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This study examined the flocculation behavior of two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing either Flo1 (LCC1209) genotype or NewFlo (LCC125) phenotype in a laminar flow field by measurement of the fundamental flocculation parameter, the orthokinetic capture coefficient. This orthokinetic capture coefficient was measured as a function of shear rate (5.95-223 s(-1)) and temperature (5-45 degrees C). The capture coefficients of these suspensions were directly proportional to the inverse of shear rate, and exhibited an increase as the temperature was increased to 45 degrees C. The capture coefficient of pronase-treated cells was also measured over similar shear rate and temperature range. A theory, which predicts capture coefficient values due to zymolectin interactions, was simplified from that developed by Long et al. [Biophys. J. 76: (1999) 1112]. This new modified theory uses estimates of: (1) cell wall densities of zymolectins and carbohydrate ligands; (2) cell wall collision contact area; and (3) the forward rate coefficient of binding to predict theoretical capture coefficients. A second model that involves both zymolectin interactions and DLVO forces was used to describe the phenomenon of yeast flocculation at intermediate shear ranges, to explain yeast flocculation in laminar flow.  相似文献   
Summary An analysis of the allometric relations of the total volumes occupied by prolactin (PRL) and corticotropic (ACTH) cells (PRL volume and ACTH volume, respectively) to body length and a study of the immunocytochemical staining intensity of PRL and ACTH cells were used to determine the differences in activity of PRL and ACTH cells in freshwater-reared and in saltwater-reared Cynolebias whitei during the entire lifespan of this annual cyprinodont fish. An inflection in the allometric relation of PRL volume to body length was observed in fish of one-week old. The relatively large PRL volume in younger fish may be related to PRL cell activity before hatching. No inflections were observed in the allometric relations of PRL volume and ACTH volume to body length at the onset of maturation and the onset of ageing, indicating that the increased pituitary growth in maturing and ageing C. whitei is not the result of changes in PRL or ACTH cells. The slope of the allometric relation of PRL volume to body length in freshwater-reared fish was significantly steeper than the slope in saltwater-reared fish. The PRL volume in adult freshwater-reared fish was eight times larger than that in saltwater-reared fish of the same length. The intensity of immunocytochemical staining of saltwater PRL cells was significantly reduced. These volumetric and staining differences correspond to the low functional demand put upon PRL cells in saltwater-adapted fish. In contrast, the slope of the allometric relation of ACTH volume to body length and the intensity of immunocytochemical staining of ACTH cells were similar in freshwater-reared and in saltwater-reared fish. It is concluded that the functional demand put upon ACTH cells is similar in freshwater-reared and saltwater-reared C. whitei; the involvement of ACTH cells in the osmoregulation of the fish in both environments is similar.  相似文献   
Summary Two methods have been developed in order to discriminate between lateral roots, nodules and root-derived structures which exhibit both root and nodule histological features and which can develop on legumes inoculated with certainRhizobium mutants. The first method, known as the clearing method, allows the observation by light microscopy of cleared undissected root-structures. The second, known as the slicing method, is a complementary technique which provides a greater degree of structural information concerning such structures. The two methods have proved invaluable in defining unequivocally the nature of the interaction between a rhizobial strain and a legume host.  相似文献   
Agonistic behaviours in colonies of the bumblebeeBombus terrestris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first aim of this study was to investigate whether specific changes in the frequencies of behavioural characteristics are correlated with the cause or reflect the onset of the laying of haploid eggs by the queen, and whether these changes cause the onset of egg laying and aggressive behaviour by workers. The second aim was to obtain a better understanding of the occurrence of the behaviours in relation to the physiology and function of the queen and the workers. No behavioural characteristics of workers which could predict the occurrence of the queen's switch to haploid egg laying was found nor did any such behaviour indicate that the switch had already occurred. The onset of worker oviposition was not found to be the consequence of the level or the type of agonistic actions between the workers and the queen. With the onset of worker oviposition the agonistic behaviours called trembling and buzzing, which are directed at the queen, disappear. At the same time the frequency of a non-directed behaviour, called humming, increases. This behaviour is seen particularly in the small housebees with developed ovaries. Before worker oviposition begins, the frequencies with which individual workers perform agonistic behaviour are not correlated with the conditions of their ovaries nor correlated with other characteristics of the workers. However, these frequencies are related to the sequence in which workers emerge. The correlations with age are due to the fact that workers of the first brood have higher activity levels than those of the later broods. The first egg layers are to be found among the first workers. In the period of worker oviposition, humming and the aggressive behaviours of darting and attack are performed by workers with developed ovaries. These behaviours are directed particularly towards workers who also have active ovaries. If the queen has disappeared 1 worker usually becomes dominant. This worker is characterized by the relatively high frequency with which she engages in darting and attacks. In addition, this worker is characterized by a specific behaviour, called pumping, which is directed at workers that have mature eggs in their ovaries. Behavioural domination, however, is no guarantee that the bee concerned will eventually become the most productive one. Although at an apparently pre-determined moment in the ontogeny of the colony the queen loses control over worker oviposition and related behaviours, she remains dominant in various other behavioural hierarchies. It is therefore concluded that the queen never loses dominance completely.  相似文献   
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