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Asparagine linked (N-linked) glycosylation is an important modification of recombinant proteins, because the attached oligosaccharide chains can significantly alter protein properties. Potential glycosylation sites are not always occupied with oligosaccharide, and site occupancy can change with the culture environment. To investigate the relationship between metabolism and glycosylation site occupancy, we studied the glycosylation of recombinant human interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) produced in continuous culture of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Intracellular nucleotide sugar levels and IFN-gamma glycosylation were measured at different steady states which were characterized by central carbon metabolic fluxes estimated by material balances and extracellular metabolite rate measurements. Although site occupancy varied over a rather narrow range, we found that differences correlated with the intracellular pool of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine + UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine (UDP-GNAc). Measured nucleotide levels and estimates of central carbon metabolic fluxes point to UTP depletion as the cause of decreased UDP-GNAc during glucose limitation. Glucose limited cells preferentially utilized available carbon for energy production, causing reduced nucleotide biosynthesis. Lower nucleoside triphosphate pools in turn led to lower nucleotide sugar pools and reduced glycosylation site occupancy. Subsequent experiments in batch and fed-batch culture have confirmed that UDP-sugar concentrations are correlated with UTP levels in the absence of glutamine limitation. Glutamine limitation appears to influence glycosylation by reducing amino sugar formation and hence UDP-GNAc concentration. The influence of nucleotide sugars on site occupancy may only be important during periods of extreme starvation, since relatively large changes in nucleotide sugar pools led to only minor changes in glycosylation.  相似文献   

Follistatin (FS), a glycoprotein, plays an important role in cell growth and differentiation through the neutralization of the biological activities of activins. In this study, we analyzed the glycosylation of recombinant human FS (rhFS) produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. The results of SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF MS revealed the presence of both non-glycosylated and glycosylated forms. FS contains two potential N-glycosylation sites, Asn95 and Asn259. Using mass spectrometric peptide/glycopeptide mapping and precursor-ion scanning, we found that both N-glycosylation sites were partially glycosylated. Monosaccharide composition analyses suggested the linkages of fucosylated bi- and triantennary complex-type oligosaccharides on rhFS. This finding was supported by mass spectrometric oligosaccharide profiling, in which the m/z values and elution times of some of the oligosaccharides from rhFS were in good agreement with those of standard oligosaccharides. Site-specific glycosylation was deduced on the basis of the mass spectra of the glycopeptides. It was suggested that biantennary oligosaccharides are major oligosaccharides located at both Asn95 and Asn259, whereas the triantennary structures are present mainly at Asn95.  相似文献   

Human CG, a member of the glycoprotein hormone family that includes LH, FSH, and TSH, is composed of two nonidentical subunits each containing two asparagine linked (N-linked) oligosaccharides. The role of the oligosaccharides in the action of these hormones is unclear. To examine the structure-activity relationships of the glycoprotein hormone oligosaccharides using nonenzymatic and nonchemical methods, we transfected CG subunit genes into mutant cell lines derived from Chinese hamster ovary cells. Two mutant cell lines that synthesize truncated oligosaccharides were used. Cell line 15B, lacking N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I, synthesizes N-linked carbohydrates containing Man5 oligomannosyl structures, and 1021, defective in transporting CMP-sialic acid into the Golgi, results in sialic-acid deficient glycoproteins. The binding of these derivatives to the LH/CG receptor did not differ significantly from purified CG (CR119), but the ability of the mutant hormones to stimulate cAMP biosynthesis in vitro is reduced compared to wild-type CG or CR119. Since the amino acid sequence of CG from the mutant and wild-type cells is identical, these data indicate that oligosaccharide structures, while not influencing receptor binding, directly affect signal transduction.  相似文献   

Regulation of polyamine transport in Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Control Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and mutant CHO cells lacking ornithine decarboxylase activity (CHODC-) were used to study the regulation of polyamine uptake. It was found that the transport system responsible for this uptake was regulated by intracellular polyamine levels and that this regulation was responsible for the maintenance of physiological intracellular levels under extreme conditions such as polyamine deprivation or exposure to exogenous polyamines. Polyamine transport activity was enhanced by decreases in polyamine content produced either by inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase with alpha-difluoromethylornithine in CHO cells or via polyamine starvation of CHODC- cells. The provision of exogenous polyamines resulted in rapid and large increases in intracellular polyamine content followed by decreased polyamine transport activity. Soon after this decrease in uptake activity, intracellular polyamine levels then fell to near control values. Cells grown in the presence of exogenous polyamines maintained intracellular polyamine levels at values similar to those of control cells. Protein synthesis was necessary for the increase in transport in response to polyamine depletion, but appeared to play no role in decreasing polyamine transport. Bis(ethyl) polyamine analogues mimicked polyamines in the regulation of polyamine transport but this process was relatively insensitive to regulation by methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), a spermidine analogue known to enter cells via this transport system and to accumulate to very high levels.  相似文献   

The transport of L-arginine has been characterized in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO). In the absence of Na+ the influx of the amino acid decreased. Both in the presence and in the absence of Na+ L-arginine influx was trans-stimulated and cis-inhibited by cationic amino acids. The amino acid entered CHO cells through an apparently non saturable mechanism and a single saturable agency whose Km increased in the absence of Na+. These results indicate that the agency devoted to transport cationic amino acids in CHO cells resembles system y+, the Na+-independent route that transports cationic amino acids in a number of mammalian models, although its activity is lowered by the replacement of extracellular sodium.  相似文献   

We have purified recombinant murine interleukin 5 (rmIL-5) from the supernatant of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Each peptide fragment of the purified rmIL-5 generated by Achromobacter protease I digestion was characterized and glycosylation sites were determined. Although rmIL-5 contains three potential sites of N-linked glycosylation (Asn-26, Asn-55 and Asn-69), Asn-69 is not glycosylated. The oligosaccharides released from the protein by hydrazinolysis were fractionated by paper electrophoresis, lectin column chromatography and gel permeation chromatography, and their structures were analysed by sequential exoglycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis. The results indicated that they are a mixture of bi-, tri- and tetraantennary complex-type sugar chains with and without a fucose at the C-6 position of the proximal N-acetylglucosamine residue and high-mannose-type sugar chains. Although > 80% of the sugar chains are neutral oligosaccharides similar to recombinant human IL-5 (rhIL-5; Kodama, S., Endo, T., Tsuroka, N., Tsujimoto, M. and Kobata, A. (1991) J. Biochem., 110, 693-701), rmIL-5 has more tetraantennary oligosaccharides than rhIL-5. A site differential study revealed that Asn-55 has more tetraantennary oligosaccharides than Asn-26.  相似文献   

Prorenin was isolated by immunoprecipitation from the culture medium of Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a human prorenin cDNA. The N-linked oligosaccharide structures on the in vivo [3H]mannose-labeled, purified protein were characterized using a combination of serial lectin affinity chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, and size-exclusion chromatography and treatment with specific glycosidases and methylation analysis. Approximately 61% of the oligosaccharides on the molecule are complex type, in the form of tetraantennary (2%), 2,6-branched triantennary (13%), 2,4-branched triantennary (3%), and biantennary (43%) structures. The majority of all complex type structures are core-fucosylated. Sialic acids are linked at the C-3 position of terminal galactose, and the degree of sialylation of the bi- and triantennary structures varies between nonsialylated and fully sialylated; no tetraatennary structure contains more than three sialic acid residues. Recombinant prorenin contains 4% hybrid-type structures, all of which carry a terminal sialic acid residue. The remaining 35% of the structures on the molecule are high mannose type, composed of 5, 6, or 7 mannose residues. Approximately 6% of the high mannose type structures and 10% of the hybrid structures are phosphorylated, as judged by their susceptibility to treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Compositional analysis of an unlabeled preparation of the protein suggested the presence of approximately 1.4 oligosaccharide units per molecule.  相似文献   

The CHO cell line stably producing recombinant rat NT-3 was established. The insertion of rNT-3 cDNA into transferred cell gonome was analyzed with Southern blot. The expressed protein was identified by Dot ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and Western blot. Western blot showed a clear specifie band of about 14 ku for NT-3. The mean level of rNT-3 in four NT-3eDNA/CHO cell lines was about 2 100 ng/10~6 cells/48 h determined by EIA. The conditioned-medium (CM) of NT-3cDNA/CHO cells could promote the fiber outgrowth of the dissociated dorsal root ganglion of 8-day-old chick embryos, which shows a dose-response relationship. A half-maximal concentration of the biological activity (EC50) of the recombinant protein was approximately 16.7 ng/mL. The MoAb 3W3 of NT-3 could neutralize the biological activity of the rNT-3.  相似文献   

Endostatin, a carboxy-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, has been shown to act as an anti-angiogenic agent that specifically inhibits proliferation of endothelial cells and growth of various primary tumors. Here, we describe the expression by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells of murine endostatin and of a tagged-fusion protein, (his)6-met-endostatin. A dicistronic mRNA expression vector was utilized in which endostatin cDNA was inserted upstream of the amplifiable marker gene, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). After transfection of the expression vectors, stepwise increments in methotrexate levels in the culture medium were applied, promoting gene amplification and increasing expression levels of the proteins of interest. The expression level of secreted native endostatin was about 78 microg/mL while the one for secreted (his)6-met-endostatin was about 114 microg/mL, for the best expressing clones. Characterization of physico-chemical and immunological activities of the proteins was performed using SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. The biological activities of recombinant endostatins were tested with a cow pulmonary artery endothelial (C-PAE) cell proliferation assay. Both recombinant endostatin and (his)6-met-endostatin inhibited, in a dose-dependent fashion, growth of C-PAE cells stimulated by basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF).  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties of recombinant human erythropoietin were examined. This protein, produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells, showed a conformation apparently identical with the natural product isolated from human urine when examined by circular dichroism, UV absorbance, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Sedimentation equilibrium experiments showed the recombinant erythropoietin preparation to be essentially a single macromolecular component with a molecular weight of 30,400 and a carbohydrate content of 39%. The Stokes radius of recombinant erythropoietin was estimated to be 32 A from gel filtration, much larger than the 20-A radius calculated for a sphere of the observed molecular weight. This difference may be ascribed to the extensive glycosylation. The fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra showed that the luminescent tryptophan(s) is (are) solvent-exposed and can be quenched by I- and acrylamide but not by Cs+. On acid titration, the recombinant erythropoietin showed a conformational transition with a midpoint of pH 4.1. This suggests that the net charges on the protein moiety rather than on the whole molecule play a role in protein structure stability.  相似文献   

The CHO cell line stably producing recombinant rat NT-3 was established. The insertion of rNT-3 cDNA into transferred cell gonome was analyzed with Southern blot. The expressed protein was identified by Dot ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and Western blot. Western blot showed a clear specific band of about 14 ku for NT-3. The mean level of rNT-3 in four NT-3cDNA/CHO cell lines was about 2 100 ng/106 cells/48 h determined by EIA. The conditioned-medium (CM) of NT-3cDNA/CHO cells could promote the fiber outgrowth of the dissociated dorsal root ganglion of 8-day-old chick embryos, which shows a dose-response relationship. A half-maximal concentration of the biological activity (EC50) of the recombinant protein was approximately 16.7 ng/mL. The MoAb 3W3 of NT-3 could neutralize the biological activity of the rNT-3.  相似文献   

Recombinant human prorenin (rh-prorenin) was purified from supernatants of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line transfected with the cDNA for rh-prorenin by employing a simple two-step procedure which consisted of ammonium sulfate precipitation and immunoaffinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody specific for the profragment of human prorenin. About 100-fold purification with 35% recovery was achieved after the two steps. Purified rh-prorenin migrated as a single protein band with apparent molecular weights of 46,000-47,000 and about 50,000 on SDS-PAGE and gel filtration (HPLC), respectively, although it consisted of multiple components (pI values, 5.6-6.4) that could be resolved by isoelectric focusing (IEF). The treatment of rh-prorenin with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase converted the rather broad protein band to a sharp band on SDS-PAGE and reduced the number of multiple pI peaks on IEF. Amino-terminal sequence analysis of both the purified rh-prorenin and rh-renin revealed Leu-Pro-Thr-Asp- and Leu-Thr-Leu-Gly-, respectively, which agreed with those predicted from the base sequences of their cDNA. These data suggested that microheterogeneity of rh-prorenin is due to the carbohydrate moiety, but not to the protein moiety. Purified rh-prorenin was almost inactive, but was cleaved at the carboxyl end of a dibasic pair Lys-2-Arg-1 by trypsin and converted to active renin. However, at the early stage during trypsin activation, new intermediate forms between rh-prorenin and rh-renin were formed, suggesting multiple activation steps of rh-prorenin in addition to the one step activation.  相似文献   

The effect of hyperosmolarity on transient recombinant protein production in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was investigated. Addition of 90 mM NaCl to the production medium ProCHO5 increased the volumetric yield of recombinant antibody up to 4-fold relative to transfection in ProCHO5 alone. Volumetric yields up to 50 mg l−1 were achieved in a 6 day batch culture of 3 l. In addition, hyperosmolarity reduced cell growth and increased cell size. The addition of salt to cultures of transiently transfected CHO cells is a simple and cost-effective method to increase TGE yields in this host.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is a key critical quality attribute for monoclonal antibodies and other recombinant proteins because of its impact on effector mechanisms and half-life. In this study, a variety of compounds were evaluated for their ability to modulate glycosylation profiles of recombinant monoclonal antibodies produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Compounds were supplemented into the cell culture feed of fed-batch experiments performed with a CHO K1 and a CHO DG44 cell line expressing a recombinant immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1). Experiments were performed in spin tubes or the ambr®15 controlled bioreactor system, and the impact of the compounds at various concentrations was determined by monitoring the glycosylation profile of the IgG and cell culture parameters, such as viable cell density, viability, and titer. Results indicate that the highest impact on mannosylation was achieved through 15 µM kifunensine supplementation leading to an 85.8% increase in high-mannose containing species. Fucosylation was reduced by 76.1% through addition of 800 µM 2-F-peracetyl fucose. An increase of 40.9% in galactosylated species was achieved through the addition of 120 mM galactose in combination with 48 µM manganese and 24 µM uridine. Furthermore, 6.9% increased sialylation was detected through the addition of 30 µM dexamethasone in combination with the same manganese, uridine, and galactose mixture used to increase total galactosylation. Further compounds or combinations of additives were also efficient at achieving a smaller overall glycosylation modulation, required, for instance, during the development of biosimilars. To the best of our knowledge, no evaluation of the efficacy of such a variety of compounds in the same cell culture system has been described. The studied cell culture media additives are efficient modulators of glycosylation and are thus a valuable tool to produce recombinant glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Latent recombinant transforming growth factor-beta 2 (LrTGF-beta 2) complex has been purified from serum-free media conditioned by Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with a plasmid encoding the TGF-beta 2 (414) precursor. Under neutral conditions, LrTGF-beta 2 had an apparent molecular weight of 130 kDa. The complex contained both mature and pro-region sequences. Acidification of LrTGF-beta 2 resulted in the release of mature 24 kDa TGF-beta 2 from the high molecular weight pro-region-containing complex, suggesting that TGF-beta 2 was non-covalently associated with this complex. These results were confirmed by crosslinking experiments performed on partially purified LrTGF-beta 2. Protein sequence analysis of the purified TGF-beta 2 pro-region indicated that signal peptide cleavage occurred between ser(20) and leu(21). The pro-region, which previously was found to contain mannose-6-phosphate, bound to the mannose-6-phosphate receptor. Proteolytic cleavage of mature TGF-beta 2 from pro-TGF-beta 2 was inhibited by monensin and chloroquine suggesting that binding to this receptor and subsequent transport to acidic vesicles may be involved in the processing of rTGF-beta 2 precursor.  相似文献   

Human recombinant apolipoprotein (apo) A-I was produced by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and Escherichia coli with expression vectors containing cDNAs encoding preproapoA-I or apoA-I, respectively. The apoA-I from CHO cells was purified from the culture medium by ammonium sulfate precipitation, phenyl-Sepharose chromatography, and affinity purification on anti-apoA-I immunoabsorber. Human apoA-I was produced in E. coli as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase. A four amino acid linker, which separated the two proteins, was specifically recognized and cut by Factor Xa. The purification was accomplished by chromatography of E. coli extracts on glutathione-Sepharose and digestion with Factor Xa. The highest production level was found to be 0.5 micrograms/ml of culture medium per 48 h for a clone of stable transformant of CHO cells, whereas E. coli could produce as much as 20 micrograms/ml of bacterial culture. These apoA-I forms were compared in terms of molecular weight, isoelectric point, and expression of several epitopes. Recombinant apoA-I obtained from CHO cells appears intact and its isoelectric point is compatible with that of the mature form and the proform of apoA-I, whereas a part of the apoA-I produced by E. coli does not contain the COOH-terminus. Also, two of six epitopes are expressed to a greater extent in apoA-I obtained from E. coli than in apoA-I obtained from human plasma.  相似文献   

The amount of acid or base consumed in yeast cultures has been recently assigned to the pathway of nitrogen assimilation under respiratory conditions with no contribution by carbon metabolism (Castrillo et al., 1995). In this investigation, experiments under respirofermentative conditions have shown that production or consumption of ethanol does not contribute significantly to the specific rate of proton production (qH+), thus extending the previously obtained relationships for all aerobic conditions in which other major acid/base contributions are not involved. Tests in batch and chemostat culture confirm the validity of qH+ as a formal control parameter in aerobic fermentations.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate (NaBu) is known to enhance the rate of biosynthesis of recombinant proteins in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO). Here we demonstrate that supplementation with NaBu during rapid growth brings about abrupt death of the cells. The death of the cells is due to apoptosis, as assessed by intranucleosomal DNA fragmentation. The promotion of apoptotic death of the cells could be partially blocked by treatment with the well-known antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Strikingly, the NAC treatment enhanced the production of recombinant EPO two-fold compared with that of the culture without NAC supplementation. These results showed that NaBu treatment supplemented with NAC not only inhibits apoptosis, but also exerts a synergistic effect on the biosynthesis of recombinant EPO.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate (NaBu) is known to enhance the rate of biosynthesis of recombinant proteins in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO). Here we demonstrate that supplementation with NaBu during rapid growth brings about abrupt death of the cells. The death of the cells is due to apoptosis, as assessed by intranucleosomal DNA fragmentation. The promotion of apoptotic death of the cells could be partially blocked by treatment with the well-known antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Strikingly, the NAC treatment enhanced the production of recombinant EPO two-fold compared with that of the culture without NAC supplementation. These results showed that NaBu treatment supplemented with NAC not only inhibits apoptosis, but also exerts a synergistic effect on the biosynthesis of recombinant EPO.  相似文献   

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