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Pedicularis palustris contains the iridoid glucosides aucubin and gardoside methyl ester, and five hydroxy derivatives of 8-epi-deoxyloganin, together with boschnaloside and three hydroxy derivatives of boschnaloside. From P. silvatica, plantarenaloside, 8-epiloganin and euphroside have been isolated. Euphroside is also present in P. lapponica, in addition to aucubin and mussaenoside. Chemical evidence for the structure of euphroside is presented. Pedicularioside is shown to be identical with penstemoside, and the former name is thus redundant.  相似文献   
Three new bitter iridoid glycosides having an 8,10,11-oxygen substituted iridoid skeleton with an isovaleryl moiety at C-1, have been isolated from the ether and ethyl acetate soluble fractions of the leaves of Viburnum furcatum. Two of them had a glucose moiety at C-11 of the iridoid skeleton and a p-coumaroyl group linked to C-6 of the sugar, and they were found to be geometrical isomers about the double bond of the p-coumaroyl2 moiety. The third one was characterized as a alloside of the same aglycone.  相似文献   
Two new iridoid glucosides, 5-hydroxycampenoside and cachineside I, were isolated together with tecomoside from leaves of Campsis chinensis and their structures were elucidated. The absolute stereochemistry of 5-hydroxycampenoside has been established by X-ray analysis, and the structural correlation between 5-hydroxy-campenoside and tecomoside has been determined by spectral and chemical experiments.  相似文献   
蔓生百部的化学成分研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从蔓生百部(Stemona japonica)根中分离得到13个化合物,通过波谱数据,它们鉴定为β-谷甾醇(1)、豆甾醇(2)、5,11-豆甾二烯-3β-醇(3)、苯甲酸(4)、4-甲氧基苯甲酸(5)、1,8-二羟基-3-甲基蒽醌(6)、1,8-二羟基-6-甲氧基-3-甲基蒽醌(7)、氧代狭叶百部碱(8)、百部定碱(9)、异狭叶百部碱(10)、绿原酸(11)、栀子苷(12)和藏红花素A(13).所有化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到.  相似文献   
综述:中药治疗阿尔茨海默病的作用特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种多因素相关的复杂性疾病,目前临床治疗效果不佳.仅针对单靶点或单致病途径的药物不易取得好的疗效.另一个重要原因是干预时机太晚,当诊断出痴呆时患者脑内已有大量神经元死亡.因此,应当针对多靶点、多途径治疗,同时将治疗时机提前到痴呆发生前,才有可能在AD的药物干预领域实现新的突破.本文综述了作者近十多年来在中药治疗AD方面的研究工作,包括中药新复方参乌胶囊、中药提取物何首乌二苯乙烯苷、山茱萸环烯醚萜苷、淫羊藿黄酮和淫羊藿苷对多种拟AD动物模型和细胞模型的影响及其作用机制.这些中药的特点是作用在AD复杂发病机制的多靶点和多途径,尤其是具有神经保护和神经营养/再生作用,且对线粒体和突触具有明显的保护作用,可望用于AD的早期干预或轻度认知障碍期(MCI)的治疗,从而阻止或延缓痴呆的发生与进程.  相似文献   
Iridoid glycosides are plant defence compounds that are deterrent and/or toxic for unadapted herbivores but are readily sequestered by dietary specialists of different insect orders. Hydrolysis of iridoid glycosides by β‐glucosidase leads to protein denaturation. Insect digestive β‐glucosidases thus have the potential to mediate plant–insect interactions. In the present study, mechanisms associated with iridoid glycoside tolerance are investigated in two closely‐related leaf beetle species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) that feed on iridoid glycoside containing host plants. The polyphagous Longitarsus luridus Scopoli does not sequester iridoid glycosides, whereas the specialist Longitarsus tabidus Fabricius sequesters these compounds from its host plants. To study whether the biochemical properties of their β‐glucosidases correspond to the differences in feeding specialization, the number of β‐glucosidase isoforms and their kinetic properties are compared between the two beetle species. To examine the impact of iridoid glycosides on the β‐glucosidase activity of the generalist, L. luridus beetles are kept on host plants with or without iridoid glycosides. Furthermore, β‐glucosidase activities of both species are examined using an artificial β‐glucosidase substrate and the iridoid glycoside aucubin present in their host plants. Both species have one or two β‐glucosidases with different substrate affinities. Interestingly, host plant use does not influence the specific β‐glucosidase activities of the generalist. Both species hydrolyse aucubin with a much lower affinity than the standard substrate. The neutral pH reduces the β‐glucosidase activity of the specialist beetles by approximately 60% relative to its pH optimum. These low rates of aucubin hydrolysis suggest that the ability to sequester iridoid glycosides has evolved as a key to potentially preventing iridoid glycoside hydrolysis by plant‐derived β‐glucosidases.  相似文献   
A new iridoid glucoside, hygrophiloside, has been isolated from Hygrophila difformis. Hygrophiloside is apparently identical to the so-called ‘Cardanthera-Pseudoindican’. Its structure has been established by spectroscopic means and by reduction to isoaucubin.  相似文献   
Activity guided isolation of a MeOH extract of the aerial plant parts of Wulfenia carinthiaca Jacq . (Plantaginaceae), using a mushroom tyrosinase assay, resulted in the isolation of five phenylethanoid glucosides and four iridoid glycosides. Two of them, 2′‐O‐acetylisoplantamajoside and 2′,6″‐O‐diacetylisoplantamajoside, represent new natural products. Evaluation of the inhibitory activity of all isolated compounds revealed that the observed activity is not related to the isolated phenylethanoid glycosides but mainly due to the presence of the iridoid glycoside globularin (IC50 41.94 μm ; CI95% ± 16.61/11.89 μm ). Interestingly, structurally close related compounds (globularicisin, baldaccioside, and isoscrophularioside) showed no or only a weak tyrosinase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   
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