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The immunohistochemical distribution of keratin is reported in experimental carcinogenesis in the mouse submandibular gland (SMG). The initial changes included degranulation of granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells and the appearance of keratin in the degranulated cells. There was a gradual increase in the area showing keratin staining in the altered tubule cells. Duct-like and cystic structures exhibited an intense keratin staining of their lining epithelium. The squamous cell carcinomas induced varying degrees of keratinization and positive immunohistochemical keratin staining. The latter technique provided a useful marker for distinguishing tumor cells of segmental duct origin in the salivary gland.  相似文献   

The appearance of an acinar-cell-specific mucin was studied during fetal mouse submandibular gland development. The mucin was first detected in stage 23 and was quantitated through birth by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Quantitation results showed that the mucin accumulation was biphasic. Results from Western blotting and radioimmunoassay indicated that the mucin from the prenatal glands was similar both antigenically and in size to the mucin isolated from adult mice. Observations from light microscopy revealed a continuing progression of complexity throughout prenatal development, indicative of morphogenesis characteristic of differentiating exocrine tissues. When sections from various stages were compared morphometrically, it became clear that the overall ratio of epithelial cells to mesenchymal cells increased nearly 6-fold throughout the prenatal stages observed. The study suggests that acinar cell development in the mouse submandibular gland passes through a protodifferentiated stage. The proportions of epithelial and mesenchymal cells in the submandibular gland and the sensitivity of the RIA indicate that the mucin per cell actually increased to detectable levels at the onset of protodifferentiation, and this increase does not reflect a change in the relative proportions of epithelial and mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

Surgical removal of the submandibular salivary glands (sialoadenectomy) of female Balb/c mice significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced mammary development as judged by development scores and mammae DNA levels. Reduction in mammae development score by sialoadenectomy was observed in both mice saline injected and mice treated with estradiol and progesterone. Autografts of submandibular salivary tissue or daily administration of EGF to sialoadenectomized mice partly alleviated the atrophy of the mammary gland induced by sialoadenectomy (P less than 0.05). The results of our studies are consistent with a model of mammary gland developmental regulation that includes the submandibular salivary gland as a mediator of mammogenesis via secretion of EGF.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical demonstration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) was made during chemical carcinogenesis in the mouse submandibular gland. The granular convoluted tubule cells in the normal male submandibular gland contained larger amounts of EGF and NGF than in the female. The initial phase and early stages in chemical carcinogenesis showed degranulation of the granular convoluted tubule cells with a marked decrease in EGF and NGF. Premalignant lesions such as duct-like structures and multicystic lesions showed variable staining for EGF and were usually negative for NGF. Material secreted into the luminal spaces revealed increased staining for EGF and NGF. Scattered tumor cells of the poorly differentiated squamous-cell carcinoma type and desquamated tumor cells contained abundant EGF, but not NGF. No positive reaction for EGF or NGF was found in the induced squamous-cell carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

A cytocidal factor against mouse thymocytes was purified from the submandibular glands of female BALB/c mice using Sephadex G-50 gel filtration chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC. SDS-PAGE and amino acid sequence analysis revealed that the cytocidal factor was mouse glandular kallikrein (mGK)-6. mGK-6 showed an optimal enzyme activity at pH 10 and a cytocidal activity against thymocytes in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer (GC) is a globally important disease. The discovery of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) demonstrated that the human stomach is not a sterile environment, and recent advances in molecular biology have led to the detection of large populations of microorganisms in the stomach. A growing number of studies have elucidated differences in the microbiota of patients at various stages of GC development. Evidence from insulin-gastrin transgenic (INS-GAS) and human gastric microbiota-transplanted mouse models have further demonstrated the potential causality of microbiota in the development of GC. To date, H. pylori is still thought to be the strongest risk factor for GC. H. pylori interacts with non-H. pylori commensals and affects the composition of the gastric microbiota. This review provides an overview of the relationship between the gastric microbiota and GC, including the mechanisms of microbe-associated carcinogenesis, the clinical value of the microbiota as a GC biomarker, and the potential of modulating the microbiota for GC prevention or therapy.  相似文献   

To further our understanding of the immunopathologic mechanisms involved in experimental autoallergic sialadenitis of rat submandibular gland (EAS), histometric and fine structural studies were undertaken. Rats were immunized with allogeneic submandibular glands (SMG) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant. Control rats were not treated (C) or adjuvant treated (At). The rats were sacrificed 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after immunization and their SMG were processed for light and electron microscopy. Groups "C" and "at" showed normal acini and ducts. The SMG at 14 days showed significant loss of acini and granular ducts, severe lymphocytic infiltration and the appearance of undifferentiated ducts. The cells of the latter showed abundant free ribosomes, few profiles of rer, no secretory granules and in some cells autophagic vacuoles. Pseudopods of many lymphocytes were found in juxtaposition to degenerating parenchymal cells, mast cells and eosinophils. The extralobular ducts were significantly increased at 7, 14, and 21 days. The immunized glands showed evidence of regeneration at 21 and 28 days. Terminal tubule cells, proacinar cells and acinar cells, at various stages of maturation, were found in the regenerating glands.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural aspects of cat submandibular glands   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Submandibular glands of five adult female cats were examined by conventional electron microscopic techniques. All gland acini are mucous secreting and each acinus is capped with mucous secreting demilunar cells. Secretory product of demilunar cells is more electron lucent than that of acinar cells. The demilunes show intercellular tissue spaces and intercellular canaliculi whereas similar specializations are absent between acinar cells. Mitochondria and arrays of granular endoplasmic reticulum are more numerous in demilunar cells than in acinar cells. In acinar and demilunar cells secretory droplets first appear as enlarged Golgi saccules which subsequently become closely related to cisternae of the granular endoplasmic reticulum. Filamentous structures, interpreted as mucin molecules, are present in secretory droplets of acinar cells. Intercalated ducts are short, consisting of several junctional cells between acini and striated ducts. Striated ducts are long and tortuous and contain light cells, dark cells and basal cells. Light cells contain numerous membrane bound granules in their distal ends whereas dark cells show electron lucent vesicles in the same position. Basal cells contain a paucity of organelles and membrane plications but exhibit hemidesmosomes along their basal plasma membranes. Myoepithelial cells are abundant in relation to acinar and demilunar cells. Nerve terminals are present in some instances between acinar cells or between acinar and myoepithelial cells.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical protein distribution of alpha-amylase (Am), lysozyme (Ly), cytokeratinin (CK), S-100 protein (S-100) and secretory component (SC), and lectin-binding (SBA and UEA-I) profiles were studied in 10 obstructive and 20 irradiated human submandibular glands which were surgically extirpated. Degenerative intensity of the glands was graded as I, II and III based on the order of severity. All proteins generally existed in serous acinic cells of the intact glands. The proteins immunoreactivities became weak even in mildly inflamed glands (grade I), and nearly disappeared from the moderately damaged glands (grade II). Duct cells had clear CK and some cells reacted with the anti-SC antibody, but other proteins were not observed on the ducts. Mucous cells possessed none of the proteins, and their lectin-binding was only traceable in some glands. Compared with immunoreactivities in the proteins, lectin-binding profiles were different. SBA and UEA-I bound somewhat similarly to both acinic and duct cells, and the binding was hardly affected even by severe degeneration (grade III). Between obstructive and irradiated glands, no obvious difference was observed in either protein distribution or lectin-binding. From the above, it seems that some proteins are more affective to the degeneration and that lectin-binding sugar residues are non-affective against the degenerative changes of the tissues.  相似文献   

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