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Ligands and proteins were covalently but reversibly immobilized on polyacrylamide gels using novel acrylic monomers whose syntheses are reported here. These reagents have an acrylyl group at one end for copolymerization into gels, an N-succinimidyl ester at the other allowing rapid immobilization of molecules having an available primary amino group, and a cleavable disulfide bond in the middle. Two immobilization methods were developed using these reagents. In the first method, a ligand with a primary amino group was treated with the immobilization reagent in anhydrous ethanol and the resulting amide derivative was purified and copolymerized with acrylamide and bisacrylamide resulting in the desired reversible immobilization. In the second method, the immobilization reagents (at densities up to 50 mumol/ml) were directly copolymerized with acrylamide and bisacrylamide to form activated gels of the desired shape and porosity. Proteins or other ligands in aqueous buffers were then added to the activated gels resulting in their covalent immobilization. Ligands or proteins immobilized using the methods reported here remained stably bound even when gels were subjected to boiling in detergents or high-ionic-strength buffers. Immobilized ligands were readily released (greater than 97%) from gels by treatment with quantitative amounts of aqueous dithiothreitol (DTT) under mild conditions. Immobilized proteins were also released (up to 87%) from the gels by DTT treatment. Small ligands (e.g., aminohexyl glycosides), active enzymes, and glycoproteins were immobilized, and then recovered, using these reagents.  相似文献   
On the antennal tip of Eurypauropus ornatus are 3 threadlike sensilla—the flagella, and a single spheroid sensillum—the globulus. Each of the 3 flagella is innervated by 2 groups of sensory cells. One group contains 4 cells, the other, 5. All cells of the “four group” and 3 of the “five group” are comprised of single cilia and unbranched dendrites which extend along the lumen of the flagellum. Two cells of the “five group” have double cilia and pairs of unbranched dendrites. One pair also enters the flagellum and the other pair terminates beneath the flagellar base to form a concentric array of lamellae. No pores are present in the cuticular wall. Eight sensory cells innervate the globulus. They are arranged in 3 groups, one triplet and 2 pairs, in addition to a single cell. The single cell contains a pair of cilia whose unbranched dendrites differentiate into tubular bodies that are inserted into the base of the globulus. Each of the other 7 sensory cells has a single cilium. Their unbranched dendrites penetrate into the globulus in 3 groups as described for the sensory cells. The dendrites in each group terminate in an individual pore channel at the globulus tip and completely fuse with the electron-dense material that plugs the pore channel. Based on structural similarities to sensilla having known functions, it is probable that the flagella and the globulus are chemoreceptors, the former responding to odors, the latter sensitive to substances in aqueous solution.  相似文献   
Summary Two siblings with a short-limb dwarfing condition which we call acromesomelic dysplasia, Hunter-Thompson type are reported. Abnormalities are limited to the limbs and limb joints in this severe form of dwarfism. The middle and distal segments of the limbs are most affected. The lower limbs are more affected than the upper. We are aware of one previously published case of this entity reported by A. G. W. Hunter and M. W. Thompson in 1976. Dislocations of the elbows and ankles were present in all three patients and dislocations of the hips and knees in two. One of the siblings who did not have hip and knee dislocations clinically resembled Grebe chondrodysplasia, another severe acromesomelic dwarfing condition. However, radiological analysis suggests that while acromesomelic dysplasia, Hunter-Thompson type and Grebe chondrodysplasia are related, they are not identical. Grebe chondrodysplasia has been established as an autosomal recessive trait. It appears probable that the entity we describe has the same mode of genetic transmission.  相似文献   
Total daily intakes of diethyl phthalate (DEP), di(n-butyl) phthalate (DnBP), di(isobutyl) phthalate (DiBP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBzP) and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) were calculated from phthalate metabolite levels measured in the urine of 431 Danish children between 3 and 6 years of age. For each child the intake attributable to exposures in the indoor environment via dust ingestion, inhalation and dermal absorption were estimated from the phthalate levels in the dust collected from the child’s home and daycare center. Based on the urine samples, DEHP had the highest total daily intake (median: 4.42 µg/d/kg-bw) and BBzP the lowest (median: 0.49 µg/d/kg-bw). For DEP, DnBP and DiBP, exposures to air and dust in the indoor environment accounted for approximately 100%, 15% and 50% of the total intake, respectively, with dermal absorption from the gas-phase being the major exposure pathway. More than 90% of the total intake of BBzP and DEHP came from sources other than indoor air and dust. Daily intake of DnBP and DiBP from all exposure pathways, based on levels of metabolites in urine samples, exceeded the Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) for 22 and 23 children, respectively. Indoor exposures resulted in an average daily DiBP intake that exceeded the TDI for 14 children. Using the concept of relative cumulative Tolerable Daily Intake (TDIcum), which is applicable for phthalates that have established TDIs based on the same health endpoint, we examined the cumulative total exposure to DnBP, DiBP and DEHP from all pathways; it exceeded the tolerable levels for 30% of the children. From the three indoor pathways alone, several children had a cumulative intake that exceeded TDIcum. Exposures to phthalates present in the air and dust indoors meaningfully contribute to a child’s total intake of certain phthalates. Such exposures, by themselves, may lead to intakes exceeding current limit values.  相似文献   
Spores of a minus strain of Mucor mucedo (Bref.) were treated with 1-methyl-[3-nitro]-1-nitro-soguanidine and mutants were isolated either by testing for zygophore induction with externally supplied trisporic acids (TA) or by mating with wild type plus colonies. Mutants were found defective (Tar?) or temperature-sensitive (Tar-Ts) in their reaction towards trisporic acids, blocked or temperature-sensitive in their mating with plus strain (Mat? or Mat-Ts) or temperature-sensitive in zygospore development (Zyg-Ts). The inability to react against externally supplied trisporic acids was not necessarily coupled with an inability to mate with plus strain (phenotype Tar? Mat+). This indicated that the diffusion and uptake of trisporic acids is not a necessary prerequisite to the sexual interaction of Mucor mating types.  相似文献   
Inositol Phospholipid Hydrolysis by Rat Sciatic Nerve Phospholipase C   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Rat sciatic nerve cytosol contains a phosphodiesterase of the phospholipase C type that catalyzes the hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids, with preferences of phosphatidylinositol 4'-phosphate (PIP) greater than phosphatidylinositol (PI) much greater than phosphatidylinositol 4',5'-bisphosphate (PIP2), at a pH optimum of 5.5-6.0 and at maximum rates of 55, 13, and 0.7 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively. Analysis of reaction products by TLC and formate exchange chromatography shows that inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate (83%) and diacylglycerol are the major products of PI hydrolysis. [32P]-PIP hydrolysis yields inositol bisphosphate, inositol phosphate, and inorganic phosphate, indicating the presence of phosphodiesterase, phosphomonoesterase, and/or inositol phosphate phosphatase activities in nerve cytosol. Phosphodiesterase activity is Ca2+-dependent and completely inhibited by EGTA, but phosphomonoesterase activity is independent of divalent cations or chelating agents. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) inhibit PI hydrolysis. They stimulate PIP and PIP2 hydrolysis up to equimolar concentrations, but are inhibitory at higher concentrations. Both diacylglycerols and free fatty acids stimulate PI hydrolysis and counteract its inhibition by PC and lysoPC. PIP2 is a poor substrate for the cytosolic phospholipase C and strongly inhibits hydrolysis of PI. However, it enhances PIP hydrolysis up to an equimolar concentration.  相似文献   
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