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Cretaceous and early Paleocene benthic foraminifera were studied from one section along the western Gaj River, southern Balochistan, Pakistan, to reconstruct the paleoenvironment of the Tethys Sea during the Indian-Asian contact. We recognize three lithostratigraphic units in ascending order: the Mughal Kot Formation, the Pab Sandstone, and the Jamburo Group. Both the Maastrichtian Mughal Kot Formation, which consists of shale with grey marly limestone, and the Maastrichtian Pab Sandstone, which consists of quartzose sandstone, indicate an open ocean environment as they have diversified planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. The Maastrichtian-Paleocene Jamburo Group, consisting of dark grey, calcareous shale and marlstone with some sulfide grains, is characterized by low diversities of benthic assemblages. The change to the lower diversities may be associated with the development of poor circulation of deeper water that was caused by narrowing of the Tethys Sea.The Trochammina spp. Assemblage from the Jamburo Group, which can be correlated with flysch-type agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages, has a low benthic species diversity, indicating an unfavorable condition for calcareous foraminifera because of the development of oxygen-depleted water. The absolute abundance of agglutinated specimens shows a remarkable change from low numbers in the Maastrichtian to high ones in the Paleocene. The benthic foraminiferal evidence supports the hypothesis that the collision of the Asian and Indian plates occurred near the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
We examined the fragmentation of DNA treated with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea under conditions in which Ca2+, Mg2+-dependent endonuclease is active. The molecular mass of DNA found in mouse liver slices treated with methylnitrosurea in the presence of Ca2+ plus Mg2+ was 4 X 10(5) Da. Similar results were obtained with a reconstituted system containing partially purified Ca2+, Mg2+-dependent endonuclease and methylnitrosurea-treated DNA. The enzyme extensively cleaved methylnitrosurea-treated DNA, compared with non-treated DNA. The methylnitrosurea-treated nuclear proteins obtained from mouse liver nuclei had no effect on the DNA fragmentation by the enzyme. Using closed-circular DNA treated with methylnitrosurea, the enzyme produced single-strand cuts in the DNA, as was seen in non-treated, closed-circular DNA, however, the rate of hydrolysis was increased. Ca2+, Mg2+-dependent endonuclease thus warrants further investigation, with regard to the precise mechanism of extensive degradation of DNA in cells treated with carcinogenic alkylating agents.  相似文献   
UV irradiation of African green monkey cells greatly stimulated efficiency of simian virus 40 induction from simian virus 40-transformed Syrian hamster cells after cell fusion. The maximum inducing activity was observed at 15 to 20 h after irradiation but remained only transiently. The addition of cycloheximide after UV irradiation eliminated the stimulation of the activity.  相似文献   
Aminopeptidase B (EC; L-arginyl-beta-naphthylamidase) was purified 1,800-fold from human placental cytoplasm and characterized. The enzyme was subjected to ammonium sulfate fractionation and a series of chromatographies on DE-52, hydroxylapatite, Bio-gel A 0.5 m and L-arginine-Sepharose. The native molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 220,000 by gel filtration. The molecular mass was estimated to be about 83,000 by SDS/PAGE in the absence of 2-mercaptoethanol, suggesting that the enzyme exists in a polymeric form. The isoelectric point of the enzyme was 5.4. The purified enzyme was most active at pH 7.2 with L-arginyl-beta-naphthylamide as substrate and the Km value for this enzyme was 0.3 mmol/l. Human placental aminopeptidase B was markedly activity by Cl-. Bestatin and arphamenin, low molecular weight peptides, showed appreciable inhibition of this enzyme. However, amastatin and puromycin did not inhibit the enzyme. Bacitracin markedly activated this enzyme.  相似文献   
Adrenal computed tomographic (CT) scanning was conducted in twelve patients with Addison's disease during the clinical course. In tuberculous Addison's disease (n = 8), three of four patients examined during the first two years after disease onset had bilaterally enlarged adrenals, while one of four had a unilaterally enlarged one. At least one adrenal gland was enlarged after onset in all six patients examined during the first four years. Thereafter, the adrenal glands may atrophy bilaterally, in contrast to adrenal glands in idiopathic Addison's disease, which atrophy bilaterally from disease onset (n = 2). Adrenal calcification was a less sensitive clue in tracing pathogenesis, i.e., adrenal calcification was observed in five of eight patients with tuberculous Addison's disease, but not in idiopathic patients. Thus, adrenal CT scanning could show the etiology of Addison's disease (infection or autoimmunity) and the phase of Addison's disease secondary to tuberculosis, which may be clinically important for initiating antituberculous treatment.  相似文献   
We have generated two lines of transgenic mice with integrated copies of a 14-kilobase pair (kb) human DNA fragment containing the angiotensinogen gene, which includes 1.3 kb of 5'- and 3'-flanking regions. In both transgenic lines, a considerable quantity of the correctly initiated and processed angiotensinogen mRNA was detected in the liver and it was detectable in heart. Unexpectedly, mRNA for the transgene was accumulated in the kidney, where is normally the minor source of angiotensinogen, to levels comparable to that in the liver. In addition, an in vitro transfection analysis suggested that the 1.3-kb 5'-flanking sequences are essential for expression of the angiotensinogen gene in hepatic and renal cells and that neither DNA segment within the 14-kb construct contributes significantly to repression of the gene expression in renal cells.  相似文献   
Eight sperm-activating peptides containing a novel amino acid were isolated from the egg jelly of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla. Accurate mass measurement of the peptide in FAB mass spectrometry showed that the mass of the novel amino acid residue was 224.978. On the basis of the isotopic ion distribution and the degree of unsaturation, the mass value indicated that the elemental composition of the amino acid residue was C9H8O1N1Br1, suggesting that the novel amino acid was bromophenylalanine. Proton NMR spectroscopy, amino acid analysis, and RP-HPLC with three synthetic isomers of bromophenylalanine demonstrated that o-bromophenylalanine was the novel amino acid. Derivatization of the amino acid with Marfey's reagent, (1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrophen-5-yl)-L-alanine amide (FDAA), further indicated that the amino acid was the L-isomer. In other sperm-activating peptides isolated from the egg jelly of the sea urchin, both m- and p-bromophenylalanines were discovered. The presence of m-bromophenylalanine has not been previously reported in natural products, while p-bromophenylalanine is found in theonellamide F, an antifungal bicyclic peptide from a marine sponge.  相似文献   
Summary Using the polymorphic DNA probes, ChdTC-15, ChdTC-114, pYNH24, and λTM-18, a DNA profiling system was developed that verified identities of individual cultured cell lines collected in the Japanese cell banks, JCRB, RCB, and IFO. These highly polymorphic DNA probes include both VNTR (Variable Number of Tandem Repeats) sequences and substantial lengths of unique regions. In the mixed probe system, several distinct bands from four to eight can be used for cell line identification. These bands were widely spread in a range of molecular sizes, and were stable and reproducible under stringent conditions of Southern blot hybridization. Because the DNA profile was specific for each individual human cell line, it is useful not only to authenticate many existing cultured cell lines but also to monitor their identity during propagation in a laboratory, and to confirm newly established lines as unique.  相似文献   
Novel restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in inbred rats were revealed with the human N-ras gene as probe. Three fragments hybridizing to the probe were detected by Southern blot hybridization under highly stringent conditions, and one of the fragments showed variation in inbred rat strains. Furthermore, on hybridization under low-stringency conditions, an additional fragment hybridizing to the probe was observed, and this fragment also showed interstrain variation. These two variant fragments showed different distributions in 27 inbred rat strains and segregated in backcross progeny as codominant alleles of independent single autosomal loci. Therefore, the loci for these RFLPs were named Nras-1 and Nras-2, respectively. Analyses of linkages between the RFLPs and 11 other loci revealed that the Nras-2 locus was closely linked to the c locus (3.7 +/- 2.6%), which belongs to rat linkage group I.  相似文献   
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