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由于我国宠物收容管理法规和措施缺乏,导致宠物管理不到位,导致流浪动物犬和猫咬伤人,传播人兽共患病,形成社会矛盾,有损于政府形象。本文研究美国等发达国家宠物收容管理,以提高我国宠物收容管理水平,探讨建立新的宠物管理办法与措施,减少流浪动物,防止人兽共患病的发生,使人和宠物和谐共处。  相似文献   

宠物在我国已经成为一个日渐壮大的产业和庞大的群体。宠物与人类朝夕相处,最容易成为动物源性疾病的传染源,对人类健康造成潜在威胁。为了人类自身和宠物健康,我们必须对宠物投入更多的关注。宠物和实验动物作为两种不同用途的动物,存在众多的相似点。我国已经建立了相对完善的实验动物生产、使用、质量保障和福利的管理体系。实验动物的管理体系也许可以为宠物的生产、饲养、质量保证和福利的管理体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着社会的演进,宠物数量和宠物产业的需求高速增长,宠物与人类生活、生态以及经济活动的关系也愈加密切。与此同时,城市生物链被破坏、宠物饲养规范及防疫管理难度加大、流浪动物收留和领养困难、宠物密度及总量宏观调控等社会问题相继提出。今后,我们应在发展高质量的宠物繁育体系、规范宠物交易、提高国有品牌宠物食品市场占有度、建立宠物服务行业标准、确保流浪动物福利与控制流浪动物数量等方面进一步开展工作,适时调整法律和政策体系,科学引导社会需求,积极促进新兴产业健康发展。  相似文献   

WSPA 《人与生物圈》2013,(3):54-56
2012年11月29日,中国动物疫病预防控制中心(CADC)与世界动物保护协会(WSPA)在北京举行了“狂犬病综合防控技术集成与示范(红项圈)项目”合作协议签字仪式,项目为期4年,旨在借鉴WSPA在世界上的成功经验,结合我国的实际情况,加强犬只管理,推行大规模的免疫注射,从而避免大规模犬只扑杀,降低狂犬病的发病率。谈及自然保护.多数人第一想到的是保护野生动物,但与每个人联系更直接和密切的其实反而是家养的动物,如猫、狗、鸡、鸭、猪、牛、羊,这些自人类文明开始就陆续被人驯养的兽类和鸟类已成为人类社会的重要一员,或作为伴侣动物、生产工具.或提供了食物来源。它们的安全和人类社会的稳定紧密相连,许多自然保护组织很早就关注这些动物的福利和境遇,如WSPA、英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPOA)、国际爱护动物基金会(IFAW)等。动物福利是所有文明社会或将步入文明的社会要面对的重要议题。  相似文献   

人类是生物(动物)进化的最高级阶段,没有动物就不可能有人类;动物是人类在大自然中最亲密的朋友,离开动物人类就无法生存;宠物(或伴侣动物)又是与人类情感最亲近、接触最密切的一类动物。宠物可为人类带来精神上的满足与慰籍、愉悦与自信,带来生活上的辅助与便利、沟通与交流。无须讳言,  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,城市家庭饲养宠物日益增多,宠物已经成为人们日常生活中接触最多的动物。然而,许多宠物是人兽共患疾病的重要传染源,随着人类与各种动物间"零"距离的接触,各种宠物携带的人兽共患病也悄然传入人类,给人们身体健康和公共卫生安全带来了严重的威胁。近年来,许多学者对犬、猫、鸟、鼠和其他宠物易感的人兽共患病毒病开展了许多研究工作,本文对狂犬病、戊型肝炎、禽流感、淋巴细胞脉络膜脑膜炎、流行性出血热、西尼罗热等一些严重危害的宠物人兽共患病毒病进行了概述。  相似文献   

居龙和 《生物学通报》2006,41(1):15-16,F0004
家犬是被人类最早驯化的家畜之一,也是人类最忠实的伴侣动物。家犬在动物分类学上属脊索动物门-脊椎动物亚门-哺乳纲-真兽亚纲-食肉目- 犬科-犬属-家犬种。世界著名生物学家林奈把家犬从诸多野生犬属动物中分列出来,单作为一个种,命名为“家犬”(Canis familiaris),家犬成为家畜中唯一单独称种的家畜。  相似文献   

目的在动物福利及"3R"原则的指导下,建立贵州小型猪常用的实验方法。方法应用对动物刺激小、痛苦少的方法给贵州小型猪肌内注射、灌胃给药、采血、麻醉、静脉注射、处死给药等方法。结果建立了一套符合动物福利要求和"3R"原则的小型猪的实验方法。  相似文献   

国内外高校动物福利教育发展历史与前景展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪80年代动物福利作为一个严谨的科学分支被人们接受以来,动物福利学科得到了迅猛发展,相关概念在科学研究结果的支持下被更精确地定义,评价动物所处福利水平的体系也逐步被建立起来.伴随着动物福利科学的发展,动物福利教育也逐步被纳入高等教育的课程体系.综述了国内外高等院校特别是高校的动物医学学院近30年间的动物福利教育进程,并以英国、美国、澳大利亚等国的动物福利教育为例说明国际动物福利教育的发展现状与趋势,结合中国现状,思考中国与国际动物福利教育之间存在的差异.随着动物福利相关科学、伦理学以及法学研究的深入,社会对动物福利的关注将会日益加深,相信至少对准动物医生普及动物福利教育必将成为发展的趋势.  相似文献   

宠物指人们精心饲养,以供玩赏愉悦的宠爱动物。目前犬类在我国宠物市场发展较为迅速,而且历史非常悠久,其他宠物的饲养规模、普及程度与犬类还相距较远。对国内犬临床疾病情况研究发现,近年来犬营养代谢性疾病发生率逐年升高,广大宠物医师对于此类疾病的关注程度日益加大。本文主要从犬营养代谢病的发病原因、临床较为先进的诊断方法、后期治疗饲养,三个方面进行对犬营养代谢病进行探讨,希望对于宠物市场在我国的发展、临床治疗此类疾病和宠物营养的科学搭配提供指导和帮助。  相似文献   

Attachment theory is a useful lens through which to examine both perceptions and selection of companion animals. Study 1 compared perceptions of dogs and cats, and found that dogs were perceived as having more positive relationship qualities and secure attachment-related characteristics, whereas cats were perceived as having more negative relationship qualities and avoidant attachment-related characteristics. In addition, people perceived relationships with dogs to involve less avoidance and less anxiety relative to relationships with people. In study 2, which built on the findings of study 1, attachment avoidance was negatively associated with wanting to own a pet, whereas attachment anxiety was positive associated with wanting to own a pet. These attachment dimensions were not associated with wanting to own a dog, but lower avoidance and higher anxiety were associated with wanting to own a cat. Study 3 was a longitudinal study of SPCA-type shelter visitors (510 participants, with 169 reporting a recent pet adoption). Lower attachment anxiety predicted recently adopting a dog rather than a cat, though neither anxiety nor avoidance predicted adopting a cat. Individuals who wanted a pet in order to facilitate human relationships were more likely to adopt a dog than a cat. Those high in attachment avoidance reported turning to their pet as a replacement for human companionship, and those high in attachment anxiety reported feeling more concern about their pets requiring more attention. Attachment anxiety and avoidance may influence the decision whether or not to adopt a pet, as well as the motivation underlying the adoption choice. Attachment also may influence the type of pet chosen (i.e., dog versus cat). In addition, attachment may influence the nature of the human–animal relationship, such as the time spent together, and the security felt regarding the relationship.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how personality traits may be related to the amounts and types of attachments humans have toward companion animals (pets). In this study, 1,098 companion animal guardians (owners) completed a survey that included the Big Five Inventory, the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale, and the Pet Attachment Questionnaire. Each participant chose whether he or she identified as a Cat Person, Dog Person, Both, or Neither. Results indicated that neuroticism, conscientiousness, choosing a dog as a favorite pet, and identifying as a Cat Person, Dog Person, or Both predicted affection for a pet. Conscientiousness, extraversion, and openness decreased avoidant attachment to pets, and neuroticism increased anxious attachment to pets. Both dogs and cats could benefit from pet owners who are conscientious, and there may be some benefits of neuroticism in pet owners. The findings of this study will advance understanding of the human–animal bond. As this understanding increases, measurements of human attachment and personality may be useful for the development of tools that could assist shelter employees and veterinarians in counseling people about pet ownership.  相似文献   

This study investigated the visitor experience at one urban animal shelter. While several previous studies have examined the reasons particular nonhuman animals are chosen by adopters, few have investigated the possible reasons one would visit a shelter and leave without adopting. Over a two-month period, 158 visitors were surveyed after they were finished touring the shelter. One quarter of those exiting the shelter had adopted a pet (companion animal) compared to 11% who had been planning to adopt that day but did not. Almost 20% of survey respondents were just visiting with no plans for pet adoption either that day or in the near future. Being affectionate and friendly were important characteristics sought by potential adopters, although non-adopters reported more frequently than adopters that the animal’s reaction to them was important. Shelters should work toward increasing chances for pets to connect and interact with visitors and focus on educating and retaining the interest of those who are not quite ready for a new pet.  相似文献   

Online pet obituary sites host hundreds of obituaries regarding the passing of companion animals. Often composed by the owner or primary caretaker of the animal, they are a potential source of data about human–animal bonds where there were strong positive human emotions surrounding the animal at point of death. The aim of the present study was to characterize on-line pet obituaries and to evaluate their usefulness as a source of information on the human–animal bond. One hundred and thirty full obituaries of dogs were studied. Where the role of the writer could be identified, the majority of obituary writers identified themselves as a female parental figure to the dog (34.6%); however, obituaries were also written by male parental figures (7.7%) and children (5.4%). Most obituaries (60%) fell within the 100-400 words length range. Obituaries were seen to express several key concepts. For instance, dogs were described as “child-like,” “part of the family,” showing “sympathy” and/or “gratitude” to the owner, and having a “sense of humor.” For their part, writers expressed “guilt” over the dog’s death, discussed a concept of the “afterlife” and noted an “instant connection” between themselves and the dog. A high proportion of the obituaries discussed the afterlife (51%) and indicated that the dog was considered part of the family (49%). There were some significant associations between concept usage within obituaries. Dogs that were described as “child-like” were more often perceived to be in an “afterlife” and to have had an “instant connection” with obituary writers (x2 = 38.08, p < 0.001). We conclude that online pet obituaries can be a valuable source of information on human feelings surrounding a companion animal death.  相似文献   

Nonhuman animal welfare education aims to promote positive relationships between children and animals and thus improve animal welfare, yet few scientific evaluations of these programs exist. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an education program developed by the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) that included 4 interventions focusing on pets (companion animals), wild animals, farm animals, and general animal rescues. Knowledge, attachment to pets, and attitudes and beliefs about animal minds were assessed at pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest using a questionnaire administered to 1,217 Scottish children aged 7 to 13 years old. Results showed a significant positive impact of the program on knowledge about animals and the Scottish SPCA for all interventions. The pet and farming interventions significantly impacted children’s beliefs about animal minds. There were trends toward improvements in a range of other measures. This study highlights the importance of teaching animal welfare education to children for early prevention of animal cruelty, discusses the need to base this education on theory and research to find effective change, and demonstrates how evidence-based practice can inform future education programs.  相似文献   

In personal interviews, people surrendering their dogs and cats to 12animal shelters in 4 regions of the country discussed their reasons for relinquishing their companion animals and answered questions about their own characteristics and those of their pet. The interviews identified 71 reasons for relinquishment. Personal issues lead the class of reasons for relinquishment of cats and ranked 3rd among those given for relinquishment of dogs. The top 3 health and personal issues cited for giving up cats were allergies of a family member to cats, owner's personal problems, and anew baby. For dogs, the top 3 reasons cited were lack of time for the dog, owner's personal problems, and allergies. Analysis of these health and personal issues suggests that education and counseling before and after acquisition of a pet, as well as the availability of temporary accommodations for pets during times of personal crisis, may reduce relinquishments.  相似文献   

In personal interviews, people surrendering their dogs and cats to 12animal shelters in 4 regions of the country discussed their reasons for relinquishing their companion animals and answered questions about their own characteristics and those of their pet. The interviews identified 71 reasons for relinquishment. Personal issues lead the class of reasons for relinquishment of cats and ranked 3rd among those given for relinquishment of dogs. The top 3 health and personal issues cited for giving up cats were allergies of a family member to cats, owner's personal problems, and anew baby. For dogs, the top 3 reasons cited were lack of time for the dog, owner's personal problems, and allergies. Analysis of these health and personal issues suggests that education and counseling before and after acquisition of a pet, as well as the availability of temporary accommodations for pets during times of personal crisis, may reduce relinquishments.  相似文献   

Although companion animal management practices used by caregivers can influence the welfare of the companion animals, there is little existing information about the ways in which people attempt to meet their companion animals’ needs. A representative sample of rabbit guardians (n = 93, representing 63,000 people) and bird guardians (n = 203, representing 157,000 people) in Victoria, Australia, completed an online survey. Items were related to the environmental, diet/exercise, behavioral, social, and health management practices used by guardians. Guardians sometimes meet their companion animals’ welfare needs, but they do not always engage in best practices. Most (79%) bird guardians reported that they interacted with their birds daily, but only 68% of rabbit guardians did the same. Likewise, 32% of rabbit guardians and 55% of bird guardians never had their companion animals vaccinated. These results may be used for educational campaigns for improving companion animal welfare.  相似文献   

Pet ownership is associated with both positive and negative emotions. Given that not everyone responds to pet care in a stressful way, perceptions of companion animals may play a role in how owners respond to them. In this study, we explored the relationship between pet ownership and perceived stress among Chinese pet owners. We also examined the effect of care practices and perceptions of pets on perceived stress. A total of 288 Hong Kong Chinese, adult pet owners, aged 18 to 70 years, were recruited. Participants were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire covering demographics, pet ownership background, pet attachment, and perceived stress. Regression analyses were performed to examine pet attachment in different demographic groups and its relationship with perceived stress. Moderation and mediation analyses were performed to elucidate their underlying mechanisms. After adjusting for demographics and pet ownership background, greater attachment to a pet was associated with lower stress in owners. The perception of pets as family members minimized the stressful burden of pet care. More time spent caring for a pet increased attachment to that animal which in turn reduced stress in owners. The findings suggest attachment to companion animals and the perception of them as family members can help manage and reduce stress in owners.  相似文献   

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