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X-ray structural studies have shown that Arg-179 of thymidylate synthase is complexed to bound inorganic phosphate or to the 5'-phosphate of the bound substrate dUMP. The importance of Arg-179 to the structure/function of thymidylate synthase is also indicated by its complete conservation among the 17 thymidylate synthases thus far sequenced. In the present work, Arg-179 has been replaced by Thr, Ala, Lys, and Glu using site-directed mutagenesis with a mixture of four synthetic oligonucleotides as primers. The mutant proteins complement thymidylate synthase-deficient Escherichia coli and show high enzyme activity. Each of these mutants has been purified to homogeneity, partially sequenced to verify the mutation, and has had its steady state kinetic parameters determined. The most significant effect of all mutations is localized to a decrease in the net rate of association of thymidylate synthase with dUMP; the Lys mutant also shows an apparent increase in the dissociation constant of the folate cofactor of the reaction. The high activity in the mutant enzymes is explained by "plasticity" of the enzyme and compensatory actions of the other Arg residues. Why the Arg-179 residue has been conserved during evolution remains an open question.  相似文献   

Saturation site-directed mutagenesis of thymidylate synthase   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We have subjected 12 different codons of a synthetic Lactobacillus casei thymidylate synthase (TS) gene to saturation site-directed mutagenesis to create amino acid "replacement sets" at each of those positions. The target residues were chosen because they are highly conserved and because they are important for the structure and function of the protein as indicated by solution and structural studies. The mutagenesis procedure involved excision of a fragment of the synthetic gene containing the target codon, followed by its replacement with a mixture of oligonucleotides which code for all 20 amino acids and the amber stop codon. TS mutants were identified by DNA sequencing, and catalytically active mutants were identified by genetic complementation using a Thy- strain of Escherichia coli. Only 3 of the 12 target amino acids examined were essential for TS activity; and of the 125 total mutants identified, 57 were catalytically active. These results point to a high degree of plasticity of TS in accommodating function with structural change.  相似文献   

In thymidylate synthase, four conserved arginines provide two hydrogen bonds each to the oxygens of the phosphate group of the substrate, 2'-deoxyuridine-5'-monophosphate. Of these, R23, R178, and R179 are far removed from the site of methyl transfer and contribute to catalysis solely through binding and orientation of ligands. These arginines can be substituted by other residues, while still retaining more than 1% activity of the wild-type enzyme. We compared the kinetics and determined the crystal structures of dUMP complexes of three of the most active, uncharged single mutants of these arginines, R23I, R178T, and R179T, and of double mutants (R23I, R179T) and (R178T, R179T). The dramatically higher K(m) for R178T compared to the other two single mutants arises from the effects of R178 substitution on the orientation of dUMP; 10-15-fold increases in for R23I and R178T reflect the role of these residues in stabilizing the closed conformation of TS in ternary complexes. The free energy for productive dUMP binding, DeltaG(S), increases by at least 1 kcal/mol for each mutant, even when dUMP orientation and mobility in the crystal structure is the same as in wild-type enzyme. Thus, the four arginines do not contribute excess positive charge to the PO(4)(-2) binding site; rather, they ideally complement the charge and geometry of the phosphate moiety. More-than-additive increases in DeltaG(S) seen in the double mutants are consistent with quadratic increases in DeltaG(S) predicted for deviations from ideal electrostatic interactions and may also reflect cooperative binding of the arginines to the phosphate oxygens.  相似文献   

A comparison of the crystal structure of the dimeric enzyme citrate synthase from the psychrophilic Arthrobacter strain DS2-3R with that of the structurally homologous enzyme from the hyperthermophilic Pyrococcus furiosus reveals a significant difference in the accessibility of their active sites to substrates. In this work, we investigated the possible role in cold activity of the greater accessibility of the Arthrobacter citrate synthase. By site-directed mutagenesis, we replaced two alanine residues at the entrance to the active site with an arginine and glutamate residue, respectively, as found in the equivalent positions of the Pyrococcus enzyme Also, we introduced a loop into the active site of the psychrophilic citrate synthase, again mimicking the situation in the hyperthermophilic enzyme. Analysis of the thermoactivity and thermostability of the mutant enzymes reveals that cold activity is not significantly compromised by the mutations, but rather the affinity for one of the substrates, acetyl-CoA, is dramatically increased. Moreover, one mutant (Loop insertion/K313L/A361R) has an increased thermostability but a reduced temperature optimum for catalytic activity. This unexpected relationship between stability and activity is discussed with respect to the nature of the dependence of catalytic activity on temperature.  相似文献   

N-acetyl-l-glutamate synthase (NAGS), the first enzyme of bacterial/plant arginine biosynthesis and an essential activator of the urea cycle in animals, is, respectively, arginine-inhibited and activated. Site-directed mutagenesis of recombinant Pseudomonas aeruginosa NAGS (PaNAGS) delineates the arginine site in the PaNAGS acetylglutamate kinase-like domain, and, by extension, in human NAGS. Key residues for glutamate binding are identified in the acetyltransferase domain. However, the acetylglutamate kinase-like domain may modulate glutamate binding, since one mutation affecting this domain increases the Km for glutamate. The effects on PaNAGS of two mutations found in human NAGS deficiency support the similarity of bacterial and human NAGSs despite their low sequence identity.  相似文献   

Chalcone synthase (CHS), a key enzyme in flavonoid biosynthesis, catalyses sequential decarboxylative condensations of p-coumaroyl-CoA with three malonyl-CoA molecules and cyclizes the resulting tetraketide intermediate to produce chalcone. Phenylglyoxal, an Arg selective reagent, was found to inactivate the enzyme, although no Arg is found at the active site. Conserved, non-active site Arg residues of CHS were individually mutated and the results were discussed in the context of the 3D structure of CHS. Arg199 and Arg350 were shown to provide important interactions to maintain the structural integrity and foldability of the enzyme. Arg68, Arg172 and Arg328 interact with highly conserved Gln33/Phe215, Glu380 and Asp311/Glu314, respectively, thus helping position the catalytic Cys-His-Asn triad and the (372)GFGPG loop in correct topology at the active site. In particular, a mutation of Arg172 resulted in selective impairment in the cyclization activities of CHS and stilbene synthase, a related enzyme that catalyses a different cyclization of the same tetraketide intermediate. These Arg residues and their interactions are well conserved in other enzymes of the CHS superfamily, suggesting that they may serve similar functions in other enzymes. Mutations of Arg68 and Arg328 had been found in mutant plants that showed impaired CHS activity.  相似文献   

Lin X  Liu J  Maley F  Chu E 《Nucleic acids research》2003,31(16):4882-4887
The role of cysteine sulfhydryl residues on the RNA binding activity of human thymidylate synthase (TS) was investigated by mutating each cysteine residue on human TS to a corresponding alanine residue. Enzymatic activities of TS:C43A and TS:C210A mutant proteins were nearly identical to wild-type TS, while TS:C180A and TS:C199A mutants expressed >80% of wild-type enzyme activity. In contrast, TS:C195A was completely inactive. Mutant proteins, TS:C195A, TS:C199A and TS:C210A, retained RNA binding activity to nearly the same degree as wild-type human TS. RNA binding activity of TS:C43A was reduced by 30% when compared to wild-type TS, while TS:C180A was completely devoid of RNA binding activity. In vitro translation studies confirmed that mutant proteins TS:C43A, TS:C195A, TS:C199A and TS:C210A, significantly repressed human TS mRNA translation, while TS:C180A was unable to do so. To confirm the in vivo significance of the cysteine sulfhydryl residue, mutant proteins TS:C180A and TS:C195A were each expressed in human colon cancer HCT-C18:TS(–) cells that expressed a functionally inactive TS. A recombinant luciferase reporter gene under the control of a TS-response element was co-transfected into these same cells, and luciferase activity increased in the presence of the TS:C195A mutant TS protein to a level similar to that observed upon expression of wild-type TS protein. In contrast, luciferase activity remained unchanged in cells expressing the TS:C180A mutant protein. Taken together, these findings identify Cys-180 as a critical residue for the in vitro and in vivo translational regulatory effects of human TS.  相似文献   

Leukotriene (LT) C(4) and its metabolites, LTD(4) and LTE(4), are involved in the pathobiology of bronchial asthma. LTC(4) synthase is the nuclear membrane-embedded enzyme responsible for LTC(4) biosynthesis, catalyzing the conjugation of two substrates that have considerably different water solubility; that amphipathic LTA(4) as a derivative of arachidonic acid and a water-soluble glutathione (GSH). A previous crystal structure revealed important details of GSH binding and implied a GSH activating function for Arg-104. In addition, Arg-31 was also proposed to participate in the catalysis based on the putative LTA(4) binding model. In this study enzymatic assay with mutant enzymes demonstrates that Arg-104 is required for the binding and activation of GSH and that Arg-31 is needed for catalysis probably by activating the epoxide group of LTA(4).  相似文献   

Human prorenin is an inactive zymogen comprising 43 amino acid residues at the amino terminus of human renin. The aim of this work was to determine why prorenin is inactive at neutral pH. Eighteen different mutant prorenins, in which positively charged residues in the propeptide were substituted with either glutamine (Gln) or lysine (Lys) residues by site-directed mutagenesis, were expressed in COS-7 cells and characterized. By replacing each of the three arginine (Arg) residues (Arg10P, Arg15P, and Arg20P) with Gln residues, partially active prorenins were produced, which exhibited significant but not full renin activity without trypsin activation. The effect of double or triple amino acid substitutions on the appearance of active prorenin was cumulative, the activity reaching about 80% in a mutant in which all the three Arg residues were replaced by Gln residues. In contrast, mutant prorenins with Lys residues substituted for the Arg residues were inactive. These results clearly indicate that the positive charges of the three Arg residues are essential for maintenance of the human prorenin in an inactive form.  相似文献   

The flavoenzyme UDP-galactopyranose mutase (UGM) is a mediator of cell wall biosynthesis in many pathogenic microorganisms. UGM catalyzes a unique ring contraction reaction that results in the conversion of UDP-galactopyranose (UDP-Galp) to UDP-galactofuranose (UDP-Galf). UDP-Galf is an essential precursor to the galactofuranose residues found in many different cell wall glycoconjugates. Due to the important consequences of UGM catalysis, structural and biochemical studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism and identify the key residues involved. Here, we report the results of site-directed mutagenesis studies on the absolutely conserved residues in the putative active site cleft. By generating variants of the UGM from Klebsiella pneumoniae, we have identified two arginine residues that play critical catalytic roles (alanine substitution abolishes detectable activity). These residues also have a profound effect on the binding of a fluorescent UDP derivative that inhibits UGM, suggesting that the Arg variants are defective in their ability to bind substrate. One of the residues, Arg280, is located in the putative active site, but, surprisingly, the structural studies conducted to date suggest that Arg174 is not. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that closed UGM conformations can be accessed in which this residue contacts the pyrophosphoryl group of the UDP-Gal substrates. These results provide strong evidence that the mobile loop, noted in all the reported crystal structures, must move in order for UGM to bind its UDP-galactose substrate.  相似文献   

Human thymidylate synthase has been crystallized in the absence of ligands and diffracts beyond 3.0 A. The protein was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and then crystallized from ammonium sulfate in the presence of beta-mercaptoethanol at a variety of pH values. The crystals are trigonal in the space-group P3(1)21; the unit cell dimensions are a = b = 96.7 A, c = 84.1 A.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a critical chemotherapeutic target and intracellular levels of TS are an important determinant of sensitivity to TS inhibitors. Translational autoregulation represents one cellular mechanism for controlling the level of expression of TS. This mechanism involves the binding of TS protein to its own messenger RNA (mRNA), thus, repressing translational efficiency. The presence of excess substrate or inhibitors of TS leads to derepression of protein binding to mRNA, resulting in increased translational efficiency and ultimately increased levels of TS protein. TS protein has been shown to bind to two distinct areas on its mRNA. The goal of the present work is to define the TS domains responsible for this interaction. Using a separate series of overlapping 17-mer peptides spanning the length of both the human and Escherichia coli TS sequences, we have identified six potential domains located in the interface region of the TS protein that bind TS mRNA. The identified domains that bind TS mRNA include three concordant regions in both the human and E. coli peptide series. Five of the six binding peptides contain at least one invariant arginine residue, which has been shown to be critical in other well-defined protein-RNA interactions. These data suggest that the identified highly conserved protein domains, which occur at the homodimeric interface of TS, represent potential participating sites for binding of TS protein to its mRNA.  相似文献   

We reported previously that chemical modification of human alphaA-crystallin by a metabolic dicarbonyl compound, methylglyoxal (MGO), enhances its chaperone-like function, a phenomenon which we attributed to formation of argpyrimidine at arginine residues (R) 21, 49, and 103. This structural change removes the positive charge on the arginine residues. To explore this mechanism further, we replaced these three R residues with a neutral alanine (A) residue one at a time or in combination and examined the impact on the structure and chaperone function. Measurement of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and near-UV CD spectra revealed alteration of the microenvironment of aromatic amino acid residues in mutant proteins. When compared to wild-type (wt) alphaA-crystallin, the chaperone function of R21A and R103A mutants increased 20% and 18% as measured by the insulin aggregation assay and increased it as much as 39% and 28% when measured by the citrate synthase (CS) aggregation assay. While the R49A mutant lost most of its chaperone function, R21A/R103A and R21A/R49A/R103A mutants had slightly better function (6-14% and 10-14%) than the wt protein in these assays. R21A and R103A mutants had higher surface hydrophobicity than wt alphaA-crystallin, but the R49A mutant had lower hydrophobicity. R21A and R103A mutants, but not the R49A mutant, were more efficient than wt protein in refolding guanidine hydrochloride-treated malate dehydrogenase to its native state. Our findings indicate that the positive charges on R21, R49, and R103 are important determinants of the chaperone function of alphaA-crystallin and suggest that chemical modification of arginine residues may play a role in protein aggregation during lens aging and cataract formation.  相似文献   

Adenylosuccinate synthetases from different sources contain an N-terminal glycine-rich sequence GDEGKGK, which is homologous to the conserved sequence GXXXXGK found in many other guanine nucleotide-binding proteins or enzymes. To determine the role of this sequence in the structure and function of Escherichia coli adenylosuccinate synthetase, site-directed mutagenesis was performed to generate five mutant enzymes: G12V (Gly12----Val), G15V (Gly15----Val), G17V (Gly17----Val), K18R (Lys18----Arg), and I19T (Ile19----Thr). Comparison of the kinetic properties of the wild-type enzyme and those of the mutant enzymes revealed that the sequence is critical for enzyme activity. Replacement of Gly12, Gly15, or Gly17 with Val, or replacement of Lys18 with Arg, resulted in significant decreases in the kcat/Km values of the enzyme. Because the consensus sequence GXXXXGK(T/S) has been found in many GTP-binding proteins, isoleucine at position 19 in the E. coli adenylosuccinate synthetase was changed to threonine to produce the sequence GDEGKGKT. This mutation, which more closely resembles the consensus sequence, resulted in a 160-fold increase in the Km value for substrate GTP; however, there were no great changes for the other two substrates, IMP and aspartate. Based on these data, we suggest that the N-terminal glycinerich sequence in E. coli adenylosuccinate synthetase plays a more important role in enzyme catalysis than in substrate binding. In addition, a hydrophobic amino acid residue such as isoleucine, leucine, or valine, rather than threonine, may play a critical role in GTP binding in adenosuccinate synthetase. These findings suggest that the glycine-rich sequence in adenylosuccinate synthetase functions differently relative to those in other GTP binding proteins or enzymes.  相似文献   

Each of the two active sites of thymidylate synthase contains amino acid residues contributed by the other subunit. For example, Arg-178 of one monomer binds the phosphate group of the substrate dUMP in the active site of the other monomer [Hardy et al. (1987) Science 235, 448-455]. Inactive mutants of such residues should combine with subunits of other inactive mutants to form heterodimeric hybrids with one functional active site. In vivo and in vitro approaches were used to test this hypothesis. In vivo complementation was accomplished by cotransforming plasmid mixtures encoding pools of inactive Arg-178 mutants and pools of inactive Cys-198 mutants into a host strain deficient in thymidylate synthase. Individual inactive mutants of Arg-178 were also cotransformed with the C198A mutant. Subunit complementation was detected by selection or screening for transformants which grew in the absence of thymidine, and hence produced active enzyme. Many mutants at each position representing a wide variety of size and charge supported subunit complementation. In vitro complementation was accomplished by reversible dissociation and unfolding of mixtures of purified individual inactive Arg-178 and Cys-198 mutant proteins. With the R178F + C198A heterodimer, the Km values for dUMP and CH2H4folate were similar to those of the wild-type enzyme. By titrating C198A with R178F under unfolding-refolding conditions, we were able to calculate the kcat value for the active heterodimer. The catalytic efficiency of the single wild-type active site of the C198A + R178F heterodimer approaches that of the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS, EC; also known as acetolactate synthase, ALS) catalyzes the first common step in the biosynthesis of valine, leucine, and isoleucine in plants and microorganisms. AHAS is the target of several classes of herbicides. In the present study, the role of three well-conserved arginine residues (R141, R372, and R376) in tobacco AHAS was determined by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutated enzymes, referred to as R141A, R141F, and R376F, were inactive and unable to bind to the cofactor, FAD. The inactive mutants had the same secondary structure as that of the wild type. The mutants R141K, R372F, and R376K exhibited much lower specific activities than the wild type, and moderate resistance to herbicides such as Londax, Cadre, and/or TP. The mutation R141K showed a strong reduction in activation efficiency by ThDP, while the mutations R372K and R376K showed a strong reductions in activation efficiency by FAD in comparison to the wild type enzyme. Taking into account the data presented here and the homology model constructed previously [Le et al. (2004) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 317, 930-938], it is suggested that the three amino acid residues studied (R141, R372, and R376) are located essentially at the enzyme active site, and, furthermore, that residues R372 and R376 are possibly responsible for the binding of the enzyme to FAD.  相似文献   

Y W Zhang  X Y Li  H Sugawara  T Koyama 《Biochemistry》1999,38(44):14638-14643
Heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase of Bacillus subtilis is composed of two dissociable heteromeric subunits, component I and component II. Component II has highly conserved regions typical of (E)-prenyl diphosphate synthases, but it shows no prenyltransferase activity alone unless it is combined with component I. Alignment of amino acid sequences for component I and the corresponding subunits of Bacillus stearothermophilus heptaprenyl diphosphate synthase and Micrococcus luteus B-P 26 hexaprenyl diphosphate synthase shows three regions of high similarity. To elucidate the role of these regions of component I during catalysis, 13 of the conserved amino acid residues in these regions were selected for substitution by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic studies indicated that substitutions of Val-93 with Gly, Leu-94 with Ser, and Tyr-104 with Ser resulted in 3-10-fold increases of K(m) values for the allylic substrate and 5-15-fold decreases of V(max) values compared to those of the wild-type enzyme. The three mutated enzymes, V93G, L94S, and Y104S, showed little binding affinity to the allylic substrate in the membrane filter assay. Furthermore, product analyses showed that D97A yielded shorter chain prenyl diphosphates as the main product, while Y103S gave the final product with a C(40) prenyl chain length. These results suggest that some of the conserved residues in region B of component I are involved in the binding of allylic substrate as well as determining the chain length of the enzymatic reaction product.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis acetohydroxyacid synthase (M. tuberculosis AHAS) has been proposed to bean essential target for novel herbicide- and chemical-based antibacterial agents. Therefore, here we investigated the roles of multiple conserved herbicide-binding site residues (R318, A146, Q148, M512, and V513) in M. tuberculosis AHAS through site-directed mutagenesis by characterizing the kinetic parameters and herbicide sensitivities of various point mutants. Interestingly, all mutant enzymes showed significantly altered kinetic parameters, specifically reduced affinity towards both the substrate and cofactor. Importantly, mutation of R318 led to a complete loss of AHAS activity, indicating a key role for this residue in substrate binding. Furthermore, all mutants demonstrated significant herbicide resistance against chlorimuron ethyl (CE), with several-fold higher IC50 than that of wild type AHAS. Docking analysis also indicated that binding of CE was slightly affected upon mutation of these residues. Taken together, these data suggest that the residues examined here mediate CE binding and may also be important for the catalytic activity of AHAS. This study will pave the way for future structure-function studies of CE and will also aid the development of novel anti-tuberculosis agents based on this chemical scaffold.  相似文献   

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