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The DQB1 locus is located in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II region and involved in immune response. We identified 20 polymorphic sites in a 228 bp fragment of exon 2, one of the most critical regions of the MHC DQB1 gene, in 60 Nigerian goats. Four sites are located in the peptide binding region, and 10 amino acid substitutions are peculiar to Nigerian goats, compared with published sequences. A significantly higher ratio of nonsynonymous/synonymous substitutions (d N/d S) suggests that allelic sequence evolution is driven by balancing selection (P < 0.01). In silico functional analysis using PANTHER predicted that substitution P56R, with a subPSEC score of ?4.00629 (Pdeleterious = 0.73229), is harmful to protein function. The phylogenetic tree from consensus sequences placed the two northern breeds closer to each other than either was to the southern goats. This first report of sequence diversity at the DQB1 locus for any African goat breed may be useful in the search for disease-resistant genotypes.  相似文献   

Six years of passive acoustic monitoring data from the Gulf of California reveal seasonality and movements for the northeastern Pacific blue whales. Three sites were studied, one from the southern (Punta Pescadero) and two from the northern (Isla Tiburon and Canal de Ballenas) regions. A total of 4,953 h were analyzed, and 15,539 blue whale calls were detected, of which 2,723 (18%) were A calls, 11,249 were B calls (72%), and 1,567 were D calls (10%). A and B calls were produced both as song units (2,524) or AB singular calls (2,026). The high rate of songs and their seasonality suggest that the GC is a winter‐breeding ground. A shift from AB call predominance in winter, to D calls in spring and early summer, especially at the entrance of the GC, suggests the importance of this area for reproduction and foraging. Analysis of calling frequency suggests a clear movement of blue whales from the southern region (Punta Pescadero) to the northern regions (Canal de Ballenas and Isla Tiburon), with subsequent southern movement in March. The seasonality and mobility of blue whales in the Gulf of California, inferred from their calling, contributes to the ecological understanding of this population.  相似文献   

One of the most isolated populations of fin whales occurs in the Gulf of California (GOC) with 400-800 individuals. This population shows reduced neutral genetic variation in comparison to the North Pacific population and thus might also display limited adaptive polymorphism. We sampled 36 fin whales from the GOC and assessed genetic variation at exon 2 of the major histocompatibility complex class II DQB-1 genes responsible for eliciting immune responses. Three divergent alleles were found with higher nonsynonymous than synonymous substitution rates within the peptide-binding region positions as well as the likely retention of ancient alleles, indicating that positive selection has shaped diversity in this species. Limited levels of nonneutral polymorphism, in addition to previously described low levels of neutral polymorphism, are consistent with the results of previous studies on vertebrate populations that have remained small and demographically stable for a very long time. Such low genetic variation in the GOC fin whales could be explained by 2 demographic scenarios: an ancient isolated population with limited gene flow or a more recent founder event after the last glacial maximum with very restricted gene flow.  相似文献   

Population differentiation in environments without well-defined geographical barriers represents a challenge for wildlife management. Based on a comprehensive database of individual sighting records (1988–2009) of blue whales from the winter/calving Gulf of California, we assessed the fine-scale genetic and spatial structure of the population using individual-based approaches. Skin samples of 187 individuals were analyzed for nine microsatellite loci. A single population with no divergence among years and months and no isolation by distance (Rxy = 0.1–0.001, p>0.05) were found. We ran two Bayesian clustering methods using Structure and Geneland softwares in two different ways: 1) a general analysis including all individuals in which a single cluster was identified with both softwares; 2) a specific analysis of females only in which two main clusters (Loreto Bay and northern areas, and San Jose-La Paz Bay area) were revealed by Geneland program. This study provides information indicating that blue whales wintering in the Gulf of California are part of a single population unit and showed a fine-scale structure among females, possibly associated with their high site fidelity, particularly when attending calves. It is likely that the loss of genetic variation is minimized by male mediated gene flow, which may reduce the genetic drift effect. Opportunities for kin selection may also influence calf survival and, in consequence, have a positive impact on population demography in this small and endangered population.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility class (MHC) DQ molecules are dimeric glycoproteins revealing antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells. In the present study, the exon 2 of the MHC class II DQB gene from 32 yaks (Bos grunniens) was cloned, sequenced and compared with previously reported patterns for other bovidae. It was revealed by sequence analyses that there are 25 DQB exon 2 alleles among 32 yaks, all alleles are found to belong to DQB1 loci. These alleles exhibited a high degree of nucleotide and amino acid polymorphisms with most amino acid variations occurring at positions forming the peptide-binding sites. The DQB loci were analyzed for patterns of synonymous (d S) and non-synonymous (d N) substitution. The yak was observed to be under strong positive selection in the DQB exon 2 peptide-binding sites (d N = 0.15, P < 0.001). It appears that this variability among yaks confers the ability to mount immune responses to a wide variety of peptides or pathogens.  相似文献   

Passive acoustic monitoring is an efficient way to provide insights on the ecology of large whales. This approach allows for long-term and species-specific monitoring over large areas. In this study, we examined six years (2010 to 2015) of continuous acoustic recordings at up to seven different locations in the Central and Southern Indian Basin to assess the peak periods of presence, seasonality and migration movements of Antarctic blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia). An automated method is used to detect the Antarctic blue whale stereotyped call, known as Z-call. Detection results are analyzed in terms of distribution, seasonal presence and diel pattern of emission at each site. Z-calls are detected year-round at each site, except for one located in the equatorial Indian Ocean, and display highly seasonal distribution. This seasonality is stable across years for every site, but varies between sites. Z-calls are mainly detected during autumn and spring at the subantarctic locations, suggesting that these sites are on the Antarctic blue whale migration routes, and mostly during winter at the subtropical sites. In addition to these seasonal trends, there is a significant diel pattern in Z-call emission, with more Z-calls in daytime than in nighttime. This diel pattern may be related to the blue whale feeding ecology.  相似文献   

The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) is a large multigene coding for glycoproteins that play a key role in the initiation of immune responses in vertebrates. The exon 2 region of the MHC DQB locus was analyzed using 160 finless porpoises from 5 populations in Japanese waters. The 5 populations were based on a previous mitochondrial DNA control region analysis, which showed distinct geographical separation. Eight DQB alleles were detected, and the geographical distribution of the alleles indicated that most of them are shared among the populations. Heterozygosity of the DQB alleles in each population ranged from 0.55 to 0.78, and for all 5 populations was 0.78. Low MHC variability is not a common feature in marine mammals, but the finless porpoise populations inhabiting coastal waters had a relatively high MHC heterozygosity. Balancing selection in the MHC DQB alleles of the finless porpoise was indicated by the higher rate of nonsynonymous than synonymous substitutions for PBR; however, an excess of hetrozygotes compared to expectation was not observed. This suggests that the MHC DQB locus in the finless porpoise may have been under balancing selection for a long evolutionary time period, and is influenced by genetic drift beyond the effect of balancing selection for short time periods in small local populations.  相似文献   

The present study analyses whale shark Rhincodon typus stranding in the Gulf of California, Mexico, reported by the public, scientists, authorities and artisanal fishermen. A total of 14 strandings were documented during the period 2001–2018. The total length of R. typus ranged from 350–1,102 cm, with a sex ratio of 3.5:1 (males: females). This study highlights potential stranding areas, the need for better stranding protocols to assist R. typus recovery and the importance of samples from dead animals for scientific research.  相似文献   

This study assessed the distribution pattern of allelic variants at the prolactin-RsaI locus in 23 Indian native cattle breeds (Bos indicus). PCR-RFLP genotyping of a 156?bp fragment of prolactin (PRL) in exon 3 revealed the predominance of the heterozygous AB genotype (mean frequency 0.58) irrespective of utility type (dairy, dual, draft), geographic region (northern, central, southern), and coat color (red, gray) of the breeds analyzed. The overall frequencies of homozygous AA (0.22) and BB (0.20) genotypes were in a similar range. The PRL (A) and PRL (B) alleles exhibited similar gene frequencies (means 0.52 and 0.48, respectively). The existing profile of the PRL-RsaI gene locus in a large set of Indian native cattle breeds was different from that of Bos taurus and cattle breeds of other countries, where either the BB genotype and PRL (B) allele or the AA genotype and PRL (A) allele have been reported to be more prevalent.  相似文献   

In Australian waters during the austral summer, pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) occur predictably in two distinct feeding areas off western and southern Australia. As with other blue whale subspecies, outside the austral summer their distribution and movements are poorly understood. In order to describe the migratory movements of these whales, we present the satellite telemetry derived movements of eleven individuals tagged off western Australia over two years. Whales were tracked from between 8 and 308 days covering an average distance of 3,009±892 km (mean ± se; range: 832 km–14,101 km) at a rate of 21.94±0.74 km per day (0.09 km–455.80 km/day). Whales were tagged during March and April and ultimately migrated northwards post tag deployment with the exception of a single animal which remained in the vicinity of the Perth Canyon/Naturaliste Plateau for its eight day tracking period. The tagged whales travelled relatively near to the Australian coastline (100.0±1.7 km) until reaching a prominent peninsula in the north-west of the state of Western Australia (North West Cape) after which they travelled offshore (238.0±13.9 km). Whales reached the northern terminus of their migration and potential breeding grounds in Indonesian waters by June. One satellite tag relayed intermittent information to describe aspects of the southern migration from Indonesia with the animal departing around September to arrive in the subtropical frontal zone, south of western Australia in December. Throughout their migratory range, these whales are exposed to impacts associated with industry, fishing and vessel traffic. These movements therefore provide a valuable tool to industry when assessing potential interactions with pygmy blue whales and should be considered by conservation managers and regulators when mitigating impacts of development. This is particularly relevant for this species as it continues to recover from past exploitation.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is known to affect disease resistance in many species. Investigations of MHC diversity in populations of wild species have focused on the antigen presenting class IIβ molecules due to the known polymorphic nature of these genes and the role these molecules play in pathogen recognition. Studies of MHC haplotype variation in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) are limited. This study was designed to examine MHC diversity in a group of Eastern wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) collected during population expansion following reintroduction of the species in southern Wisconsin, USA. Southern blotting with BG and class IIβ probes and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping was used to measure MHC variation. SNP analysis focused on single copy MHC genes flanking the highly polymorphic class IIβ genes. Southern blotting identified 27 class IIβ phenotypes, whereas SNP analysis identified 13 SNP haplotypes occurring in 28 combined genotypes. Results show that genetic diversity estimates based on RFLP (Southern blot) analysis underestimate the level of variation detected by SNP analysis. Sequence analysis of the mitochondrial D-loop identified 7 mitochondrial haplotypes (mitotypes) in the sampled birds. Results show that wild turkeys located in southern Wisconsin have a genetically diverse MHC and originate from several maternal lineages.  相似文献   

M. A. Riley  M. E. Hallas    R. C. Lewontin 《Genetics》1989,123(2):359-369
Fifty-eight isochromosomal lines sampled from two natural populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura in California and one from Bogota, Colombia, were examined using four-cutter restriction mapping. A 4.6-kb region of the xanthine dehydrogenase locus was probed and 66 of 135 restriction sites scored were polymorphic. This predicts that on average every 12th bp would be polymorphic in this region for the genes surveyed if polymorphism occurred randomly along the coding region. In addition, there were 12 insertion/deletion polymorphisms. Forty-nine distinct haplotypes were recognized in the 58 lines examined. The most common haplotype obtained a frequency of only 5%. Measures of base pair heterozygosity (0.0097) and linkage disequilibrium lead to a predicted population size in the range of 1.2-2.4 X 10(6) for the species. High levels of recombination (including gene conversion) can be inferred from the presence of all four gametic types in the data set.  相似文献   

Understanding the seasonal movements and distribution patterns of migratory species over ocean basin scales is vital for appropriate conservation and management measures. However, assessing populations over remote regions is challenging, particularly if they are rare. Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus spp) are an endangered species found in the Southern and Indian Oceans. Here two recognized subspecies of blue whales and, based on passive acoustic monitoring, four “acoustic populations” occur. Three of these are pygmy blue whale (B.m. brevicauda) populations while the fourth is the Antarctic blue whale (B.m. intermedia). Past whaling catches have dramatically reduced their numbers but recent acoustic recordings show that these oceans are still important habitat for blue whales. Presently little is known about the seasonal movements and degree of overlap of these four populations, particularly in the central Indian Ocean. We examined the geographic and seasonal occurrence of different blue whale acoustic populations using one year of passive acoustic recording from three sites located at different latitudes in the Indian Ocean. The vocalizations of the different blue whale subspecies and acoustic populations were recorded seasonally in different regions. For some call types and locations, there was spatial and temporal overlap, particularly between Antarctic and different pygmy blue whale acoustic populations. Except on the southernmost hydrophone, all three pygmy blue whale acoustic populations were found at different sites or during different seasons, which further suggests that these populations are generally geographically distinct. This unusual blue whale diversity in sub-Antarctic and sub-tropical waters indicates the importance of the area for blue whales in these former whaling grounds.  相似文献   

A systematic list of the echinoderms of the Gulf of California, based on museum specimens of the Colección Nacional de Equinodermos, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. is presented. A total of 193 echinoderm species is recorded, distributed in 108 genera, 51 families and 19 orders. 12 new records for the Gulf of California are presented: Asteroidea (four), Ophiuroidea (three) and Holothuroidea (five).  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is a dynamic genetic region with an essential role in the adaptive immunity of jawed vertebrates. The MHC polymorphism is affected by many processes such as birth-and- death evolution, gene conversion, and concerted evolution. Studies investigating the evolution of MHC class I genes have been biased toward a few particular taxa and model species. However, the investigation of this region in nonavian reptiles is still in its infancy. We present the first characterization of MHC class I genes in a species from the family Lacertidae. We assessed genetic diversity and a role of selection in shaping the diversity of MHC class I exon 4 among 37 individuals of Eremias multiocellata from a population in Lanzhou, China. We generated 67 distinct DNA sequences using cloning and sequencing methods, and identified 36 putative functional variants as well as two putative pseudogene-variants. We found the number of variants within an individual varying between two and seven, indicating that there are at least four MHC class I loci in this species. Gene duplication plays a role in increasing copy numbers of MHC genes and allelic diversity in this species. The class I exon 4 sequences are characteristic of low nucleotide diversity. No signal of recombination is detected, but purifying selection is detected in β2-microglobulin interaction sites and some other silent sites outside of the function-constraint regions. Certain identical alleles are shared by Eremias multiocellata and E. przewalskii and E. brenchleyi, suggesting trans-species polymorphism. The data are compatible with a birth-and-death model of evolution.  相似文献   

Among bird species, the most studied major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is the chicken MHC. Although the number of studies on MHC in free-ranging species is increasing, the knowledge on MHC variation in species closely related to chicken is required to understand the peculiarities of bird MHC evolution. Here we describe the variation of MHC class IIB (MHCIIB) exon 2 in a population of the Grey partridge (Perdix perdix), a species of high conservation concern throughout Europe and an emerging galliform model in studies of sexual selection. We found 12 alleles in 108 individuals, but in comparison to other birds surprisingly many sites show signatures of historical positive selection. Individuals displayed between two to four alleles both on genomic and complementary DNA, suggesting the presence of two functional MHCIIB loci. Recombination and gene conversion appear to be involved in generating MHCIIB diversity in the Grey partridge; two recombination breakpoints and several gene conversion events were detected. In phylogenetic analysis of galliform MHCIIB, the Grey partridge alleles do not cluster together, but are scattered through the tree instead. Thus, our results indicate that the Grey partridge MHCIIB is comparable to most other galliforms in terms of copy number and population polymorphism.  相似文献   

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