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为了揭示光肩星天牛Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky纤维素酶与寄主选择的关系, 以4种不同寄主树种(新疆杨Populus alba var. pyramidalis Bunge、箭杆杨Populus nigra var. thevestina (Dode) Bean、合作杨Populus simonii × Populus pyramidalis cv. opera Hsu和漳河柳Salix matsudana f. lobato-glandulosa Faug et Liu来源的光肩星天牛幼虫, 和以取食5种不同树种(臭椿Ailanthus altissima、毛白杨Populus tomentosa、合作杨、旱柳Salix matsudana Koidz.和复叶槭Acer negundo Linn.)的光肩星天牛成虫为实验对象, 测定其纤维素酶活性。结果表明: 不同寄主来源的光肩星天牛幼虫内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶活性在1.36~2.71 μmol葡萄糖/ (g FW·h)之间, β-葡萄糖苷酶活性在2.57~4.86 μmol葡萄糖/(g FW·h)之间;取食不同树种的光肩星天牛成虫内切-β-1,4-葡聚糖酶活性在4.08~9.27 μmol葡萄糖/(g FW·h)之间, β-葡萄糖苷酶活性在2.87~6.08 μmol葡萄糖/ (g FW·h)之间。不同寄主树种来源的光肩星天牛幼虫体内纤维素酶活性无显著性差异, 取食与否以及取食树种的不同对光肩星天牛成虫纤维素酶活有较大影响。  相似文献   
Tn5转座突变技术在革兰氏阴性细菌分子遗传研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着广宿主载体系统的发展,Tn5及其衍生载体已经广泛应用于革兰氏阴性细菌的分子遗传学研究。主要综述了Tn5转座突变技术在生防细菌生防机理研究、细菌必需基因的鉴定、病原细菌毒力相关基因研究、代谢调控基因研究和菌株的遗传改良方面的应用研究进展。  相似文献   
广东地区春季大豆节肢动物种类调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对广东地区大豆田节肢动物进行了系统调查.结果表明,广东地区春季大豆节肢动物物种十分丰富,共计3纲15目93科201种.其中植食性害虫分属于8目38科78种,捕食性天敌8目28科71种,寄生性天敌2目9科14种,中性昆虫4目19科38种.  相似文献   
1930—2010年额济纳三角洲土地利用景观格局变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
干旱区内陆河流域下游的土地利用、景观格局对水资源调配具有重要意义.本文基于1930、1961、1990、2000、2010年土地利用数据,分析黑河流域下游额济纳三角洲土地利用和景观格局的变化.结果表明:2010年,研究区沙漠化土地面积占总面积的73.4%,其次是草地,占20.8%.1930—2010年,土地利用变化最明显的特征是草地、农田和建设用地增加;各土地类型间转化突出表现为农田和建设用地的转入;土地利用景观破碎度和多样性增加,优势度降低,且具有明显水源依赖性和地域性差异;土地利用变化使景观趋于均匀、多样、破碎.基于其驱动因素及生态环境效应的探讨,针对人-水-生态协调问题,提出"有计划生态移民、限制农田面积、发展集约式精准农业、增加生态用水比例"的建议.  相似文献   
Gateway(通路克隆)技术是最近开发出来的一种分子克隆技术,其特点是操作简单、省时高效,已经成功应用于很多基因表达载体的构建.然而,现有的通路克隆植物表达载体不包含任何将表达蛋白定位到叶绿体中的序列.将通路克隆入门质粒载体pENTR-2B的XmnⅠ位点改造成HindⅢ位点,产生入门载体pENTR*-2B,然后将番茄1,5二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶(Rubisco)小亚基3C的启动子(PrbcS)及其转运肽序列(*T)和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)报告基因亚克隆到pENTR*-2B中,构建通路克隆入门载体pENTR*-PrbcS-*T-GFP.实验结果证实,用pENTR*-PrbcS-*T-GFP和通路克隆的植物表达载体进行LR反应,构建GFP的光诱导型植物表达载体,可以成功地将表达的GFP定位到转基因植物的叶绿体中.利用β-葡糖苷酸酶(GUS)报告基因替代该入门载体中的GFP基因做试验也得到相似的结果.这说明用目的基因替换该入门载体中的GFP可以构建目的基因的入门载体,然后用通路克隆技术可以快速构建其光诱导型植物表达载体,将表达的目的蛋白定位到转基因植物或组织细胞的叶绿体中.  相似文献   
The leaves of 52 species of Lithocarpus in China were studied. The adaxial leaf epidermis was investigated by light microscopy. Epidermal cells of the adaxial surface were classified into three types on the basis of the outline of their anticlinal walls, i.e. sinuate, straight and curved. The abaxial leaf epidermis was investigated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The following types of trichome were observed: appressed parallel tuft, stellate, fused stellate, papillae, stipitate fasciculate, solitary unicellular, appressed laterally attached unicellular, curly thin‐walled unicellular, bulbous and thin‐walled peltate. The fused stellate, appressed laterally attached unicellular and curly thin‐walled unicellular trichomes were reported in Lithocarpus for the first time. The appressed parallel tuft trichome, which is recognized as a salient characteristic of Lithocarpus, was not found in 15 species. A cladistic analysis was performed on the basis of the leaf epidermal features. According to the leaf epidermal features and several morphological characteristics, 26 of the 52 species could be divided into seven groups. Similar groups can be found in Barnett's and Camus' systems. The trichomes of four genera in Fagaceae are listed and compared. Lithocarpus had 14 types of trichome, 11 of which were identical to types found in Quercus, more than in Castanopsis and Cyclobalanopsis. The evolutionary trends of trichomes in Fagaceae are discussed and a new point of view is raised. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 216–228.  相似文献   
 利用荧光显微技术(Epifluorescence microscopy, EFM)对2006年夏季北黄海水域80个站点的微微型浮游植物进行了检测, 并对其在平面和垂直分布上的变化以及昼夜变化情况进行了研究。检测到聚球藻(Synechococcus, Syn)和真核球藻(Picoeukaryotes, Euk)两类微微型浮游植物, 未检测到原绿球藻(Prochlorococcus, Pro), 其中Syn以富含藻红素的Syn细胞(PE细胞)为优势种类, 而富含藻蓝素的Syn细胞(PC细胞)数量较少。在荣城湾以东的水域, 各水层Syn和Euk的丰度都较其它水域的高。Syn在北黄海冷水团及附近水域下30 m深处和底层水体中出现明显的低值区, Euk丰度受冷水团影响不明显。在垂直分布上, 水表层和水下10 m深处Syn的丰度高于水下30 m深处和底层, 而Euk在垂直分布上无明显差异。在昼夜变化上, 各水层Syn、Euk丰度的白昼与夜间变化趋势无明显区别。  相似文献   
在 5± 1℃条件下对中缅树鼠句进行冷驯化处理 ,测定其能量代谢。冷驯化 2 8d后 ,体重比对照组显著增加 7 3 3 % ;整体能值达到 3 0 47± 0 46kJ/g (N =8) ,比对照组增加4 98% ;摄入能比对照组增加 3 6 1 7% ;同化能比对照组增加 6 6 2 % ;生长能达到 6 98±0 5 3kJ/1 0 0g (N =7)体重·天 ,是对照组的 4 85倍 ;维持能比对照组增加 6 4 0 % ,达到3 5 2 96± 2 8 3 4kJ/1 0 0g体重·天 (N =7)。以上结果表明中缅树鼠句在冷胁迫影响下 ,以增加能量摄入、能量储存和维持能和降低排泄能量的生理机制来维持能量代谢平衡 ,以此对策来提高低温环境适应能力  相似文献   
Heart regeneration is negligible in humans and mammals but remarkable in some ectotherms. Humans and mammals lack nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs), while ectotherms have sufficient NRBCs. This study used Bufo gargarizan gargarizan, a Chinese toad subspecies, as a model animal to verify our hypothesis that NRBCs participate in myocardial regeneration. NRBC infiltration into myocardium was seen in the healthy toad hearts. Heart needle-injury was used as an enlarged model of physiological cardiomyocyte loss. It recovered quickly and scarlessly. NRBC infiltration increased during the recovery. Transwell assay was done to in vitro explore effects of myocardial injury on NRBCs. In the transwell system, NRBCs could infiltrate into cardiac pieces and could transdifferentiate toward cardiomyocytes. Heart apex cautery caused approximately 5% of the ventricle to be injured to varying degrees. In the mildly to moderately injured regions, NRBC infiltration increased and myocardial regeneration started soon after the inflammatory response; the severely damaged region underwent inflammation, scarring, and vascularity before NRBC infiltration and myocardial regeneration, and recovered scarlessly in four months. NRBCs were seen in the newly formed myocardium. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blotting showed that the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin- 1β, 6, and11, cardiotrophin-1, vascular endothelial growth factor, erythropoietin, matrix metalloproteinase- 2 and 9 in the serum and/or cardiac tissues fluctuated in different patterns during the cardiac injury-regeneration. Cardiotrophin-1 could induce toad NRBC transdifferentiation toward cardiomyocytes in vitro. Taken together, the results suggest that the NRBC is a cell source for cardiomyocyte renewal/regeneration in the toad; cardiomyocyte loss triggers a series of biological processes, facilitating NRBC infiltration and transition to cardiomyocytes. This finding may guide a new direction for improving human myocardial regeneration.  相似文献   
通过土培试验,研究了土壤水分和供硼状况对不同硼效率油菜苗期生长、叶片水分含量和硼形态的影响.结果表明:低水分胁迫条件下,硼高效甘蓝品种和硼低效甘蓝品种在高供硼水平下的单株鲜质量比低供硼水平分别增加了43.1%和31.7%,但品种间没有显著差异;硼高效品种在两种供硼水平下的束缚态水分含量分别比低效品种高11.4%和1.7%,半束缚态硼分配比例分别比低效品种高6.9%和23.8%.正常水分条件下,硼高效甘蓝品种和硼低效甘蓝品种在高供硼水平下的单株鲜质量比低供硼水平分别增加了11.1%和27.4%;硼高效品种在两种供硼水平下的自由态水分含量较硼低效品种多,自由态硼累积量为低效品种的2倍多,这有利于硼在高效植物体内的移动运输.  相似文献   
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