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Johansen S  Einvik C  Nielsen H 《Biochimie》2002,84(9):905-912
The group I-like ribozyme GIR1 is a unique example of a naturally occurring ribozyme with an evolved biological function. GIR1 generates the 5'-end of a nucleolar encoded messenger RNA involved in intron mobility. GIR1 is found as a cis-cleaving ribozyme within two very different rDNA group I introns (twin-ribozyme introns) in distantly related organisms. The Didymium GIR1 (DiGIR1) and Naegleria GIR1 (NaGIR1) share fundamental features in structural organization and reactivity, and display significant differences when compared to the related group I splicing ribozymes. GIR1 lacks the characteristic P1 segment present in all group I splicing ribozymes, it has a novel core organization, and it catalyses two site-specific hydrolytic cleavages rather than splicing. DiGIR1 and NaGIR1 appear to have originated from eubacterial group I introns in order to fulfil a common biological challenge: the expression of a protein encoding gene in a nucleolar context.  相似文献   

Many peptide hormones and neuropeptides are produced from larger, inactive precursors through endoproteolysis at sites usually marked by paired basic residues (primarily Lys-Arg and Arg-Arg), or occasionally by a monobasic residue (primarily Arg). Based upon data concerning processing of prorenin and its mutants around the native Lys-Arg cleavage site expressed in mouse pituitary AtT-20 cells, we present the following sequence rules that govern mono-arginyl cleavages: (a) a basic residue at the fourth (position -4) or the sixth (position -6) residue upstream of the cleavage site is required, (b) at position -4, Arg is more favorable than Lys, and (c) at position 1, a hydrophobic aliphatic residue is not suitable. These rules are compatible with those proposed by comparison of precursor sequences around mono-arginyl cleavage sites. We also provide evidence that precursor cleavages at mono-arginyl and dibasic sites can be catalyzed by the same Kex2-like processing endoprotease, PC1/PC3.  相似文献   

We cloned and sequenced a cDNA from a library of mouse pituitary AtT-20 cells which are known to cleave an endogenous and various foreign prohormones at dibasic sites. This cDNA encodes a novel 753-residue protein, named PC3, which is structurally related to the yeast Kex2 protease involved in precursor cleavage at dibasic sites and to recently identified mammalian Kex2-like proteins, furin and PC2. Among examined cell lines and tissues, PC3 mRNA was only detected in AtT-20 cells. The substrate specificity of PC3 expressed in mammalian cells was similar to that observed in AtT-20 cells. We conclude that PC3 is a resident prohormone processing endoprotease in AtT-20 cells.  相似文献   

We have characterized the structural organization and catalytic properties of the large nucleolar group I introns (NaSSU1) of the different Naegleria species N. jamiesoni, N. andersoni, N. italica, and N. gruberi. NaSSU1 consists of three distinct RNA domains: an open reading frame encoding a homing-type endonuclease, and a small group I ribozyme (NaGIR1) inserted into the P6 loop of a second group I ribozyme (NaGIR2). The two ribozymes have different functions in RNA splicing and processing. NaGIR1 is an unusual self-cleaving group I ribozyme responsible for intron processing at two internal sites (IPS1 and IPS2), both close to the 5' end of the open reading frame. This processing is hypothesized to lead to formation of a messenger RNA for the endonuclease. Structurally, NaGIR2 is a typical group IC1 ribozyme, catalyzing intron excision and exon ligation reactions. NaGIR2 is responsible for circularization of the excised intron, a reaction that generates full-length RNA circles of wild-type intron. Although it is only distantly related in primary sequence, NaSSU1 RNA has a predicted organization and function very similar to that of the mobile group I intron DiSSU1 of Didymium, the only other group I intron known to encode two ribozymes. We propose that these twin-ribozyme introns define a distinct category of group I introns with a conserved structural organization and function.  相似文献   

A novel filamentous virus, AFV2, from the hyperthermophilic archaeal genus Acidianus shows structural similarity to lipothrixviruses but differs from them in its unusual terminal and core structures. The double-stranded DNA genome contains 31,787 bp and carries eight open reading frames homologous to those of other lipothrixviruses, a single tRNA(Lys) gene containing a 12-bp archaeal intron, and a 1,008-bp repeat-rich region near the center of the genome.  相似文献   

A region of c-myc mRNA was identified which permitted very efficient antisense effects to be achieved in living cells using chimeric methylphosphonate--phosphodiester antisense effectors. Novel inosine--containing ribozymes (which cleave after NCH triplets) were directed to an ACA triplet within this region and delivered into living cells. No ribozyme intracellular activity could be identified. Very low ribozyme function was also observed in in vitro assays using a 1700nt substrate RNA.  相似文献   

Ocular drusen are extracellular deposits that form between the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) and Bruch's membrane. Although the presence of large and/or numerous drusen in the macula is a significant risk factor for development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a major cause of irreversible blindness, little is known about their origin or composition. We have expanded on our previous investigations related to drusen-associated glycoconjugates by examining lectin binding patterns after removal of terminal sialic acid residues. Strikingly, intense and distinct labeling of drusen subdomains is revealed by Arachea hypogea agglutinin (PNA) after neuraminidase treatment. PNA binding is confined to discrete domains within both hard and soft drusen. These "cores" are positioned centrally within drusen and are typically juxtaposed to Bruch's membrane. Only one core per druse is observed. PNA labeling of drusen cores does not co-localize with associated lipids and is abrogated by digestion with O-glycosidase but not N-glycosidase. The association of cores with small drusen suggests that they may participate in drusen biogenesis. (J Histochem Cytochem 47:1533-1539, 1999)  相似文献   

Two lactate dehydrogenase (ldh) genes from Lactobacillus sp. strain MONT4 were cloned by complementation in Escherichia coli DC1368 (ldh pfl) and were sequenced. The sequence analysis revealed a novel genomic organization of the ldh genes. Subcloning of the individual ldh genes and their Northern blot analyses indicated that the genes are monocistronic.  相似文献   

The genus Methylomonas accommodates strictly aerobic, obligate methanotrophs, with their sole carbon and energy sources restricted to methane and methanol. These bacteria inhabit oxic-anoxic interfaces of various freshwater habitats and have attracted considerable attention as potential producers of a single-cell protein. Here, we characterize two fast-growing representatives of this genus, strains 12 and MP1T, which are phylogenetically distinct from the currently described Methylomonas species (94.0–97.3 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). Strains 12 and MP1T were isolated from freshwater sediments collected in Moscow and Krasnodar regions, respectively. Cells of these strains are Gram-negative, red-pigmented, highly motile thick rods that contain a type I intracytoplasmic membrane system and possess a particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) enzyme. These bacteria grow between 8 and 45 °C (optimum 35 °C) in a relatively narrow pH range of 5.5–7.3 (optimum pH 6.6–7.2). Major carotenoids synthesized by these methanotrophs are 4,4′-diaplycopene-4,4′-dioic acid, 1,1′-dihydroxy-3,4-didehydrolycopene and 4,4′-diaplycopenoic acid. High biomass yield, of up to 3.26 g CDW/l, is obtained during continuous cultivation of MP1T on natural gas in a bioreactor at a dilution rate of 0.22 h?1. The complete genome sequence of strain MP1T is 4.59 Mb in size; the DNA G + C content is 52.8 mol%. The genome encodes four rRNA operons, one pMMO operon and 4,216 proteins. The genome sequence displays 82–85 % average nucleotide identity to those of earlier described Methylomonas species. We propose to classify these bacteria as representing a novel species of the genus Methylomonas, M. rapida sp. nov., with the type strain MP1T (=KCTC 92586T = VKM B-3663T).  相似文献   

During the course of reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) purification of the 7B2 peptide originally isolated in our laboratory from human pituitary gland extracts, two novel peptides were identified and purified to homogeneity. The complete amino acid sequence of the first one was established in 1985 and recently found to be entirely homologous to positions 420-493 of the just published chromogranin B sequence. This peptide, denoted GAWK, could originate from chromogranin B following specific cleavage at the basic amino acids flanking both termini of GAWK. Moreover, another peptide isolated in our laboratory from the same source and denoted CCB has been discovered and its sequence is also part of the same chromogranin B molecule. Here again, this peptide, occupying positions 597-653 and located at the COOH-terminal region of chromogranin B, could derive from specific processing at basic amino acids, Arg-Lys-Lys, present at positions 594-596. In a manner reminiscent of the relationship between pancreastatin and chromogranin A, it is proposed that both GAWK and CCB are produced from chromogranin B after specific processing at basic amino acids. These data are thus in favor of a putative role of chromogranins as precursors to potentially bioactive peptides.  相似文献   

Benzodiazepines are widely used for their anxiolytic, sedative, myorelaxant and anticonvulsant properties. They allosterically modulate GABA(A) receptor function by increasing the apparent affinity of the agonist GABA. We studied conformational changes induced by channel agonists at the benzodiazepine binding site. We used the rate of covalent reaction between a benzodiazepine carrying a cysteine reactive moiety with mutated receptor having a cysteine residue in the benzodiazepine binding pocket, alpha1H101Cbeta2gamma2, as a sensor of its conformation. This reaction rate is sensitive to local conformational changes. Covalent reaction locks the receptor in the conformation stabilized by positive allosteric modulators. By using concatenated subunits we demonstrated that the covalent reaction occurs either exclusively at the alpha/gamma subunit interface, or if it occurs in both alpha1 subunits, exclusively reaction at the alpha/gamma subunit interface can modulate the receptor. We found evidence for an increased rate of reaction of activated receptors, whereas reaction rate with the desensitized state is slowed down. The benzodiazepine antagonist Ro15-1788 efficiently inhibited the covalent reaction in the presence of 100 microm GABA but only partially in its absence or in the presence of 10 microm GABA. It is concluded that Ro15-1788 efficiently protects activated and desensitized states, but not the resting state.  相似文献   

T J Chambers  A Grakoui    C M Rice 《Journal of virology》1991,65(11):6042-6050
The vaccinia virus-T7 transient expression system was used to further examine the role of the NS3 proteinase in processing of the yellow fever (YF) virus nonstructural polyprotein in BHK cells. YF virus-specific polyproteins and cleavage products were identified by immunoprecipitation with region-specific antisera, by size, and by comparison with authentic YF virus polypeptides. A YF virus polyprotein initiating with a signal sequence derived from the E protein fused to the N terminus of NS2A and extending through the N-terminal 356 amino acids of NS5 exhibited processing at the 2A-2B, 2B-3, 3-4A, 4A-4B, and 4B-5 cleavage sites. Similar results were obtained with polyproteins whose N termini began within NS2A (position 110) or with NS2B. When the NS3 proteinase domain was inactivated by replacing the proposed catalytic Ser-138 with Ala, processing at all sites was abolished. The results suggest that an active NS3 proteinase domain is necessary for cleavage at the diabasic nonstructural cleavage sites and that cleavage at the proposed 4A-4B signalase site requires prior cleavage at the 4B-5 site. Cleavages were not observed with a polyprotein whose N terminus began with NS3, but cleavage at the 4B-5 site could be restored by supplying the the NS2B protein in trans. Several experimental results suggested that trans cleavage at the 4B-5 site requires association of NS2B and the NS3 proteinase domain. Coexpression of different proteinases and catalytically inactive polyprotein substrates revealed that trans cleavage at the 2B-3 and 4B-5 sites was relatively efficient when compared with trans cleavage at the 2A-2B and 3-4A sites.  相似文献   

A polar fucose-containing glycosphingolipid fraction isolated from dog small intestine has been characterized by mass spectrometry of intact methylated, and methylated and reduced (LiAlH4) glycolipid. The native fraction, which was homogenous on thin-layer chromatography, was shown after methylation to be a mixture of two compounds. One was identified as a hexaglycoslyceramide with the following composition and sequence: fucose-hexose(fucose)-hexosamine-hexose-hexose-ceramide, with a terminal saccharide structure similar to blood group Leb determinants. The second compound was a novel heptaglycosyceramide with the sequence: hexosamine(fucose)-hexose-tfucose)-hexosamine-hexose-hexose-ceramide. This glycolipid was also detected in human small intestine and pancreas. The dog intestinal fraction had phytosphingosine as its major base and contained almost exclusively 2-hydroxy fatty acids (16 : 0--24 : 0). The fraction of human pancreas differed in having spingosine as its major base and normal fatty acids (16 : 0--24 :0) as major acids.  相似文献   

A novel endonuclease has been isolated from extracts of spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea). The enzyme has been purified by a series of column chromatography steps and has a molecular size of approximately 43,000 daltons. The spinach endonuclease cleaved double stranded DNA damaged by ultraviolet light or cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) primarily at sites of adenine when end-labelled DNA fragments of defined sequence were employed as substrates. The nature of the structural distortion contained in damaged, duplex DNA appears to be an important determinant for endonuclease cleavage. DNA helical distortions produced by UV light-induced (6-4) pyrimidine-pyrimidone photoproducts, but not cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are recognized by the enzyme. The DNA cleavage products generated by the enzyme contain 3'-hydroxyl and 5'-phosphoryl termini. Single stranded DNA and RNA are hydrolyzed by the spinach endonuclease. This enzyme, which we call nuclease SP, is similar in several respects to other single-strand-specific nucleases such as N. crassa and mung bean nucleases and may function in DNA repair and/or recombination events in spinach cells. Nuclease SP should be a useful tool for the analysis of (6-4) photoproducts occurring in duplex DNA.  相似文献   

H Allmeier  B Cresnar  M Greck  R Schmitt 《Gene》1992,111(1):11-20
The complete 11,139-nucleotide sequence of transposon Tn1721 has been determined. It contains three 38-bp inverted repeats, and (in this order) a new orfI, a resolution site (res), genes encoding resolvase (tnpR), transposase (tnpA), tetracycline-resistance (TcR) repressor (tetR), TcR (tetA) and a truncated transposase gene (tnpA'). The modulator origin of Tn1721 from at least three separate sources is supported by the distinctive codon usages of orfI, tnpR/tnpA and tetR/tetA, and by sequence similarities with Tn501 (tnpR/tnpA) and RP1 (tetR/tetA). The ORFI-encoded 56-kDa polypeptide exhibits features of a methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) with a conserved signal domain and a potential transmembrane domain; this polypeptide cross-reacts with anti-MCP antiserum. Like chemotaxis genes, orfI is transcribed from a sigma 28-like promoter. The overexpressed orfI gene product interferes with MCP-dependent chemotaxis suggesting that it completes for soluble transducer protein(s) in the cell. The potential selective advantage of this novel transposon-borne gene is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of a major ether polar lipid of the methanogenic archaeon Methanosarcina barkeri was identified as glucosaminyl archaetidylinositol. This lipid had archaeol (2,3-di-O-phytanyl-sn-glycerol) as a core lipid portion, and the polar head group consisted of 1 mol each of phosphate, myo-inositol and D-GlcN. The polar head group was identified by means of chemical degradations, phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C treatment, permethylation analysis, and fast atom bombardment-mass spectrometry as glucosaminylinositol phosphate, which was linked to the glycerol backbone via a phosphodiester bond. The stereochemical configuration of the phospho-myo-inositol residue of glucosaminyl archaetidylinositol was determined to be 1-D-myo-inositol 1-phosphate by measuring optical rotation of phospho-myo-inositol prepared by nitrous acid deamination and alkaline hydrolysis from the lipid. 1H NMR of the intact lipid showed that GlcN was linked to C-6 position of myo-inositol as an alpha-anomer. It is, finally, concluded that the complete structure of this lipid is 2,3-di-O-phytanyl-sn-glycero-1-phospho- 1'[6'-O-(2"-amino-2"-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl)]-1'-D-myo-inositol. This lipid has a hybrid nature of an archaeal feature in alkyl glycerol diether core portion and an eucaryal feature in the polar head group identical to the conserved core structure (GlcNp(alpha 1-6)-myo-inositol 1-phosphate) of glycosylated phosphatidylinositol which serves as a membrane protein anchor in eucaryal cells.  相似文献   

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