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Intertidal populations of black abalone Haliotis cracherodii Leach at Santa Cruz Island, California, vary in density among surge channels from < 1 to 126 abalone/m2. Dense populations are characterized by high levels of intraspecific secondary substratum use (“stacking”) for attachment surfaces, though it is rare in low density areas. Use of shell surfaces by black abalone appears not to be an evolved adaptive strategy. Individuals in stacks fed significantly more than expected, yet solitary abalone next to stacks shared food trapped by stacks. In the laboratory, starvation did not increase the propensity of an abalone to stack. Stacks were equally common in the breeding and non-breeding seasons, suggesting that stacking behavior was not a mechanism to enhance reproductive success. Stacking did not enhance avoidance of predators or competitors. Laboratory experiments showed that stacking is density dependent and probably the result of limitation of primary attachment space. Removals of significant predators (sea otters and Chumash Indians) of adult abalone during the past two centuries probably led to increased densities of black abalone, which in turn has had an indirect effect on the prevalence of stacking.  相似文献   

Aim We examined evidence for the mesopredator release hypothesis at a subcontinental scale by investigating the relationship between indices of abundance of the dingo Canis lupus dingo (top‐order predator) and the invasive red fox Vulpes vulpes (mesopredator) in three large regions across mainland Australia. The red fox is known to be one of the major threats to the persistence of small and medium‐sized native vertebrates across the continent. Location Australia. Methods Indices of abundance were calculated from three independently collected datasets derived from bounty returns and field surveys. Data were analysed using univariate parametric, semi‐parametric and nonparametric techniques. Results Predator abundance indices did not conform to a normal distribution and the relationships between dingo and fox abundance indices were not well described by linear functions. Semi‐parametric and nonparametric techniques revealed consistently negative associations between indices of dingo and fox abundance. Main conclusions The results provide evidence that mesopredator suppression by a top predator can be exerted at very large geographical scales and suggest that relationships between the abundances of top predators and mesopredators are not linear. Our results have broad implications for the management of canid predators. First, they suggest that dingoes function ecologically to reduce the activity or abundance of red foxes and thus are likely to dampen the predatory impacts of foxes. More generally, they provide support for the notion that the mesopredator‐suppressive effects of top predators could be incorporated into broad‐scale biodiversity conservation programmes in many parts of the world by actively maintaining populations of top predators or restoring them in areas where they are now rare. Determining the population densities at which the interactions of top predators become ecologically effective will be a critical goal for conservation managers who aim to maintain or restore ecosystems using the ecological interactions of top predators.  相似文献   

The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts that reduced abundance of top‐order predators results in an increase in the abundance of smaller predators (mesopredators) due to a reduction in intra‐guild predation and competition. The irruption of mesopredators that follows the removal of top‐order predators can have detrimental impacts on the prey of the mesopredators. Here we investigated the mechanisms via which the presence of a top‐order predator can benefit prey species. We tested predictions made according to the MRH and foraging theory by contrasting the abundances of an invasive mesopredator (red fox Vulpes vulpes) and an endangered prey species (dusky hopping mouse Notomys fuscus), predator diets, and N. fuscus foraging behaviour in the presence and absence of a top‐predator (dingo Canis lupus dingo). As predicted by the MRH, foxes were more abundant where dingoes were absent. Dietary overlap between sympatric dingoes and foxes was extensive, and fox was recorded in 1 dingo scat possibly indicating intra‐guild predation. Notomys fuscus were more likely to occur in fox scats than dingo scats and as predicted by the MRH N. fuscus were less abundant in the absence of dingoes. The population increase of N. fuscus following rainfall was dampened in the absence of dingoes suggesting that mesopredator release can attenuate bottom‐up effects, although it remains conceivable that differences in grazing regimes associated with dingo exclusion could have also influenced N. fuscus abundance. Notomys fuscus exhibited lower giving‐up densities in the presence of dingoes, consistent with the prediction that their perceived risk of predation would be lower and foraging efficiency greater in the presence of a top‐predator. Our results suggest that mesopredator suppression by a top predator can create a safer environment for prey species where the frequency of fatal encounters between predators and prey is reduced and the non‐consumptive effects of predators are lower.  相似文献   

Abstract The introduced and highly toxic cane toad (Bufo marinus) is rapidly spreading across northern Australia where it may affect populations of large terrestrial vertebrate predators. The ecological impact of cane toads will depend upon the diets, foraging modes and habitat use of native predators, and their feeding responses to cane toads. However, intraspecific niche partitioning may influence the degree of vulnerability of predators to toxic prey, as well as the time course of the impact of alien invaders on native species. We studied the diet of the northern death adder Acanthophis praelongus and their feeding responses to cane toads. In the laboratory, death adders from all size classes and sexes readily consumed frogs and cane toads. Diets of free ranging A. praelongus from the Adelaide River floodplain were more heterogeneous. Juvenile snakes ate mainly frogs (39% of prey items) and small scincid lizards (43%). Both sexes displayed an ontogenetic dietary shift from lizards to mammals, but adult males fed on frogs (49%) and mammals (39%) whereas adult females (which grew larger than males) fed mainly on mammals (91%) and occasionally, frogs (9%). Feeding rates and body condition of adult snakes varied temporally and tracked fluctuations in prey availability. These results suggest that cane toads may negatively affect populations of northern death adders in the Darwin region. However, we predict that different size and sex classes of A. praelongus will experience differential mortality rates over different timescales. The initial invasion of large toads may affect adult males, but juveniles may be unaffected until juvenile toads appear the following year, and major affects on adult female death adders may be delayed until annual rainfall fluctuations reduce the availability of alternative (rodent) prey.  相似文献   

Breeding close to top predators is a widespread reproductive strategy. Breeding animals may gain indirect benefits if proximity to top predators results in a reduction of predation due to suppression of mesopredators. We tested if passerine birds gain protection from mesopredators by nesting within territories of a top predator, the Ural owl (Strix uralensis). We placed nest boxes for pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in Ural owl nest sites and in control sites (currently unoccupied by owls). The nest boxes were designed so that nest predation risk could be altered (experimentally increased) after flycatcher settlement; we considered predation rate as a proxy of mesopredator abundance. Overall, we found higher nest predation rates in treatment than in control sites. Flycatcher laying date did not differ between sites, but smaller clutches were laid in treatment sites compared to controls, suggesting a response to perceived predation risk. Relative nest predation rate varied between years, being higher in owl nest sites in 2 years but similar in another; this variation might be indirectly influenced by vole abundance. Proximity to Ural owl nests might represent a risky habitat for passerines. High predation rates within owl territories could be because small mesopredators that do not directly threaten owl nests are attracted to owl nest sites. This could be explained if some mesopredators use owl territories to gain protection from their own predators, or if top predators and mesopredators independently seek similar habitats.  相似文献   

Rohlfs M  Hoffmeister TS 《Oecologia》2004,140(4):654-661
Although an increase in competition is a common cost associated with intraspecific crowding, spatial aggregation across food-limited resource patches is a widespread phenomenon in many insect communities. Because intraspecific aggregation of competing insect larvae across, e.g. fruits, dung, mushrooms etc., is an important means by which many species can coexist (aggregation model of species coexistence), there is a strong need to explore the mechanisms that contribute to the maintenance of this kind of spatial resource exploitation. In the present study, by using Drosophila-parasitoid interactions as a model system, we tested the hypothesis whether intraspecific aggregation reflects an adaptive response to natural enemies. Most of the studies that have hitherto been carried out on Drosophila-parasitoid interactions used an almost two-dimensional artificial host environment, where host larvae could not escape from parasitoid attacks, and have demonstrated positive density-dependent parasitism risk. To test whether these studies captured the essence of such interactions, we used natural breeding substrates (decaying fruits). In a first step, we analysed the parasitism risk of Drosophila larvae on a three-dimensional substrate in natural fly communities in the field, and found that the risk of parasitism decreased with increasing host larval density (inverse density dependence). In a second step, we analysed the parasitism risk of Drosophila subobscura larvae on three breeding substrate types exposed to the larval parasitoids Asobara tabida and Leptopilina heterotoma. We found direct density-dependent parasitism on decaying sloes, inverse density dependence on plums, and a hump-shaped relationship between fly larval density and parasitism risk on crab apples. On crab apples and plums, fly larvae benefited from a density-dependent refuge against the parasitoids. While the proportion of larvae feeding within the fruit tissues increased with larval density, larvae within the fruit tissues were increasingly less likely to become victims of parasitoids than those exposed at the fruit surface. This suggests a facilitating effect of group-feeding larvae on reaching the spatial refuge. We conclude that spatial aggregation in Drosophila communities can at least in part be explained as a predator avoidance strategy, whereby natural enemies act as selective agents maintaining spatial patterns of resource utilisation in their host communities.  相似文献   

Do predator-prey ‘waiting games’ where prey hide from potential predators have inherently unstable evolutionary outcomes, making it impossible to generate quantitative predictions about hiding times? Fiddler crabs, Uca lactea perplexa, respond to potential predators by retreating into their burrows. Time inside the burrow during unprovoked retreats during normal activity provides a ‘null model’ to test whether sex, tidal cycle and body size affect hiding time from potential predators. Using experimentally created predator-like stimuli we found that males hid for significantly longer than females, and larger crabs of both sexes also hid for longer. This differs from burrow use during unprovoked retreats, suggesting hiding time varies depending on the potential risk of predation on re-emergence. If risk prior to hiding predicts risk on emergence, the closer the proximity of a predator-like stimulus when first encountered the longer crabs should hide. We confirmed this experimentally (stimuli at 0.5 versus 2.5 m). Finally, we tested whether males hide for longer when a predator-like stimulus approaches them directly rather than tangentially. None of three pairwise comparisons was statistically significant, but crabs hid less as the angle of approach became more tangential. These results suggest prey can use stimuli prior to hiding to predict predation risk on re-emergence, but studies on predators are required to test this claim. Finally, theoretical models must explain why hiding time has a lognormal distribution and low variance such that a predator can predict when most prey will re-emerge. For example, 95% of crabs re-emerged within 2.3 min of hiding. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Friend or foe?: a plant's induced response to an omnivore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Omnivorous natural enemies of herbivores consume plant-based resources and may elicit induced resistance in their host plant. A greater induction threshold for damage produced by omnivorous predators than for strict herbivores might be expected if omnivore performance is enhanced on noninduced plants, allowing them to reduce future levels of herbivory. Currently, it is not known if a plant responds to feeding by omnivorous predators and by herbivores similarly. To examine this question, we chose herbivore and omnivore species that produce the same kind of quantifiable damage to cotton leaves, enabling us to control statistically for the intensity of plant damage, and ask whether plant responses differed depending on the identity of the damaging species. We first compared changes in plant peroxidase activity, gossypol gland number and density, and leaf area in response to feeding by the spider mite Tetranychus turkestani (Ugarov and Nikolski) (an herbivore) and by one of the mite's principal natural enemies, the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (an omnivore). Both species increased the activity of peroxidase, but when we controlled for the amount of damage, the peroxidase activity of mite-damaged plants was higher than that of thrips-damaged plants. We also found that thrips, but not spider mites, increased the density of gossypol glands in the second true leaf. In a second experiment we included an additional herbivore, the bean thrips Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande), to see if the different responses of cotton to thrips and mite herbivory we first observed were attributable to differences in trophic function (herbivore versus omnivore) or to other differences in feeding generated by thrips versus mites. Cotton plants exhibited the same pattern of induced responses (elevated peroxidase, increased number of glands, reduced leaf area) to herbivory generated by the bean thrips (an herbivore) and western flower thrips (an omnivore), suggesting that trophic function was not a key determinant of plant response. Thrips-damaged plants again showed a significantly higher density of gossypol glands than did mite-damaged plants. Overall, our results suggest that (1) an omnivorous predator systemically induces resistance traits in cotton and (2) whereas there is evidence of taxonomic specificity (thrips versus mites), there is little support for trophic specificity (herbivorous thrips versus omnivorous thrips) in the elicitation of induced responses.  相似文献   

Productivity of trees can be affected by limitations in resources such as water and nutrients, and herbivory. However, there is little understanding of their interactive effects on carbon uptake and growth. We hypothesized that: (1) in the absence of defoliation, photosynthetic rate and leaf respiration would be governed by limiting resource(s) and their impact on sink limitation; (2) photosynthetic responses to defoliation would be a consequence of changing source:sink relationships and increased availability of limiting resources; and (3) photosynthesis and leaf respiration would be adjusted in response to limiting resources and defoliation so that growth could be maintained. We tested these hypotheses by examining how leaf photosynthetic processes, respiration, carbohydrate concentrations and growth rates of Eucalyptus globulus were influenced by high or low water and nitrogen (N) availability, and/or defoliation. Photosynthesis of saplings grown with low water was primarily sink limited, whereas photosynthetic responses of saplings grown with low N were suggestive of source limitation. Defoliation resulted in source limitation. Net photosynthetic responses to defoliation were linked to the degree of resource availability, with the largest responses measured in treatments where saplings were ultimately source rather than sink limited. There was good evidence of acclimation to stress, enabling higher rates of C uptake than might otherwise have occurred.  相似文献   

Simple mathematical models are used to investigate the coexistence of two consumers using a single limiting resource that is distributed over distinct patches, and that has unequal growth rates in the different patches. Relatively low movement rates or high demographic rates of an inefficient resource exploiter allow it to coexist at a stable equilibrium with a more efficient species whose ratio of movement to demographic rates is lower. The range of conditions allowing coexistence depends on the between‐patch heterogeneity in resource growth rates, but this range can be quite broad. The between‐patch movement of the more efficient consumer turns patches with high resource growth rates into sources, while low‐growth‐rate patches effectively become sinks. A less efficient species can coexist with or even exclude the more efficient species from the global environment if it is better able to bias its spatial distribution towards the source patches. This can be accomplished with density independent dispersal if the less efficient species has a lower ratio of per capita between‐patch movement rate to demographic rates. Conditions that maximize the range of efficiencies allowing coexistence of two species are: a relatively high level of heterogeneity in resource growth conditions; high dispersal (or low demographic rates) of the superior competitor; and low dispersal (or high demographic rates) of the inferior competitor. Global exclusion of the more efficient competitor requires that the inferior competitor have sufficient movement to also produce a source‐sink environment.  相似文献   

Hypoxic tumours have the worst prognosis because they are the most aggressive and the most likely to metastasize. This may be because these aggressive cancers have a hypoxic core which generates signals that activate angiogenesis which enables the supply of nutrients and oxygen to a rapidly growing outer oxidative shell. The hypoxic core is a crucial element of this hypothesis, as is the fact that the cells in the hypoxic core are inherently adapted to survive hypoxia. We reasoned therefore that cancer cells exposed to hypoxia/anoxia should show the hallmarks of adaptation to hypoxia/anoxia, i.e. a down-regulation of protein synthesis and a reverse Pasteur effect. We tested this hypothesis in transformed (MCF-7) and normal (HME) human mammary epithelial cells, by exposing both cell types to a range of oxygen concentrations, including anoxia. We find that indeed protein synthesis is down-regulated in the MCF-7, but not in the HME cells in response to anoxia. The data on glycolysis are not as clear-cut, but in the light of similar previous measurements on hypoxia-tolerant animals, is still consistent with the hypothesis.  相似文献   

M Neiman  A D Kay  A C Krist 《Heredity》2013,110(2):152-159
The predominance of sexual reproduction despite its costs indicates that sex provides substantial benefits, which are usually thought to derive from the direct genetic consequences of recombination and syngamy. While genetic benefits of sex are certainly important, sexual and asexual individuals, lineages, or populations may also differ in physiological and life history traits that could influence outcomes of competition between sexuals and asexuals across environmental gradients. Here, we address possible phenotypic costs of a very common correlate of asexuality, polyploidy. We suggest that polyploidy could confer resource costs related to the dietary phosphorus demands of nucleic acid production; such costs could facilitate the persistence of sex in situations where asexual taxa are of higher ploidy level and phosphorus availability limits important traits like growth and reproduction. We outline predictions regarding the distribution of diploid sexual and polyploid asexual taxa across biogeochemical gradients and provide suggestions for study systems and empirical approaches for testing elements of our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Exotic species can provide abundant food resources for native consumers, but predicting which native species will respond positively remains a challenge. We studied the foraging behavior of black-capped (Poecile atricapillus) and mountain (P. gambeli) chickadees in western Montana to compare the degree to which these congeric and syntopic consumers exploited larvae of Urophora, an exotic biological control insect living within the seedheads of the invasive forb, spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe). Chickadees typically forage within tree or shrub cover, whereas knapweed and hence Urophora larvae thrive in open grassland away from cover. We found that black-capped chickadees were much more likely than mountain chickadees to forage for Urophora. Black-capped chickadees strategically minimized time spent in open habitats by flying out from cover to retrieve knapweed seedheads and immediately returning to cover to extract the larvae. Black-capped chickadees also employed an atypical hovering technique nearly twice as often as their congeners did, particularly when foraging away from cover. Via this hovering technique, birds were able to gather knapweed seedheads from erect plants rather than searching for seedheads on the ground. These shifts in foraging behavior allowed black-capped chickadees to exploit Urophora larvae to a much greater degree than their congeners while minimizing exposure to a high-risk habitat, an outcome with potentially important community-wide consequences. Behavioral flexibility has been used to predict the success of invading species. We suggest that behavioral flexibility may also be used to predict how native species will respond to invasions, particularly the availability of exotic food resources.  相似文献   


Small‐scale zooplankton swimming behaviors can affect aquatic predator‐prey interactions. Difficulties in controlling prey swimming behavior however, have restricted the ability to test hypotheses relating differences in small‐scale swimming behavior to frequency of predation by fish. We report here a Virtual Plankton (VP) system that circumvents this problem by allowing the observation of fish “preying"on computer‐generated prey images whose size, shape, color and swimming behavior can be precisely controlled. Two experiments were performed in which bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) were given a choice of either two VP images, one of which moved twice as fast as the other, or six VP, one of which moved either faster (1.25 x, 1.5 x or 2 x ) or slower (0.5 x) than the other five. Current predator‐prey models based on encounter probabilities and prey visibility predict that moving faster increases predation risk and conversely, moving slower decreases predation risk. In agreement with existing predator‐prey models, in both experiments, fish chose faster moving VP significantly more often than their slower moving neighbors. Contrary to the predictions of existing models, in the second experiment with six VP, the rate at which fish chose a prey image moving half as fast as the five surrounding images did not differ significantly from the rate predicted by chance(l/6). These results suggest that current fish‐zooplankton predation models would benefit by the incorporation of small‐scale swimming behavior and assessments of its influence on overall prey visibility.  相似文献   

Competition among phytoplankton for limiting resources may involve direct or indirect interactions. A direct interaction of competitors is the release of chemicals that inhibit other species, a process known as allelopathy. Here, we investigated the allelopathic effect of three toxic microalgae species (Alexandrium tamarense, Karenia mikimotoi and Chrysochromulina polylepis) on a natural population of the dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea. Our major findings were that in addition to causing death of S. trochoidea cells, the allelopathic species also induced the formation of temporary cysts in S. trochoidea. Because cysts were not lysed, encystment may act as a defence mechanism for S. trochoidea to resist allelochemicals, especially when the allelopathic effect is moderate. By forming temporary cysts, S. trochoidea may be able to overcome the effect of allelochemicals, and thereby have an adaptive advantage over other organisms unable to do so.  相似文献   

A hypothesis of existence of a general adaptation syndrome (GAS), in which different types of stress evoke similar coping mechanisms, resulting in adaptations, is tested for plants. As stress coping mechanisms, oxy-free radical scavengers and antioxidants, osmoregulation, the role of abscisic acid, jasmonates, nitric oxide, synthesis of heat shock proteins and phytochelatins as heavy metal detoxifiers are discussed. The authors would like to thank the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) which enabled their collaboration and the formulation of some of the concepts here presented.  相似文献   

Raising crop yield potential is a major goal to ensure food security for the growing global population. Photosynthesis is the primary determinant of crop productivity and any gain in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation per unit of leaf area (A) has the potential to increase yield. Significant intraspecific variation in A is known to exist in various autotrophic organs that represent an unexploited target for crop improvement. However, the large number of factors that influence photosynthetic rates often makes it difficult to measure or estimate A under dynamic field conditions (i.e. fluctuating light intensities or temperatures). This complexity often results in photosynthetic capacity, rather than realized photosynthetic rates being used to assess natural variation in photosynthesis. Here we review the work on natural variation in A, the different factors determining A and their interaction in yield formation. A series of drawbacks and perspectives are presented for the most common analyses generally used to estimate A. The different yield components and their determination based on different photosynthetic organs are discussed with a major focus on potential exploitation of various traits for crop improvement. To conclude, an example of different possibilities to increase yield in wheat through enhancing A is illustrated.  相似文献   

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