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甘蔗条螟和白螟近年对甘蔗为害日趋严重。应用性诱和灯诱是目前甘蔗螟虫发生测报的重要措施,但对二者的诱捕效果差异却鲜有报道。本文比较研究了性诱和灯诱(光波长320-400 nm)对条螟和白螟的诱捕效果。结果表明:性诱和灯诱对条螟日平均诱捕量分别为2. 1头和0. 3头,对白螟日平均诱捕量分别为1. 23头和0. 62头,性诱效果显著高于灯诱(P 0. 05);同时性诱的诱蛾敏感性高,对虫情发生具有良好的预测功能。综合上述结果,建议优先使用性诱测报指导甘蔗条螟和白螟防治。  相似文献   

安徽省花生田3种常见金龟子灯诱种群数量动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009-2011年连续3年利用频振式杀虫灯调查安徽省花生田3种常见金龟子成虫的种群动态,结果表明:2009-2011年3种金龟子灯诱总数整体呈下降趋势,且诱捕量为铜绿丽金龟暗黑鳃金龟华北大黑鳃金龟。华北大黑鳃金龟趋光性差,灯诱量低;暗黑鳃金龟和铜绿丽金龟初见日一般为5月中下旬,高峰期为6月中旬,但暗黑鳃金龟比铜绿丽金龟一般晚7-10 d。金龟子出土与气候关系密切,当平均气温上升至20℃-25℃持续数日并保持上升的过程中,暗黑鳃金龟和铜绿丽金龟诱捕量增大,但性比未呈现规律性差异。  相似文献   

【目的】为了探讨国内外已经报道的金龟甲性信息素或植物源引诱剂对河南花生产区金龟甲的诱捕效果,以便实现"地下害虫地上治理"的目标。【方法】作者于2016年6月2日至8月31日,在驻马店和许昌两个地区,比较了10种候选引诱剂的诱捕效果。【结果】暗黑鳃金龟是两个地区占绝对优势的种类。暗黑鳃金龟性信息素二元成分R-(-)-芳樟醇与L-异亮氨酸甲酯组成的3个配方(1︰4、1︰5、1︰7),平均累计诱捕量显著大于其他候选引诱剂及对照空白诱捕器,但3种不同配比的捕获量之间没有显著性差异。【结论】在以暗黑鳃金龟为优势种的花生产区,我们推荐采用1︰4的R-(-)-芳樟醇︰L-异亮氨酸甲酯作为活性成分,以500?L的总剂量混入0.5%的琼脂胶载体中,于6月13日至7月23日之间即该金龟甲成虫的发生盛期实施大田诱捕。  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟性诱剂诱捕器诱捕效果研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了不同类型诱捕器、诱捕器悬挂高度及诱捕器颜色对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)的诱捕效果,结果表明,水盆式和三角式两种诱捕器的诱捕效果较好,日均诱蛾量分别为0.7和0.6头,周诱蛾量分别为12.7和10.3头,总诱蛾量分别为46.3和41.3头,均与瓶水式、飞翼式诱捕器的日均诱蛾量、周诱蛾量和总诱蛾量显著差异;三角式诱捕器悬挂在2.5 m和2.0 m处的诱捕效果较好,日均诱蛾最分别为0.7和0.6头,周诱蛾量分别为11.0和10.3头,总诱蛾量分别为43.7头和41.3头.颜色对诱捕器的诱捕效果影响不大,红、白、黄、绿四种不同颜色的三角式诱捕器的13均诱蛾量、周诱蛾量和总诱蛾量均差异不显著.  相似文献   

为明确河南省新乡地区农田地下害虫优势种群组成、发生动态及影响因子,本研究于2015-2021年间利用虫情测报灯对该地区的金龟甲进行了监测。结果表明铜绿丽金龟Anomala corpulenta Motschulsky和暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky为河南新乡小麦-玉米/花生1年2熟制农田地下害虫的优势种群,且暗黑鳃金龟的年度诱虫量及其在混合种群中的占比呈逐年增加趋势。金龟甲的发生在不同年份呈现单峰或双峰,暗黑鳃金龟发生盛期表现出明显的隔日出土现象即双倍节律。相较于暗黑鳃金龟发生期的6月中旬至9月上旬,铜绿丽金龟的发生期相对较短,在6月下旬至8月下旬。同时暗黑鳃金龟高峰日也晚于铜绿丽金龟,其中高峰日最多差22 d。金龟甲的发生与环境降雨、湿度、温度相关。本研究为新乡地区乃至黄淮海农田地下害虫的危害预警和综合治理提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

为了解探照灯和测报灯两种光源对金龟子的诱捕效果,2015-2018年,在漯河市农业科学院五里岗试验基地设置探照灯和测报灯,对金龟子种群进行了诱捕监测。结果表明:暗黑鳃金龟和铜绿丽金龟是漯河地区上灯金龟子的优势种。探照灯监测到的暗黑鳃金龟年度首现日比测报灯早7±7.80 d,年均诱捕数量比测报灯多出24137.75±12724.78头,占金龟子总量的百分比增加20.8±4.4(SE);探照灯监测到的铜绿丽金龟年度首现日比测报灯晚5±3.60 d,年均诱捕数量比测报灯减少1793.75±504.02头,占金龟子总量的百分比减少12.4±1.6;全光谱(380~680 nm)的探照灯对暗黑鳃金龟的诱捕作用显著高于紫外光(主波长365 nm)的测报灯,而对铜绿丽金龟诱捕作用显著低于测报灯。这一结果暗示着可见光具有对暗黑鳃金龟相对专性的诱捕潜能。  相似文献   

2011年5~9月,在陕西省杨凌区西北农林科技大学植物保护学院试验站设置黑光灯,系统诱集金龟甲并鉴定种类,分析金龟甲种群的发生动态。结果表明,陕西杨凌地区黑光灯可诱到金龟甲3科17种,从5月上旬至9月上旬均可发生,以6月下旬至7月中旬为发生盛期;优势种类为铜绿丽金龟、赤绒鳃金龟、华北大黑鳃金龟和暗黑鳃金龟,发生盛期分别为6月下旬至7月下旬、7月下旬至8月上旬、7月上旬和6月下旬至7月下旬。  相似文献   

【目的】比较和评价自动虫情测报灯和高空探照灯诱捕粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)的种群动态和迁飞状态,为粘虫迁飞规律的研究和测报防控工作提供科学依据。【方法】逐日检查并统计自动虫情测报灯和高空探照灯下不同季节诱蛾量和高峰期,雌蛾卵巢发育进度和交尾率。【结果】2015-2017年自动虫情测报灯和高空探照灯下粘虫年度间第1到第4代诱蛾量无显著差别,高空探照灯在越冬代诱蛾量极显著地高于自动虫情测报灯,高峰期有明显的不同;越冬代雌蛾的卵巢发育2级以下的比率分别为20%和0、第4代为90%和100%,卡方测验无显著差异;高空探照灯诱捕到的第1至第3代雌蛾,卵巢发育2级以下的比率总是显著高于自动虫情测报灯,交尾率有类似的结果。【结论】两种诱测工具均表明漯河地区粘虫处于春季迁入和秋季第4代迁出状态;高空探照灯监测到的第1代到第3代粘虫更多处于过境和迁飞状态。  相似文献   

为了揭示华北大黑鳃金龟、暗黑鳃金龟、小黄鳃金龟和福婆鳃金龟对不同植物的寄主偏好性,本研究调查了四种金龟甲在6种寄主植物桃树、梨树、榆树、山楂、丁香和金银木上的发生情况。同时采用动态顶空吸附法收集7种植物挥发物,利用触角电位EAG技术,测定四种金龟甲雌、雄虫对不同寄主植物玉兰、柿树、金银木、榆树、芙蓉葵、丁香及非寄主植物银杏的挥发物的EAG反应。结果显示,金龟甲对不同寄主植物的偏好性有显著差异,华北大黑鳃金龟的偏好寄主为梨树,暗黑鳃金龟的偏好寄主为榆树、山楂和梨树,而小黄鳃金龟和福婆鳃金龟的偏好寄主均为丁香。四种金龟甲均对其共同寄主植物榆树挥发物的EAG反应最大,另外,小黄鳃金龟和福婆鳃金龟对丁香挥发物也有较大的EAG反应。对同一植物挥发物,华北大黑鳃金龟雌虫对部分植物挥发物的EAG反应比雄虫大;而其它3种鳃金龟雌、雄虫对所测试的植物挥发物的EAG反应均无显著性差异。上述结果说明金龟甲EAG反应的大小与其寄主偏好性一致。  相似文献   

[目的]山东省是昆虫南北迁飞的关键路径,了解山东省的迁飞性昆虫群落结构,对明确迁飞性昆虫种类,并对其进行预测预报具有重要意义.[方法]在山东省14个地区建立监测点,每个监测点于2018年9月-10月利用探照灯诱虫器和地面灯诱虫器诱集昆虫.[结果]14个监测点共诱捕到昆虫有12目54科408种,其中探照灯诱虫器诱集到11目45科388种,地面灯诱虫器诱集到12目46科365种,探照灯诱虫器诱集的主要昆虫类群为鳞翅目(79.12%)、鞘翅目(9.42%)、直翅目(8.14%)和脉翅目(2.26%).地面灯诱虫器诱集的主要昆虫类群为鳞翅目(68.84%)、鞘翅目(23.46%)、膜翅目(3.69%)、直翅目(1.50%)、半翅目(1.14%).探照灯诱虫器诱集昆虫数量显著多于地面灯诱虫器.[结论]阐明了山东省昆虫群落结构和多样性,并证实了许多重大昆虫在山东省存在迁飞性.  相似文献   

一种基于LED灯的自适应捕虫方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨慧  李鹏  金基宇  赵昕  王智森 《昆虫学报》2013,56(11):1306-1313
害虫对光的敏感波长是随害虫种类、 季节等因素变化而变化, 传统捕虫灯存在发光波长类型较少、 灯与灯之间独立工作不通信的问题, 会造成捕虫灯捕虫有效性低、 能源浪费等问题。为了解决单个捕虫灯发光波长的单一性和多灯独立工作问题, 本研究通过理论分析和相应的系统设计, 得出多个灯捕虫量的最大期望值, 提出了单灯的多波长性实现方法和多灯的协调工作算法。其中单灯的多波长性是基于LED灯多波长性、 低功耗性、 易于维护等性质提出的; 多灯的协调工作算法是指通过中心节点灯与各节点灯的协调通信, 使单灯可自适应控制自身发光波长, 最终使网络中大部分节点灯波长为最佳波长, 小部分节点灯为非最佳波长, 这种方法在实现捕虫高效性的同时, 可实时监测虫种类变化, 达到自适应捕虫方法的最优化。最后通过野外实地试验验证了模拟简化的自适应捕虫方法, 结果证实了本方法在技术上的可行性和高效性。由此使这种LED捕虫灯可以方便地用于山地等复杂的野外环境中, 其中多灯的联合协作工作, 使每个捕虫灯自适应的改变发光波长, 提高了此方法的捕虫效率。  相似文献   

Japanese beetle traps baited with the Popillia japonica Newman (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) pheromone lure and a eugenol feeding attractant were placed at five golf courses in Korea to determine how well they work for detecting activity of a closely related species, Popillia quadriguttata (F.) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), a turf pest in Korea. The traps also were used to determine the time of day and time of year that P. quadriguttata is most active. Nineteen scarab species of 13 genera were attracted to the Japanese beetle traps with P. quadriguttata clearly being the most abundant (383 beetles per trap), followed by Adoretus tenuimaculatus Waterhouse (10 per trap), Popilliaflavosellata Fairmaire (seven per trap), Exomala orientalis Waterhouse (four per trap), and Maladera japonica (two per trap). Other scarab species were trapped at a rate of <1.0 per trap. Popillia quadriguttata adults were active over a 5-wk period in late June and early July. At Yongwon Golf Club in 2002, peak adult activity was during the last week of June in visual counts and approximately 1 wk later in the Japanese beetle traps. In Korea, P. quadriguttata adults are most active between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. This information should be helpful to golf course superintendents in Korea and to entomologists interested in finding natural enemies of P. quadriguttata to evaluate as potential biocontrol organisms for the very closely related species, the Japanese beetle.  相似文献   

瓢虫的趋光性反应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以六斑月瓢虫Menochilus sexmaculata Fabricius和狭臀瓢虫Coccinella transversalis Fabricius为例,研究了瓢虫对不同光质(波长)的趋光性反应。在室内分别测定了六斑月瓢虫和狭臀瓢虫对5种发光二极管(LED)光波的趋性,以及在田间挂板(佳多)测定了瓢虫对色板的选择趋性。室内测定结果表明,瓢虫对黄色和白色LED光波的选择趋性显著高于与其它颜色;田间挂板试验表明,黄色对瓢虫的诱杀作用最强。综合分析,黄色对瓢虫有强烈的吸引作用,建议在使用黄板进行田间监测和防治时应考虑对天敌瓢虫的诱杀作用。  相似文献   

The efficiency and practicality of two trapping methods for adult Phlebotomine sand flies in two areas of the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy) were evaluated. Suction traps (CO2) and sticky traps (ST) were used to collect sand flies every two weeks, from June to September, 1999, from 16:00 to 07:00. Two CO2 traps were activated at the same time for each area (one with light and one without light), whereas 38 (four with light and 34 without lights) and 48 (four with light and 44 without) sticky traps were activated in Borghi and Longiano, respectively. An Index of Apparent Abundance (IAA) was calculated for each trap type and area. A total of 2,253 sand flies was trapped over the four-month period, with 1,765 collected from Borghi and 488 from Longiano. Phlebotomus perfiliewi was the most abundant species collected, comprising 99.6% and 84.6% of the total flies trapped in Borghi and Longiano, respectively. Other species were also collected within the two areas (Phlebotomus perniciosus and Phlebotomus mascittii) but were not considered for further analyses due to low catches. Significantly more specimens were caught using CO2 than sticky traps and the addition of a light source also improved the catches, however, a significantly greater number of female specimens were collected by a CO2 trap without a light source. Phlebotomus perfiliewi thus appears to show a photophobic reaction in the case of females when trapped using CO2/light attractants.  相似文献   

Three standard methods for collecting sand flies (sticky trap, CDC light trap, and CO2 trap) were compared in a field study conducted from June to October, 2012, at a site located in the center of a newly established autochthonous focus of canine leishmaniasis in northeastern Italy. Six traps (two sticky traps, two CDC light traps, and two CO2 traps) were activated at the same time for a single night every two weeks during the season of sand fly activity. A total of 5,667 sand flies were collected and 2,213 identified, of which 82.1% were Phlebotomus perniciosus, 17.4% P. neglectus, 0.3% Sergentomya minuta, and 0.2% P. mascitti. The performances of all traps were influenced by their position inside the site, increasing with proximity to the animal shelters. CO2 traps were more attractive for females of P. perniciosus and P. neglectus. CDC light traps showed an intermediate efficiency and were more attractive for P. neglectus, compared to other two traps. Results suggest that in northern Italy the CO2 trap is a suitable sampling method for sand fly monitoring programs that include transmitted pathogen surveillance.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of the biology of the invasive pest, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), is critical for the development of effective management strategies. Trapping is one technique used for both detection and control; however, the efficacy of trapping can vary depending on the target insect's physiological state, its behavioural priorities and the type of attractant used in the trap. We conducted a series of caged trapping experiments and a greenhouse trapping experiment to investigate the effects of D. suzukii feeding status, age, mating status, ovipositional status and seasonal morph type on the capture rate of traps baited with fermentation odours. Starved flies were trapped at greater rates compared to fed flies; more virgin flies were trapped than mated flies; flies deprived of an oviposition substrate were trapped more frequently than flies given an oviposition substrate. It is still unclear whether age or seasonal morphology affect bait response. Lastly, a caged choice experiment investigated the relationship between female reproductive status and attraction to fermentation or fruit odours. Fermentation‐based traps captured female flies regardless of their reproductive status but, ripe fruit‐based traps were more attractive to flies with more than seven eggs. In summary, studies that use fermentation‐based traps should recognize that capture rates of D. suzukii will depend on the feeding, mating and oviposition experiences of the population; also, fruit‐based traps may better target gravid females.  相似文献   

The red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), is a major coleopteran pest in flour mills and storage facilities. An aggregation pheromone has been identified for this pest; however, the pheromone is of limited value for population monitoring. To develop more efficient methods to monitor this pest, experiments were conducted to determine whether light functioned as an attractant for the red flour beetle. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) of various wavelengths were examined as light sources because they produce bright, narrow light spectra. A comparison of responses to light spectra across the visible and UV regions of the electromagnetic spectrum indicated that the beetle was most attracted to near UV LED at a 390 nm dominant wavelength. The use of LEDs in competitive laboratory experiments resulted in a 20% capture of released beetles, compared with a 1% capture with the aggregation pheromone alone. Even more beetles were captured with a combination of LEDs and commercially available chemical lures in traps. LEDs can easily be added onto existing trap designs or new traps can be designed to take full advantage of positive phototaxis.  相似文献   

A comparison of nine commercial baited fly traps on Florida dairy farms demonstrated that Terminator traps collected significantly more (13,323/trap) house flies (Musca domestica L.) than the others tested. Final Flight, Fly Magnet, and FliesBeGone traps collected intermediate numbers of flies (834‐2,166), and relatively few were caught with ISCA, Advantage, Fermone Big Boy, Squeeze & Snap, or OakStump traps (<300). Terminator traps collected about twice as many flies (799.8/trap) as FliesBeGone traps (343.8) when each trap was baited with its respective attractant, but when the attractants were switched between the two trap types, collections were significantly lower (77‐108) than was observed with traps baited with their respective attractant. Solutions of molasses were significantly more attractive to house flies than honey, maple syrup, or jaggery (date palm sugar). Field‐expedient traps constructed from discarded PET water bottles were much less effective than commercial traps, but painting the tops of such traps with black spray paint resulted in a six‐fold increase in trap capture.  相似文献   

Relative collections of house flies were compared on two Florida dairy farms using several monitoring methods: sticky cylinders, baited jug traps (Farnam Terminator and Victor Fly Magnet), and bait strips (Wellmark QuikStrike). Bait strips were placed over collecting pans and under 61 cm square plywood roofs to protect the toxicant from sunlight ("sheltered QuikStrike traps"). Sticky cylinders collected the fewest flies (515-679 flies/trap/day) and sheltered QuikStrike traps the most (5,659-8,814 flies/trap/day). The sheltered QuikStrike traps are promising tools for disease surveillance programs. The two baited jugs collected a similar and intermediate number of flies, with collections highest during the first 2 days after placement (2,920-5,462 flies/trap/day). Jug trap collections were low after 4 days of use in the field, apparently due to deterioration in the attractiveness of the bait over time. Jug traps collected mostly females, whereas sticky cylinders and sheltered QuikStrike traps collected mostly males. Exposure of jug trap bait (Farnam) to fly cadavers for 3 days did not increase attractiveness of the bait. Combinations of the Farnam and Victor attractants were more attractive than either attractant alone and 25-43% more attractive than expected based on the sum of collections in the single-attractant jug traps. A 25% solution of farm-grade blackstrap molasses was as effective as either of the two proprietary baits tested, offering a low-cost alternative for fly population monitoring.  相似文献   

The West Indian sweet potato weevil Euscepes postfasciatus (Fairmaire) is a troublesome pest insect of sweet potato that originally came from the Caribbean, but is now expanding its distribution into the Pacific Islands. Although sterile insect techniques have been used against this pest in a demonstration experiment on Kume Island [Ohno et al. (2006) Kontyu to Shizen 41:25–30], effective methods of monitoring E. postfasciatus are scarce. It is necessary to detect the weevils at an early stage of invasion in uninvaded areas, and an attractant trap can be used to achieve this. Thus, we developed an ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diode trap, invented a method for diffusing the light to attract more insects, and investigated the attractiveness of the light trap to E. postfasciatus under laboratory conditions. Our results indicate that diffused UV light has a higher potential to attract E. postfasciatus than direct UV light. Furthermore, sweet potato is an effective bait to use to capture the weevils attracted by UV light. Thus, E. postfasciatus can be trapped using diffused UV light and sweet potato bait.  相似文献   

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