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Primates have long been used as indicator species for assessing overall ecosystem health. However, area‐wide census methods are time consuming, costly, and not always feasible under many field conditions. Therefore, it is important to establish whether monitoring a subset of a population accurately reflects demographic changes occurring in the population at large. Over the past 35 years, we have conducted 15 area‐wide censuses in Sector Santa Rosa, Costa Rica. These efforts have revealed important trends in population growth patterns of capuchin monkeys following the protection and subsequent regeneration of native forests. During this same period, we have also intensively studied a subset of the capuchin groups. Comparing these two datasets, we investigate whether the population structures of the closely monitored groups are reliable indicators of area‐wide demographic patterns. We compare the overall group size and the individual age/sex class compositions of study groups and nonstudy groups (i.e., those contacted during area‐wide censuses only). Our study groups contained more individuals overall with a larger proportion of infants, and there were indications that the proportion of adult and subadult males was lower. These differences can be ascribed either to sampling errors or real differences attributable to human presence and/or better habitat quality for the study groups. No other sex/age classes differed, and major demographic changes were simultaneously evident in both study and nonstudy groups. This study suggests that the Santa Rosa capuchin population is similarly impacted by large‐scale ecological patterns observable within our study groups.  相似文献   
For decades, the bio-duck sound has been recorded in the Southern Ocean, but the animal producing it has remained a mystery. Heard mainly during austral winter in the Southern Ocean, this ubiquitous sound has been recorded in Antarctic waters and contemporaneously off the Australian west coast. Here, we present conclusive evidence that the bio-duck sound is produced by Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). We analysed data from multi-sensor acoustic recording tags that included intense bio-duck sounds as well as singular downsweeps that have previously been attributed to this species. This finding allows the interpretation of a wealth of long-term acoustic recordings for this previously acoustically concealed species, which will improve our understanding of the distribution, abundance and behaviour of Antarctic minke whales. This is critical information for a species that inhabits a difficult to access sea-ice environment that is changing rapidly in some regions and has been the subject of contentious lethal sampling efforts and ongoing international legal action.  相似文献   
Summary   Worldwide, invasive weeds threaten agricultural, natural and urban ecosystems. In Australia's agricultural and grazing regions, invasive species often establish across extensive areas where weed management is hampered by an inability to detect the location and timing of an outbreak. In these vast landscapes, an effective detection and monitoring system is required to delineate the extent of the invasion and identify spatial and temporal factors associated with weed establishment and thickening. In this study, we utilize a time series of remote sensing imagery to detect the spatial and temporal patterns of Prickly Acacia ( Acacia nilotica ) invasion in the Mitchell grass plains of North Queensland. We develop a spectral index from Landsat images which is applied to images from 1989 to 2004, in combination with a classification mask, to identify locations and monitor changes in Prickly Acacia density across 29 000 km2 of Mitchell grass plains. The approach identified spectral and temporal signatures consistent with Prickly Acacia infestation on 1.9% of this landscape. Field checking of results confirmed presence of the weed in previously unrecorded locations. The approach may be used to evaluate future spread, or outcomes of management strategies for Prickly Acacia in this landscape and could be employed to detect and monitor invasions in other extensive landscapes.  相似文献   
Biomass production and plant species diversity in grassland in southern England was monitored before and after a change from conventional to organic farming. Our 18-year study, part of the UK's Environmental Change Network long-term monitoring programme, showed that the cessation of artificial fertiliser use on grassland after conversion to organic farming resulted in a decrease in biomass production and an increase in plant species richness. Grassland productivity decreased immediately after fertiliser application ceased, and after two years the annual total biomass production had fallen by over 50%. In the subsequent decade, total annual grassland productivity did not change significantly, and yields reached 31–66% of the levels recorded pre-management change. Plant species richness that had remained stable during the first 5 years of our study under conventional farming, increased by 300% over the following 13 years under organic farm management. We suggest that the change in productivity is due to the altered composition of species within the plots. In the first few years after the change in farming practice, high yielding, nitrogen-loving plants were outcompeted by lower yielding grasses and forbs, and these species remained in the plots in the following years. This study shows that grassland can be converted from an environment lacking in plant species diversity to a relatively species-rich pasture within 10–15 years, simply by stopping or suspending nitrogen additions. We demonstrate that the trade-off for increasing species richness is a decrease in productivity. Grassland in the UK is often not only managed from a conservation perspective, but to also produce a profitable yield. By considering the species composition and encouraging specific beneficial species such as legumes, it may be possible to improve biomass productivity and reduce the trade-off.  相似文献   
Incidental catch is the major threat to the survival of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean and the main reason for their decline. More than 100,000 turtles are estimated to be caught annually due to fishing practices; 10–50% die. Bottom trawls are among the fishing gears exerting the worst impact on sea turtle populations, especially in the coastal waters of Tunisia and Libya, northern Adriatic Sea, the Mediterranean coastal areas of Turkey and Egypt, where the continental shelf is large and turtles in the demersal stage are commonly found also in winter. Seven adult-sized loggerhead turtles captured incidentally by bottom trawls in the central-northern Adriatic Sea and treated in rescue centres were tagged with satellite transmitters before release. In this paper Italian bottom trawl track data obtained from vessel monitoring systems (VMSs) were analysed by VMSbase R suite to identify the areas of maximum fishing effort in the Adriatic. These data were combined with satellite information on turtle distribution to provide an interaction index enabling prediction of potential trawl–turtle interaction hotspots and periods. The present pilot study can be considered as a risk-analysis approach directed at identifying the areas and times of possible trawling–turtle interactions in a Mediterranean trawl fishery. By identifying the areas and seasons at highest risk of turtle bycatch, the index here developed has the potential to provide key information to design and implement mitigation strategies. Vessel monitoring system is actually in force in several countries, therefore the approach here studied might have a worldwide application.  相似文献   

Biosensors are useful analytical devices that can be integrated with on-line process monitoring schemes. In this article, the principles and applications of these devices for bioprocess monitoring are considered. Several different types of biosensors are described, and the applications and limitations of flow injection analysis (FIA) for these applications are discussed. It is hoped that the background provided here can be useful to researchers in this area.  相似文献   
As an increasingly dominant feature in the landscape, transportation corridors are becoming a major concern for bats. Although wildlife–vehicle collisions are considered to be a major source of mortality, other negative implications of roads on bat populations are just now being realized. Recent studies have revealed that bats, like many other wildlife species, will avoid roads rather than cross them. The consequence is that roads act as barriers or filters to movement, restricting bats from accessing critical resources. Our objective was to assess specific features along the commuting route, road, or surrounding landscape (alone or in combination) that exacerbated or alleviated the likelihood of a commuting bat exhibiting an avoidance behavior in response to an approaching vehicle. At 5 frequently used commuting routes bisected by roads, we collected data on vehicles travelling along the roads (such as visibility and audibility), commuting bats (such as height), and composition of the commuting route. We revealed that commuting route structure dictated the frequency at which bats turned back along their commuting routes and avoided the road. We found that gaps (>2 m) in commuting routes, such as the road itself, caused bats to turn away just before they reached the road. Furthermore, we found that turning frequencies of bats increased with vehicle noise levels and the locations at which bats responded to vehicles corresponded with areas where noise levels were greatest, including gaps <2 m. This suggested that bats had a disturbance threshold, and only reacted to vehicles when associated noise reached a certain level. We found that threshold levels for our study species were approximately 88 dB, but this value was likely to vary among species. Thus, our findings indicate that restoring (e.g., replanting native trees and shrubs in gaps) and establishing commuting routes (such as planting tree-lines and wooded hedgerows), as well as creating road-crossing opportunities (such as interlinking canopies) will improve the permeability of a road-dominated landscape to bats. Furthermore, our study highlights the influence of the soundscape. We recommend that effective management and mitigation strategies should take into account the ecological design of the acoustic environment. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
The probing behavior of two aphid species, Myzus persicae (Sulz.) and Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley), was electronically monitored on susceptible and resistant lettuce lines using a DC amplifier. A waveform pattern associated with extracellular stylet pathway activities, pattern C, occurred for longer periods when either aphid species probed resistant plants. This pattern is usually regularly interrupted by drops in electrical potential lasting a few seconds, reflecting cell membrane punctures followed by rapid withdrawal of the stylet tips. For M. persicae on resistant lettuce a large increase in pattern C without these potential drops accounted for the increased duration of this pattern. For N. ribisnigri the increase in pathway activity on resistant plants was due to an increase in the more typical pattern C with potential drops, as well as to an increased duration of pattern F, associated with a curious type of stylet penetration within cell walls. Both aphids made more but shorter probes on resistant than on susceptible plants, and these probes led less frequently to periods of sieve element contact and ingestion. The effects of resistance appear to involve both mesophyll and phloem factors. The underlying mechanisms, however, remain unclear. The results indicate which stylet penetration activities or waveform patterns are of interest for further investigation of resistance mechanisms.
Résumé Le comportement de sondage de variétés sensibles et résistantes de laitues par deux espèces de pucerons, Myzus persicae (Sulz.) et Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley), a été enregistré électroniquement en utilisant un amplificateur DC. Les deux espèces de pucerons ont présenté une amplification de l'onde de type C associée au cheminement extracellulaire des stylets lors du sondage des variétés résistantes. Cette onde est normalement interrompue par des chutes de quelques secondes du potentiel électrique, traduisant des ponctions de la membrane cellulaire suivies par un rapide retrait de l'extrémité des stylets. La forte augmentation de l'onde C mais sans chutes de potentiel rend compte de la plus longue durée de cette onde chez M. persicae sur laitue résistante. L'accroissement du cheminement des stylets chez N. ribisnigri sur plantes résistantes est dû à une augmentation de l'onde C typique avec chutes de potentiel, ainsi qu'à une prolongation de l'onde F liée à la pénétration des stylets dans les parois cellulaires. Les deux espèces font des sondages plus brefs et plus nombreux sur variétés résistantes, et ces sondages entraînent des contacts moins fréquents avec les éléments criblés et débouchent moins souvent sur de l'ingestion. Les effects de la résistance semblent impliquer des facteurs liés à la fois au mésophylle et au phloème. Les mécanismes sous-jacents, cependant, ne sont pas encore clairs. Ces résultats Montrent que l'examen des ondes liées à la pénétration des stylets est important pour des études ultérieures sur les mécanismes de résistance.
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