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The development of the vertebrate nervous system is initiated in amphibia by inductive interactions between ectoderm and a region of the embryo called the organizer. The organizer tissue in the dorsal lip of the blastopore of Xenopus and Hensen's node in chick embryos have similar neural inducing properties when transplanted into ectopic sites in their respective embryos. To begin to determine the nature of the inducing signals of the organizer and whether they are conserved across species we have examined the ability of Hensen's node to induce neural tissue in Xenopus ectoderm. We show that Hensen's node induces large amounts of neural tissue in Xenopus ectoderm. Neural induction proceeds in the absence of mesodermal differentiation and is accompanied by tissue movements which may reflect notoplate induction. The competence of the ectoderm to respond to Hensen's node extends much later in development than that to activin-A or to induction by vegetal cells, and parallels the extended competence to neural induction by axial mesoderm. The actions of activin-A and Hensen's node are further distinguished by their effects on lithium-treated ectoderm. These results suggest that neural induction can occur efficiently in response to inducing signals from organizer tissue arrested at a stage prior to gastrulation, and that such early interactions in the blastula may be an important component of neural induction in vertebrate embryos.  相似文献   

Eomesodermin is an essential early gene in Xenopus mesoderm formation and shows a morphogen-like response to activin. Here we define the regions of the Eomesodermin promoter required for mesodermal expression and for concentration-dependent response to activin. We find an activin response element (ARE) located between -5.6 and -5.0 kb which contains two critical FAST2 binding sites. The ARE alone is necessary and sufficient for concentration-dependent response to activin. A 5.6 kb promoter recapitulates Eomes expression in normal mesoderm cells. A repressor element extinguishes Eomes expression in the endoderm. We relate our results to mesoderm patterning in early Xenopus development and to a mechanism of morphogen gradient response.  相似文献   

The ability of a tissue to respond to induction, termed its competence, is often critical in determining both the timing of inductive interactions and the extent of induced tissue. We have examined the lens-forming competence of Xenopus embryonic ectoderm by transplanting it into the presumptive lens region of open neural plate stage embryos. We find that early gastrula ectoderm has little lens-forming competence, but instead forms neural tissue, despite its location outside the neural plate; we believe that the transplants are being neuralized by a signal originating in the host neural plate. This neural competence is not localized to a particular region within the ectoderm since both dorsal and ventral portions of early gastrula ectoderm show the same response. As ectoderm is taken from gastrulae of increasing age, its neural competence is gradually lost, while lens competence appears and then rapidly disappears during later gastrula stages. To determine whether these developmental changes in competence result from tissue interactions during gastrulation, or are due to autonomous changes within the ectoderm itself, ectoderm was removed from early gastrulae and cultured for various periods of time before transplantation. The loss of neural competence, and the gain and loss of lens competence, all occur in ectoderm cultured in vitro with approximately the same time course as seen in ectoderm in vitro. Thus, at least from the beginning of gastrulation onwards, changes in competence occur autonomously within ectoderm. We propose that there is a developmental timing mechanism in embryonic ectoderm that specifies a sequence of competences solely on the basis of the age of the ectoderm.  相似文献   

We have used a monoclonal antibody directed against the C-terminus of the Drosophila invected homeodomain to detect a nuclear protein in brain cells of Xenopus laevis embryos. We refer to this antigen as the Xenopus EN protein. The EN protein is localized at midneurula stage to a band of cells in the anterior portion of the neural plate, on each side of the neural groove. Later in development, the expression coincides with the boundary of the midbrain and hindbrain, and persists at least to the swimming tadpole stage. These properties make the EN protein an excellent molecular marker for anterior neural structures. In embryos where inductive interactions between mesodermal and ectodermal tissues have been perturbed, the expression of the EN protein is altered; in embryos that have been anterodorsalized by LiCl treatment, the region that expresses the EN protein is expanded, but still well organized. In ventralized UV-irradiated embryos, the absence of the protein is correlated with the absence of anterior neural structures. In extreme exogastrulae, where the contacts between head mesoderm and prospective neurectoderm are lost, the EN protein is not expressed.  相似文献   

《Cell differentiation》1988,22(2):145-153
We have studied in vitro differentiation of explants of the amphibian (Rana temporaria) early gastrula ectoderm after treatment with various concentrations (50–300 μg/ml) of ‘free’ and Sepharose-bound concanavalin A (Con A). The explants were incubated with Con A for 3 h at 20°C; the rolling up of the explants was prevented by using special weights. We have demonstrated that: (1) free Con A has an inducing action on the explants in the concentration range 100–300 μg/ml medium; (2) when treated with Con A the explants produce neural tissue (50–70%), cartilage (20–40%) and, rarely, lentoids (5–10%); (3) the frequency of neural and cartilage inductions was similar at various Con A concentrations; (4) α-methyl-d-mannoside pyranoside inhibited the Con A effects; (5) Sepharose-bound Con A had no effect on the explants, although it was bound to the cell surface of the ectoderm inner layer. Possible mechanisms of the neuralizing and chondrogenic effects of Con A on ectodermal explants are discussed.  相似文献   

The ectoderm of early Xenopus gastrula is competent to become induced to neural tissue, but dorsal ectoderm is more neural competent than ventral ectoderm. It is a tenable, but as yet untested possibility that the higher neural competence of dorsal gastrula ectoderm is dependent on the presence of the dorsal mesoderm. To test this hypothesis we overexpressed Xwnt-8 in order to ectopically induce dorsal mesoderm in the ventral side of the embryo. We found that this elevated the level of neural competence of ventral ectoderm to that of dorsal ectoderm. The effect of Xwnt-8 on neural competence of ventral ectoderm was strictly correlated with its ability to enhance the amount of dorsal structures. The data indicate that the presence of dorsal mesoderm is a prerequisite for establishing the differences in neural competence between gastrula dorsal and ventral ectoderm.  相似文献   

In developing vertebrates, the neural tube forms from a sheet of neural ectoderm by complex cell movements and morphogenesis. Convergent extension movements and the apical constriction along with apical-basal elongation of cells in the neural ectoderm are thought to be essential for the neural tube closure (NTC) process. In addition, it is known that non-neural ectoderm also plays a crucial role in this process, as the neural tube fails to close in the absence of this tissue in chick and axolotl. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which it functions in NTC are as yet unclear. We demonstrate here that the non-neural superficial epithelium moves in the direction of tensile forces applied along the dorsal-ventral axis during NTC. We found that this force is partly attributable to the deep layer of non-neural ectoderm cells, which moved collectively towards the dorsal midline along with the superficial layer. Moreover, inhibition of this movement by deleting integrin β1 function resulted in incomplete NTC. Furthermore, we demonstrated that other proposed mechanisms, such as oriented cell division, cell rearrangement and cell-shape changes have no or only minor roles in the non-neural movement. This study is the first to demonstrate dorsally oriented deep-cell migration in non-neural ectoderm, and suggests that a global reorganization of embryo tissues is involved in NTC.  相似文献   

Activin is a potent inducer of mesoderm in amphibian embryos. We previously reported that low concentrations of activin could induce the formation of blood cells from Xenopus explants (animal caps). Both hematopoietic and vascular endothelial cell lineages are believed to share a common precursor, termed hemangioblasts. In this study, we tried to induce differentiation of vascular endothelial cells in aggregates derived from Xenopus animal caps. Aggregates formed from cells that were co-treated with activin and angiopoietin-2 expressed the vascular endothelial markers, X-msr, Xtie2 and Xegfl7. However, none of these aggregates expressed the hematopoietic marker genes, globin alpha T3, alpha T5, alpha A or GATA-1. We used microarray analysis to compare the gene expression profiles of aggregates treated with activin alone or with activin and angiopoietin. The combination, but not activin alone, induced expression of vascular-related genes such as Xl-fli and VEGF. These results demonstrate that treatment of dissociated animal cap cells with activin and angiopoietin-2 can induce differentiation of endothelial cells, and provides a promising model system for the in vitro study of blood vessel induction in vertebrates.  相似文献   

We previously showed that otx2 regulates Xenopus cement gland formation in the ectoderm. Here, we show that otx2 is sufficient to direct anterior neural gene expression, and that its activity is required for cement gland and anterior neural determination. otx2 activity at midgastrula activates anterior and prevents expression of posterior and ventral gene expression in whole embryos and ectodermal explants. These data suggest that part of the mechanism by which otx2 promotes anterior determination involves repression of posterior and ventral fates. A dominant negative otx2-engrailed repressor fusion protein (otx2-En) ablates endogenous cement gland formation, and inhibits expression of the mid/hindbrain boundary marker engrailed-2. Ectoderm expressing otx2-En is not able to respond to signals from the mesoderm to form cement gland, and is impaired in its ability to form anterior neural tissue. These results compliment analyses in otx2 mutant mice, indicating a role for otx2 in the ectoderm during anterior neural patterning.  相似文献   

Ectoderm was isolated from early gastrulae of Triturus alpestris and induced with recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF). Neural tissue differentiated in about 38% of the explants which were induced by 2,5 g/ml FGF. These explants do not contain other tissues, or contain only small amounts of mesenchyme and melanophores which are probably derived from induced neural crest. It is therefore unlikely that these neural tissues are secondarily induced. The other explants contain predominantly blastema tissue, endothelium/ mesothelium, small amounts of skeletal muscle and, rarely, notochord besides neural tissues. The mitotic rate was enhanced in about 20% of the induced explants. Possible mechanisms for the unexpected neural-inducing activity of b-FGF in Triturus ectoderm are discussed.  相似文献   

From presumptive ectoderm to neural cells in an amphibian   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As an immediate consequence of neural induction during gastrulation, some neuroectodermal cells acquire the ability to develop a number of specific neuronal and astroglial features, without requiring subsequent chordamesodermal cues. Thus, cholinergic, dopaminergic, noradrenergic, gabaergic, somatostatinergic, enkephalinergic, etc. traits are expressed in cultures of neural plate and neural fold isolated from amphibian late gastrulae immediately after induction and cultured in a defined medium. These results strongly suggest that at the late gastrula stage, the neural precursor population does not yet constitute a homogeneous set of cells. It was of interest to know the origin of this heterogeneity. Is it a direct result of the process of neural induction itself, stochastic phenomena being involved or not at the cellular level, or does it reflect a pre-existing heterogeneity in the presumptive ectoderm? At the early gastrula state, presumptive ectoderm can be neuralized consecutively to its dissociation into single cells. Using this experimental model, we have demonstrated by means of immunological probes that neuralized presumptive ectodermal cells, without any intervention of the chordamesoderm (natural inducing tissue), can develop autonomously into glial and neuronal lineages. These data suggest the existence of diverse predispositions of presumptive ectodermal cells. Competent ectoderm seems to be a heterogeneous structure with cells presenting distinct neural predispositions that can emerge as a consequence of a permissive inductive signal without real specificity (such as a target tissue dissociation). Moreover, such a differentiated neuronal population includes neurons of the GABAergic and enkephalinergic phenotypes but not of the cholinergic, catecholaminergic, somatostatinergic, etc. phenotypes. These data show that the developmental program of ectodermal cells induced without interaction with the chordamesoderm appears restricted compared to the naturally induced ectoderm. Experiments are now under way to analyze such sequential neural events.  相似文献   

Activin is a potent mesoderm inducing factor present in embryos of Xenopus laevis. Recent evidence has implicated activin in the inhibition of neural development in addition to the well-established induction of mesoderm in ectodermal explants. These diverse effects are critically dependent on the concentration of activin yet little is known about the mechanisms regulating the level of activin in the embryo. We report that the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) of activin βB mRNA inhibits the translation of activin in embryos. Microinjection of activin mRNA from which the 3′ UTR has been deleted is 8–10-fold more potent in inducing mesoderm than mRNA containing the 3′ UTR. Truncation of the 3′ UTR also leads to a marked enhancement of activin protein levels in embryos but has no effect when the truncated mRNA is translated in vitro. The 3′ UTR also confers translational inhibition on a heterologous mRNA. These data show that a maternal factor(s) present in X. laevis regulates the translation of injected activin βB mRNA. This factor(s) could be responsible for regulating the levels of endogenous activin βB protein during mesoderm induction and the specification of ectodermal derivatives such as neural and epidermal tissues. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An antibody that recognizes tyrosine hydroxylase can be used as a marker for hatching gland cells in Xenopus embryos. Using this marker, we have shown that hatching gland cells are induced at the end of gastrulation and that presumptive hatching gland cells are localized to the anterior neural folds in Xenopus. The movements of neurulation bring the hatching gland cells together to form a characteristic Y pattern on the dorsoanterior surface of the head. The Y pattern delineates several zones of surface ectoderm which can be visualized by the presence or absence of ciliated cells. As development proceeds the hatching gland pattern is altered, demonstrating the active changes involved in forming the face. Lithium, UV irradiation and retinoic acid can be used to alter the hatching gland pattern in specific ways which help to understand the underlying mechanisms of ectodermal patterning.  相似文献   

Both the activin and Wnt families of peptide growth factors are capable of inducing dorsal mesoderm in Xenopus embryos. Presumptive ventral ectoderm cells isolated from embryos injected with Xwnt8 mRNA were cultured in the presence of activin A to study the possible interactions between these two classes of signaling proteins. We find that overexpression of Xwnt8 RNA alters the response of ventral ectoderm to activin such that ventral explants differentiate dorsoanterior structures including notochord and eyes. This response is similar to the response of dorsal ectoderm to activin alone. When embryos are irradiated with uv light to inhibit dorsal axis formation, ectodermal explants differentiate notochord when they are induced by a combination of both signaling factors, but not when cells receive only one inducing signal (activin or Xwnt8). This result is further supported by the observation that goosecoid (gsc) mRNA, an early marker for dorsal mesoderm, is expressed in these explants only when they are injected with Xwnt8 mRNA followed by exposure to activin. Early morphogenetic movements of the induced cells and activation of muscle-specific actin and Brachyury (Xbra) genes also reveal a cooperation of activin A and Xwnt8 in mesoderm induction.  相似文献   

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