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Gene expression of activin, activin receptors, and follistatin was investigated in vivo and in vitro using semiquantitative RT-PCR in intestinal epithelial cells. Rat jejunum and the intestinal epithelial cell line IEC-6 expressed mRNA encoding the betaA-subunit of activin, alpha-subunit of inhibin, activin receptors IB and IIA, and follistatin. An epithelial cell isolation study focused along the crypt-villus axis in rat jejunum showed that betaA mRNA levels were eight- to tenfold higher in villus cells than in crypt cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed the expression of activin A in upper villus cells. The human intestinal cell line Caco-2 was used as a differentiation model of enterocytes. Four- to fivefold induction of betaA mRNA was observed in postconfluent Caco-2 cells grown on filter but not in those cells grown on plastic. In contrast, follistatin mRNA was seen to be reduced after reaching confluence. Exogenous activin A dose-dependently suppressed the proliferation and stimulated the expression of apolipoprotein A-IV gene, a differentiation marker, in IEC-6 cells. These results suggest that the activin system is involved in the regulation of such cellular functions as proliferation and differentiation in intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Ge W 《Biology of reproduction》2004,71(6):2056-2064
Our recent experiments showed that gonadotropin(s) stimulated activin betaA and follistatin expression through the cAMP-PKA pathway but suppressed betaB via a cAMP-dependent but PKA-independent pathway in cultured zebrafish follicle cells. Given that pituitary gonadotropins are the major hormones controlling the development and function of the ovary, the differential expression of activin betaA and betaB as well as follistatin in response to gonadotropin(s) raises an interesting question about the temporal expression patterns of these molecules in vivo during sexual maturation and ovulatory cycle. Three experiments were performed in the present study. In the first experiment using sexually immature zebrafish, we followed the expression of activin betaA, betaB, and follistatin at the whole ovary level during a 10-day period in which the ovary developed from the primary growth stage to the one with nearly full-grown follicles. Activin betaA expression was very low at the primary growth stage but significantly increased with the growth of the ovary, and its rise was accompanied by an increase in follistatin expression. In contrast, the expression of activin betaB could be easily detected in the ovary of all stages; however, it did not exhibit an obvious trend of variation during the development. The second experiment examined the stage-dependent expression of activin betaA, betaB, and follistatin at the follicle level in the adult mature zebrafish. The expression of activin betaA was again low in the follicles during the primary growth stage, but exhibited a phenomenal increase after the follicles entered vitellogenesis with the peak level reached at midvitellogenic stage; in contrast, activin betaB mRNA could be easily detected at all stages with a slight increase during follicle growth. The expression of follistatin, on the other hand, also increased significantly during vitellogenesis; however, its level dropped sharply after reaching the peak at the midvitellogenic stage. In the third experiment, we investigated the dynamic changes of the ovarian activin betaA, betaB, and follistatin expression during the daily ovulatory cycle. The expression of activin betaA and follistatin gradually increased from 1800 h onward and reached the peak level around 0400 h when the germinal vesicles had migrated to the periphery in the full-grown oocytes. In contrast, activin betaB expression steadily declined, although not statistically significant, during the same period, but increased sharply at 0700 h when mature oocytes started to appear in most of the ovaries collected. In conclusion, activin betaA and betaB exhibit distinct expression patterns during the development of the ovary and the daily ovarian cycle of the zebrafish. It seems that activin betaA is involved in promoting ovary and follicle growth, whereas activin betaB may have a tonic role throughout follicle development but becomes critical at the late stage of oocyte maturation and/or ovulation.  相似文献   

Activin is a dimeric glycoprotein hormone that was initially characterized by its ability to stimulate pituitary FSH secretion and was subsequently recognized as a growth factor with diverse biological functions in a large variety of tissues. In the testis, activin has been implicated in the auto/paracrine regulation of spermatogenesis through its cognate cell membrane receptors on Sertoli and germ cells. In this study we provide evidence for intranuclear activin/inhibin betaA subunit and show its distribution in the rat seminiferous epithelium. We have shown by transient expression in HeLa cells of beta-galactosidase fusion proteins that the betaA subunit precursor contains a functional nuclear localization signal within the lysine-rich sequence corresponding to amino acids 231-244. In all stages of the rat seminiferous epithelial cycle, an intense immunohistochemical staining of nuclear betaA was demonstrated in intermediate or type B spermatogonia or primary spermatocytes in their initial stages of the first meiotic prophase, as well as in pachytene spermatocytes and elongating spermatids primarily in stages IX-XII. In some pachytene spermatocytes, the pattern of betaA immunoreactivity was consistent with the characteristic distribution of pachytene chromosomes. In the nuclei of round spermatids, betaA immunoreactivity was less intense, and in late spermatids it was localized in the residual cytoplasm, suggesting disposal of betaA before spermatozoal maturation. Immunoblot analysis of a protein extract from isolated testicular nuclei revealed a nuclear betaA species with a molecular mass of approximately 24 kDa, which is more than 1.5 times that of the mature activin betaA subunit present in activin dimers. These results suggest that activin/inhibin betaA may elicit its biological functions through two parallel signal transduction pathways, one involving the dimeric molecule and cell surface receptors and the other an alternately processed betaA sequence acting directly within the nucleus. According to our immunohistochemical data, betaA may play a significant role in the regulation of nuclear functions during meiosis and spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

Ventral prostate development occurs by branching morphogenesis and is an androgen-dependent process modulated by growth factors. Many growth factors have been implicated in branching morphogenesis including activins (dimers of beta(A) and beta(B) subunits); activin A inhibited branching of lung and kidney in vitro. Our aim was to examine the role of activins on prostatic development in vitro and their localization in vivo. Organ culture of day 0 rat ventral prostates for 6 days with activin A (+/- testosterone) inhibited prostatic branching and growth without increasing apoptosis. The activin-binding protein follistatin increased branching in vitro in the absence (but not presence) of testosterone, suggesting endogenous activins may reduce prostatic branching morphogenesis. In vivo, inhibin alpha subunit was not expressed until puberty, therefore inhibins (dimers of alpha and beta subunits) are not involved in prostatic development. Activin beta(A) was immunolocalized to developing prostatic epithelium and mesenchymal aggregates at ductal tips. Activin beta(B) immunoreactivity was weak during development, but was upregulated in prostatic epithelium during puberty. Activin receptors were expressed throughout the prostatic epithelium. Follistatin mRNA and protein were expressed throughout the prostatic epithelium. The in vitro evidence that activin and follistatin have opposing effects on ductal branching suggests a role for activin as a negative regulator of prostatic ductal branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Human granulosa cell tumors (GCTs) are rare, and their etiology remains largely unknown. Recently, the FOXL2 402C > G (C134W) mutation was found to be specifically expressed in human adult-type GCTs; however, its function in the development of human GCTs is not fully understood. Activins are members of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, which has been shown to stimulate normal granulosa cell proliferation; however, little is known regarding the function of activins in human GCTs. In this study, we examined the effect of activin A on cell proliferation in the human GCT-derived cell line KGN. We show that activin A treatment stimulates KGN cell proliferation. Treatment with the activin type I receptor inhibitor SB431542 blocks activin A-stimulated cell proliferation. In addition, our results show that cyclin D2 is induced by treatment with activin A and is involved in activin A-stimulated cell proliferation. Moreover, the activation of Smad signaling is required for activin A-induced cyclin D2 expression. Finally, we show that the overexpression of the wild-type FOXL2 but not the C134W mutant FOXL2 induced follistatin production. Treatment with exogenous follistatin blocks activin A-stimulated cell proliferation, and the overexpression of wild-type FOXL2 attenuates activin A-stimulated cell proliferation. These results suggest that FOXL2 may act as a tumor suppressor in human adult-type GCTs by inducing follistatin expression, which subsequently inhibits activin-stimulated cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Activins and inhibins, which are endocrine regulators of anterior pituitary function, have also been reported to participate in the paracrine and autocrine regulation of reproductive function. To determine the in vivo effects of overexpressed activin/inhibin, we generated transgenic mice carrying the human activin/inhibin betaA subunit mini gene under the regulatory control of the mouse methallothionein promoter. In one of the transgenic line analyzed, the betaA subunit gene was preferentially expressed in the testis. Ectopic and allochronic expression of the betaA gene started at 3 weeks after birth and transgenic male mice became sterile in the ensuing several weeks. Histological analysis revealed testicular degeneration in these mice. The results from this transgenic line strongly support the in vivo activity of activin/inhibin in male reproductive functions.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, the biological effects of BMP-3 oppose those of ventralizing BMPs, but the mechanism for this antagonism remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that BMP-3 is a dorso-anteriorizing factor in Xenopus embryos that interferes with both activin and BMP signaling. BMP-3 acts by binding to ActRIIB, the common type II receptor for these proteins. Once BMP-3 binds to ActRIIB, it cannot be competed off by excess ligand making a receptor complex that is unable to activate R-Smads and transduce signal. Consistent with a model where BMP-3 interferes with activin and BMPs through a shared receptor, we show that overexpression of BMP-3 can only be rescued by co-injection of xActRIIB. Our results identify BMP-3 as a novel antagonist of both activin and BMPs and uncover how some of the diverse developmental processes that are regulated by both activin and BMP signaling can be modulated during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated a strong upregulation of activin expression after skin injury. Furthermore, overexpression of this transforming growth factor beta family member in the skin of transgenic mice caused dermal fibrosis, epidermal hyperthickening and enhanced wound repair. However, the role of endogenous activin in wound healing has not been determined. To address this question we overexpressed the soluble activin antagonist follistatin in the epidermis of transgenic mice. These animals were born with open eyes, and the adult mice had larger ears, longer tails and reduced body weight compared with non-transgenic littermates. Their skin was characterized by a mild dermal and epidermal atrophy. After injury, a severe delay in wound healing was observed. In particular, granulation tissue formation was significantly reduced, leading to a major reduction in wound breaking strength. The wounds, however, finally healed, and the resulting scar area was smaller than in control animals. These results implicate an important function of endogenous activin in the control of wound repair and scar formation.  相似文献   

Follistatin (FS) regulates transforming growth factor-beta superfamily ligands and is necessary for normal embryonic and ovarian follicle development. Follistatin is expressed as two splice variants (FS288 and FS315). Previous studies indicated differences in heparin binding between FS288 and FS315, potentially influencing the physiological functions and locations of these isoforms. We have determined the structure of the FS315-activin A complex and quantitatively compared heparin binding by the two isoforms. The FS315 complex structure shows that both isoforms inhibit activin similarly, but FS315 exhibits movements within follistatin domain 3 (FSD3) apparently linked to binding of the C-terminal extension. Surprisingly, the binding affinities of FS288 and FS315 for heparin are similar at lower ionic strengths with FS315 binding decreasing more sharply as a function of salt concentration. When bound to activin, FS315 binds heparin similarly to the FS288 isoform, consistent with the structure of the complex, in which the acidic residues of the C-terminal extension cannot interact with the heparin-binding site. Activin-induced binding of heparin is unique to the FS315 isoform and may stimulate clearance of FS315 complexes.  相似文献   

The mRNA expression patterns of activin beta(A) and follistatin in the uterus and embryo, the mRNA expression of the activin receptor II in the embryo, and the localization in the uterus of the immunoreactive activin beta(A) and the receptor II proteins in the uterus were examined at gestation days 7-12 after ovulation in pig. Activin was located predominantly at the mesometrial side of the uterus during all stages of pregnancy studied. Follistatin mRNA was absent in the uterus during these stages, suggesting that activin of uterine origin is not inhibited by intra-uterine follistatin. The receptor was localized throughout the glandular and luminal epithelium of the uterus. In the embryo, activin was expressed predominantly in the epiblast before unfolding, but after unfolding of the epiblast activin expression shifted to the trophoblast. The expression pattern of follistatin mRNA was contrarily to that of activin, i.e., before unfolding predominantly in the trophoblast (days 8-9), and shifted to the epiblast at day 10. During streak stages, follistatin was detected in the node and primitive streak. Activin receptor II mRNA was first detected at day 8 in the embryoblast. At day 11, it was expressed in trophoblast cells near the epiblast, and in the first ingressing mesoderm cells. During the streak stages, it was expressed predominantly in the trophoblast. The presence of activin and its receptor in uterine epithelium and early embryonic tissues indicate that both embryonic and uterine activin are involved in intra-uterine processes, such as attachment and early embryonic development. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59: 390-399, 2001.  相似文献   

Haerry TE  O'Connor MB 《Gene》2002,291(1-2):85-93
With the genomic sequence of multicellular organisms such as Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, and Homo sapiens completed and others to be finished in the near future, the focus has shifted from accumulating sequence information to the prediction and analysis of genes within the completed genomes. Unfortunately, presently available computer programs do not always accurately predict gene structure such as mRNA and translation start sites or intron/exon boundaries. The only way to be certain about a gene's structure is to isolate and characterize its cDNA. Since the screening of libraries is a time-consuming, labor-intensive process that sometimes fails to yield the desired clone, we searched for faster, more efficient ways to isolate cDNAs. In this study, we describe two methods for amplification and isolation of cDNAs from plasmid libraries that requires no hybridization (MACH). With the polymerase chain reaction-based MACH-2 protocol, we present a strategy that requires little DNA sequence information to selectively isolate the longest cDNA variant from plasmid libraries in about 3 days. Our protocols were used to isolate cDNAs for the Drosophila activin and follistatin genes.  相似文献   

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