。交配期和交配后期的雄虫贮精囊都明显大于交配前期的贮精囊。雌虫受精囊在交配前期、交配期和交配后期依次增大,交配前期的受精囊呈不饱满状态,交配期和交配后期受精囊呈饱满状态,内有白色精包。交配后期的雌虫卵巢内有大量成熟的橙黄色卵。  相似文献   

【目的】桃红颈天牛Aromia bungii是一种钻蛀性害虫,主要以蔷薇科果树和观赏树木为寄主。本研究旨在搞清楚桃红颈天牛成虫的交配产卵行为及其对不同寄主植物的栖落和产卵选择性。【方法】选择苹果Malus pumila、山樱花Prunus serrulata var. spontanea、桃Prunus persica、西府海棠Malus micromalus、毛樱桃Prunus tomentosa、秋子梨Pyrus ussuriensis、杏Prunus armeniaca和红叶李Prunus cerasifera var. atropurea 8种寄主植物木段,构建为成虫的活动场所,观察桃红颈天牛成虫的交配和产卵行为,并测定桃红颈天牛成虫在不同寄主木段上的栖落数量和产卵量。【结果】桃红颈天牛成虫的交配行为分为避让、打斗和交配3种行为。交配过程可分为相遇抱对、插入输精、交配后陪护3个阶段。桃红颈天牛雌虫产卵时无刻槽行为,喜欢将卵产于较为狭窄的缝隙中。雌虫偏好在桃树木段上栖落,雄虫则偏好在毛樱桃木段上栖落。李亚科李属的桃是桃红颈天牛最喜欢的产卵寄主木段,而雌虫在苹果亚科的苹果、海棠和秋子梨木段上产卵极少。相关性分析结果表明雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与产卵量占比间存在正相关性,雄虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量之间也存在正相关性。【结论】桃红颈天牛雌成虫最喜欢桃树木段,雄虫对寄主植物的选择性与雌虫并不完全相同。  相似文献   

云斑天牛对10种植物挥发物的EAG和行为反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了探明对云斑天牛Batocera lineolata Chevrolat成虫具有行为导向的寄主植物挥发物对成虫行为反应的影响。【方法】采用触角电位(EAG)和"Y"型嗅觉仪技术,测定云斑天牛成虫(未交配雌虫、未交配雄虫、已交配雌虫)对10种寄主植物挥发物的电生理和行为反应。【结果】所选化合物在特定浓度下,均能引起云斑天牛成虫较为明显的EAG反应,浓度为100μg/μL时,云斑天牛成虫对所测试的植物挥发物的EAG反应最强,其中未交配雌、雄及已交配雌虫对(Z)-3-己烯-1-醇的EAG反应相对值均为最大,分别达2.35、2.31和2.22。行为反应生测中,(Z)-3-己烯-1-醇对未交配雌、雄虫可产生明显的引诱作用,芳樟醇则对两者具有明显的趋避作用,而已交配雌虫对所有化合物均无明显趋性。【结论】试验结果可为开发对其有效的林间引诱剂提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】桃红颈天牛Aromia bungii是一种钻蛀性害虫,主要以蔷薇科果树和观赏树木为寄主。本研究旨在搞清楚桃红颈天牛成虫的交配产卵行为及其对不同寄主植物的栖落和产卵选择性。【方法】选择苹果Malus pumila、山樱花Prunus serrulata var.spontanea、桃Prunus persica、西府海棠Malus micromalus、毛樱桃Prunus tomentosa、秋子梨Pyrus ussuriensis、杏Prunus armeniaca和红叶李Prunus cerasifera var.atropurea 8种寄主植物木段,构建为成虫的活动场所,观察桃红颈天牛成虫的交配和产卵行为,并测定桃红颈天牛成虫在不同寄主木段上的栖落数量和产卵量。【结果】桃红颈天牛成虫的交配行为分为避让、打斗和交配3种行为。交配过程可分为相遇抱对、插入输精、交配后陪护3个阶段。桃红颈天牛雌虫产卵时无刻槽行为,喜欢将卵产于较为狭窄的缝隙中。雌虫偏好在桃树木段上栖落,雄虫则偏好在毛樱桃木段上栖落。李亚科李属的桃是桃红颈天牛最喜欢的产卵寄主木段,而雌虫在苹果亚科的苹果、海棠和秋子梨木段上产卵极少。相关性分析结果表明雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与产卵量占比间存在正相关性,雄虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量与雌虫在寄主木段上的栖落数量之间也存在正相关性。【结论】桃红颈天牛雌成虫最喜欢桃树木段,雄虫对寄主植物的选择性与雌虫并不完全相同。  相似文献   

通过解剖松褐天牛雌虫受精囊和室内饲养观察,研究了多次交配对松褐天牛雌虫受精囊内精子数量消耗、产卵量、卵孵化率、产卵历期和寿命的影响,并对松褐天牛雌性生殖系统、精子形态及精子在雌性生殖系统中的分布动态进行了详细的描述,其结果表明:多次交配的松褐天牛雌虫受精囊内的精子数量长期保持在12万个左右,而只交配一次的松褐天牛雌虫受精囊内精子数量不断消耗,交配16天后降到5万个以下。多次交配的雌虫产卵量(167·0870粒)和卵孵化率(94·38%)都显著大于单次交配雌虫的产卵量(113·5217粒)和卵孵化率(83·79%);但是多次交配的雌虫与单次交配的雌虫相比较,产卵历期和寿命差异都不显著。  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay was used to determine ecdysteroid titers in mated or unmated Drosophila melanogaster females. Whole-body ecdysteroid titers increase after mating and this response is more pronounced after 12-24 hours than it is immediately after mating. In one experiment, females were mated to transgenic males deficient in accessory gland proteins to test whether these peptides mediate the observed increase in female whole-body ecdysteroid titers. Females mated to such transgenic males do not show a pronounced increase in whole-body ecdysteroid titers. The effect of mating on female hemolymph ecdysteroid titers was also investigated. Hemolymph ecdysteroid titers decrease after mating. The ecdysteroid titer change in the hemolymph may result from yolk protein uptake of ecdysteroids into developing vitellogenic oocytes as a consequence of male accessory gland protein stimulation of female oocyte maturation and yolk protein synthesis following mating.  相似文献   

Ovary development and maturation of Nezara viridula (L.) were evaluated by examining ovariole morphology and the alterations in the biochemical (protein synthesis related to reproduction) composition of the hemolymph. Quantitative and qualitative protein analyses were performed and ovary structural alterations for the pre-reproductive and reproductive stages were recorded. Total concentration of proteins in female hemolymph gradually increased until the end of the pre-mating stage, remaining unaltered thereafter. Proteins linked to reproduction (vitellogenins) appeared in the hemolymph 10 days after adult emergence and indicated the end of the pre-mating stage. After mating, total protein concentration in the hemolymph was lower compared to virgin females; vitellogenin levels were similar during most of the observation period. Oocyte development and maturation were gradual and age dependent. Ten-day-old females had chorionated oocytes ready for fertilization. Mating did not stimulate oocyte development in N. viridula, but the lack of mating activity appeared to have stimulated oocyte resorption in 17-day-old females.  相似文献   

In the sorghum plant bug Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Hemiptera: Miridae), mating behavior consists of male courtship and female mating receptivity. Previous studies have found that female age is correlated with ovary development and that mature females with developed ovaries are more receptive to male courtship. Thus, we examined whether male age affects the mating behavior of both sexes and male accessory gland development. Unmated males 0–9 days after emergence and 3-day-old virgin females receptive to male courtship were studied. Immediately after emergence, only 20 % of the males courted females (n = 25). At 3 days old, 68 % of the males courted females (n = 25), the most active age. In contrast, more than 75 % of the courted females were receptive to the male courtship regardless of male age. These results indicate that only male courtship behavior is affected by male age, although it is not enhanced in proportion to male age. Male accessory glands developed with male age. However, no clear relationship was detected between male courtship behavior and accessory gland development. In S. rubrovittatus, it is difficult to explain male courtship behavior solely from male age and accessory gland development.  相似文献   

Avoiding water loss for insects is critical for survival. Selection for reduced water loss will depend on trade-offs between resources allocated for reproduction and those allocated for resisting desiccation. However, we lack knowledge on how selection for desiccation resistance can affect the male ejaculate. Furthermore, as male ejaculate composition is complex, desiccation resistant females could evolve traits that enable them to derive longevity benefits from mating. Here, we assessed how selection for desiccation resistance impacts male testes and accessory gland size, protein content of these organs, female sperm storage and male ability to inhibit female remating behavior, in the Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens. Additionally, we tested if mating increased longevity and fecundity in desiccation resistant females. Males selected for resistance to desiccation stress had smaller accessory glands and seminal vesicles and females mating with these males stored less sperm compared to control males. Females mating with resistant males had lower fecundity compared to females mating with control males. Desiccation resistant females lived longer than control females, yet this was irrespective of mating. Rapid evolutionary responses to hydric stress can have correlated effects in reproductive capabilities, which are not restricted to pre-copulatory traits. Trade-offs between resistance to desiccation stress are reflected in decreased allocation of resources to reproductive organs. Thus, production of the ejaculate may be costly for A. ludens males. Knowledge on the evolution of ejaculate traits and reproductive organ size in response to directional selection for desiccation resistance, will aid our understanding of differential sex-specific responses to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Male accessory gland proteins (Acps) act as key modulators of reproductive success in insects by influencing the female reproductive physiology and behavior. We used custom microarrays and identified 112 genes that were highly expressed in male accessory glands (MAG) in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. Out of these 112 identified genes, 59 of them contained sequences coding for signal peptide and cleavage site and the remaining 53 contained transmembrane domains. The expression of 14 of these genes in the MAG but not in other tissues of male or female was confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR. In virgin males, juvenile hormone (JH) levels increased from second day post adult emergence (PAE), remained high on third day PAE and declined on fourth day PAE. The ecdysteroid titers were high soon after adult emergence but declined to minimal levels from 1 to 5 days PAE. Feeding of juvenile hormone analog, hydroprene, but not the ecdysteroid analog, RH-2485, showed an increase in size of MAGs, as well as an increase in total RNA and protein content of MAG. Hydroprene treatment also increased the expression of Acp genes in the MAG. RNAi-mediated knock-down in the expression of JHAMT gene decreased the size of MAGs and expression of Acps. JH deficiency influenced male reproductive fitness as evidenced by a less vigor in mating behavior, poor sperm transfer, low egg and the progeny production by females mated with the JH deficient males. These data suggest a critical role for JH in the regulation of male reproduction especially through MAG secretions.  相似文献   

Male seminal fluid proteins are known to affect female reproductive behavior and physiology by reducing mating receptivity and by increasing egg production rates. Such substances are also though to increase the competitive fertilization success of males, but the empirical foundation for this tenet is restricted. Here, we examined the effects of injections of size-fractioned protein extracts from male reproductive organs on both male competitive fertilization success (i.e., P2 in double mating experiments) and female reproduction in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. We found that extracts of male seminal vesicles and ejaculatory ducts increased competitive fertilization success when males mated with females 1 day after the females’ initial mating, while extracts from accessory glands and testes increased competitive fertilization success when males mated with females 2 days after the females’ initial mating. Moreover, different size fractions of seminal fluid proteins had distinct and partly antagonistic effects on male competitive fertilization success. Collectively, our experiments show that several different seminal fluid proteins, deriving from different parts in the male reproductive tract and of different molecular weight, affect male competitive fertilization success in C. maculatus. Our results highlight the diverse effects of seminal fluid proteins and show that the function of such proteins can be contingent upon female mating status. We also document effects of different size fractions on female mating receptivity and egg laying rates, which can serve as a basis for future efforts to identify the molecular identity of seminal fluid proteins and their function in this model species.  相似文献   

水稻二化螟的交配行为   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
焦晓国  宣维健  盛承发 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1110-1115
在室内条件下,对水稻二化螟Chilo suppressalis的交配行为及能力进行了研究.结果表明:大多数二化螟雌蛾一生只交配一次,平均0.92次;而雄蛾具有多次交配能力,最多达4次,平均2.72次.二化螟雌蛾的日龄影响其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间,随二化螟雌蛾日龄的增加,其交配率逐渐下降,交配起始时间逐渐提前,而交配持续时间逐渐上升.相反,二化螟雄蛾日龄对其交配率、交配起始时间和持续时间没有明显影响.交配日龄对二化螟雌蛾的生殖力也存在显著影响,随着二化螟雌蛾交配日龄的增加,雌蛾产卵量下降,卵孵化率降低,产卵期缩短,它们都与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的负相关;而雌蛾产卵前期和雌蛾寿命随雌蛾交配日龄的增加而延长,与雌蛾交配日龄存在显著的正相关.但二化螟雄蛾交配日龄对雌蛾的生殖力没有明显影响,二化螟雄蛾一生都具有较强的交配繁殖能力.同时,不同交配史的雄蛾与雌蛾交配,对雌蛾的生殖力也没有显著影响.表明二化螟的交配活动是由雌蛾主导控制的.最后,对这些结果在二化螟性信息素防治中应用的可行性进行了探讨.在应用性信息素控制二化螟的实践中,可以在两方面取得实效,一是性信息素可以阻碍雌雄之间正常交配,降低交配率;二是可以推迟二化螟雌虫的交配,使其产卵量和卵孵化率降低.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In order to verify the physiological functions of male accessory gland (MAG) substances of the blowfly, Lucilia illustris Meigen, the growth and changes in metabolites of male accessory gland with aging, and the effect of male accessory gland extract on mating receptivity of L. illustris were examined. There was not a significant difference in length of MAG with aging, but the width of MAG was grown widely from 0 to 5-days old apparently. Changes in glycogen, total protein and lipid of male accessory gland substances showed same patterns but total protein content was higher than the others. Therefore, male nutrition affected the production of male accessory proteins. During the mating fed unmated male transferred larger amount of protein than that of starved male. When male accessory gland homogenates injected, mating receptivity of gravid female was greatly inhibited comparing to control, suggesting that the accessory gland substances of L. illustris alters female mating receptivity after mating.  相似文献   

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