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Overexpression is the most common abnormality of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) in human tumors. It is presumed that overexpression leads to constitutive activation of RTKs, but the mechanism of that activation has been uncertain. Here we show that overexpression of the Met RTK allows activation of the receptor by cell attachment and that this form of activation can be tumorigenic. Transgenic mice that overexpressed Met in hepatocytes developed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), one of the human tumors in which Met has been implicated previously. The tumorigenic Met was activated by cell attachment rather than by ligand. Inactivation of the transgene led to regression of even highly advanced tumors, apparently mediated by apoptosis and cessation of cellular proliferation. These results reveal a previously unappreciated mechanism by which the tumorigenic action of RTKs can be mediated, provide evidence that Met may play a role in both the genesis and maintenance of HCC, and suggest that Met may be a beneficial therapeutic target in tumors that overexpress the receptor.  相似文献   

The genetic and physiological similarities between mice and humans have focused considerable attention on rodents as potential models of human health and disease. Together with the wealth of resources, knowledge, and technologies surrounding the mouse as a model system, these similarities have propelled this species to the forefront of biomedical research. The advent of genomic manipulation has quickly led to the creation and use of genetically engineered mice as powerful tools for cutting edge studies of human disease research including the discovery, refinement, and utility of many currently available therapeutic regimes. In particular, the creation of genetically modified mice as models of human disease has remarkably changed our ability to understand the molecular mechanisms and cellular pathways underlying disease states. Moreover, the mouse models resulting from gene transfer technologies have been important components correlating an individual’s gene expression profile to the development of disease pathologies. The objective of this review is to provide physician-scientists with an expansive historical and logistical overview of the creation of mouse models of human disease through gene transfer technologies. Our expectation is that this will facilitate on-going disease research studies and may initiate new areas of translational research leading to enhanced patient care.  相似文献   

目的 验证HBsAg阳性转基因小鼠肝脏中昼夜节律表达基因dbp (coding for the D site albumin promoter binding protein)转录水平的变化。 方法 用实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应方法对比研究雌、雄及个体HBsAg阳性转基因小鼠及对照鼠肝脏dbp转录水平的变化。研究不同时间点HBsAg阳性转基因小鼠及对照鼠肝脏dbp转录水平的变化。 结果 #59 及#10 品系组HBsAg阳性转基因小鼠肝组织中dbp均较对照组动物上调, 但个体间差别较大。初步结果显示雌性正常小鼠dbp转录水平较雄性为高。而在雌性HBsAg阳性转基因小鼠中dbp的上调进一步增强。与此相反,雄性转基因小鼠dbp的上调则较同性对照鼠更弱。转基因小鼠dbp转录,在8:00时及14:00时平均水平均高于对照鼠,然而在20:00时及2:00时则与对照鼠相当。结论 本研究首次报道HBsAg阳性转基因小鼠肝脏中dbp表达的上调,提供了乙型肝炎病毒蛋白表达与昼夜节律基因变化有所联系的证据。至于本研究在转基因鼠中的发现是否在乙型肝炎患者中存在及其意义还有待在患者中作进一步临床验证与研究。  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating which suggests that the vertebrate Hox homeobox gene family plays an important role in pattern formation, particularly in the specification of regional diversity. In the last year important advances in the understanding of their regulation and function have been provided using transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Peritoneal and pleural cells from mice transgenic for GM-CSF were studied with regard to their phenotype and functional capacity, and compared with cells from normal littermates. Transgenic mice showed markedly elevated peritoneal and pleural cell counts compared with littermates, and a significantly higher proportion of cells in the transgenic populations were macrophage in phenotype. Transgenic macrophages were larger than the littermate cells, showing abundant foamy cytoplasm and enhanced spreading on plastic. Analysis by flow cytometry showed a more than sixfold increased expression of the macrophage activation markers MAC-2 and MAC-3, but not other markers, on transgenic macrophages. Superoxide production was measured in whole cell populations, both in their basal state and in response to particulate (zymosan) and soluble (PMA) stimuli. Both basal and stimulated superoxide production were markedly elevated in transgenic mice of 12 wk of age, with the largest differences seen in response to PMA. In younger mice, however, only PMA-stimulated superoxide production was significantly greater in transgenic macrophages than in littermate cells and levels of superoxide were generally lower than those seen in 12-wk-old mice. These findings suggest that the enhanced functional capacity of transgenic cells is a maturation-dependent event. In contrast to these findings, drug-dependent cytotoxicity assays performed on cells from 12-wk-old mice revealed no significant differences in killing capacity between the two mouse strains. Taken together these data indicate a selective rather than uniform functional up-regulation in transgenic macrophages compared with their littermates, with a time scale suggestive of a maturational rather than activation process. These findings may provide an indication of the functional macrophage phenotype resulting from long term exposure to GM-CSF in vivo, and help to explain the macrophage-associated pathology seen in GM-CSF-transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Torgerson DG  Singh RS 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1421-1432
Gene duplication is an important mechanism for acquiring new genes and creating genetic novelty in organisms. Evidence suggests that duplicated genes are retained at a much higher rate than originally thought and that functional divergence of gene copies is a major factor promoting their retention in the genome. We find that two Drosophila testes-specific alpha4 proteasome subunit genes (alpha4-t1 and alpha4-t2) have a higher polymorphism within species and are significantly more diverged between species than the somatic alpha4 gene. Our data suggest that following gene duplication, the alpha4-t1 gene experienced relaxed selective constraints, whereas the alpha4-t2 gene experienced positive selection acting on several codons. We report significant heterogeneity in evolutionary rates among all three paralogs at homologous codons, indicating that functional divergence has coincided with genic divergence. Reproductive subfunctionalization may allow for a more rapid evolution of reproductive traits and a greater specialization of testes function. Our data add to the increasing evidence that duplicated genes experience lower selective constraints and in some cases positive selection following duplication. Newly duplicated genes that are freer from selective constraints may provide a mechanism for developing new interactions and a pathway for the evolution of new genes.  相似文献   

Antioxidants possess potent ability to regulate gene expression beyond their specific antioxidant activity. Genomic analysis reveals that three phenolic antioxidants, probucol, BO-653, and tBHQ, all of which have a phenoxyl group with one or two tert-butyl groups at the ortho-position, inhibit both the mRNA and protein levels of proteasome alpha-subunits in human endothelial cells. The chemical structure required for the gene regulation was studied by using derivatives of BO-653 and other antioxidants. It was found that the phenoxyl group and tert-butyl group at the ortho-position of the compounds were critical for down-regulation of the proteasome gene. Two antioxidant responsive elements (AREs) were identified in the promoter region of proteasome alpha subunit 3 (PSMA3). Results from promoter truncation analysis revealed that the proximal ARE region was necessary for the down-regulation of the expression of PSMA3. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that BO-653-mediated induction of DNA-binding to an upstream promoter region of PSMA3 containing the ARE motif was blocked by antibody against c-Jun but not Nrf2. These results indicate that the suppression of the proteasome alpha subunits expression by phenolic antioxidants is strictly dependent on both their chemical structure and the ARE consensus region in the promoter, which may be negatively regulated by AP-1.  相似文献   

Expression of the chicken transferrin gene in transgenic mice   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The chicken transferrin gene was microinjected into the male pronucleus of fertilized mouse eggs, and the eggs were then implanted into foster mothers. Approximately 15%-30% of the offspring from the injected eggs carried chicken DNA sequences; restriction mapping indicated that multiple copies of the chicken gene had integrated into the genome in a tandem arrangement in most of the mice. Six of the seven mice studied expressed the chicken gene, and in five mice there was a 5 to 10 fold preferential expression of chicken transferrin mRNA in liver compared to that in other tissues. Chicken transferrin was secreted into the serum of five of the mice, where it reached steady state concentrations up to 67 micrograms/ml. Offspring from transgenic parents also expressed the chicken gene; in some cases the expression in offspring was very similar to the parent, but in one line expression in offspring had increased 2 to 4 fold.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice which specifically express the human insulin gene in the pancreatic beta cells have been obtained. Expression is demonstrated by the presence in the serum of human insulin (determined by a radioimmunoassay for the human C-peptide), the level of which increases upon glucose stimulus, and by the presence of human insulin mRNA in pancreas, but not in the other tissues tested. This result indicates that nucleotide sequences necessary for tissue-specific expression are within the transferred gene and/or in its vicinity. It also suggests that the regulatory molecules are quite similar if not identical in human and mouse.  相似文献   

Here, we report a novel mechanism of proteasome inhibition mediated by Thiostrepton (Thsp), which interacts covalently with Rpt subunits of the 19S proteasome and proteasome substrates. We identified Thsp in a cell‐based high‐throughput screen using a fluorescent reporter sensitive to degradation by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Thiostrepton behaves as a proteasome inhibitor in several paradigms, including cell‐based reporters, detection of global ubiquitination status, and proteasome‐mediated labile protein degradation. In vitro, Thsp does not block the chymotrypsin activity of the 26S proteasome. In a cell‐based IκBα degradation assay, Thsp is a slow inhibitor and 4 hrs of treatment achieves the same effects as MG‐132 at 30 min. We show that Thsp forms covalent adducts with proteins in human cells and demonstrate their nature by mass spectrometry. Furthermore, the ability of Thsp to interact covalently with the cysteine residues is essential for its proteasome inhibitory function. We further show that a Thsp modified peptide cannot be degraded by proteasomes in vitro. Importantly, we demonstrate that Thsp binds covalently to Rpt subunits of the 19S regulatory particle and forms bridges with a proteasome substrate. Taken together, our results uncover an important role of Thsp in 19S proteasome inhibition.  相似文献   

Summary Two human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines were grown in athymic mice. Morphologically, the tumors resembled hepatocellular carcinomas. HBsAg, anti-HBs, and -fetoprotein were detected in sera of mice bearing tumors of PLC/PRF/5 or Hep 3B cells; their amounts correlated with tumor weight. Tumors of both cell lines were infected with cell culture-adapted hepatitis A virus (HAV); HAV antigen and infectious virus were recovered from infected tumors of PLC/PRF/5 and Hep 3B cells. Our results indicate that HAV-infected tumors may be useful in studying the production in vivo of hepatitis A virus antigen.  相似文献   

Expression and regulation of the rabbit uteroglobin gene in transgenic mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rabbit uteroglobin (UG) gene, with varying lengths of 5' flanking sequence, was introduced into the mouse genome to investigate the DNA sequences required for tissue-specific expression and regulation by steroid hormones. The pattern of expression and steroid hormone regulation of the transgene was compared to the expression and regulation of the endogenous mouse UG-like gene. In the rabbit, UG is induced in the uterus by progesterone and is expressed constitutively in the lungs, where it is weakly regulated by glucocorticoids. Genomic DNA fragments containing the complete UG-coding sequence with 4.0 (UG4.0), 3.0 (UG3.0), 2.3 (UG2.3), or 0.6 (UG0.6) kilobases of 5' flanking sequence were used to establish lines of transgenic mice. Expression of UG mRNA was observed in the lungs of UG4.0 (2/4 lines), UG3.0 (4/4 lines), UG2.3 (1/2 lines), and UG0.6 (4/4 lines) mice. Uterine expression was observed in UG3.0 (3/4 lines), UG2.3 (1/2 lines), and UG0.6 (2/4 lines). In the lungs of UG3.0 and UG2.3 mice, RNA expression was stimulated by treatment with dexamethasone. In the one line of UG3.0 mice examined, UG was regulated by ovarian steroids in the uterus. The endogenous mouse UG-like gene showed the major site of expression to be in the lung. Unlike the transgene, the endogenous gene was more strongly stimulated by glucocorticoids. Thus, we conclude that the cis elements needed for pulmonary expression of UG are contained within the UG2.3 fragment used to generate transgenic mice, but that other elements are required for full glucocorticoid regulation. Also, the transgene did not show the full uterine expression observed in the rabbit, but regulation by the ovarian steroids was observed.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were produced containing a 33 kilobase (kb) DNA fragment encompassing the five exons and all the known regulatory regions of the class IIHLA-DRA gene. The transgene displayed regulated expression [constitutive and interferon- (IFN)- induced] of the human products in most mouse tissues. The tissue distribution of theDRA transgene products more closely resembled that of their mouse homologues, the endogenous H-2 Ea products, than the wider distribution ofDRA products in humans. This was evident in several tissues (endothelia of small vessels, especially those of glomerular capillaries, Kupffer cells, and epithelial cells lining the gastrointestinal tract), known to differentially express class II molecules in the two species. Thus, the wider human specific pattern of expression requires an exact cis/trans complementation which is incompletely reconstituted in transgenic mice, suggesting that human specific cis-acting elements may have arisen during evolution to direct the expression of class II genes to those anatomical regions which usually lack them in the mouse. The only example of aberrant expression of theDRA gene in the present series of transgenic mice was in the dendritic and/or epithelial cells of the thymic cortex, which displayed greately reducedDRA levels in spite of a normal expression of the endogenous Ea molecules.  相似文献   

Multiple-transgene co-integration offers a powerful means by which several transgenes can be co-expressed in mammary glands. Independent gene constructs, including bovine -casein-hG-CSF, mWAP-hEPO, and CMV-EGFP, were co-injected into fertilized mouse eggs whereupon 32% (17/54) of the transgenic mice showed integration of all the three constructs. The co-expression ratio of hG-CSF and hEPO proteins in the mouse milk was up to 54% (6/11), attributable to co-integration. Maximal expression of human EPO and G-CSF was about 1 mg l–1 and 540 mg l–1 milk, respectively. There was an inverse relationship between transgene fragment length and integration ratio, and evidence that co-integration events are favoured above single integration events, suggesting that integration of multiple genes may be more facilitated than a single gene. The results have important practical implications for the generation of mammary gland bioreactors, multiple transgene co-integration appearing to be a useful strategy for generating animals expressing several transgenes simultaneously.  相似文献   

Endolysosomal vesicles form a highly dynamic multifunctional cellular compartment that contains multiple highly potent proteolytic enzymes. Originally these proteases have been assigned to cooperate solely in executing the unselective ‘bulk proteolysis’ within the acidic milieu of the lysosome. Although to some degree this notion still holds true, evidence is accumulating for specific and regulatory functions of individual ‘acidic’ proteases in many cellular processes linked to the endosomal/lysosomal compartment. Here we summarize and discuss the functions of individual endolysosomal proteases in such diverse processes as the termination of growth factor signaling, lipoprotein particle degradation, infection, antigen presentation, and autophagy. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteolysis 50 years after the discovery of lysosome.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific expression of the human renin gene in transgenic mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Transgenic mice carrying human renin gene were produced by microinjection of 15 kilobases (kb) DNA molecules with up to 3 kb of 5'-flanking sequence and 1.2 kb of 3'-flanking sequence. The transgenes have been shown to be stably transmitted to progeny. It was revealed by RNase protection assay that the human renin gene in a transgenic mouse is expressed preferentially in the kidney. The human renin RNA was also detected at a small level in a variety of tissues such as brain, heart, lung, pancreas, spleen, stomach, testis, and thymus. The direct radioimmunoassay using a monoclonal antibody specific for the active site of human renin demonstrated the synthesis of human active renin in the transgenic mouse kidney. These results suggest that the human renin gene in the transgenic mouse is regulated in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   

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