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For decades, the bio-duck sound has been recorded in the Southern Ocean, but the animal producing it has remained a mystery. Heard mainly during austral winter in the Southern Ocean, this ubiquitous sound has been recorded in Antarctic waters and contemporaneously off the Australian west coast. Here, we present conclusive evidence that the bio-duck sound is produced by Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). We analysed data from multi-sensor acoustic recording tags that included intense bio-duck sounds as well as singular downsweeps that have previously been attributed to this species. This finding allows the interpretation of a wealth of long-term acoustic recordings for this previously acoustically concealed species, which will improve our understanding of the distribution, abundance and behaviour of Antarctic minke whales. This is critical information for a species that inhabits a difficult to access sea-ice environment that is changing rapidly in some regions and has been the subject of contentious lethal sampling efforts and ongoing international legal action.  相似文献   
A winter bloom dominated by Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle (Bacillariophyceae), a potential domoic acid producer, is reported for the first time in the Aegean Sea, Greece, in a semi-enclosed embayment (Kalloni Gulf) surrounded by agricultural land and drained by intermittent rivers. Abundances of this species in the inner part of the Gulf during February were extremely high (max 1.1 × 107 cells l−1). The species Alexandrium insuetum Balech (Dinophyceae) was also found in considerable cell numbers (max 1.4 × 105 cells l−1) during the bloom and reached up to 40% of the total biovolume. This study demonstrates an evident cause and effect relationship between nutrient inflows originating from agricultural activities in the watershed and the development of a potential HAB. The massive bloom formation was observed soon after an episodic rainfall event during the fertilizer application period (December to February). A bloom was also observed the following year, but it was less pronounced due to the fact that rainfalls were more evenly spaced in time and were of moderate intensity.  相似文献   
Polysaccharides and food processing   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The rôle of polysaccharides during processing and for the quality of foods is discussed. Starch is the most important energy source for man. Most other polysaccharides are not metabolized for energy, but play an important rôle as dietary fibres. Pectins, alginates, carrageenans, and galactomannans are discussed as functional food additives in relation to their structure and their rheological behaviour, stability and interactions. Endogenous polysaccharides of fruits and vegetables and in products derived from them are responsible for such phenomena as texture (changes), press yields, ease of filtration and clarification, cloud stability, and mouth feel. To achieve desirable properties, the action of endogenous enzymes on polysaccharides must be inactivated and/or exogenous enzymes added as processing aids. This is also true for overcoming haze phenomena in clear juices or to break down undesirable microbial polysaccharides. Dough properties for bread baking can be improved by enzymic breakdown of a restrictive pentoglycan network. Network formation may come about by oxidative coupling of phenol rings of ferulic acid bound to hemicelluloses by ester links. Gels may be made by inducing oxidative coupling in natural or synthetic systems. Stagnation in development of new polysaccharide food additives is ascribed to difficulties in obtaining government approval for food use.  相似文献   
Sulfuric acid hydrolysis according to the Saeman procedure, TFA hydrolysis, and methanolysis combined with TFA hydrolysis were compared for the hydrolysis of water-soluble uronic acid-containing polysaccharides originating from fungi, plants, and animals. The constituent sugar residues released were subsequently analyzed by either conventional GLC analysis of alditol acetates or high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed-amperometric detection. It was shown that TFA hydrolysis alone is not sufficient for complete hydrolysis. Sulfuric acid hydrolysis of these polysaccharides resulted in low recoveries of 6-deoxy-sugar residues. Best results were obtained by methanolysis combined with TFA hydrolysis. Methanolysis with 2 M HCl prior to TFA hydrolysis resulted in complete liberation of monosaccharides from pectic material and from most fungal and animal polysaccharides tested. Any incomplete hydrolysis could be assessed easily by HPAEC, by the detection of characteristic oligomeric products, which is difficult using alternative methods currently in use. Methanolysis followed by TFA hydrolysis of 20 micrograms water-soluble uronic acid containing polysaccharides and subsequent analysis of the liberated sugar residues by HPAEC allowed us to determine the carbohydrate composition of these polysaccharides rapidly and accurately in one assay without the need for derivatization.  相似文献   
The liver represents a site of expression of neurotrophins and their receptors. We have characterized the expression and intracellular localization of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor, Trk-A, in liver cells in vivo and in vitro. In both normal and fibrotic liver tissue, Trk-A immunostaining was present in different cell types, including parenchymal cells and cells of the inflammatory infiltrate. In hepatocytes and activated stellate cells (HSC), Trk-A showed a predominant nuclear localization, both in the presence and absence of injury. In cultured HSC, Trk-A was found to be functional, because exposure of the cells to recombinant NGF resulted in stimulation of cell migration and activation of intracellular signaling pathways, including Ras-ERK and PI3K/Akt. Remarkably, in cultured HSC, Trk-A staining was found constitutively in the nucleus. In these cells, Trk-A could be stained only by antibodies directed against the intracellular domain but not by those recognizing the extracellular portion of Trk-A suggesting that the intracellular portion of the receptor is the major determinant of nuclear Trk-A staining. In contrast to HSC, freshly isolated hepatocytes did not show any nuclear localization of the intracellular portion of Trk-A. In pheocromocytoma cells, nuclear staining for Trk-A was not present in conditions of serum deprivation, but could be induced by exposure to NGF or to a mixture of soluble mediators. We conclude that nuclear localization of the intracellular domain of Trk-A is observed constitutively in liver cells such as HSC, while in other cell types it could be induced in response to soluble factors.  相似文献   
Intelligence is our ability to learn appropriate responses to new stimuli and situations. Neurons in association cortex are thought to be essential for this ability. During learning these neurons become tuned to relevant features and start to represent them with persistent activity during memory delays. This learning process is not well understood. Here we develop a biologically plausible learning scheme that explains how trial-and-error learning induces neuronal selectivity and working memory representations for task-relevant information. We propose that the response selection stage sends attentional feedback signals to earlier processing levels, forming synaptic tags at those connections responsible for the stimulus-response mapping. Globally released neuromodulators then interact with tagged synapses to determine their plasticity. The resulting learning rule endows neural networks with the capacity to create new working memory representations of task relevant information as persistent activity. It is remarkably generic: it explains how association neurons learn to store task-relevant information for linear as well as non-linear stimulus-response mappings, how they become tuned to category boundaries or analog variables, depending on the task demands, and how they learn to integrate probabilistic evidence for perceptual decisions.  相似文献   
Strigolactones (SLs) are a family of terpenoid allelochemicals that were recognized as plant hormones only a decade ago. They influence a myriad of both above‐ and below‐ground developmental processes, and are an important survival strategy for plants in nutrient‐deprived soils. A rapidly emerging approach to gain knowledge on hormone signaling is the use of traceable analogs. A unique class of labeled SL analogs was constructed, in which the original tricyclic lactone moiety of natural SLs is replaced by a fluorescent cyanoisoindole ring system. Biological evaluation as parasitic seed germination stimulant and hypocotyl elongation repressor proved the potency of the cyanoisoindole strigolactone analogs (CISAs) to be comparable to the commonly accepted standard GR24. Additionally, via a SMXL6 protein degradation assay, we provided molecular evidence that the compounds elicit SL‐like responses through the natural signaling cascade. All CISAs were shown to exhibit fluorescent properties, and the high quantum yield and Stokes shift of the pyrroloindole derivative CISA‐7 also enabled in vivo visualization in plants. In contrast to the previously reported fluorescent analogs, CISA‐7 displays a large similarity in shape and structure with natural SLs, which renders the analog a promising tracer to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of SLs in plants and fungi.  相似文献   
Species with seemingly identical morphology but with distinct genetic differences are abundant in the marine environment and frequently co‐occur in the same habitat. Such cryptic species are typically delineated using a limited number of mitochondrial and/or nuclear marker genes, which do not yield information on gene order and gene content of the genomes under consideration. We used next‐generation sequencing to study the composition of the mitochondrial genomes of four sympatrically distributed cryptic species of the Litoditis marina species complex (PmI, PmII, PmIII, and PmIV). The ecology, biology, and natural occurrence of these four species are well known, but the evolutionary processes behind this cryptic speciation remain largely unknown. The gene order of the mitochondrial genomes of the four species was conserved, but differences in genome length, gene length, and codon usage were observed. The atp8 gene was lacking in all four species. Phylogenetic analyses confirm that PmI and PmIV are sister species and that PmIII diverged earliest. The most recent common ancestor of the four cryptic species was estimated to have diverged 16 MYA. Synonymous mutations outnumbered nonsynonymous changes in all protein‐encoding genes, with the Complex IV genes (coxI‐III) experiencing the strongest purifying selection. Our mitogenomic results show that morphologically similar species can have long evolutionary histories and that PmIII has several differences in genetic makeup compared to the three other species, which may explain why it is better adapted to higher temperatures than the other species.  相似文献   
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