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Multiple genes encoding zinc finger domains are expressed in human T cells   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Proteins containing zinc finger domains have been implicated in developmental control of gene expression in Drosophila, Xenopus, mouse, and humans. Multiple cDNAs encoding zinc (II) finger structures were isolated from human cell lines of T-cell origin to explore whether zinc finger genes participate in the differentiation of human hematopoietic cells. Initial restriction analysis, genomic Southern blotting, and partial sequence comparisons revealed at least 30 nonoverlapping cDNAs designated cKox(1-30) encoding zinc finger motifs. Analysis of cKox1 demonstrated that Kox1 is a single-copy gene that is expressed in a variety of hematopoietic and nonhaematopoietic cell lines. cKox1 encodes 11 zinc fingers that were shown to bind zinc when expressed as a beta-gal-Kox1 fusion protein. Further analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence revealed a heptad repeat of leucines NH2-terminal to the finger region, which suggests a potential domain for homo- or heterodimer protein formation. On the basis of screening results it was estimated that approximately 70 zinc finger genes are expressed in human T cells. Zinc finger motifs are probably present in a large family of proteins with quite diverse and distinct functions. However, comparisons of individual finger regions in cKox1 with finger regions of cKox2 to cKox30 showed that some zinc fingers are highly conserved in their putative alpha-helical DNA binding region, supporting the notion of a zinc finger-specific DNA recognition code.  相似文献   

The number of active Amy-2 genes has been estimated in strain CE/J mice which produce four distinct electrophoretic forms of alpha-amylase in their pancreas. cDNA cloning and DNA sequence analysis discloses five distinct mRNA sequences which differ by approximately 1% of their nucleotides. Two of these mRNAs specify the same protein. Changes in the nucleotide sequences result in amino acid replacements that alter the net charges of the deduced proteins. This has allowed a tentative assignment of individual mRNAs to isozymes detected by electrophoresis. Quantitative Southern blot hybridization using a DNA probe specific for the first exon of Amy-2 reveals the presence of greater than 10 Amy-2 related sequences per haploid CE/J genome. Models which could account for the mouse strain-specific differences with respect to the number of pancreatic alpha-amylase isozymes and their variable but genetically determined quantitative ratios are discussed.  相似文献   

Localization of actin messenger RNA during early ascidian development   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The spatial distribution of RNA sequences during early development of the ascidian, Styela plicata, was determined by in situ hybridization with poly(U) and cloned DNA probes. Styela eggs and embryos contain three colored cytoplasmic regions of specific morphogenetic fates, the ectoplasm, endoplasm, and myoplasm. These cytoplasmic regions participate in ooplasmic segregation after fertilization and are distributed to different cell lineages during early embryogenesis. n situ hybridization with poly(U) suggests that poly(A)+RNA is unevenly distributed in eggs and embryos, with about 45% in the ectoplasm, 50% in the endoplasm, and only 5% in the myoplasm. In situ hybridization with a histone DNA probe showed that histone RNA sequences were not localized in eggs or embryos and distributed between the three cytoplasmic regions according to their volumes. In situ hybridization with an actin DNA probe showed actin RNA was localized in the myoplasm and ectoplasm of eggs and embryos with about 45% present in the myoplasm, 40% in the ectoplasm, and only 15% in the endoplasm. These results suggest that a large proportion of the egg actin mRNA is localized in the myoplasm, participates in ooplasmic segregation after fertilization, and is differentially distributed to the mesodermal cell lineages during embryogenesis. Analysis of the translation products of egg mRNA suggests that the localized mRNA codes for a cytoplasmic actin isoform.  相似文献   

Tubulins, as major components involved in the organization of microtubules, play an important role in plant development. We describe here the expression profiles of all known α-tubulin (TUA), β-tubulin (TUB) and γ-tubulin (TUG) genes of barley ( Hordeum vulgare ), involving eight newly identified TUB sequences, five established TUA genes and one TUG gene. Macroarray and Northern blot-based expression patterns in the pericarp, endosperm and embryo were obtained over the course of the development of the grain between anthesis and maturation. These revealed that the various tubulin genes differed in their levels of expression, and to some extent were tissue specific. Two expression peaks were detected in the developing endosperm. The first and more prominent peak, at 2 days after flowering, included expression of almost all the tubulin genes. These tubulins are thought to be involved in mitoses during the formation of the syncytial endosperm. The second, less pronounced but more extended, peak included only some of the tubulin genes ( HvTUA3 , HvTUB1 and HvTUG ) and might be associated with the cell wall organization in aleurone and starchy endosperm. The HvTUA5 gene is expressed only in embryo of the developing grain and may be associated with shoot establishment. The expression profiles of the tubulin folding cofactors HvTFC A and HvTFC B as well as small G-protein HvArl2 genes were almost perfectly correlated with the global levels of tubulin mRNA, implying that they have a role in the control of the polymerization of α/β-tubulin heterodimers.  相似文献   

An expansin gene, LeExp2, was isolated from auxin-treated, etiolated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv T5) hypocotyls. LeExp2 mRNA expression was restricted to the growing regions of the tomato hypocotyl and was up-regulated during incubation of hypocotyl segments with auxin. The pattern of expression of LeExp2 was also studied during tomato fruit growth, a developmental process involving rapid cell enlargement. The expression of genes encoding a xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (LeEXT1) and an endo-1, 4-beta-glucanase (Cel7), which, like LeExp2, are auxin-regulated in etiolated hypocotyls (C. Catalá, J.K.C. Rose, A.B. Bennett [1997] Plant J 12: 417-426), was also studied to examine the potential for synergistic action with expansins. LeExp2 and LeEXT1 genes were coordinately regulated, with their mRNA accumulation peaking during the stages of highest growth, while Cel7 mRNA abundance increased and remained constant during later stages of fruit growth. The expression of LeExp2, LeEXT1, and Cel7 was undetectable or negligible at the onset of and during fruit ripening, which is consistent with a specific role of these genes in regulating cell wall loosening during fruit growth, not in ripening-associated cell wall disassembly.  相似文献   

The expression of four different gap junction gene products (alpha 1, beta 1, beta 2, and beta 3) has been analysed during rat skin development and the hair growth cycle. Both alpha 1 (Cx43) and beta 2 (Cx26) connexins were coexpressed in the undifferentiated epidermis. A specific, developmentally regulated elimination of beta 2 expression was observed in the periderm at E16. Coinciding with the differentiation of the epidermis, differential expression of alpha 1 and beta 2 connexins was observed in the newly formed epidermal layers. alpha 1 connexin was expressed in the basal and spinous layers, while beta 2 was confined to the differentiated spinous and granular layers. Large gap junctions were present in the basal layer, while small gap junctions, associated with many desmosomes, were typical for the differentiated layers. Although the distribution pattern for alpha 1 and beta 2 expression remained the same in the neonatal and postnatal epidermis, the RNA and protein levels decreased markedly following birth. Hair follicle development was marked by expression of alpha 1 connexin in hair germs at E16. Following beta 2 detection at E20, the expression increased for both alpha 1 and beta 2 in developing follicles. A cell-type-specific expression was detected in the outer root sheath, in the matrix, in the matrix-derived cells (inner root sheath, cortex and medulla) and in the dermal papilla. In addition, alpha 1 was specifically expressed in the arrector pili muscle, while sebocytes expressed both alpha 1 and beta 3 (Cx31) connexin. beta 1 connexin (Cx32) was not detected at any stage analysed. The results indicate that multiple gap junction genes contribute to epidermal and follicular morphogenesis. Moreover, based on the utilization of gap junctions in all living cells of the surface epidermis, it appears that the epidermis may behave as a large communication compartment that may be coupled functionally to epidermal appendages (hair follicles and sebaceous glands) via gap junctional pathways.  相似文献   

The levels of chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (Cab) gene polysomal poly(A)+ mRNA were quantitated throughout the development of Glycine max L. Cab mRNAs were abundant in young expanding leaves, representing 6.1% of the leaf mRNA population. Lower Cab mRNA levels were present in embryos, stems, and cotyledons of developing seedlings; the lowest levels were found in roots where they accounted for 0.04% of the polysomal poly(A)+ mRNA of this organ. To determine the contribution of different members of the Cab gene family to the Cab mRNA populations, a quantitative S1 nuclease reconstruction assay was developed. Cab3, Cab4, and Cab5 mRNAs were detected in all stages examined during soybean development but their levels underwent differential changes. Cab3 encodes the most abundant Cab mRNA in young leaves, developing embryos, and in Stage VII cotyledons from the developing soybean seedling. The levels of Cab mRNAs were compared to the levels of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit gene mRNA and differences in their patterns of accumulation were noted. Collectively these data indicate that during soybean embryogenesis developmental control mechanisms supersede light-regulatory signals.  相似文献   

Wnt-signalling is involved in a number of biological processes in the course of embryonic development, cell fate determination, proliferation, stem cell maintenance and oncogenesis. Wnt ligands are secreted glycoproteins and the number of Wnt isoforms varies between five in nematodes and 27 in fish. The highly conserved group of Wnt7 genes has been found to signal via at least three Wnt-signalling pathways dependent on the developmental context. These ligands have been identified as important regulators in a number of processes ranging from formation of bones, lungs, kidneys, reproductive organs and placenta to vasculogenesis and synaptogenesis in the brain. The importance of Wnt7 function is underscored by their implication in disease syndromes in man. Unlike the single Wnt7a and Wnt7b mammalian genes we find that the zebrafish genome contains two paralogues genes for each Wnt7 ligand. Here, we compare these four Wnt7 genes evolutionarily and analyse their expression during the first two days of embryonic development. We find Wnt7 genes mainly expressed in a number of CNS structures at developmental stages at which patterning and neural specification takes place. The timely and spatially overlapping as well as complementary gene expression suggests diverse as well as redundant involvements during brain development.  相似文献   

Germins and germin-like proteins (GLPs) are members of a superfamily of proteins widely distributed in plants. Their localization within the extracellular matrix and in some cases their hydrogen peroxide-producing activity suggests that these proteins are involved in cell wall metabolism during stress responses and developmental processes. Several very highly conserved conifer GLPs have been identified in somatic embryo tissues. In order to gain more knowledge on their potential involvement in the development of this particular tissue, we have characterized a new GLP gene, LmGER1 in hybrid larch. Anti-GLP immunserum and in-gel activity analyses suggested the presence of superoxide dismutase activity in apoplastic proteins from larch somatic embryos. These results could indicate a possible role for LmGER1 in this physiological process. The expression of LmGER1 has been followed during the maturation of somatic embryos and in different organs of young plantlets by homologous transformation with a promoter-gus construct. This promoter was activated in the root cap of young embryos and, later on, in the cotyledons and in the vascular procambium and xylem. Furthermore, the importance of this gene in embryo development was evaluated by transforming embryonal masses with a gene construct encoding a hairpin RNA leading to gene silencing. The potential role of LmGER1 in cross-linking of cell wall components is discussed.  相似文献   

The expression of the genes encoding the three isoforms of the human ADP/ATP translocase (T1, T2, and T3) has been analyzed at different stages of myogenic differentiation in an in vitro muscle cell system and compared with that in mature muscle. The results indicate that the three stages of muscle differentiation corresponding to myoblast proliferation, myotube formation, and mature muscle fibers are characterized by a different pattern of expression of the ADP/ATP translocase genes. In particular, the two T2-specific mRNAs are present at high, similar levels in myoblasts and myotubes and markedly decrease in amount in mature adult muscle. By contrast, the T3-specific mRNA is present in high amount in growing myoblasts, decreases markedly in myotubes, and is barely detectable in adult muscle. Finally, the T1-specific mRNA is present at a high level in adult muscle and is not detectable in either myoblasts or myotubes. Therefore, T1 gene expression appears to be a marker of a late stage in myogenesis. A parallel investigation of expression of the myosin heavy chain mRNA revealed absence of hybridization with the specific probe in RNA from proliferating myoblasts, a significant hybridization in myotube RNA, and a strong signal in adult muscle RNA.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the control of genes expressed primarily during seed germination and postgerminative development in Brassica napus L. We identified cloned mRNA sequences which became prevalent within 1 day after the start of imbibition and were at low or undetectable levels in immature embryos, dry seeds, and leaves. Most postgermination-abundant mRNAs accumulated primarily, though not exclusively, in different parts of the seedling. Of the 14 cloned mRNAs, 8 were prevalent in cotyledons, 2 were abundant in seedling axes, and 4 were approximately equally distributed in both parts. We showed that although these mRNAs reached maximal levels in seedlings, the spatially regulated mRNAs were also detected at distinct embryonic stages; mRNAs prevalent in seedling axes accumulated primarily during early embryogenesis while cotyledon-abundant mRNA concentration increased during late embryogeny. We conclude that the temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression in seedlings reflects similarities and differences in the physiological functions of cotyledons and axes. Furthermore, the regulated expression of cotyledon-abundant genes during late embryogeny suggests that the mRNAs and possibly proteins may accumulate in preparation for subsequent seedling growth. Similarities in the accumulation of cotyledon-abundant mRNAs may indicate coordinate regulation of this gene set.Abbreviations DAF days after flowering - DAI days after the start of imbibition - HAI hours after the start of imbibition - kb kilobase(pairs)  相似文献   

To understand the role of the actin cytoskeleton in cell physiology, and how actin-binding proteins regulate the actin cytoskeleton in vivo, we and others previously identified actin-binding proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and studied the effect of null mutations in the genes for these proteins. A null mutation of the actin gene (ACT1) is lethal, but null mutations in the tropomyosin (TPM1), fimbrin (SAC6), Abp1p (ABP1), and capping protein (CAP1 and CAP2) genes have relatively mild or no effects. We have now constructed double and triple mutants lacking 2 or 3 of these actin-binding proteins, and studied the effect of the combined mutations on cell growth, morphology, and organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Double mutants lacking fimbrin and either Abp1p or capping protein show negative synthetic effects on growth, in the most extreme case resulting in lethality. All other combinations of double mutations and the triple mutant lacking tropomyosin, Abp1p, and capping protein, are viable and their phenotypes are similar to or only slightly more severe than those of the single mutants. Therefore, the synthetic phenotypes are highly specific. We confirmed this specificity by overexpression of capping protein and Abp1p in strains lacking fimbrin. Thus, while overexpression of these proteins has deleterious effects on actin organization in wild-type strains, no synthetic phenotype was observed in the absence of fimbrin. We draw two important conclusions from these results. First, since mutations in pairs of actin-binding protein genes cause inviability, the actin cytoskeleton of yeast does not contain a high degree of redundancy. Second, the lack of structural and functional homology among these genetically redundant proteins (fimbrin and capping protein or Abp1p) indicates that they regulate the actin cytoskeleton by different mechanisms. Determination of the molecular basis for this surprising conclusion will provide unique insights into the essential mechanisms that regulate the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

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