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AIMS: Salmonella Hadar, Salmonella Brancaster and Salmonella Enteritidis are the main Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serovars isolated from poultry in Senegal. Our objective was to analyse the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and antibioresistance patterns of strains belonging to these serovars and to assess the significance of broiler-chicken meat as a source of human infection. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 142 Salmonella isolates were analysed: 79 were isolated from Senegalese patients with sporadic diarrhoea (11 S. Hadar, nine S. Brancaster and 59 S. Enteritidis) and 63 from poultry (30 S. Hadar, 17 S. Brancaster and 16 S. Enteritidis). The PFGE of XbaI- and SpeI-digested chromosomal DNA gave 20 distinct profiles for S. Hadar, nine for S. Brancaster and 22 for S. Enteritidis. Each serovar was characterized by a major pulsotype which was X3S1 in 42% of S. Hadar, X8S1 in 53.8% of S. Brancaster and X1S2 in 43% of S. Enteritidis isolates. Human and poultry isolates of Salmonella had common PFGE patterns. Antibiosensitivity tests showed multiresistance (more than two drugs) was encountered in 14.5% of S. Hadar and in 5% of S. Enteritidis isolates. Resistance to quinolones was considered to be of particular importance and 14.5% of S. Hadar isolates were found to be resistant to nalidixic acid. CONLCUSIONS: The sharing of similar PFGE profiles among isolates from humans and poultry provided indirect evidence of Salmonella transmission from contaminated broiler meat. But most of the Salmonella isolates remained drug sensitive. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Efforts are needed to eliminate Salmonella from poultry meat intended for human consumption. This study has also highlighted the importance of continuous surveillance to monitor antimicrobial resistance in bacteria associated with animals and humans.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare Salmonella enterica serotype Infantis isolates obtained from patients or the environment of a veterinary teaching hospital over a period of 9 years following a nosocomial outbreak to determine whether isolates were epidemiologically related or represented unrelated introductions into the hospital environment. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty-six S. Infantis isolates were compared based on their phenotypic (antimicrobial drug [AMD] susceptibility pattern) and genotypic (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis [PFGE] pattern and presence of integrons) characteristics. Epidemiologically unrelated S. Infantis isolates clustered separately from all but two of the hospital isolates, and several isolates from different years and various sources were indistinguishable from each other in cluster analysis of two-enzyme PFGE results. A high percentage of isolates (80.3%) were resistant to at least one AMD, with 67.8% showing resistance to >5 AMD. The majority (74.1%) of isolates tested contained type 1 integrons. CONCLUSION: Results strongly suggest that there was nosocomial transmission of S. Infantis during the initial outbreak, and that contamination arising from this outbreak persisted across years despite rigorous hygiene and biosecurity precautions and may have led to subsequent nosocomial infections. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Evidence of persistence and transmission of Salmonella clones across years, even in the face of rigorous preventive measures, has important implications for other facilities that have experienced outbreaks of Salmonella infections.  相似文献   

Aims:  To determine the antimicrobial resistant profiles and clonality of Campylobacter coli isolated from clinically ill humans and retail meats.
Methods and Results:  A total of 98 C. coli isolates (20 from humans and 78 from retail meats) were phenotypically characterized. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done using agar dilution method for ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, erythromycin and doxycycline. Seventy C. coli isolates including humans ( n  = 20) and retail meats ( n  = 50) were genotyped by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Resistance to ciprofloxacin was found in 29% and 15% of isolates from retail meats and humans. We observed 61 PFGE profiles using two enzymes ( Sma I, Kpn I) with an Index of discrimination of 0·99, whereas MLST generated 37 sequence types. Two clonal complexes were identified with 58 (82%) C. coli isolates clustered in the ST-828 complex.
Conclusions:  Resistance to ciprofloxacin and erythromycin was identified in C. coli obtained from retail meats and ill humans. PFGE typing of C. coli isolates was more discriminatory than MLST. Grouping of C. coli isolates (82%) by MLST in ST-828 clonal complex indicates a common ancestry.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  A high frequency of resistance found to ciprofloxacin and erythromycin is concerning from food safety perspective. PFGE using single or double restriction enzymes was found to be more discriminatory than MLST for genotyping C. coli . Overall, the C. coli populations recovered from humans and retail meats were genotypically diverse.  相似文献   

AIMS: The main objectives of this study were to investigate the diversity of Campylobacter genotypes circulating in Senegal and to determine the frequency of antibiotic resistance. METHODS AND RESULTS: Strains of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from poultry (n = 99) and from patients (n = 10) and Campylobacter coli isolated from poultry (n = 72) were subtyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The pulsotypes obtained after digestion by SmaI and KpnI revealed a significant genetic diversity in both species, but without any predominant pulsotypes. However, farm-specific clones were identified in the majority of poultry houses (76.5%). Human and poultry isolates of C. jejuni had common PFGE patterns. High quinolone-resistance rates were observed for C. jejuni (43.4%) and C. coli (48.6%) isolates obtained from poultry. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed a genetic diversity of Campylobacter between farms indicating multiple sources of infection; but specific clones had the ability to colonize the broiler farms. The antimicrobial resistance patterns were not related to any specific PFGE pattern suggesting that resistance was due to the selective pressure of antibiotic usage. Campylobacter with similar genotypes were circulating in both human and poultry. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study is important for the understanding of the epidemiology of Campylobacter in broiler farms in Senegal. It also emphasizes the need for a more stringent policy in the use of antimicrobial agents in food animals.  相似文献   

Aims:  To detect antimicrobial resistance genes in Salmonella isolates from turkey flocks using the microarray technology.
Methods and Results:  A 775 gene probe oligonucleotide microarray was used to detect antimicrobial resistance genes in 34 isolates. All tetracycline-resistant Salmonella harboured tet(A) , tet(C) or tet(R) , with the exception of one Salmonella serotype Heidelberg isolate. The sul1 gene was detected in 11 of 16 sulfisoxazole-resistant isolates. The aadA , aadA1 , aadA2 , strA or strB genes were found in aminoglycoside-resistant isolates of Salm. Heidelberg, Salmonella serotype Senftenberg and untypeable Salmonella . The prevalence of mobile genetic elements, such as class I integron and transposon genes, in drug-resistant Salmonella isolates suggested that these elements may contribute to the dissemination of antimicrobial resistance genes in the preharvest poultry environment. Hierarchical clustering analysis demonstrated a close relationship between drug-resistant phenotypes and the corresponding antimicrobial resistance gene profiles.
Conclusions:  Salmonella serotypes isolated from the poultry environment carry multiple genes that can render them resistant to several antimicrobials used in poultry and humans.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Multiple antimicrobial resistance genes in environmental Salmonella isolates could be identified efficiently by microarray analysis. Hierarchical clustering analysis of the data was also found to be a useful tool for analysing emerging patterns of drug resistance.  相似文献   

Incidence of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis infection seems to be on the rise in Taiwan, and therefore, the characteristics of the isolate, including genotypes, were epidemiologically investigated. Of the 71 clinical strains isolated in 1997-1999, 61 (86%) remained susceptible to the eight antibiotics tested, while the remaining ten, eight of which were isolated in 1999, were resistant to one to three of the agents including three multiply resistant strains. The majority, 69 or 97% of the isolates, harbored a 60-kb spvC gene-carrying virulence plasmid and 12 of them harbored one or two additional various-sized plasmids. Strains with more than one plasmid were isolated mostly in 1999. Pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) revealed three major genotypes (Types A, B and C), in which type A was the predominant type. Of the 68 Type A, which contained 8 subtypes, 59 (83%) belonged to only two subtypes. Similar results were obtained with a PCR-based typing method, the infrequent-restriction-site (IRS) PCR. All four methods detected types that were rarely seen before and most of these were of recent isolates, indicating that these unusual types were new or strains of foreign origin. Though all four methods discriminated types well, PFGE and IRS-PCR showed higher sensitivity for classification. Between the two, the latter, though less discriminatory than PFGE, seems the method of choice, since it is simpler, less time-consuming and above all easy to perform.  相似文献   

A multi-drug resistant, CTX-M-65 producing Salmonella Infantis was identified from a patient in Brazil. Whole genome sequencing followed by hybrid assembly (short and long reads) indicated the presence of blaCTX-M-65 in a pESI-like megaplasmid in this ST32 isolate and phylogenetic analysis showed high similarity with IncFIB S. Infantis isolates from food and poultry in the USA.  相似文献   

To determine the extent of genetic diversity of Salmonella choleraesuis subspecies choleraesuis serovar Infantis and whether environmental isolates were similar or identical to human isolates, a total of 110 isolates from humans, broiler samples, egg production facilities, riverwater, sewage, and chicken meat were analyzed epidemiologically by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. While the isolates showed 35 distinct pulsed-field profiles, none had the genotype of the human isolates. One pulsed-field profile was shared by 43 (39%) of the 110 isolates. These results indicate that relatively fewer clonal lines of S. serovar Infantis had spread widely while multiple clonal lines, including the strain involved in the outbreak, exist in Western Japan.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aims of this research were (1) to determine the occurrence of Salmonella in Irish restaurant kitchens and (2) to investigate the serovar, genotype, antibiotic resistance profile and survival/growth profile of the Salmonella under catering chilled storage and temperature abuse conditions. METHODS: Five sites/tools in each of 200 randomly selected restaurant kitchens were examined for the presence of presumptive Salmonella spp. by enrichment. Serotyping, antibiotic resistance studies and genotyping were performed using the Kauffmann-White, CLSI and PulseNet methods, respectively. Survival/growth was investigated in milk, meat and vegetable products. RESULTS: Presumptive isolates from 15 of the 200 restaurant kitchens were recovered and confirmed as Salmonella positive. Seven different serovars showing a variety of antibiotic resistance profiles were detected. PFGE profiles suggested that isolates from geographically adjacent restaurants were related. Salmonella survived in foods stored at typical catering refrigeration temperatures and increased by approximately 0.8 log(10) CFU ml(-1) per day in food products stored under conditions of thermal abuse (20 degrees C). CONCLUSIONS: Inadequate hygiene has resulted in contamination of restaurant kitchens with Salmonella, which may persist/multiply in cross-contaminated foods. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study highlights the need for greater hygiene in restaurant kitchens coupled with rapid chilling of food not for immediate consumption and reheating before subsequent serving.  相似文献   

Aims:  To provide an epidemiologic interpretation of a suspected outbreak of food poisoning caused by Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Berta strains isolated from humans and from the leftovers of the implicated foods (cream, dairy‐based desserts and eggs). Methods and Results:  We have correlated the similarity between the strains through genotyping with Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), studying antimicrobial sensitivity patterns and epidemiological investigation. The clonal origin of the outbreak was confirmed by all laboratory tests. PFGE analysis of the restriction profiles obtained with XbaI and SpeI revealed a certainly correlation from the strains isolated from the various sources, while the antimicrobial sensitivity pattern was the same in all cases, with all strains sensitive to all antibiotics tested. Conclusions:  Poor hygiene conditions in the facility concerned, lack of hygiene in food handling, high summer temperatures and positive cultures from asymptomatic staff could all be implicated in the infection, with food being the means through which it spread. Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study describes the first outbreak of food poisoning caused by Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Berta (Salmonella Berta) reported in Italy. It confirms the importance of correlating epidemiological investigations with genotyping and phenotyping to understand the dynamics of infection.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of Salmonella isolates from broiler chickens, pigs and their associated meat products in the Thailand–Cambodia border provinces. A total of 941 samples were collected from pigs and broiler chickens at slaughter houses and from carcasses at local fresh markets in Sa Kaeo, Thailand (n = 554) and Banteay Meanchey, Cambodia (n = 387) in 2014 and 2015. From these samples, 345 Salmonella isolates were collected from Sa Keao (n = 145; 23%) and Banteay Meanchey (n = 200; 47%) and assayed for antimicrobial susceptibility, class 1 integrons and extended‐spectrum β‐lactamase (ESBL) genes. Serovars Typhimurium (29%) and Rissen (29%) were the most common serotypes found in Thai and Cambodian isolates, respectively. Multidrug resistance was detected in 34% and 52% of isolates from Sa Keao and Banteay Meanchey, respectively. The majority of the Thai isolates were resistant to ampicillin (72.4%), whereas most Cambodian isolates were resistant to sulfamethoxazole (71%). Eleven isolates from Sa Keao and 44 from Banteay Meanchey carried class 1 integrons comprising resistance gene cassettes. The most common gene cassette array was dfrA12aadA2 (61.1%). Six isolates were ESBL producers. The β‐lactamase genes found included blaTEM‐1, blaCTX‐M‐55 and blaCMY‐2. Some of these class 1 integrons and ESBL genes were located on conjugative plasmid. In conclusion, multidrug‐resistant Salmonella are common in pigs, chickens and their products in the Thailand–Cambodia border provinces. Our findings indicate that class 1 integrons play a role in spread of AMR in the strains in this study.  相似文献   

We analyzed 66 Salmonella Enteritidis isolates in 2002. Thirty isolates were obtained from human patients with diarrhea, and 36 were obtained from chickens. A total of ten phage types (PT) were identified in the human and chicken isolates. PT1 and PT21 were the predominant PTs in both the human (20% and 13%) and chicken (17% and 47%) isolates. Twelve pulsotypes were generated by PFGE and divided into two major groups. Most of the PFGE types were categorized into cluster group 1. Eighteen chicken isolates in cluster group 1 showed high-level genetic association (>95%) with 22 other human isolates. Additionally, six chicken isolates from cluster group 2 showed fairly high-level genetic association (>95%) with the other seven human isolates. The highest levels of genetic association in humans and chickens were seen with A5-PT21 (11 isolates), A2-PT1 (7 isolates), and B1-PT4 (6 isolates). The Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) and phage typing provided conclusive evidence that human Salmonella infections are attributable to the consumption of contaminated chicken.  相似文献   

Aims:  To compare in vitro the inhibitory activity of four bacteriocin-producing Escherichia coli to a well-characterized panel of Salmonella strains, recently isolated from clinical cases in Switzerland.
Methods and Results:  A panel of 68 nontyphoidal Salmonella strains was characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis and susceptibility to antibiotics. The majority of tested strains were genetically different, with 40% resistant to at least one antibiotic. E. coli Mcc24 showed highest in vitro activity against Salmonella (100%, microcin 24), followed by E. coli L1000 (94%, microcin B17), E. coli 53 (49%, colicin H) and E. coli 52 (21%, colicin G) as revealed using a cross-streak activity assay.
Conclusions:  Escherichia coli Mcc24, a genetically modified organism producing microcin 24, and E. coli L1000, a natural strain isolated from human faeces carrying the mcb -operon for microcin B17-production, were the most effective strains in inhibiting in vitro both antibiotic resistant and sensitive Salmonella isolates.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Due to an increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistant Salmonella strains, alternative strategies to fight these foodborne pathogens are needed. E. coli L1000 appears to be a promising candidate in view of developing biotechnological alternatives to antibiotics against Salmonella infections.  相似文献   

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