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Abstract. Nutrient conservation in vegetation affects rates of litter decomposition and soil nutrient availability. Although resorption has been traditionally considered one of the most important plant strategies to conserve nutrients in temperate forests, long leaf life‐span and low nutrient requirements have been postulated as better indicators. We aimed at identifying nutrient conservation strategies within characteristic functional groups of NW Patagonian forests on Andisols. We analysed C‐, N‐, P‐, K‐ and lignin‐concentrations in mature and senescent leaves of ten native woody species within the functional groups: broad‐leaved deciduous species, broad‐leaved evergreens and conifers. We also examined mycorrhizal associations in all species. Nutrient concentration in mature leaves and N‐ resorption were higher in broad‐leaved deciduous species than in the other two functional groups. Conifers had low mature leaf nutrient concentrations, low N‐resorption and high lignin/N ratios in senescent leaves. P‐ and K‐resorptions did not differ among functional groups. Broad‐leaved evergreens exhibited a species‐dependent response. Nitrogen in mature leaves was positively correlated with both N resorption and soil N‐fertility. Despite the high P‐retention capacity of Andisols, N appeared to be the more limiting nutrient, with most species being proficient in resorbing N but not P. The presence of endomycorrhizae in all conifers and the broad‐leaved evergreen Maytenus boaria, ectomycorrhizae in all Nothofagus species (four deciduous, one evergreen), and cluster roots in the broad‐leaved evergreen Lomatia hirsuta, would be possibly explaining why P is less limiting than N in these forests.  相似文献   
Lateral root of Brassica crops firmly aggregated around Ca-alginate gel beads containing dicalcium phosphate dihydrate and -cyclodextrin (DCPD gel bead) in a phosphate (P)-deficient soil (Nanzyo et al., 2002, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 48, 847–853). The first aim of the present study was to identify the component in the DCPD gel beads that accounts for the special root proliferation. This P-foraging root growth was observed in plots applied with either polyolefin-coated NH4H2PO4 (POC-MAP) or DCPD powder instead of the DCPD gel beads. The POC-MAP neither contains Ca, alginate nor -cyclodextrin. The DCPD powder was applied in a similar number of spots with the number of DCPD gel beads. Thus, the essential component in the DCPD gel beads for the P-foraging root growth around them was P. The second aim was to examine the effect of various inorganic P sources on the P uptake of B. rapa nothovar. While significant P uptake was obtained in the plot applied with apatite from Florida, USA, sediment origin (F-Ap), almost no P uptake was obtained in that with apatite from Quebec, Canada, igneous origin in the P-deficient nonallophanic Andisol. Hence, a P-release level from F-Ap was near the lower limit for the P uptake by the B. rapa nothovar. under the present experimental conditions. These results indicate the P foraging characteristics of the Brassica roots contribute to improve the P recovery rate in the agricultural fields with localized application of moderately-soluble P fertilizers.  相似文献   
Manske  G.G.B.  Ortiz-Monasterio  J.I.  Van Ginkel  M.  González  R.M.  Rajaram  S.  Molina  E.  Vlek  P.L.G. 《Plant and Soil》2000,221(2):189-204
Phosphorus deficiency is a major yield limiting constraint in wheat cultivation on acid soils. The plant factors that influence P uptake efficiency (PUPE) are mainly associated with root characteristics. This study was conducted to analyze the genotypic differences and relationships between PUPE, root length density (RLD), colonization by vesicular arbuscular and arbuscular mycorrhizal (V)AM fungi and root excretion of phosphatases in a P-deficient Andisol in the Central Mexican Highlands. Forty-two semidwarf spring-bread-wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) genotypes from CIMMYT were grown without (−P) and with P fertilization (+P), and subsequently in subsets of 30 and 22 genotypes in replicated field trials over 2 and 3 years, respectively. Acid phosphatase activity at the root surface (APASE) was analyzed in accompanying greenhouse experiments in nutrient solution. In this environment, PUPE contributed more than P utilization efficiency, in one experiment almost completely, to the variation of grain yield among genotypes. Late-flowering genotypes were higher yielding, because the postanthesis period of wheat was extended due to the cold weather at the end of the crop cycles, and postanthesis P uptake accounted for 40–45% of total P uptake. PUPE was positively correlated with the numbers of days to anthesis (at −P r=0.57 and at +P r=0.73). The RLD in the upper soil layer (0–20 cm) of the wheat germplasm tested ranged from 0.5 to 2.4 cm cm-3 at –P and 0.7 to 7.7 at +P. RLD was the most important root trait for improved P absorption, and it was positively genetically correlated with PUPE (at –P r=0.42 and at +P r=0.63) and the number of spikes m-2 (at –P r=0.58 and at +P r=0.36). RLD in the upper soil layer was more important with P fertilizer application. Without P fertilization, root proliferation in the deeper soil profile secured access to residual, native P in the deeper soil layer. (V)AM-colonisation and APASE were to a lesser degree correlated with PUPE. Among genoptypes, the level of (V)AM-colonisation ranged from 14 to 32% of the RLD in the upper soil layer, and APASE from 0.5 to 1.1 nmol s-1 plant-1 10-2. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Aims We tested whether—in addition to weather conditions—the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the substrate have an effect on the radial stem increment of Nothofagus dombeyi trees in old-growth forest stands on volcanic soil at the western slopes of the Andes in South-Central Chile.Methods We took soil samples and tree increment cores from five proximate sites (1000–1300 m a.s.l.) that are located in the volcanic region of the Conguillío National Park and differ in the age of the substrate (Miocene—3500 years B.P.) and in its concentrations of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The soil samples were also analysed on their concentrations of other plant mineral nutrients, carbon (C) and nitrogen isotope ratios (δ 15 N). Tree-ring widths and the stem basal area increment (BAI) were related to climate parameters. In selected tree rings, the stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ 13 C) and oxygen (δ 18 O) were determined and related to growth and climate parameters.Important findings Consistent with theory, the soils on the oldest substrate showed the highest (least negative) δ 15 N values, but mineral N was the only nutrient whose concentration exhibited a straightforward (increasing) relationship with increasing substrate age. The BAI was largest on the soil with the highest concentration of plant-available P. In contrast to BAI, tree-ring chronologies did not differ among the study sites. However, tree-ring chronologies and BAI exhibited significantly positive correlations with summer precipitation, and negative correlations, with summer (December) temperature. A negative correlation was found between δ 13 C and precipitation anomalies in the growing season (November–March). We interpret the negative correlations between growth and temperature, and between δ 13 C and δ 18 O in the tree rings, as an impairment of net carbon assimilation by anomalously warm weather conditions during the growing season. We conclude that the growth of N. dombeyi is mainly affected by high temperature and low precipitation in spring and summer irrespective of the substrate's age, and enhanced by higher concentrations of plant-available P in the soil. Our results may be representative of N. dombeyi stands on volcanic substrate within their principal distribution range along the Andes of South America.  相似文献   
Wildfires have shaped the biogeography of south Chilean Araucaria–Nothofagus rainforest vegetation patterns, but their impact on soil properties and associated nutrient cycling remains unclear. Nitrogen (N) availability shows a site‐specific response to wildfire events indicating the need for an increased understanding of underlying mechanisms that drive changes in soil N cycling. In this study, we selected unburned and burned sites in a large area of the National Park Tolhuaca that was affected by a stand‐replacing wildfire in February 2002. We conducted net N cycling flux measurements (net ammonification, net nitrification and net N mineralization assays) on soils sampled 3 years after fire. In addition, samples were physically fractionated and natural abundance of C and N, and 13C‐NMR analyses were performed. Results indicated that standing inorganic N pools were greater in the burned soil, but that no main differences in net N cycling fluxes were observed between unburned and burned sites. In both sites, net ammonification and net nitrification fluxes were low or negative, indicating N immobilization. Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that soil N cycling could largely be explained by two parameters: light fraction (LF) soil organic matter N content and aromatic Chemical Oxidation Resistant Carbon (CORECarom), a relative measure for char. The LF fraction, a strong NH4+ sink, decreased as a result of fire, while CORECarom increased in the burned soil profile and stimulated NO3 production. The absence of increased total net nitrification might relate to a decrease in heterotrophic nitrification after wildfire. We conclude that (i) wildfire induced a shift in N transformation pathways, but not in total net N mineralization, and (ii) stable isotope measurements are a useful tool to assess post‐fire soil organic matter dynamics.  相似文献   
There is a need for further studies to compare the decomposition of biochar to that of the original feedstock and determine how these amendments affect the cycling of native organic matter (NOM) of different soils to improve our understanding of the resulting net C sequestration potential. A 510‐days incubation experiment was conducted (i) to investigate the evolution of CO2 from soils amended with either fresh corn stover (CS) or with biochars produced from fresh CS at either 350 (CS‐350) or 550 °C (CS‐550), and (ii) to evaluate the priming effect of these amendments on NOM decomposition. Two soil types were studied: an Alfisol and an Andisol, with organic C contents of 4% and 10%, respectively. Except for the controls (with no C addition), all treatments received 7.18 t C ha?1. We measured C efflux in short‐term intervals and its isotopic signature to distinguish between C evolved from C4 amendments and C3‐dominated NOM. Emission rates were then integrated for the whole time period to cover total emissions. Total CO2‐C evolved from the original C in fresh CS, CS‐350 and CS‐550 was greater in the Andisol (78%, 13% and 14%) than in the Alfisol (66%, 8% and 7%). For both soils, (i) no significant differences (> 0.05) were observed in the rate of CO2 evolution between controls and biochar treatments; and (ii) total accumulated CO2 evolved from the uncharred amendment was significantly higher (< 0.05) than that from the other treatments. In the Alfisol, a significant (< 0.05) net positive priming effect on NOM decomposition was observed when amended with fresh CS, while the opposite was detected in biochar treatments. In the Andisol, no significant (> 0.05) net priming effect was observed. A C balance indicated that the C lost from both biochar production and decomposition ‘broke even’ with that lost from fresh residue decomposition after <35 weeks. The ‘break‐even’ point was reached earlier in the Andisol, in which the fresh CS mineralizes faster. These results provided experimental evidence for the potential of biochar to sequester C and avoid CO2 emissions from original feedstock while protecting native soil organic matter.  相似文献   
Soil enzyme activities have been long used as indicators of soil contamination, and their integration into numerical indexes of microbial functional diversity is a practical approach in the environmental risk assessment of soil pollutants. However, suitable numerical indexes need to be developed and standardized for monitoring deterioration of soil quality by agrochemicals. Herein, a mesocosm study was performed to examine short-term responses of selected soil enzyme activities to chlorpyrifos (Lorsban® 4E). Hydrolases (carboxylesterase, acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase, urease and protease) and oxidoreductases (dehydrogenase and catalase) were measured in Andisols 14 d after an application with two doses (4.8 and 24 kg a.i. ha−1) of chlorpyrifos. Both application rates caused a strong inhibition of carboxylesterase (62–78% of controls), acid phosphatase (56–60%) and β-glucosidase (43–58%) activities. Soil microbial activity was also reduced in pesticide-sprayed soils as indicated by the decreased dehydrogenase (47%) and catalase (38%) activities compared with control soils. However, only carboxylesterase activity showed a dose-dependent response with the chlorpyrifos application rate. An in vitro trial was further performed to provide evidence of a direct interaction between the enzyme (carboxylesterase, acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase) and the pesticide (chlorpyrifos and its main metabolites chlorpyrifos-oxon and 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol). Results of these in vitro assays showed that the activity of carboxylesterase was directly affected by chlorpyrifos-oxon and, at less extend, by chlorpyrifos, whereas variations of both acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase activities were likely dependent on changes in microbial activity. Urease and protease activities did not change in pesticide-treated soils compared with pesticide-free soils. Despite the absence of response in these two N-cycling enzyme activities, four enzymatic indexes (geometric mean, weighted mean, “treated-soil quality index” [T-SQI] and “integrated biological response” [IBRv2] index) were significantly lower in the chlorpyrifos-sprayed soils compared with controls. Moreover, there was a significant (r2 = 0.87, P < 0.0001) correlation between T-SQI and IBRv2 scores, which suggested that the IBRv2 index (an index used for assessing animal’s health inhabiting contaminated sites) may be a complementary index in soil quality assessment.  相似文献   
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