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An extra-cellular endo-hemicellulase (HC-II) from a culture isolate of the fungal plant pathogen Ceratocystis paradoxa (CP2) was purified 147-fold by ammonium sulphate precipitation, DEAE-Sephadex chromatography, iso-electric focusing at pH 3–10, and gel-permeation chromatography. The resulting enzyme preparation, which contained traces of invertase, gave a single protein-band on disc electrophoresis at pH 8.4, and was active towards sucrose, hemicellulose, and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). HC-II randomly degraded hemicelluloses from several different sources, to xylose and to arabinose-xylose and xylose oligosaccharides of d.p. 3–6 and 2–5, respectively, and also produced a degraded hemicellulose which precipitated from the digest solution. The precipitated hemicellulose contained less arabinose and uronic acid than the original hemicellulose. When redissolved by alkali-treatment, it was susceptible to further degradation by hemicellulases HC-I and HC-II. CMC was degraded by HC-II, mainly to D-glucose and cellobiose, with trace amounts of unidentified higher oligosaccharides, while cellobiose remained unattacked. Xylotriose (Xyl3) was the lowest homologue of the xylose oligosaccharides attacked by HC-II at a significant rate, yielding xylobiose [Xyl2; β-D-Xylp-(1→4)-D-Xyl] and xylose. AraXyl3AraXyl5 were mainly hydrolysed to AraXyl2, xylose, and Xyl2 or Xyl3. HC-II had a temperature optimum of 80°, and was stable for 1 h at temperatures up to 70°. The pH optimum was 5.1, and HC-II was stable between pH 5–10. The Km was 0.267 mg of hemicellulose B/ml. The effects of mercury(II) ions and high concentrations of xylose on the activity of HC-II were also investigated.  相似文献   

And endo-hemicellulase (HC-II) of Ceratocystis paradoxa degraded spear-grass hemicellulose B to a series of mixed oligosaccharides. Four neutral oligosaccharides (AraXyl2, AraXyl3, Xyl2, and Xyl3), isolated by preparative paper chromatography, were shown by enzymic and methylation techniques to constitute a series of beta-(1 leats to 4)-D-xylose and O-alpha-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1 leads to 3)-O-beta-D-xylopyranosyl-(1 leads to 4)-O-beta-D-xylopyranosyl-(1 leads to 4)-D-xylose, respectively, the latter being a new compound.  相似文献   

The products of action of a purified, extracellular endo-dextranase D1, isolated from a new species of Pseudomonas, on pure isomaltose oligosaccharides have been investigated. Reduced and tritiated oligosaccharides have also been studied, and a model is postulated for the enzyme active-site, based on substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The isolation of an azurin type Cu protein from Paracoccus denitrificans (ATCC 13543) is described and some properties are reported. The purified protein has a molecular weight of 13,790 in a single polypeptide chain and contains one Cu atom per molecule. Its spectrum is typical of Type I, “blue” Cu proteins in showing an intense band at 595 nm; but it also shows a weaker absorption band at 448 nm. Its standard reduction potential has been measured to be +230 mV, which is the lowest potential observed to date for azurins isolated from bacterial sources. The purified protein shows fivefold greater electron transport activity with membrane fragments than with the soluble nitrite reductase of Paracoccus. This argues against the latter as the primary physiological oxidase system for azurin.  相似文献   

Xanthine dehydrogenase (EC, an essential enzyme for ureide metabolism was purified from the cytosol fraction of soybean nodules. The purified xanthine dehydrogenase was shown to be homogeneous by electrophoresis and a pI of 4.7 was determined by isoelectric focusing. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 285,000 and two subunits of molecular weight 141,000 each. The holoenzyme contained 1.7 (±0.7) mol Mo and 8.1 (±2.0) mol Fe/mol enzyme and the enzyme also contained FMN and is thus a molybdoironflavoprotein. Soybean xanthine dehydrogenase is the second enzyme in plants demonstrated to contain Mo and the first xanthine-oxidizing enzyme reported to contain FMN, rather than FAD as the flavin cofactor.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of phosphorylase from baker's yeast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A rapid, reliable method for purification of phosphorylase, yielding 200-400 mg pure phosphorylase from 8 kg of pressed baker's yeast, is described. The enzyme is free of phosphorylase kinase activity but contains traces of phosphorylase phosphatase activity. Phosphorylase constitutes 0.5-0.8% of soluble protein in various strains of yeast assayed immunochemically. The subunit molecular weight (Mr) of yeast phosphorylase is around 100,000. The enzyme is composed of two subunits in various ratios, differing slightly in molecular weight and N-terminal sequence. Both are active. Only the enzyme species containing the larger subunit can form tetramers and higher oligomers. The activated enzyme is dimeric. Correlated with specific activity (1 to 110 U/mg), phosphorylase contained between less than 0.1 to 0.74 covalently bound phosphate per subunit. Inactive forms of phosphorylase could be activated by phosphorylase kinase and [gamma-32P]ATP with concomitant phosphorylation of a single threonine residue in the aminoterminal region of the large subunit. The small subunit was not labeled. The incorporated phosphate could be removed by yeast phosphorylase phosphatase, resulting in loss of activity of phosphorylase, which could be restored by ATP and phosphorylase kinase.  相似文献   

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa was purified 150-fold by affinity chromatography on immobilized 2′-AMP. The binding of the enzyme is pH dependent. Elution was achieved with 2′-AMP, NADP+, or NADPH but not with 5′-AMP, NAD+, or NADH. The enzyme preparations appeared to be homogeneous in gel chromatography and ultracentrifugation, but only if these procedures were carried out in the presence of 2′-AMP or NADP+. With 2′-AMP a sedimentation coefficient of 34 S, a molecular weight of 1.6–1.7 million, and a Stokes' radius of 11.7 nm were determined. In the presence of NADP+ the sedimentation coefficient was 42 S and the molecular weight was 6.4 million. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed one kind of subunit with a molecular weight of 54,000. This was consistent with results from amino acid analyses and paper chromatography of peptides. Eight molar urea inactivated the enzyme but did not dissociate it into subunits. Full activity was restored after dialysis against urea-free buffer by mercaptoethanol and flavin-adenine dinucleotide.  相似文献   

Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase from human liver was isolated and its physical and kinetic properties were determined. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 72,000 ± 2000 and an amino acid composition similar to those of malate dehydrogenases from other species. The kinetic behaviour of the enzyme was consistent with an Ordered Bi Bi mechanism. The following values (μm) of the kinetic parameters were obtained at pH 7.4 and 37 °C: Ka, 17; Kia, 3.6; Kb, 51; Kib, 68; Kp, 770; Kip, 10,700; Kq, 42; Kiq, 500, where a, b, p, and q refer to NADH, oxalacetate, malate, and NAD+, respectively. The maximum velocity of the enzyme in human liver homogenates was 102 μmol/min/g wet wt of liver for oxalacetate reduction and 11.2 μmol/min/g liver for malate oxidation at pH 7.4 and 37 °C. Calculations using these parameters showed that, under conditions in vivo, the rate of NADH oxidation by the enzyme would be much less than the maximum velocity and could be comparable to the rate of NADH production during ethanol oxidation in human liver. The rate of NADH oxidation would be sensitive to the concentrations of NADH and oxalacetate; this sensitivity can explain the change in cytosolic NAD+NADH redox state during ethanol metabolism in human liver.  相似文献   

It has been previously demonstrated that commercial bacterial fibrinolysin (EC selectively cleaves the bond between Met-53 and Ala-54 in ovine prolactin (199 amino acids). A one-step purification procedure on DEAE-cellulose for Protease F, which is the active component of bacterial fibrinolysin, and properties of the purified enzyme are reported. The enzyme is homogeneous as judged by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Its molecular weight, calculated from gel filtration experiments on Sephadex G-100, is around 13,800. Amino acid analyses do not reveal the presence of any half-cystines. The presence of one tryptophan residue per enzyme molecule was resolved from the fluorescence spectrum. Amino terminal analysis showed that leucine was at the amino terminal position. Protease F hydrolyzes casein and synthetic specific substrates for chymotrypsin and elastase esterases but not for trypsin esterases. It is fully inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, by chicken ovoinhibitor, and by Chymotrypsin Inhibitor I from potatoes but not by the trypsin-chymotrypsin inhibitors from soybeans and chick peas or by tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone. The enzyme is stable at room temperature and in the cold, it is not affected by dialysis or by freezing and thawing, but it is inactivated during freeze-drying. The circular dichroism spectra of Protease F indicate an approximate 20% alpha-helix content of the enzyme with a considerable similarity to those of subtilisin, elastase, and beta-trypsin. The relatively low molecular weight of Protease F, the absence of intrachain disulfide bridges, and the fact that it is inhibited by several, but not all, chymotrypsin inhibitors suggest that it may differ phylogenetically from the known serine proteases.  相似文献   

A beta-galactoside-binding lectin was extracted from human placenta homogenate with lactose solution and purified to apparent homogeneity by affinity chromatography on asialofetuin-Sepharose. The apparent subunit molecular weight of the lectin was 13,800 and its isoelectric point was about 5. Several saccharides containing D-galactose inhibited the hemagglutinating activity. The lectin resembles other vertebrate beta-galactoside-binding lectins in various biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase (ATP:pyruvate 2-O-phosphotransferase, EC from Mycobacterium smegmatis has been purified to homogeneity through a seven-step procedure with a yield of 16% and specific activity of 220 units/mg protein. The purified enzyme had a molecular weight of 230,700 and was composed of four subunits with identical molecular weights of 57,540. Analysis of amino acid composition revealed a low content of aromatic amino acids. The enzyme exhibited sigmoidal kinetics of varying concentrations of phosphoenolpyruvate, the degree of cooperativity and S0.5v value for phosphoenolpyruvate being strongly dependent on the pH of the reaction mixture. Among the nucleoside diphosphates acting as substrate for pyruvate kinase, ADP was the best phosphate acceptor, as judged by its lowest Km value. The enzyme showed an absolute requirement for divalent cations (either Mg2+ or Mn2+), but monovalent cations were not necessary for activity. Other divalent cations inhibited the Mg2+-activated enzyme to varying degrees (Ni2+ > Zn2+ > Cu2+ > Ca2+ > Ba2+). The differences in the kinetic responses of the enzyme to Mg2+ and Mn2+ are discussed.  相似文献   

Purine hydroxylase II from Aspergillus nidulans has been purified to near homogeneity. The enzyme has a pI of 5.7, a molecular weight of 300,000, and two subunits with molecular weight of 153,000 each. The enzyme contains 2 FAD, 2 molybdenum atoms, and 4 (2 Fe-2S) iron-sulfur centers per molecule and exhibits broad specificity for reducing and oxidizing substrates. Among the more notable characteristics are the ability to oxidize hypoxanthine and nicotinic acid but not xanthine and virtually complete inactivity with oxygen. Moreover, while the enzyme is inactivated by borate and methanol, it is very resistant to cyanide and arsenite and it not inactivated by allopurinol. At infinite concentrations of reducing and oxidizing substrates, the Km for hypoxanthine was 119 microM, for nicotinic acid was 136 microM, and for NAD+ was 525 microM.  相似文献   

The action patterns have been studied of a purified, intracellular dextranase and three intracellular alpha-D-glucosidases from Pseudomonas UQM733 on pure isomalto-oligosaccharides. The glucosidases have optimal activity on isomaltotetraose and are therefore classified as oligoglucanases. They have been used to determine the structure of two branched isomalto-oligosaccharides obtained by enzymic degradation of dextran.  相似文献   

The purification of hog liver 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (EC, and the determination of some of its characteristics, are reported. The enzyme was purified 330-fold in 22% yield from an acetone powder extract by ammonium sulfate fractionation, chromatography twice using sulfopropyl Sephadex under carefully controlled pH conditions (once at pH 5.36 and a second time with a pH gradient from 5.25 to 5.80), and a final chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The purified enzyme was found to be homogeneous by several standard criteria, but activity measurements indicated that a small amount (less than 5%) of a carboxylesterase (EC isoenzyme is present as a minor impurity. On long-term storage at ?20 °C the enzyme forms polymers but this can be reversed with thiols. The molecular weight of the freshly prepared or depolymerized enzyme was estimated to be 89,000 ± 2000 by equilibrium ultracentrifugation, and 50,000 to 54,000 by gel filtration. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis experiments, performed in the presence and absence of mercaptoethanol, indicate that the enzyme is composed of two nonidentical subunits with similar molecular weights (44,000 ± 2000). The enzyme gives a typical protein ultraviolet absorption spectrum with no noticeable peaks above 300 nm, it has no detectable carbohydrate content, and it contains 0.9 atom iron and 0.4 atom copper/89,000 daltons. Added iron and copper salts activate the enzyme to some extent but by less than a factor of 2. The enzymatic reaction has a large temperature coefficient (the rate increases ca. fivefold for each 10 °C rise) and is markedly stimulated (up to sixfold) by the presence of some organic solvents in concentrations up to 10% of the medium. These results suggest that a protein conformation change, possibly aided by binding of the organic solvent, is involved in the rate-determining step of the reaction. The similarities and differences of this 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase to those from other sources, and to prolyl hydroxylase, are discussed.  相似文献   

A newly isolated soil-actinomycete, Actinomadura strain R10 (NRRL B-11411), produces an extracellular isomaltodextranase (optinal pH, 5.0) that was purified to homogeneity. It exolytically releases isomaltose and a minor trisaccharide product,α-d-Glcp-(1→3)-α-d-Glcp, from dextran B-512 and, in addition, forms transient transisomaltosylation products. This pattern of products is qualitatively similar to that previously reported for the isomaltodextranase (EC, optimal pH, 4-0) of Arthrobacter globiformis T6 (NRRL B-4425). The Arthrobacter isomaltodextranase is most active on the (1→6)-α-d-glucopyranosidic linkage, but the relative activity increases with the degrees of polymerization of isomalto-oligosaccharide substrates. In contrast, the relative activity of Actinomadura isomaltodextranase is almost constant throughout the same series of substrates, and is much higher on 3 O- and 4-O-α-isomaltosyl-oligosaccharides than that exhibited by the Arthrobacter enzyme; the activity of Actinomadura isomaltodextranase on the α-(1→4) linkage is 3-4 times greater than on the α-(1→6). These results indicate that, generically, the bacterial isomaltodextranase is a glycanase, whereas the actinomycetal enzyme is a glycosidase. This difference is reflected in the hydrolysis of dextrans, especially of dextran B-1355 (fraction S), which has a high content of unbranched α-(1→3) linked residues. In the digest of this dextran with Arthrobacter isomaltodextranse, short-chain fragments accumulated that were absent when the Actinomadura enzyme was employed.  相似文献   

Guanidoacetate methyltransferase (EC has been purified about 800-fold from rat liver. The purified preparation shows a single protein band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The molecular weight of the enzyme is estimated to be 25,000 and 26,000 by Sephadex gel molecular-exclusion chromatography and by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gradient gel, respectively. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured enzyme also has a molecular weight of 26,000; thus, the enzyme is a monomeric protein. Guanidoacetate methyltransferase as isolated is catalytically inactive, but is readily reactivated by incubation with a thiol. The reactivated enzyme, which contains 3 mol of sulfhydryl groups/mol of enzyme, is again inactivated by oxidized glutathione. This inactivation is accompanied by the disappearance of two sulfhydryl residues. The relationship between the loss of enzyme activity and the number of residues disappeared indicates that the integrity of these sulfhydryl residues is critical for activity. The oxidized enzyme fails to bind the substrate S-adenosylmethionine as evidenced by the equilibrium dialysis study. Alkylation of the nonoxidizable sulfhydryl by N-ethylmaleimide shows that this residue is also essential for activity. UV absorption, fluorescence, and CD spectra show no difference between the reduced and oxidized enzymes, but the former is more susceptible to proteolytic attack by trypsin. The enzyme has an isoelectric pH of 5.3, and is most active at pH 9.0. From the CD spectrum, an α helix content of 15% is calculated. The Km values for guanidoacetate and S-adenosylmethionine are 97.5 and 6.73 μm, respectively, at pH 8.0 and 37 °C.  相似文献   

Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase was purified (800-fold) from an erythromycin-producing strain of Streptomyces erythreus using DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-100, SP-Sephadex, and gel filtration with Sephadex G-75. The molecular weight of the native enzyme was 93,000 as determined by gel filtration and the subunit molecular weight was 45,000 as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis, suggesting an α2 subunit composition for the native enzyme. Evidence is presented that during the purification procedure and storage a proteolytic cleavage occurred resulting in the formation of 30- and 15-kDa peptides. The enzyme showed a pH optimum of about 5.0 whereas the vertebrate enzyme showed an optimum at alkaline pH. The enzyme decarboxylated malonyl-CoA with a Km of 143 μm and V of 250 nmol min?1 mg?1. For the decarboxylation of methylmalonyl-CoA this enzyme showed the opposite stereospecificity to that shown by vertebrate enzyme; the (R) isomer was decarboxylated at 3% of the rate observed with malonyl-CoA while the (S) isomer was not a substrate. Neither avidin nor biotin affected the rate of malonyl-CoA decarboxylation, suggesting that biotin is not involved in catalysis. Acetyl-CoA and free CoA were found to be competitive inhibitors. Propionyl-CoA, butyryl-CoA, succinyl-CoA, and methylmalonyl-CoA showed little inhibition, and neither thiol-directed reagents nor chelating agents inhibited the enzyme. High ionic strength and sulfate ions caused reversible inhibition of the enzymatic activity. Under two different cultural conditions the time course of appearance of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase was determined by measuring the enzyme activity and the level of the enzyme protein by an immunological method using rabbit antibodies prepared against the enzyme. In both cases the increase and decrease in the decarboxylase correlated with the rate of production of erythromycin, suggesting a possible role for this enzyme in the antibiotic production.  相似文献   

H Weintraub  K Palter  F Van Lente 《Cell》1975,6(1):85-110
In 2 M NaCl, histones H2b, H2a, H3, and H4 form a heterotypic tetrameric complex made up of one chain of each histone. This complex has been analyzed by hydrodynamic techniques. It is indistinguishable from histones in chromatin by its resistance to trypsin, pattern of reactivity with 125I. and ability to form specific crosslinked products after treatment with formaldehyde. It is proposed that this complex is responsible for protecting the small DNA fragments produced by exhausting nuclease digestion of nuclei and that on the average two of these complexes protect the larger 180-200 base pair unit produced by partial treatment of nuclei with nuclease.  相似文献   

Hepatic microsomes prepared from vitamin E deficient and supplemented rats were analyzed for cytochrome P-450 content and drug metabolizing activity. Reduced levels of benzo[α]pyrene hydroxylase and ethylmorphine N-demethylase activities were observed in microsomes derived from rats fed a diet deficient in vitamin E compared to those of control rats. NADPH-mediated destruction of P-450, and pentobarbital and zoxazolamine sleeping times were similar in the two groups. Induction with 3-methylcholanthrene raised the levels of benzo[α]pyrene hydroxylase activity of both supplemented and deficient rats to the same absolute levels. No differences were noted in cytochrome P-450 or P-448 content between control and tocopherol deficient rats, nor did the activity of liver catalase differ between the two dietary groups. Thus, these studies did not demonstrate any impairment of heme protein synthesis in vitamin E deficient rats.  相似文献   

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