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Humans who have inherited the human class I major histocompatibility allele HLA-B27 have a markedly increased risk of developing the multi-organ system diseases termed spondyloarthropathies. To investigate the role of B27 in these disorders, we introduced the B27 and human beta 2-microglobulin genes into rats, a species known to be quite susceptible to experimentally induced inflammatory disease. Rats from one transgenic line spontaneously developed inflammatory disease involving the gastrointestinal tract, peripheral and vertebral joints, male genital tract, skin, nails, and heart. This pattern of organ system involvement showed a striking resemblance to the B27-associated human disorders. These results establish that B27 plays a central role in the pathogenesis of the multi-organ system processes of the spondyloarthropathies. Elucidation of the role of B27 should be facilitated by this transgenic model.  相似文献   
Choline concentrations in human erythrocytes increase after freezing and thawing, during incubation in Krebs-phosphate for 30 min or on storage at 0 degrees C for 3-24 hr. The increase is prevented by protein precipitation by 10% perchloric acid, 10% zinc hydroxide, 10% sodium tungstate or boiling in water. It is not prevented by EDTA (10 mM) and is increased by oleate (5 mM). We suggest that the increase is due to the action of phospholipase D on erythrocyte phospholipids.  相似文献   
A new rapid and sensitive method for characterizing lectin specificity using streptavidin-biotinylglycans as a tool is presented. This assay is analogous to enzyme immunoassay and takes advantage of the strong, irreversible adsorption of streptavidin to the wells of the chambers of titer plates. A series of streptavidin-biotinylglycans was first coated on a microtiter plate, and then one of six lectins, concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, Phaseolus vulgaris (red kidney bean) erythro-agglutinin, Lens culinaris (lentil) agglutinin, Datura stramoniun agglutinin, or Sambucus nigra (elderberry bark) agglutinin coupled to horseradish peroxidase, was added. After incubation and thorough washing, only the lectin bound to a complementary glycan remained and could be detected and quantified by the peroxidase reaction. It was established that the lectins retained their oligosaccharide-binding specificities after coupling to the peroxidase, that the binding was inhibited by addition of the corresponding sugar inhibitors, and that the color intensity produced by the enzyme reaction is proportional to the amount of lectin-peroxidase bound to biotinylglycan complexed with streptavidin immobilized on the plate. As an example, it was found that the peroxidase-D. stramoniun agglutinin conjugate strongly bound biotinylglycans, GlcNAc3-Man5-R, GalGlcNAc3Man5-R, and GlcNAc3-4Man3-R (R = GlcNAc2-[6-(biotinamido)hexanoyl]-Asn). As little as 10 pmol/ml of lectin was detected. With the growing availability of biotinylglycans, the method should represent a reliable and simple procedure for screening lectin-oligosaccharide recognition qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   
以内质多刺植物霸王鞭(Euphorbia royleana)和仙人掌(Opuntia monacantha)为特征的具有荒漠植被景观的元江干热河谷肉质多刺灌丛是一种特殊的次生植被,是在近代原生植被的强烈破坏下,栽培逸生的霸王鞭和仙人掌在局部特别千热土薄多石之处发展而形成的。该群落外貌和结构特殊,可初步定为一个群丛,下分两个亚群丛。在种类组成上,该群落与热带亚洲干早植物区系联系密切,在区系起源上具有古南大陆残余背景,在群落形成和发展上又与人为活动相联系。  相似文献   
试论云阳县人口激增与土地锐减的矛盾及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地是人们赖以生存的物质基础,是其它任何东西不可代替的生产资料。离开了土地,人就不能生存下去,这是众所周知的真理。但是,目前人口的激增与土地锐减的矛盾越来越尖锐。据有关统计资料表明,1978—1988年全国耕地面积减少3.66×10~6ha,与此同时全国人口又猛增1.33亿,给农业粮食生产、  相似文献   
肾综合征出血热(HFRS)为一组抗原性密切相关的布尼亚科汉坦病毒引起的急性传染病。在我国存在至少两种临床表现、动物宿主及流行特征截然不同的血清型别,即血清Ⅰ型(汉坦型)和血清Ⅱ型(汉城型)。这两型病毒间的血清学定型已有报道。近年来,除啮齿类动物外,从临床病人以及非啮齿类动物体内也分离到了HFRS病毒。同时出现两类型别毒株共存,以及从家鼠体内分离到野鼠型毒株或从野鼠体内分离到家鼠型毒株的复杂情形。为此,准确检定并鉴别不同来源毒株型别,将为深入了解其病原学、流行病学以及制定疫苗生产策略提供重要信息。  相似文献   
本文研究了PHA刺激18小时收获的脐血T细胞条件培养液(PHA-TCM)对正常人骨髓CFU-c的影响。结果显示PHA-TCM能够显著抑制CFU-c的生长,这种抑制与PHA-TCM浓度有关。并发现经PHA-TCM作用后M型集落比例明显降低。PHA-TCM中未检出IFN和IL-2活性。进一步研究证实,PHA-TCM中CFU-c抑制活性是一种对酸碱敏感对热相对不敏感的蛋白质,其分子量大于10,000道尔顿。  相似文献   
T Liu  Q Tang    R L Hendricks 《Journal of virology》1996,70(1):264-271
Following herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection of the cornea, the virus is transmitted to the trigeminal ganglion, where a brief period of virus replication is followed by establishment of a latent infection in neurons. A possible role of the immune system in regulating virus replication and maintaining latency in the sensory neurons has been suggested. We have investigated the phenotype and cytokine pattern of cells that infiltrate the A/J mouse trigeminal ganglion at various times after HSV-1 corneal infection. HSV antigen expression in the trigeminal ganglion (indicative of the viral lytic cycle) increased until day 3 postinfection (p.i.) and then diminished to undetectable levels by day 7 p.i. The period of declining HSV antigen expression. was associated with a marked increase in Mac-1+ cells. These cells did not appear to coexpress the F4/80+ (macrophage) or the CD8+ (T cell) markers, and none showed polymorphonuclear leukocyte morphology, suggesting a possible early infiltration of natural killer cells. There was also a significant increase in the trigeminal ganglion of cells expressing the gamma delta T-cell receptor, and these cells were found almost exclusively in very close association with neurons. This period was also characterized by a rapid and equivalent increase in cells expressing gamma interferon and interleukin-4. The density of the inflammatory infiltrate in the trigeminal ganglion increased until days 12 to 21 p.i., when it was predominated by CD8+, Mac-1+, and tumor necrosis factor-expressing cells, which surrounded many neurons. By day 92 p.i., the inflammatory infiltrate diminished but was heaviest in mice with active periocular skin disease. Our data are consistent with the notion that gamma interferon produced by natural killer cells and/or gamma delta T cells may play an important role in limiting HSV-1 replication in the trigeminal ganglion during the acute stage of infection. In addition, tumor necrosis factor produced by CD8+ T cells and macrophages may function to maintain the virus in a latent state.  相似文献   
Among the many proteins needed for assembly and function of bacterial flagella, FliG, FliM, and FliN have attracted special attention because mutant phenotypes suggest that they are needed not only for flagellar assembly but also for torque generation and for controlling the direction of motor rotation. A role for these proteins in torque generation is suggested by the existence of mutations in each of them that produce the Mot- (or paralyzed) phenotype, in which flagella are assembled and appear normal but do not rotate. The presumption is that Mot- defects cause paralysis by specifically disrupting functions essential for torque generation, while preserving the features of a protein needed for flagellar assembly. Here, we present evidence that the reported mot mutations in fliM and fliN do not disrupt torque-generating functions specifically but, instead, affect the incorporation of proteins into the flagellum. The fliM and fliN mutants are immotile at normal expression levels but become motile when the mutant proteins and/or other, evidently interacting flagellar proteins are overexpressed. In contrast, many of the reported fliG mot mutations abolish motility at all expression levels, while permitting flagellar assembly, and thus appear to disrupt torque generation specifically. These mutations are clustered in a segment of about 100 residues at the carboxyl terminus of FliG. A slightly larger carboxyl-terminal segment of 126 residues accumulates in the cells when expressed alone and thus probably constitutes a stable, independently folded domain. We suggest that the carboxyl-terminal domain of FliG functions specifically in torque generation, forming the rotor portion of the site of energy transduction in the flagellar motor.  相似文献   
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