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HIV infection is characterized by rapid and error-prone viral replication resulting in genetically diverse virus populations. The rate of accumulation of diversity and the mechanisms involved are under intense study to provide useful information to understand immune evasion and the development of drug resistance. To characterize the development of viral diversity after infection, we carried out an in-depth analysis of single genome sequences of HIV pro-pol to assess diversity and divergence and to estimate replicating population sizes in a group of treatment-naive HIV-infected individuals sampled at single (n = 22) or multiple, longitudinal (n = 11) time points. Analysis of single genome sequences revealed nonlinear accumulation of sequence diversity during the course of infection. Diversity accumulated in recently infected individuals at rates 30-fold higher than in patients with chronic infection. Accumulation of synonymous changes accounted for most of the diversity during chronic infection. Accumulation of diversity resulted in population shifts, but the rates of change were low relative to estimated replication cycle times, consistent with relatively large population sizes. Analysis of changes in allele frequencies revealed effective population sizes that are substantially higher than previous estimates of approximately 1,000 infectious particles/infected individual. Taken together, these observations indicate that HIV populations are large, diverse, and slow to change in chronic infection and that the emergence of new mutations, including drug resistance mutations, is governed by both selection forces and drift.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the specificity of a rapid immunochromatographic test that was developed to detect antibodies against the rK39 antigen for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). This evaluation was performed using sera from patients with a confirmed diagnosis of active cutaneous leishmaniasis. The sera from 272 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of localised cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) who resided in an area endemic for Leishmania braziliensis in Brazil were obtained before the initiation of antileishmanial treatment. Kalazar Detect(r)(InBios, Seattle, WA) recombinant K39 antigen-based immunochromatographic strips were used according to the manufacturer''s instructions. The test results were evaluated independently by two examiners in sequential order. The positive controls for the test included five serum samples from five patients with parasitologically confirmed diagnosis of VL caused by Leishmania infantum in Brazil. Overall, 100% of the samples obtained from patients with CL were negative, confirming the absence of a serological cross-reaction for individuals with cutaneous disease when these patients were evaluated using the rapid test. The lack of a cross-reaction in patients who were infected by parasites of the same genus highlights the specificity of the rK39 antigen for the diagnosis of VL in areas with the sympatric circulation of L. braziliensis and L. infantum.  相似文献   
Enterocytozoon bieneusi (phylum Microsporidia) is a human pathogen with a broad host range. Following the sequencing of 3.8 Mb of the estimated 6-Mb E. bieneusi genome, simple sequence repeats (micro- and minisatellites) were identified. Sequencing of four such repeats from various human and animal E. bieneusi isolates identified extensive sequence polymorphism and enabled the development of a multilocus genotyping method to study the epidemiology of this pathogen. We genotyped E. bieneusi DNA extracted from 197 fecal samples originating from children with diarrhea who were residing in Kampala, Uganda. Three newly identified microsatellite markers and the internal transcribed spacer were PCR amplified, and multiple cloned amplicons for each marker were sequenced from each individual. Most microsatellite sequences were unique to the Ugandan population. Significantly, polymorphism not only was present among isolates but was also found within isolates. This observation suggests that infections with heterogeneous E. bieneusi populations are common in this region. However, the data do not exclude that some of the polymorphism originates from divergent paralogs within the genome. The frequent occurrence of multiple sequences within an isolate precluded the identification of multilocus genotypes. This observation raises the possibility that in a region in which the prevalence of E. bieneusi is high, sequencing of uncloned PCR products may not be adequate for multilocus genotyping.  相似文献   
Industrial emissions of SO2 and NOx, resulting in the formation and deposition of sulfuric and nitric acids, affect the health of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Since the mid-late 20th century, legislation to control acid rain precursors in both Europe and the US has led to significant declines in both SO4–S and H+ in precipitation and streams. However, several authors noted that declines in streamwater SO4–S did not result in stoichiometric reductions in stream H+, and suggested that observed reductions in base cation inputs in precipitation could lessen the effect of air pollution control on improving stream pH. We examined long-term precipitation chemistry (1978–2010) from nearly 30 sites in the US and Europe that are variably affected by acid deposition and that have a variety of industrial and land-use histories to (1) quantify trends in SO4–S, H+, NH4–N, Ca, and NO3–N, (2) assess stoichiometry between H+ and SO4–S before and after 1990, and (3) examine regional synchrony of trends. We expected that although the overall efforts of developed countries to reduce air pollution and acid rain by the mid-late 20th century would tend to synchronize precipitation chemistry among regions, geographically varied patterns of fossil fuel use and pollution control measures would produce important asynchronies among European countries and the United States. We also expected that control of particulate versus gaseous emission, along with trends in NH3 emissions, would be the two most significant factors affecting the stoichiometry between SO4–S and H+. Relationships among H+, SO4–S, NH4–N, and cations differed markedly between the US and Europe. Controlling for SO4–S levels, H+ in precipitation was significantly lower in Europe than in the US, because (1) alkaline dust loading from the Sahara/Sahel was greater in Europe than the US, and (2) emission of NH3, which neutralizes acidity upon conversion to NH4 +, is generally significantly higher in Europe than in the US. Trends in SO4–S and H+ in precipitation were close to stoichometric in the US throughout the period of record, but not in Europe, especially eastern Europe. Ca in precipitation declined significantly before, but not after 1990 in most of the US, but Ca declined in eastern Europe even after 1990. SO4–S in precipitation was only weakly related to fossil fuel consumption. The stoichiometry of SO4–S and H+ may be explained in part by emission controls, which varied over time and among regions. Control of particulate emissions reduces alkaline particles that neutralize acid precursors as well as S-containing particulates, reducing SO4–S and Ca more steeply than H+, consistent with trends in the northeastern US and Europe before 1990. In contrast, control of gaseous SO2 emissions results in a stoichiometric relationship between SO4–S and H+, consistent with trends in the US and many western European countries, especially after 1991. However, in many European countries, declining NH3 emissions contributed to the lack of stoichiometry between SO4–S and H+.Recent reductions in NOx emissions have also contributed to declines in H+ in precipitation. Future changes in precipitation acidity are likely to depend on multiple factors including trends in NOx and NH3 emission controls, naturally occurring dust, and fossil fuel use, with significant implications for the health of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   
Headspace analyses over microbial cultures using multi-capillary column-ion mobility spectrometry (MCC-IMS) could lead to a faster, safe and cost-effective method for the identification of pathogens. Recent studies have shown that MCC-IMS allows identification of bacteria and fungi, but no information is available from when on during their growth a differentiation between bacteria is possible. Therefore, we analysed the headspace over human pathogenic reference strains of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa at four time points during their growth in a complex fluid medium. In order to validate our findings and to answer the question if the results of one bacterial strain can be transferred to other strains of the same species, we also analysed the headspace over cultures from isolates of random clinical origin. We detected 19 different volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that appeared or changed their signal intensity during bacterial growth. These included six VOCs exclusively changing over E. coli cultures and seven exclusively changing over P. aeruginosa cultures. Most changes occurred in the late logarithmic or static growth phases. We did not find differences in timing or trends in signal intensity between VOC patterns of different strains of one species. Our results show that differentiation of human pathogenic bacteria by headspace analyses using MCC-IMS technology is best possible during the late phases of bacterial growth. Our findings also show that VOC patterns of a bacterial strain can be transferred to other strains of the same species.  相似文献   
Molecular understanding of actin dynamics requires a genetically traceable model system that allows live cell imaging together with high-resolution microscopy techniques. Here, we used Drosophila pupal macrophages that combine many advantages of cultured cells with a genetic in vivo model system. Using structured illumination microscopy together with advanced spinning disk confocal microscopy we show that these cells provide a powerful system for single gene analysis. It allows forward genetic screens to characterize the regulatory network controlling cell shape and directed cell migration in a physiological context. We knocked down components regulating lamellipodia formation, including WAVE, single subunits of Arp2/3 complex and CPA, one of the two capping protein subunits and demonstrate the advantages of this model system by imaging mutant macrophages ex vivo as well as in vivo upon laser-induced wounding.  相似文献   
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