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A calmodulin-dependent protein kinase has been purified from rat spleen. The enzyme showed a remarkably similar substrate specificity and kinetic parameters to those of rat brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, and exhibited cross-reactivity to a monoclonal antibody against rat brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, indicating that the enzyme might be a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II isozyme. The sedimentation coefficient was 13.9S, the Stokes radius was 67 A, and the molecular weight was calculated to be 380,000. The purified enzyme gave five polypeptides bands, corresponding to molecular weights of 51,000, 50,000, 21,000, 20,000, and 18,000, on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Incubation of the purified enzyme with Ca2+, calmodulin, and ATP under phosphorylating conditions induced the phosphorylation of all five polypeptides. When the logarithm of the velocity of the phosphorylation was plotted against the logarithm of the enzyme concentration (van't Hoff plot), slopes of 0.89, 0.94, and 1.1 were obtained for the phosphorylation of the 50/51-kDa doublet, 20/21-kDa doublet, and 18-kDa polypeptide, respectively. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of the five polypeptides is an intramolecular process, and further indicate that all five polypeptides are subunits of this enzyme. Of the five polypeptides, only the 50- and 51-kDa polypeptides bound to [125I]calmodulin, the other polypeptides not binding to it. A number of isozymic forms of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II so far demonstrated in various tissues are known to be composed of subunits with molecular weights of 50,000 to 60,000 which can bind to calmodulin. Thus a new type of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was demonstrated in the present study.  相似文献   

We produced human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The CHO cells were transfected with an expression plasmid which placed the human apoA-I gene under the direction of the human metallothionein II gene promoter. Isolation of a clonal cell line resulted in high level expression of apoA-I. Greater than 30% of total protein secreted by these CHO cells was apoA-I, which enabled us to purify apoA-I with a single step purification scheme. As a result, large quantities of apoA-I can be produced and isolated without having to rely on plasma sources. Structural characterization of the recombinant apoA-I showed it to be identical to authentic apoA-I from human serum high density lipoprotein. Furthermore, we demonstrated approximately equal to 90% of the apoA-I secreted by CHO cells is processed, mature protein. A portion of the secreted recombinant apoA-I was associated with lipid and floated at a density approximately equal to 1.10 g/ml. Additional analysis identified the presence of five isoforms of apoA-I in the CHO cell conditioned medium. Processing and post-translational modification of the recombinant apoA-I occurred in the CHO cell cultures in the absence of serum components. We conclude that the human apoA-I produced by CHO cells is identical to circulating, mature apoA-I in humans and that recombinant mammalian expression offers an opportunity to investigate apoA-I processing.  相似文献   

Lysosomes were isolated from Chinese hamster ovary cells by fractionation of a postnuclear supernatant in consecutive density gradients. By marker enzyme analysis, the preparation was 63-fold enriched for lysosomes compared to the homogenate and contained at most trace amounts of marker activities for plasma membrane, Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, peroxisomes, cytosol, and mitochondria. The lysosomes were intact as indicated by greater than 95% latency of beta-hexosaminidase activity, and the yield was about 12% relative to the homogenate. By electron microscopy, the lysosomal preparation contained very few mitochondrial profiles. By cytochemistry, greater than 80% of the organelle profiles were positive for the native lysosomal marker, acid phosphatase, and profiles were positive for long-term internalized horseradish peroxidase, an endocytic marker for lysosomes. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the lysosomal preparation displayed a unique pattern of polypeptides and was devoid of mitochondrial contamination. Lysosomes were fractionated into membrane and lumenal compartments by Na2CO3 treatment. Each compartment contained 20-30 distinct electrophoretic species ranging from 18 to 200 kDa. Each polypeptide could be assigned to either the membrane or lumenal compartment. A comparison of silver-stained polypeptides with those metabolically labeled with [35S]methionine indicated that, with the possible exception of an 18-kDa species, all of the major lysosomal polypeptides in both compartments were derived by endogenous synthesis in these exponentially growing fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and appropriate drug-resistant mutants derived from them have been analyzed for nucleoside kinase activities relevant to the phosphorylation of adenosine, deoxyadenosine, deoxyguanosine and deoxycytidine and for resistance to a variety of nucleoside analogs. Fractionation of extracts by DEAE-cellulose chromatography revealed three major peaks of activity. Adenosine kinase (ATP:adenosine 5'-phosphotransferase, EC, the first to elute from the column is responsible for the majority of the deoxyadenosine phosphorylation in cell extracts and, according to resistance data, appears to phosphorylate most adenosine analogs tested, including 9-beta-D-arabinosyladenine (ara-A). A deoxyguanosine kinase, the second enzyme to elute from the column, was responsible for the majority of deoxyguanosine and deoxyinosine phosphorylation in cell extracts. The function of this enzyme in cell metabolism is unclear. 2-Chlorodeoxyadenosine, on the other hand, appeared from resistance data to be phosphorylated, at least in part, by deoxycytidine kinase (ATP:deoxycytidine 5'-phosphotransferase, EC, which in cell extracts could also phosphorylate deoxyguanosine and deoxyadenosine, though much less efficiently than deoxycytidine.  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea is an excellent selective agent for obtaining drug-resistant mutants. At a frequency of approximately 1 X 10(-5) it was possible to select, in a single step, colonies that exhibited significant resistance to the cytotoxic effects of the drug. These hydroxyurea-resistant cell lines maintained their resistant phenotype after extensive cultivation in the absence of the drug. Reconstruction experiments indicated that the expression of hydroxyurea-resistance and the frequency of drug-resistant colonies was independent of cell densities up to 5 X 10(5) cells per 100-mm selection plate. Luria-Delbrück fluctuation analyses indicated that the appearance of hydroxyurea-resistant cells in wild type populations occurred spontaneously and at a rate of 4.8 X 10(-6) per cell per generation in the presence of 0.33 mM drug. Studies with the mutagen, ethyl methane sulfonate indicated that it was capable of increasing the frequency of hydroxyurea-resistant cells by a factor of approximately 10. Also, cell-cell hybridization experiments showed that hydroxyurea-resistance behaves as a dominant or codominant trait and that hydroxyurea-resistance was a useful new genetic marker for selection of somatic cell hybrids. Furthermore, similar to many other drug-resistant cell lines hydroxyurea-resistant cells were found to exhibit an altered sensitivity to a number of non-selective agents (guanazole, N-carbamoyloxyurea, formamidoxime, and hydroxyurethane). Except for guanazole these compounds are structurally very similar to hydroxyurea and may be expected to have similar modes of action. The results presented in this paper support the view that hydroxyurea-resistance is expressed as a normal genetic trait and is a useful genetic marker for somatic cell genetic studies.  相似文献   

ATPase activity of multidrug-resistance protein (P-glycoprotein, Pgp) from Chinese hamster ovary cells was studied. Catalytic characteristics were established for Pgp both in its natural plasma membrane environment and in purified reconstituted protein. Generally the two preparations of Pgp behaved similarly, and demonstrated low affinity for MgATP, low nucleotide specificity, preference for Mg-nucleotide, and pH optimum near 7.5. A high-affinity binding site involved in catalysis was not apparent. Effective covalent inactivators were NBD-C1, NEM, 8-azido-ATP, and 2-azido-ATP. DCCD, FITC, and pyridoxal phosphate were only weakly inhibitory. Lipid composition was found to affect the degree of drug stimulation of ATPase in purified reconstituted Pgp, suggesting that the lipid environment affects coupling between drug-binding and catalytic sites, and that Pgp expressed in different tissues could show different functional characteristics.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) mediates the transfer of cholesteryl ester from high- and low-density lipoproteins to triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, and reciprocally mediates triglyceride transfer. The gene for cynomolgus monkey CETP was expressed in serum-free CHO culture with 2g/ml insulin as its only exogenous protein supplement. Cell growth was facilitated by immobilizing the CHO cells in alginate beads. Recombinant CETP (rCETP) was purified 176-fold with a three-step protocol resulting in a 60% final yield as measured by a fluorescent CETP activity assay. Typically, 3.4 mg of rCETP was purified from 1700 ml of media by affinity-gel chromatography involving Reactive Red 120 (RR120) followed by concanavalin A Sepharose 4B and rechromatography on RR120. SDS-PAGE shows a single broad band ofM r , ranging from 68,000 to 74,000 which immunoreacts in Western blot analysis. Amino acid analysis and protein sequencing of the purified protein agree with the theoretical amino acid composition and sequence of cynomolgus CETP.  相似文献   

Stable mutants resistant to an anticancer antibiotic, bleomycin-A2, were selected in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell either spontaneously or after ethylmethane sulfonate mutagenesis. Fluctuation analysis showed that bleomycin resistance occurs in CHO at a rate of 6.50--6.58 x 10(-7) mutations per cell per generation. Bleomycin-A2-resistant cell lines exhibited increased resistance to bleomycin analogs--bleomycin-A5, -B2, -B4, and pepleomycin. Colchicine, mitomycin C, and ultraviolet light irradiation inhibited colony formation equally in CHO cells and in bleomycin-resistant mutants. Cell-cell hybridization tests showed that bleomycin-resistance behaves as a dominant trait. Bleomycin-inactivating activity in the mutant cell extracts was three to fourfold higher than that in extracts of the parental CHO cell.  相似文献   

Stable clones selected for resistance to tunicamycin (TM) have been isolated from Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells. The TMR phenotype is stable for more than nine months in the absence of the drug. The morphology of TMR mutant varies from epitheloid to abnormally elongate. The mutants do not display cross-resistance for ConA but are slightly cross-resistant to PHA. Biochemically labeled membrane proteins and glycoprotein of Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) grown in the TMR mutants revealed that the incorporation of radioactive glucosamine was markedly reduced in the mutants. The results indicate that TMR cells are a novel type of membrane mutant.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (TPO) is a primary regulator of megakaryocytopoiesis, a process through which megakaryocytes proliferate and mature into platelets. Recombinant human TPO (rhTPO) was expressed in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and purified from the culture medium. The cDNA encoding full-length TPO, including the native signal peptide sequence, was amplified by PCR from a human fetal liver cDNA library. The product was cloned into a mammalian expression vector under the control of the SV40 early promoter and enhancer. Secreted rhTPO was purified in three conventional chromatography steps. It migrates on SDS-PAGE as a broad band, characteristic of a heavily glycosylated protein, with an average molecular mass of 85 kDa. rhTPO expressed in CHO cells is biologically active in vitro as demonstrated by its ability to stimulate the proliferation of a megakaryocytic cell line and to trigger the JAK/STAT signal transduction pathway. rhTPO also shows activity in vivo as judged by the elevation of platelet count in treated mice.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was purified from rabbit brain and its properties were compared with those of calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II from rat brain and calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase from rabbit skeletal muscle. Rabbit brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II was clearly distinguished from rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthase kinase with respect to size, behavior on autophosphorylation, immunological cross-reactivity and peptide mapping, but was indistinguishable from rat brain calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in all respects examined. Thus, differences between calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and glycogen synthase kinase appear not to reflect a species difference but to reflect a tissue difference.  相似文献   

The biochemical and physical properties of asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase from wild type Chinese hamster ovary cells and a temperature sensitive mutant strain (lys 65a) are compared. The asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase in the mutant strain exhibits a greater temperature lability in vitro, a higher temperature-independent Km for asparagine, and a lower temperature-dependent catalytic capacity than the enzyme from the wild type strain. The mutant enzyme shows no differences in its molecular weight, its Km for tRNAAsn, or its ability to aminoacylate tRNAAsn isoacceptor species compared to the wild type enzyme. These observations, as well as the growth properties of the mutant cells as a function of temperature and exogenous asparagine concentrations, are consistent with their decreased ability to aminoacylate tRNAAsn in vivo.  相似文献   

Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with a plasmid containing the cDNA for human preprorenin has provided cell lines that secrete 15 mg of native prorenin per liter of culture medium. Tryptic activation of the prorenin occurs by selective cleavage of the Arg66-Leu67 bond (numbering as in preprorenin). The renin product, purified in a single step and in high yield by affinity chromatography, is fully stable for as long as 8 months when stored in solution at 4 degrees C and pH 6.5. Purity of the renin was judged to be greater than 95% by gel electrophoresis, compositional and N-terminal sequence analyses, and specific enzyme activity. An important aspect of the present work is the development of a direct assay for renin which permits accurate and reproducible evaluation of enzyme units and kinetic parameters. Application of methods described herein, combined with appropriate scale-up fermentation capabilities, provides the means for generating gram quantities of human renin and its zymogen.  相似文献   

Small polydisperse circular (spc) DNA was isolated and cloned, using BglII from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The properties of 47 clones containing at least 43 different BglII fragments are reported. The majority of the clones probably contain entire sequences from individual spcDNA molecules. Most of the clones were homologous to sequences in CHO cell chromosomal DNA, and many were also homologous to mouse LMTK- cell chromosomal sequences. The majority of homologous CHO cell chromosomal sequences were repetitive, although a few may be single copy. Only a small fraction of cloned spcDNA molecules were present in every cell; most occurred less frequently than once in 15 cells. Localization studies indicated that at least a portion of spcDNA is associated with the nucleus in CHO cells.  相似文献   

The availability of isotype-specific antisera for beta-tubulin, coupled with genetic and biochemical analysis, has allowed the determination of beta-tubulin isotype expression and distribution in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Using genetic manipulations involving selection for colcemid resistance followed by reversion and reselection for drug resistance, we have succeeded in isolating cell lines that exhibit three major and one minor beta-tubulin spots by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In concert with isotype-specific antibodies, analysis of these mutants demonstrates that CHO cells express two copies of isotype I, at least one copy of isotype IV, and very small amounts of isotype V. All three isotypes assemble into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules and are similar in their responses to cold, colcemid, and calcium-induced depolymerization. They have comparable turnover rates and are equally sensitive to depression of synthesis upon colchicine treatment. These results suggest that beta-tubulin isotypes are used interchangeably to assemble microtubule structures in CHO cells. However, of 18 colcemid-resistant mutants with a demonstrable alteration in beta-tubulin, all were found to have the alteration in isotype I, thus leaving open the possibility that subtle differences in isotype properties may exist.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary cells exhibit several characteristic morphological and physiological responses upon treatment with agents which increase the intracellular level of adenosine 3':5'-phosphate (cyclic AMP). To better understand the mechanism of these cyclic AMP-mediated responses, we separated two cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases (ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC (protein kinase I and protein kinase II) from the cytosol of Chinese hamster ovary cells by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and studied their properties. Protein kinase I is eluted at a lower salt concentration than protein kinase II and is stimulable to 10 times its basal catalytic activity, while protein kinase II is stimulable only 2-fold. Both kinases are completely dissociated by cyclic AMP and inhibited by specific cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor. They have similar Km values for magnesium (approximately 1 mM), cyclic AMP (approximately 60 nM), and ATP (approximately 0.1 mM), and the dissociation constant (Kdis) for cyclic AMP (approximately 13 nM) is the same for both enzymes. However, they appear to have different substrate preferences and cyclic AMP-binding properties in that cyclic AMP bound to protein kinase II exchanges readily with free cyclic AMP, while that bound to protein kinase I is not exchangeable. The native enzymes have different sedimentation coefficients (6.4 S for protein kinase I and 4.8 S for protein kinase II), whereas those of the activated enzymes are the same (2.9--3.0 S). It appears that the two cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases which differ from each other in their regulatory subunits may play different roles in the mediation of cyclic AMP action in Chinese hamster ovary cells.  相似文献   

Chemical mutagenesis was studied on Chinese hamster ovary cells by protein mapping. Cell cultures were treated with methylnitrosourea and the cells were cloned in non-selective media. The proteins of single clones were separated by 2-dimensional electrophoresis and analysed for qualitative (electrophoretic mobility) and quantitative (staining intensity; presence/absence) changes in the protein patterns. The investigation included 26 clones derived from treated cells and 26 control clones. The total number of gene loci tested was calculated from the number of protein spots analysed: it amounted to about 33 000. The protein patterns revealed 2 alterations defined as qualitative variant proteins. No alteration of this type was found in the control group. The frequency of quantitative variant proteins was increased by more than 100% compared with the control group.Our results and theoretical considerations suggest that the cellular concentration of single proteins offers a sensitive parameter for mutagenicity testing.  相似文献   

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