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Filamentous tau aggregates are hallmarks of tauopathies, e.g., frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism-dementia complex (ALS/PDC). Since FTDP-17 tau gene mutations alter levels/functions of tau, we overexpressed the smallest human tau isoform in the CNS of transgenic (Tg) mice to model tauopathies. These mice acquired age-dependent CNS pathology similarto FTDP-17 and ALS/PDC, including insoluble, hyperphosphorylated tau and argyrophilic intraneuronal inclusions formed by tau-immunoreactive filaments. Inclusions were present in cortical and brainstem neurons but were most abundant in spinal cord neurons, where they were associated with axon degeneration, diminished microtubules (MTs), and reduced axonal transport in ventral roots, as well as spinal cord gliosis and motor weakness. These Tg mice recapitulate key features of tauopathies and provide models for elucidating mechanisms underlying diverse tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease (AD).  相似文献   

目的:建立含P301L突变的tau转基因小鼠的纯合子品系。方法:雄原核显微注射法获得含P301L突变的tau转基因阳性首建鼠,通过SYBR Green实时荧光定量PCR法和传统育种方式结合鉴定纯合子和杂合子。结果:共选育出95只纯合子,鉴定出的纯合子具有优于杂合子模拟老年痴呆生物学特性改变的优势。结论:外源性基因tau能稳定遗传,采用的SYBR Green实时荧光定量PCR和传统育种方式结合筛选鉴定纯合子和杂合子快速、经济、可靠。  相似文献   

Tissue-specific expression of the human renin gene in transgenic mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Transgenic mice carrying human renin gene were produced by microinjection of 15 kilobases (kb) DNA molecules with up to 3 kb of 5'-flanking sequence and 1.2 kb of 3'-flanking sequence. The transgenes have been shown to be stably transmitted to progeny. It was revealed by RNase protection assay that the human renin gene in a transgenic mouse is expressed preferentially in the kidney. The human renin RNA was also detected at a small level in a variety of tissues such as brain, heart, lung, pancreas, spleen, stomach, testis, and thymus. The direct radioimmunoassay using a monoclonal antibody specific for the active site of human renin demonstrated the synthesis of human active renin in the transgenic mouse kidney. These results suggest that the human renin gene in the transgenic mouse is regulated in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

We generated transgenic mice to study the in vivo role of the cytoplasmic domain of human proEGF (proEGFcyt). Post-pubertal proEGFcyt transgenic (tg) mice displayed an up to 15% reduction in body weight, including smaller kidney and brain weights as compared to control littermates. Renal histology, gene expression profiles, and functional parameters were normal. In both sexes, serum levels of IGFBP-3 were reduced. Circulating IGF-I/IGF-II levels were unchanged. Histomorphological analysis revealed isolated foci of liver necrosis specific to proEGFcyt tg mice. In conclusion, we identified proEGF cytoplasmic domain as a novel modulator of whole body and organ-specific growth in mice.  相似文献   

To analyze the regulation of transthyretin gene expression we have produced transgenic mice by microinjecting cloned human transthyretin genes into fertilized eggs of C57BL/6 mice. The 7.6-kilobase (kb) human transthyretin gene containing about 500 base pairs (bp) in the upstream region was used for microinjection. Seven out of nine transgenic mice had detectable amounts of human transthyretin in serum when analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Transthyretin mRNA was detected in liver and yolk sac but not in other tissues including brain. The amount of mRNA was variable among transgenic mice and was about one-tenth of mouse endogenous transthyretin mRNA. Human and mouse transthyretin mRNAs were detected in liver of fetus and yolk sac at 13 days of gestation and unlike yolk sac the level of mRNA in liver increased gradually during development and reached the maximum at around 17 days of gestation. Human transthyretin was associated with mouse transthyretin to form tetramers as judged from the dilution curve of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the spur formation in Ouchterlony assay.  相似文献   

The apolipoprotein (Apo) AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster has a complex pattern of gene expression that is modulated by both gene- and cluster-specific cis-acting elements. In particular the regulation of Apo AIV expression has been previously studied in vivo and in vitro including several transgenic mouse lines but a complete, consistent picture of the tissue-specific controls is still missing. We have analysed the role of the Apo AIV 3' flanking sequences in the regulation of gene expression using both in vitro and in vivo systems including three lines of transgenic mice. The transgene consisted of a human fragment containing 7 kb of the 5' flanking region, the Apo AIV gene itself and 6 kb of the 3' flanking region (-7+6 Apo AIV). Accurate analysis of the Apo AIV mRNA levels using quantitative PCR and Northern blots showed that the 7+6 kb Apo AIV fragment confers liver-specific regulation in that the human Apo AIV transgene is expressed at approximately the same level as the endogenous mouse Apo AIV gene. In contrast, the intestinal regulation of the transgene did not follow, the pattern observed with the endogenous gene although it produced a much higher intestinal expression following the accepted human pattern. Therefore, this animal model provides an excellent substrate to design therapeutic protocols for those metabolic derangements that may benefit from variations in Apo AIV levels and its anti-atherogenic effect.  相似文献   

红系特异的GFP基因在转基因小鼠中的整合和表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用荧光定量PCR技术对由位点控制区LCR的HS2元件和 β 珠蛋白基因启动子指导的红系特异表达绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP)基因的转基因小鼠中外源基因拷贝数进行测定 ,使用荧光显微镜和流式细胞仪检测小鼠外周血中GFP的表达水平 ,并运用荧光原位杂交技术 (FISH)确定了其中两只转基因小鼠中外源基因的整合位点 ,结果表明 :在转基因小鼠中外源基因的拷贝数各不相同且相差较大 ,而且拷贝数与GFP基因的表达量之间未呈现出相关性 ;FISH分析确定出两只转基因小鼠的外源基因整合于不同的染色体上 ;杂交信号的强弱与拷贝数的多少相一致  相似文献   

Neurofilament gene expression in transgenic mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. DNA fragments that include the human neurofilament NF-L gene was found to be correctly expressed in the majority of neurons in transgenic mice. 2. The NF-L transgene product, which is detectable in situ with a species-specific monoclonal antibody, provides a powerful genotype marking system applicable to developmental and regeneration studies of the mammalian nervous system. 3. The proximal 5'-flanking region of the NF-L gene is sufficient to direct expression of a heterologous gene in the mouse nervous system.  相似文献   

Owing to the episodic and unpredictable nature of the sickling crisis, many aspects of the disease sickle cell anemia have resisted in vivo analysis. The lack of an animal model has hindered the pathophysiological investigation of this disease, as well as deterred the development of pharmacological therapies. The transgenic mouse system offers a new means for creating animals that make a specified mutant gene product, and we have used this system to create a series of mice that contain the human beta s-globin gene. These animals express this gene in the appropriate tissues and at the same point in development as the adult mouse globin genes are expressed. We have crossed the human beta s-containing transgenic mice with a beta-thalassemic mouse line and examined the hemoglobins produced by these mice. Their red cells contain 10% mouse alpha/human beta s hybrid hemoglobin, which partially corrects the thalassemic phenotype of the homozygous beta-thalassemic animals. Though the red cells do not sickle, other properties of the human beta s gene in these mice indicate the potential for the eventual development of a transgenic animal model for sickle cell anemia.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is associated with a clinical latency of as long as 10 years before the development of disease. One explanation for this delay is the requirement of cofactors such as other DNA or RNA viruses, cytokines critical for immune modulation, or environmental UV light. At least in tissue culture studies, these agents are capable of inducing HIV gene expression in cell lines which either harbor the entire viral genome or contain a reporter gene under the control of the viral long terminal repeat regulatory region. The role of these cofactors in terminating clinical latency and inducing disease has been difficult to ascertain because of the lack of an appropriate animal model. We now report that UV light can markedly induce HIV gene expression in transgenic mice carrying both the cis-acting (long terminal repeat) and trans-acting (the tat gene) elements which are essential for viral transactivation and replication in infected cells. Our finding may explain the clinical observations that cutaneous lesions in HIV-infected individuals are often seen in the sunlight exposed areas of the skin, including the face and neck.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated protein tau is the major constituent of the paired helical filament, the main fibrous component of the neurofibrillary lesions of Alzheimer's disease. Tau is an axonal phosphoprotein in normal adult brain. In Alzheimer's disease brain tau is hyperphosphorylated and is found not only in axons, but also in cell bodies and dendrites of affected nerve cells. We report the production and analysis of transgenic mice that express the longest human brain tau isoform under the control of the human Thy-1 promoter. As in Alzheimer's disease, transgenic human tau protein was present in nerve cell bodies, axons and dendrites; moreover, it was phosphorylated at sites that are hyperphosphorylated in paired helical filaments. We conclude that transgenic human tau protein showed pre-tangle changes similar to those that precede the full neurofibrillary pathology in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Our laboratory reported previously that chimeric genes encoding either rat somatostatin (SS) or human GH (hGH), but containing the identical mouse metallothionein-I (MT) promoter/enhancer sequences and hGH 3'-flanking sequences, were selectively expressed in the gonadotrophs of transgenic mice. The experiments reported here were designed to identify the DNA sequences responsible for this unexpected cell-specific expression within the anterior pituitary. We produced new transgenic mice expressing fusion genes that tested separately the requirement of the MT or 3'-hGH sequences for gonadotroph expression. A fusion gene that retained the original MT and SS sequences, with a simian virus 40 polyadenylation signal exchanged for the 3'-hGH sequences, no longer directed strong pituitary expression, but was active in the liver. In contrast, a cytomegalovirus promoter/enhancer-SS-hGH fusion gene was expressed at the same high level in the anterior pituitaries of transgenic mice as the originally studied MT-SS-hGH gene. Immunohistochemical analysis indicated that pituitary expression of the cytomegalovirus promoter/enhancer-SS-hGH fusion gene was also restricted to gonadotroph cells in adult mice. These studies indicate that sequences within the 3'-flanking region of the hGH gene can direct expression of chimeric genes to pituitary cells that do not normally produce growth hormone.  相似文献   

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